viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

















jueves, 28 de junio de 2012





¿Orgulloso de ser español?… Echa un ojo a los rankings de la vergüenza

¿Orgulloso de ser español?… Echa un ojo a los rankings de la vergüenza

Corporate Media Tells Citizens to Not Be Alarmed Over Military Training With Tanks on Their Streets |

Corporate Media Tells Citizens to Not Be Alarmed Over Military Training With Tanks on Their Streets |

Iraq War vet faces 10 years in prison after photographing police — RT

Iraq War vet faces 10 years in prison after photographing police — RT

Using the TPP to Renegotiate and Expand NAFTA :

Using the TPP to Renegotiate and Expand NAFTA :

World Premiere Tour of 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Final Edition, Tampa FL |

World Premiere Tour of 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Final Edition, Tampa FL |

2012 London Olympics: Undercover Journalist Reveals that 200,000 Casket Linings on Standby, American and Foreign Troops Onsite, Evacuation Plan Ready for All of London |

2012 London Olympics: Undercover Journalist Reveals that 200,000 Casket Linings on Standby, American and Foreign Troops Onsite, Evacuation Plan Ready for All of London |

New Film Destroys Vaccine Hoax - YouTube

New Film Destroys Vaccine Hoax - YouTube

Flotilla | Fuego sobre el Marmara | Documental de David Segarra para teleSUR | Gaza - Israel - YouTube

Flotilla | Fuego sobre el Marmara | Documental de David Segarra para teleSUR | Gaza - Israel - YouTube

NAZION on Vimeo

NAZION on Vimeo

Nos Enfants Nous Accuserons (Nuestros hijos nos acusaran) - Subtitulado al Español - YouTube

Nos Enfants Nous Accuserons (Nuestros hijos nos acusaran) - Subtitulado al Español - YouTube

Documental - Planeta en Venta (Completo) HQ 16/9 - YouTube

Documental - Planeta en Venta (Completo) HQ 16/9 - YouTube

¿La raíz de todo mal?: El virus de la fe (Richard Dawkins, subtitulado al español) - YouTube

¿La raíz de todo mal?: El virus de la fe (Richard Dawkins, subtitulado al español) - YouTube

¿La raíz de todo mal?: El delirio de Dios (Richard Dawkins, subtitulado al español) - YouTube

¿La raíz de todo mal?: El delirio de Dios (Richard Dawkins, subtitulado al español) - YouTube

Vida Tsimane' - YouTube

Vida Tsimane' - YouTube



Morir En Madrid - Frédéric Rossif (1962) - YouTube

Morir En Madrid - Frédéric Rossif (1962) - YouTube

Vivir la utopía (documental) - YouTube

Vivir la utopía (documental) - YouTube

El mundo según Monsanto. En español y completo. - YouTube

El mundo según Monsanto. En español y completo. - YouTube

The Enemies of Reason Episodio 1: Slaves to Superstition (Subtitulado al Español) - YouTube

The Enemies of Reason Episodio 1: Slaves to Superstition (Subtitulado al Español) - YouTube

Mapuche Nacion que Vuelve (TeleSur) - YouTube

Mapuche Nacion que Vuelve (TeleSur) - YouTube

Acratas, documental sobre los expropiadores de las Americas. on Vimeo

Acratas, documental sobre los expropiadores de las Americas. on Vimeo

Share » » Genetically Modified Grass Kills Cattle By Producing Warfare Chemical Cyanide

Share » » Genetically Modified Grass Kills Cattle By Producing Warfare Chemical Cyanide

Merck is sued by former virologist employees for deliberately falsifying mumps vaccine efficacy studies | Health Impact News

Merck is sued by former virologist employees for deliberately falsifying mumps vaccine efficacy studies | Health Impact News

Is US government setting stage to outlaw Vitamin D like raw milk? Mainstream media attacks nutrition

Is US government setting stage to outlaw Vitamin D like raw milk? Mainstream media attacks nutrition

Facebook tries to 'hijack' users' email addresses | Mail Online

Facebook tries to 'hijack' users' email addresses | Mail Online

documentaire-7 signes de l'apocalypse - YouTube

documentaire-7 signes de l'apocalypse - YouTube

La stratégie du choc - YouTube

La stratégie du choc - YouTube

ACLU: The Government’s Pseudo-Secrecy Snow Job on Targeted Killing | Common Dreams

ACLU: The Government’s Pseudo-Secrecy Snow Job on Targeted Killing | Common Dreams

Muere Solitario George, el símbolo centenario de las Islas Galápagos - YouTube

Muere Solitario George, el símbolo centenario de las Islas Galápagos - YouTube

Share » » Syngenta corporation faces criminal charges for covering up livestock deaths from GM corn

Share » » Syngenta corporation faces criminal charges for covering up livestock deaths from GM corn

The Mena Connection - Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton, Iran Contra, And Drug Running - YouTube

The Mena Connection - Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton, Iran Contra, And Drug Running - YouTube



Syrian Rebel Terrorists Ransack Christian Churches As Corporate Media Silent |

Syrian Rebel Terrorists Ransack Christian Churches As Corporate Media Silent |

Canadians Internet users could face draconian restrictions as result of Pacific trade talks | Vancouver Sun

Canadians Internet users could face draconian restrictions as result of Pacific trade talks | Vancouver Sun



miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012







Terence Mckenna - Complexity and Transcension - YouTube

Terence Mckenna - Complexity and Transcension - YouTube

6 Most Effective Ways To Destroy The Money System | Revolution of Consciousness - YouTube

6 Most Effective Ways To Destroy The Money System | Revolution of Consciousness - YouTube

El Gran Wyoming hablando claro. : mundo con mis ojos

El Gran Wyoming hablando claro. : mundo con mis ojos

Share » » Investing For Dummies

Share » » Investing For Dummies

Danone obligado a retirar su publicidad engañosa después de 15 años | Ecocosas

Danone obligado a retirar su publicidad engañosa después de 15 años | Ecocosas

Share » » The Book They Never Wanted You To Read

Share » » The Book They Never Wanted You To Read

22 Statistics That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed

22 Statistics That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed

La larga noche de los 500 años - Webislam

La larga noche de los 500 años - Webislam

RUR@LES - Una veintena de ayuntamientos ceden 3.000 hectáreas de tierras - EFEAGRO.COM

RUR@LES - Una veintena de ayuntamientos ceden 3.000 hectáreas de tierras - EFEAGRO.COM

Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Released in Australian Towns

Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Released in Australian Towns

Escuchen lo que dice este señor - YouTube

Escuchen lo que dice este señor - YouTube

david rockefeller confirms cfr 40 year plan 4 world government.mp4 - YouTube

david rockefeller confirms cfr 40 year plan 4 world government.mp4 - YouTube

The Consequences Of The Unthinkable: Here Is What Happens When The Euro Breaks Up | ZeroHedge

The Consequences Of The Unthinkable: Here Is What Happens When The Euro Breaks Up | ZeroHedge

La banca alemana, beneficiaria del “rescate” español

La banca alemana, beneficiaria del “rescate” español

En Portada. "El orden criminal del mundo" -

En Portada. "El orden criminal del mundo" -

Voces contra la globalización (1): Los Amos del Mundo - Webislam

Voces contra la globalización (1): Los Amos del Mundo - Webislam

Share » » Noam Chomsky – Distorted Morality Part 1 of 4

Share » » Noam Chomsky – Distorted Morality Part 1 of 4

Shocking Testimony About Vaccines (must watch) | TruthTheory

Shocking Testimony About Vaccines (must watch) | TruthTheory

martes, 26 de junio de 2012

Share » » 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Psychologists Speak Out

Share » » 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Psychologists Speak Out

Re-thinking Progress: The Circular Economy | TruthTheory

Re-thinking Progress: The Circular Economy | TruthTheory

David Suzuki on Rio+20, "Green Economy" & Why Planet’s Survival Requires Undoing Its Economic Model

David Suzuki on Rio+20, "Green Economy" & Why Planet’s Survival Requires Undoing Its Economic Model

Bernanke Bails Out Europe

Bernanke Bails Out Europe

#YoSoy132: Mexico’s student movement for real democracy | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR

#YoSoy132: Mexico’s student movement for real democracy | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR

Share » » Want to disable Facebook facial recognition? Read this

Share » » Want to disable Facebook facial recognition? Read this

Merck is sued by former virologist employees for deliberately falsifying mumps vaccine efficacy studies | Health Impact News

Merck is sued by former virologist employees for deliberately falsifying mumps vaccine efficacy studies | Health Impact News

Share » » The Story of Your Enslavement

Share » » The Story of Your Enslavement

Don’t Be Alarmed: Troops Train For Martial Law With Tanks on the Streets of America As Corporate Media Runs Cover Up :

Don’t Be Alarmed: Troops Train For Martial Law With Tanks on the Streets of America As Corporate Media Runs Cover Up :

'Anthrax isn't scary at all compared to this': Man-made flu virus with potential to wipe out many millions should never have been created, warns frightened scientist | Mail Online

'Anthrax isn't scary at all compared to this': Man-made flu virus with potential to wipe out many millions should never have been created, warns frightened scientist | Mail Online

Man-made flu virus with potential to wipe out many millions ▲

Man-made flu virus with potential to wipe out many millions ▲

Share » » Genetically Modified Grass Kills Cattle By Producing Warfare Chemical Cyanide

Share » » Genetically Modified Grass Kills Cattle By Producing Warfare Chemical Cyanide

Aria | London 2012 Olympics Conspiracy [Short Documentary] - YouTube

Aria | London 2012 Olympics Conspiracy [Short Documentary] - YouTube


EXCLUSIVE: Drones vulnerable to terrorist hijacking, researchers say | Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: Drones vulnerable to terrorist hijacking, researchers say | Fox News

Prison » GM Grass Kills Cows In Texas: Cyanide Gas!

Prison » GM Grass Kills Cows In Texas: Cyanide Gas!

Un movimiento construido por soñadores by democracynowes on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

Un movimiento construido por soñadores by democracynowes on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

Enric Durán : Podemos vivir sin capitalismo. - YouTube

Enric Durán : Podemos vivir sin capitalismo. - YouTube

Huertos urbanos. Los beneficios de tener un huerto en casa - YouTube

Huertos urbanos. Los beneficios de tener un huerto en casa - YouTube



Elecciones y manipulación mediática en México - Vagamundo

Elecciones y manipulación mediática en México - Vagamundo

El Gobierno piensa subir el IVA de productos de primera necesidad del 4% al 18% « Cargando República 3.0

El Gobierno piensa subir el IVA de productos de primera necesidad del 4% al 18% « Cargando República 3.0

Tres minutos de mentiras ‘populares’ : – Periódico digital progresista

Tres minutos de mentiras ‘populares’ : – Periódico digital progresista

Cospedal cerrará "de forma inminente" los Puntos de Atención Continuada "que no tengan sentido"

Cospedal cerrará "de forma inminente" los Puntos de Atención Continuada "que no tengan sentido"

"Hay razones para ser optimistas, los crímenes del Franquismo van a ser juzgados" :: Periódico Diagonal

"Hay razones para ser optimistas, los crímenes del Franquismo van a ser juzgados" :: Periódico Diagonal

El gran discurso antisistema - Julio Anguita - YouTube

El gran discurso antisistema - Julio Anguita - YouTube

Seis policías protegen el lujoso chalé de Dolores de Cospedal -

Seis policías protegen el lujoso chalé de Dolores de Cospedal -

Spain's Indignados | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters

Spain's Indignados | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters

Corporate money men fill the political void at Rio+20 - environment - 25 June 2012 - New Scientist

Corporate money men fill the political void at Rio+20 - environment - 25 June 2012 - New Scientist

producir aceite paso a paso - YouTube

producir aceite paso a paso - YouTube

City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, destroys woman's edible landscaping with over 100 varieties of medicinal plants

City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, destroys woman's edible landscaping with over 100 varieties of medicinal plants

Superbug vs. Monsanto: Nature rebels against biotech titan — RT

Superbug vs. Monsanto: Nature rebels against biotech titan — RT

Quien mató al coche eléctrico. - YouTube

Quien mató al coche eléctrico. - YouTube

Shocking Reports of Overmedicated Foster Children Force Government Review -- Society's Child --

Shocking Reports of Overmedicated Foster Children Force Government Review -- Society's Child --

Germany tells Greece to stop asking for help and start cutting budgets - Telegraph

Germany tells Greece to stop asking for help and start cutting budgets - Telegraph

lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

Tel Aviv rally against police brutality turns violent (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT

Tel Aviv rally against police brutality turns violent (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT

China's Central Bank Willing To Share $3 Trillion - Forbes

China's Central Bank Willing To Share $3 Trillion - Forbes

La Matrix - YouTube

La Matrix - YouTube

El Gran Proyecto Secreto - YouTube

El Gran Proyecto Secreto - YouTube

Stop au fichage ADN de la population

Stop au fichage ADN de la population

Why Is the Government Collecting Your Biometric Data? | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Why Is the Government Collecting Your Biometric Data? | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Dos científicos 'se mojan' con Marte: oculta en su interior tanta agua como la Tierra – RT

Dos científicos 'se mojan' con Marte: oculta en su interior tanta agua como la Tierra – RT

Siria, La Gran Mentira !!! - YouTube

Siria, La Gran Mentira !!! - YouTube

Proyecto Camelot entrevista a Bill Wood (43' finales) - [1 de 3] - YouTube

Proyecto Camelot entrevista a Bill Wood (43' finales) - [1 de 3] - YouTube

VIDEO: Primer acoplamiento manual de una nave espacial china - YouTube

VIDEO: Primer acoplamiento manual de una nave espacial china - YouTube

Brutal honestidad de presidente de Uruguay sorprende en discurso de cumbre Río+20 - BioBioChile

Brutal honestidad de presidente de Uruguay sorprende en discurso de cumbre Río+20 - BioBioChile

Operation Gladio [BBC Timewatch, 1992] State-Sponsored Terrorism in Europe - YouTube

Operation Gladio [BBC Timewatch, 1992] State-Sponsored Terrorism in Europe - YouTube

Norway Terror Attack, A False Flag Operation? - YouTube

Norway Terror Attack, A False Flag Operation? - YouTube

A Vosotros, Los Creadores - YouTube

A Vosotros, Los Creadores - YouTube

Symbolism In Logos (movie) | TruthTheory

Symbolism In Logos (movie) | TruthTheory

domingo, 24 de junio de 2012







miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012

Share » » Government of India Declares That All Genetically Modified Foods Be Labeled

Share » » Government of India Declares That All Genetically Modified Foods Be Labeled

Rio+20 : comment multinationales et marchés financiers comptent s’accaparer la nature - Néolibéralisme vert - Basta !

Rio+20 : comment multinationales et marchés financiers comptent s’accaparer la nature - Néolibéralisme vert - Basta !

EL PLANETA LIBRE (La Belle Verte) * - * 1996 - YouTube

EL PLANETA LIBRE (La Belle Verte) * - * 1996 - YouTube

Share » » NSA: Revealing how many Americans we’ve spied on would violate their privacy

Share » » NSA: Revealing how many Americans we’ve spied on would violate their privacy

Share » » FBI, DEA warn IPv6 could shield criminals from police

Share » » FBI, DEA warn IPv6 could shield criminals from police

Share » » Iceland economy grows at fastest pace since crash

Share » » Iceland economy grows at fastest pace since crash

1982 NBC Detailed Report About The Bohemian Grove - YouTube

1982 NBC Detailed Report About The Bohemian Grove - YouTube

Public "Education" has become indoctrination and distraction - YouTube

Public "Education" has become indoctrination and distraction - YouTube

Total Devastation: 'Germany will pay for Euro break up' - YouTube

Total Devastation: 'Germany will pay for Euro break up' - YouTube

US ignores UN's demands to protect Occupy protesters — RT

US ignores UN's demands to protect Occupy protesters — RT

Les indignés parisiens appellent à se mobiliser le #24Juin en soutien aux québécois. - Le blog de Benjamin Ball

Les indignés parisiens appellent à se mobiliser le #24Juin en soutien aux québécois. - Le blog de Benjamin Ball

Food Speculation - Especulación Alimentaria (En+Es) - YouTube

Food Speculation - Especulación Alimentaria (En+Es) - YouTube



Misteriosa crisis mundial. ¿Es una conspiración organizada? - YouTube

Misteriosa crisis mundial. ¿Es una conspiración organizada? - YouTube

The Money Masters - Full (ENG/ITA Subs) - YouTube

The Money Masters - Full (ENG/ITA Subs) - YouTube

Monsanto Faced with Paying 7.5 Billion Back to Farmers | TruthTheory

Monsanto Faced with Paying 7.5 Billion Back to Farmers | TruthTheory

Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect

Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect

Spanish police clash with bazooka-wielding miners protesting austerity — RT

Spanish police clash with bazooka-wielding miners protesting austerity — RT

True News 13: Statism is Dead - Part 3 - The Matrix - YouTube

True News 13: Statism is Dead - Part 3 - The Matrix - YouTube

NSA won't say how many Americans they've spied on; cite "privacy" concerns — RT

NSA won't say how many Americans they've spied on; cite "privacy" concerns — RT

Ominous 'mushroom cloud' lours over Beijing skies (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT

Ominous 'mushroom cloud' lours over Beijing skies (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT

martes, 19 de junio de 2012

Así es un país intervenido | R-evolución

Así es un país intervenido | R-evolución

La OTAN prepara la mayor operación de intoxicación de la Historia [Red Voltaire]

La OTAN prepara la mayor operación de intoxicación de la Historia [Red Voltaire]

Rebelión en el PP contra los recortes a la minería del Gobierno (VÍDEO)

Rebelión en el PP contra los recortes a la minería del Gobierno (VÍDEO)

La corrupción española no es un accidente sino una conspiración

La corrupción española no es un accidente sino una conspiración

Jesse Ventura exposes the Banker controlled U.S Government on Piers Morgan show ! - YouTube

Jesse Ventura exposes the Banker controlled U.S Government on Piers Morgan show ! - YouTube

Google reports 'alarming' rise in government censorship requests -

Google reports 'alarming' rise in government censorship requests -

Greece Looks Towards Bailout Austerity & Fed Talks Stimulus As Economy Wanes

Greece Looks Towards Bailout Austerity & Fed Talks Stimulus As Economy Wanes

NSA: It Would Violate Your Privacy to Say if We Spied on You | Danger Room |

NSA: It Would Violate Your Privacy to Say if We Spied on You | Danger Room |

The Insects Are Watching: The Future of Government Surveillance Technology | TruthTheory

The Insects Are Watching: The Future of Government Surveillance Technology | TruthTheory

Amazing Speech about Terrorism » Videos » Banoosh

Amazing Speech about Terrorism » Videos » Banoosh

Hundreds Protest Fracking in Ohio as Drilling Expands

Hundreds Protest Fracking in Ohio as Drilling Expands



Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order » Videos » Banoosh

Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order » Videos » Banoosh

Share » » Privacy concerns linger over Google and Apple’s new 3-D map images

Share » » Privacy concerns linger over Google and Apple’s new 3-D map images

$1.1 million-plus Gates grants: ‘Galvanic’ bracelets that measure student engagement - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

$1.1 million-plus Gates grants: ‘Galvanic’ bracelets that measure student engagement - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

The case for mandatory GMO labeling - even if you believe in limited government and the free market

The case for mandatory GMO labeling - even if you believe in limited government and the free market

Share » » Are We in Revolutionary Times?

Share » » Are We in Revolutionary Times?

Enigma WHY » Videos » Banoosh

Enigma WHY » Videos » Banoosh

Bienvenue sur Open Food Facts

Bienvenue sur Open Food Facts

(Go back to sleep) A Perfect Circle - Pet » Videos » Banoosh

(Go back to sleep) A Perfect Circle - Pet » Videos » Banoosh

UPDATE 3-Wall St Wk Ahead: Greek election results may bring respite | Reuters

UPDATE 3-Wall St Wk Ahead: Greek election results may bring respite | Reuters



'G20 mad hatters tea party, won't end Greek tragedy' - YouTube

'G20 mad hatters tea party, won't end Greek tragedy' - YouTube

Eugenics – Toxic Meat Glue of the Elite Agenda « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Eugenics – Toxic Meat Glue of the Elite Agenda « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Italy’s Great Anarchist Terror: the Red Brigades return from the dead | End the Lie – Independent News

Italy’s Great Anarchist Terror: the Red Brigades return from the dead | End the Lie – Independent News

9/11 Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out (movie) | TruthTheory

9/11 Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out (movie) | TruthTheory

UN calls Quebec's Bill 78 alarming - Montreal - CBC News

UN calls Quebec's Bill 78 alarming - Montreal - CBC News

Protesters march through Chicago to NATO summit |

Protesters march through Chicago to NATO summit |

Millones de Mexicanos efectuan una marcha contra Enrique Peña Nieto en la Ciudad de Mexico y en todo el pais | EL MELATE AFORTUNADO

Millones de Mexicanos efectuan una marcha contra Enrique Peña Nieto en la Ciudad de Mexico y en todo el pais | EL MELATE AFORTUNADO

Canada's Largest Act of Civil Disobedience! 300 000 + Defy Anti-Protest Bill in Montreal! - YouTube

Canada's Largest Act of Civil Disobedience! 300 000 + Defy Anti-Protest Bill in Montreal! - YouTube

Consciousness TV | Government Orders YouTube To Censor Protest Videos

Consciousness TV | Government Orders YouTube To Censor Protest Videos

#24JUIN : Journée mondiale de Résistance en solidarité avec les Québécois | Atrium Occupons Montréal

#24JUIN : Journée mondiale de Résistance en solidarité avec les Québécois | Atrium Occupons Montréal

Manifestons le 24 juin en soutien à la lutte étudiante au Québec

Manifestons le 24 juin en soutien à la lutte étudiante au Québec

Israel’s strategy for Iran nuclear talks: ‘Comply...or else’ — RT

Israel’s strategy for Iran nuclear talks: ‘Comply...or else’ — RT » Los estafadores que mintieron a la UE ganan en Grecia (y la UE lo celebra) » Los estafadores que mintieron a la UE ganan en Grecia (y la UE lo celebra)

Google: Western governments increasingly indulge in online censorship — RT

Google: Western governments increasingly indulge in online censorship — RT

Share » » High-Fructose Corn Syrup Damages Learning Abilities, Memory

Share » » High-Fructose Corn Syrup Damages Learning Abilities, Memory

The Osama Bin Laden Staged Media Psyop Mind Control Operation |

The Osama Bin Laden Staged Media Psyop Mind Control Operation |

Share » » Big Pharma Continues Drug Experiments in Underdeveloped Nations for Profit

Share » » Big Pharma Continues Drug Experiments in Underdeveloped Nations for Profit

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012's - Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction-114min. - YouTube's - Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction-114min. - YouTube

Activist Post: Japan Proposes Next Phase of Centralized Surveillance

Activist Post: Japan Proposes Next Phase of Centralized Surveillance



Embodying the Divine Feminine: 13 Tips for Juicing Up Your Daily Life |

Embodying the Divine Feminine: 13 Tips for Juicing Up Your Daily Life |

The Police State Agenda in Jay-Z and Kanye's "No Church in the Wild" and Adam Lambert's "Never Close Our Eyes" | The Vigilant Citizen

The Police State Agenda in Jay-Z and Kanye's "No Church in the Wild" and Adam Lambert's "Never Close Our Eyes" | The Vigilant Citizen

Creating Freedom - Part One: The Lottery of Birth (Trailer) - YouTube

Creating Freedom - Part One: The Lottery of Birth (Trailer) - YouTube

Over 50 Countries Label G.M.O.s. Why Not America? - YouTube

Over 50 Countries Label G.M.O.s. Why Not America? - YouTube

Why SYRIZA will be more powerful without power | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR

Why SYRIZA will be more powerful without power | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR

Salfate : “Pergaminos de Cristal” Final « Movimiento Anti NWO

Salfate : “Pergaminos de Cristal” Final « Movimiento Anti NWO

Documental '15-M: En nombre de la democracia' - YouTube

Documental '15-M: En nombre de la democracia' - YouTube

Queen Elizabeth Is A Bloated Parasite! - YouTube

Queen Elizabeth Is A Bloated Parasite! - YouTube

Anti-protest law lands Canada on UN human rights watch list — RT

Anti-protest law lands Canada on UN human rights watch list — RT

Thousands march against NYC’s controversial ‘stop-and-frisk’ policy (PHOTOS) — RT

Thousands march against NYC’s controversial ‘stop-and-frisk’ policy (PHOTOS) — RT

Diario-de-la-quiebra (de España): EL RESCATE DE BANKIA: La realidad al desnudo

Diario-de-la-quiebra (de España): EL RESCATE DE BANKIA: La realidad al desnudo

Erich Fromm. El credo de un humanista. - YouTube

Erich Fromm. El credo de un humanista. - YouTube

Rebelión En La Granja ( George Orwell ).avi - YouTube

Rebelión En La Granja ( George Orwell ).avi - YouTube

HH Dalai Lama- Kalachakra-Julio.2011.Día 1-A avi - YouTube

HH Dalai Lama- Kalachakra-Julio.2011.Día 1-A avi - YouTube

El Gobierno preocupado por posibles revueltas sociales “a la griega” tras el verano « Cargando República 3.0

El Gobierno preocupado por posibles revueltas sociales “a la griega” tras el verano « Cargando República 3.0

Julio Anguita: "Asumo ser el referente de una operación política para cambiar el país" -

Julio Anguita: "Asumo ser el referente de una operación política para cambiar el país" -



Anonymous operación Icarus 21 de diciembre del 2012 - YouTube

Anonymous operación Icarus 21 de diciembre del 2012 - YouTube

Los bancos de Alemania y Francia se juegan 730.000 millones en España e Italia - CincoDí

Los bancos de Alemania y Francia se juegan 730.000 millones en España e Italia - CincoDí

Marcha minera nocturna en León, impresionantes imágenes #ResistenciaMinera - YouTube

Marcha minera nocturna en León, impresionantes imágenes #ResistenciaMinera - YouTube

Sombras en el puerto de Nantucket, por Enric Juliana

Sombras en el puerto de Nantucket, por Enric Juliana

"Nosotros no estamos indignados, estamos hasta los cojones" - Pú

"Nosotros no estamos indignados, estamos hasta los cojones" - Pú

Los ultraliberales acosan a Rajoy para exigirle una liberalización completa de la economía | La Celosia

Los ultraliberales acosan a Rajoy para exigirle una liberalización completa de la economía | La Celosia

Batalla campal entre mineros y guardia civil en Aller, Asturias #ResistenciaMinera - YouTube

Batalla campal entre mineros y guardia civil en Aller, Asturias #ResistenciaMinera - YouTube



laSexta Columna: Pago o motín en Grecia, el rescate que da miedo - laSextaOn | laSexta

laSexta Columna: Pago o motín en Grecia, el rescate que da miedo - laSextaOn | laSexta

Rescatan bancos Detienen personas - YouTube

Rescatan bancos Detienen personas - YouTube



domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

TPP secrets: Obama covertly handing more power to corporations - YouTube

TPP secrets: Obama covertly handing more power to corporations - YouTube

Britain Unveils Electronic Mass Surveillance Plan

Britain Unveils Electronic Mass Surveillance Plan

Twice as deadly: Saudi Arabia aims at 10 bln euro tank deal with Germany — RT

Twice as deadly: Saudi Arabia aims at 10 bln euro tank deal with Germany — RT

Share » » More Research Shows that Bacteria are Beneficial, Not Harmful

Share » » More Research Shows that Bacteria are Beneficial, Not Harmful

Share » » Greek vote could unleash seismic shocks for euro

Share » » Greek vote could unleash seismic shocks for euro

You think that microchipping is a conspiracy theory? | TruthTheory

You think that microchipping is a conspiracy theory? | TruthTheory

La CIA a envoyé 6.000 terroristes, en Syrie

La CIA a envoyé 6.000 terroristes, en Syrie Crowdfunding the commons Crowdfunding the commons

Manifestation antifasciste sauvagement réprimée par la police bruxelloise ! | Stop Répression

Manifestation antifasciste sauvagement réprimée par la police bruxelloise ! | Stop Répression

krishnamurti philosophy

krishnamurti philosophy

Teresa Forcades: 'S'ha de ser contundent. Vaga general d'un dia? No, vaga general indefinida!' - VilaWeb

Teresa Forcades: 'S'ha de ser contundent. Vaga general d'un dia? No, vaga general indefinida!' - VilaWeb

Hoy Grecia, mañana todos nosotros... - YouTube

Hoy Grecia, mañana todos nosotros... - YouTube

La lucha de los minores, lucha de todos

La lucha de los minores, lucha de todos

Spanish miners battle to defend jobs + VIDEOS | In Defence of Marxism

Spanish miners battle to defend jobs + VIDEOS | In Defence of Marxism

El Banco Santander y el Banco Bilbao y Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) no son bancos españoles, pertenecen a la familia bancaria Rothschild | Cazadebunkers

El Banco Santander y el Banco Bilbao y Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) no son bancos españoles, pertenecen a la familia bancaria Rothschild | Cazadebunkers

Occupy the G20 in Mexico #1

Occupy the G20 in Mexico #1

Indignados buscando la eficiencia - YouTube

Indignados buscando la eficiencia - YouTube

Rajoy se enfrentará a finales de este mes a una huelga de hambre colectiva de parados y una huelga general del transporte | Diario El Aguijón

Rajoy se enfrentará a finales de este mes a una huelga de hambre colectiva de parados y una huelga general del transporte | Diario El Aguijón

Protest against Bankia and its rescue at public expense |

Protest against Bankia and its rescue at public expense |

Un impuesto a la especulacion, quien la hace la paga. - YouTube

Un impuesto a la especulacion, quien la hace la paga. - YouTube

How the CIA Ran Crack to the Streets of America :

How the CIA Ran Crack to the Streets of America :

Geoengineering: Destroying the Atmosphere - Rosalind Peterson - YouTube

Geoengineering: Destroying the Atmosphere - Rosalind Peterson - YouTube

Monsanto, Codex Alimentarius and GMO Food - YouTube

Monsanto, Codex Alimentarius and GMO Food - YouTube

Stop Monsanto From Poisoning Hawai'i: Genetic Engineering Chemical Warfare - YouTube

Stop Monsanto From Poisoning Hawai'i: Genetic Engineering Chemical Warfare - YouTube

Holes In Heaven? (movie) | TruthTheory

Holes In Heaven? (movie) | TruthTheory

What We Can Learn From Iceland - YouTube

What We Can Learn From Iceland - YouTube

Aldous Huxley: Las dictaduras tecnologicas futuras (1958) - YouTube

Aldous Huxley: Las dictaduras tecnologicas futuras (1958) - YouTube

Dr. Russell Blaylock expone el proyecto eugenésico de los Rockefeller - YouTube

Dr. Russell Blaylock expone el proyecto eugenésico de los Rockefeller - YouTube

Newsweek editor promotes drone strikes? - YouTube

Newsweek editor promotes drone strikes? - YouTube

Baltic ‘UFO’: New dive, new details (PHOTOS) — RT

Baltic ‘UFO’: New dive, new details (PHOTOS) — RT

Suzuki: 'Absurd' to Let Corporations Profit in Name of 'Saving Planet' | Common Dreams

Suzuki: 'Absurd' to Let Corporations Profit in Name of 'Saving Planet' | Common Dreams

Gmail accounts targeted by ‘state-sponsored attackers’ using Internet Explorer zero-day vulnerability | Naked Security

Gmail accounts targeted by ‘state-sponsored attackers’ using Internet Explorer zero-day vulnerability | Naked Security

Another attempt to arrest Tony Blair for war crimes - YouTube

Another attempt to arrest Tony Blair for war crimes - YouTube

FukushimaVoice: A Moving Video by a Protester

FukushimaVoice: A Moving Video by a Protester

Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed |

Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed |

Jornada #RevolucióUrbana De la ciutat imposada a la ciutat autogestionada i viable | universitatindignada15m

Jornada #RevolucióUrbana De la ciutat imposada a la ciutat autogestionada i viable | universitatindignada15m

Un frisson de solidarité on Vimeo

Un frisson de solidarité on Vimeo

Flashback: Fox News Censors and Fires Reporters Over Show Exposing Monstanto Bovine Growth Hormone |

Flashback: Fox News Censors and Fires Reporters Over Show Exposing Monstanto Bovine Growth Hormone |

Suu Kyi agraeix que el Nobel tragués Birmània de l'oblit

Suu Kyi agraeix que el Nobel tragués Birmània de l'oblit

Un miler de persones protesten contra retallades a BCN

Un miler de persones protesten contra retallades a BCN

Un mundo feliz entera - YouTube

Un mundo feliz entera - YouTube

Ottawa airport wired with microphones as Border Services prepares to record travellers’ conversations

Ottawa airport wired with microphones as Border Services prepares to record travellers’ conversations

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Osaka bay is turning yellow | Set You Free News

Osaka bay is turning yellow | Set You Free News

SBSS 36. There Will Be Blood - YouTube

SBSS 36. There Will Be Blood - YouTube

Alan Greenspan The Federal Reserve Is Above The Law - YouTube

Alan Greenspan The Federal Reserve Is Above The Law - YouTube

5 Ways To Stay Happy No Matter What Happens | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement

5 Ways To Stay Happy No Matter What Happens | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement

Julian Assange and America's vendetta against WikiLeaks | Amy Goodman | Comment is free |

Julian Assange and America's vendetta against WikiLeaks | Amy Goodman | Comment is free |

Soylent Green (1973) - YouTube

Soylent Green (1973) - YouTube

Secret bases, hi-tech spy planes as US expands Africa intel | TruthTheory

Secret bases, hi-tech spy planes as US expands Africa intel | TruthTheory

Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex | TruthTheory

Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex | TruthTheory

Share » » At Least $50bn in US foreign arms sales for 2012

Share » » At Least $50bn in US foreign arms sales for 2012

Central Bank Money-Printing: $6 Trillion…and Counting

Central Bank Money-Printing: $6 Trillion…and Counting

Breaking: Massive Nuclear Secret Uncovered In Austin, Tx - YouTube

Breaking: Massive Nuclear Secret Uncovered In Austin, Tx - YouTube

Reality Check: Congress and Banks Privatizing Profit and Socializing Risk

Reality Check: Congress and Banks Privatizing Profit and Socializing Risk

Share » » UN warns of global collapse due to pesticides; Agenda 21 is pushed as solution

Share » » UN warns of global collapse due to pesticides; Agenda 21 is pushed as solution

Scorpions - Humanity - YouTube

Scorpions - Humanity - YouTube

LA FARSA DE ZEITGEIST ( 1 de 5 ) - YouTube

LA FARSA DE ZEITGEIST ( 1 de 5 ) - YouTube

Proyecto Camelot entrevista a Bill Wood (43' finales) - [1 de 3] - YouTube

Proyecto Camelot entrevista a Bill Wood (43' finales) - [1 de 3] - YouTube

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes : Federal Jack

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes : Federal Jack

Xentinels: La Profecía Kalachakra

Xentinels: La Profecía Kalachakra

Democracy Now! National and Global News Headlines for Friday, June 15 - YouTube

Democracy Now! National and Global News Headlines for Friday, June 15 - YouTube

JFK secret society speech (our last good President) - YouTube

JFK secret society speech (our last good President) - YouTube

Drinks Containing Hibiscus Are The Highest In Antioxidants

Drinks Containing Hibiscus Are The Highest In Antioxidants

La querella ciudadana contra Bankia llega a la Audiencia Nacional :: Periódico Diagonal

La querella ciudadana contra Bankia llega a la Audiencia Nacional :: Periódico Diagonal

Manifestació 16J: Contra la repressió, la reforma laboral i les retallades. Llibertat Andreu

Manifestació 16J: Contra la repressió, la reforma laboral i les retallades. Llibertat Andreu

Welcome, privacy! Gibiru tries to break Google/government alliance — RT

Welcome, privacy! Gibiru tries to break Google/government alliance — RT

Revealed: Yahoo and Microsoft sell personal user data to political campaigns — RT

Revealed: Yahoo and Microsoft sell personal user data to political campaigns — RT

jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

PressTV - US Marine says Iraq war was one long atrocity

PressTV - US Marine says Iraq war was one long atrocity

Huge asteroid to fly by Earth Thursday - Technology & science - Space - -

Huge asteroid to fly by Earth Thursday - Technology & science - Space - -

The Spanish miners' strike puts their rulers on even shakier ground | Richard Seymour | Comment is free |

The Spanish miners' strike puts their rulers on even shakier ground | Richard Seymour | Comment is free |

Insight: Germany and Greece: a tale of estrangement | Reuters

Insight: Germany and Greece: a tale of estrangement | Reuters

UKIP Nigel Farage on Spanish Bailout- The genius of Mutual indebtedness - June 2012 - YouTube

UKIP Nigel Farage on Spanish Bailout- The genius of Mutual indebtedness - June 2012 - YouTube

Schuldenkrise: Das neue Europa kommt quasi als Notverordnung - Nachrichten Debatte - Kommentare - WELT ONLINE

Schuldenkrise: Das neue Europa kommt quasi als Notverordnung - Nachrichten Debatte - Kommentare - WELT ONLINE

Call for Solidarity from Mexico |

Call for Solidarity from Mexico |

NYPD and Homeland Security Actively Arrest Journalists, Press Non-Freedom in the US :

NYPD and Homeland Security Actively Arrest Journalists, Press Non-Freedom in the US :

Infinite Solidarité with Infinite Strike! |

Infinite Solidarité with Infinite Strike! |

Dette publique et "loi Rothschild" : le silence des médias - le Plus

Dette publique et "loi Rothschild" : le silence des médias - le Plus

Bahrain - Verbotene Bilder (Diese Sendung ist nicht für Minderjährige geeignet.) -

Bahrain - Verbotene Bilder (Diese Sendung ist nicht für Minderjährige geeignet.) -

Democracy Now! National and Global News Headlines for Thursday, June 14 - YouTube

Democracy Now! National and Global News Headlines for Thursday, June 14 - YouTube

Breaking ’08 Pledge, Leaked Trade Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations

Breaking ’08 Pledge, Leaked Trade Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations

After Unprecedented Attack on Whistleblowers, Obama Admin Accused of Leaking Info for Political Gain

After Unprecedented Attack on Whistleblowers, Obama Admin Accused of Leaking Info for Political Gain

GMO labeling victory! Measure accepted onto California ballot; now the real battle begins

GMO labeling victory! Measure accepted onto California ballot; now the real battle begins

Indigné ! et après ? - YouTube

Indigné ! et après ? - YouTube

Obama Trade Document Leaked, Revealing New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign Promises

Obama Trade Document Leaked, Revealing New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign Promises

5 Ways to Relax | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement

5 Ways to Relax | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement

U.S. trade proposal would let corporations overrule laws | The Raw Story

U.S. trade proposal would let corporations overrule laws | The Raw Story

24 juin 2012 : Journée mondiale de Résistance en solidarité aux Québécois «

24 juin 2012 : Journée mondiale de Résistance en solidarité aux Québécois «

Activist Post: Investigation Continues Into Source of Strange Michigan Area 'Explosions' and Radiation Spikes

Activist Post: Investigation Continues Into Source of Strange Michigan Area 'Explosions' and Radiation Spikes

Jacque Fresco sobre Hijos y Familia - YouTube

Jacque Fresco sobre Hijos y Familia - YouTube

Eurocracy: Lost in translation — RT

Eurocracy: Lost in translation — RT

Nigel Farage: Pas assez de Canots de Sauvetage sur l'Euro-Titanic - YouTube

Nigel Farage: Pas assez de Canots de Sauvetage sur l'Euro-Titanic - YouTube

El rescate traerá más recortes y no sirve para salir de la crisis

El rescate traerá más recortes y no sirve para salir de la crisis

Defiance: A Lost Virtue? : Personal Liberty Alerts

Defiance: A Lost Virtue? : Personal Liberty Alerts

Micro-Nukes and the World Trade Center – What Really Happened? :

Micro-Nukes and the World Trade Center – What Really Happened? :

Actualutte | Jusqu’où limiter les salaires?

Actualutte | Jusqu’où limiter les salaires?

Slovar les Nouvelles: Les recettes de l'OCDE pour les retraites : Partir à 70 ans et cotiser à une pension privée !

Slovar les Nouvelles: Les recettes de l'OCDE pour les retraites : Partir à 70 ans et cotiser à une pension privée !

Democracia real ya! se querella contra los culpables de la crisis

Democracia real ya! se querella contra los culpables de la crisis

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

AISight from BRS Labs and other technologies to detect suspicious behavior.

AISight from BRS Labs and other technologies to detect suspicious behavior.

PA Tax Nazis Know Who You Are » Videos » Banoosh

PA Tax Nazis Know Who You Are » Videos » Banoosh

Greeks withdraw cash ahead of cliffhanger vote | Reuters

Greeks withdraw cash ahead of cliffhanger vote | Reuters

USA is a Corporation, not a Country » Videos » Banoosh

USA is a Corporation, not a Country » Videos » Banoosh

Share » » Cost of 4-year public university increases 15 percent since 2010

Share » » Cost of 4-year public university increases 15 percent since 2010

Trois ONG à la porte du premier salon mondial de l'armement

Trois ONG à la porte du premier salon mondial de l'armement

Agresividad y malas pulgas en

Agresividad y malas pulgas en


Documental: 'Aquest conte no s'ha acabat'. on Vimeo

Documental: 'Aquest conte no s'ha acabat'. on Vimeo

Hold Your Breath, The Carbon Tax is Coming | Socyberty

Hold Your Breath, The Carbon Tax is Coming | Socyberty

El 18 de Junio, paralicemos el país | acampadamadrid

El 18 de Junio, paralicemos el país | acampadamadrid

Complete E-Mail Addresses for Congress/House, Senate, Governors & State Legislators

Complete E-Mail Addresses for Congress/House, Senate, Governors & State Legislators

No voy a pagar se extiende al resto de España #novovoyapagar #novullpagar - YouTube

No voy a pagar se extiende al resto de España #novovoyapagar #novullpagar - YouTube

Sense dret a la sanitat

Sense dret a la sanitat

El Mito de la Izquierda y la Derecha - Stefan Molyneux - YouTube

El Mito de la Izquierda y la Derecha - Stefan Molyneux - YouTube

El Gobierno Explicado - YouTube

El Gobierno Explicado - YouTube

"¿Hay que ser comunista para leer a Karl Marx? " - YouTube

"¿Hay que ser comunista para leer a Karl Marx? " - YouTube





100.000 millones para los Usureros - YouTube

100.000 millones para los Usureros - YouTube

Actualutte | Grèce : le système de santé s’effondre

Actualutte | Grèce : le système de santé s’effondre

Iran to build nuclear submarine — RT

Iran to build nuclear submarine — RT

Iceland forgives mortgage debt to save its economy | TruthTheory

Iceland forgives mortgage debt to save its economy | TruthTheory

The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience | Watch Documentaries Online | Promote Documentary Film

The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience | Watch Documentaries Online | Promote Documentary Film

Quebec Students Spark Mass Protests Against Austerity | The Nation

Quebec Students Spark Mass Protests Against Austerity | The Nation

Share » » Wealth has outsized effect on education in US

Share » » Wealth has outsized effect on education in US

We Are All One Consciousness | TruthTheory

We Are All One Consciousness | TruthTheory

Rupert Murdoch tried to change government policy, says John Major

Rupert Murdoch tried to change government policy, says John Major

Eat this: vine leaves :: Men's Health

Eat this: vine leaves :: Men's Health

La noche temática - Océanos de plástico, La noche temática - A la Carta

La noche temática - Océanos de plástico, La noche temática - A la Carta

La noche temática - Toxic Somalia, La noche temática - A la Carta

La noche temática - Toxic Somalia, La noche temática - A la Carta

Venus Project = NWO Propaganda.: TRANSHUMANISM - YouTube

Venus Project = NWO Propaganda.: TRANSHUMANISM - YouTube

Raw Video: Spanish Miners Strike Turns Violent - YouTube

Raw Video: Spanish Miners Strike Turns Violent - YouTube

SOPA opponents release Digital Bill of Rights — RT

SOPA opponents release Digital Bill of Rights — RT - Free uncensored text hosting - Free uncensored text hosting

L'Espagne n'enquêtera pas sur sa crise - Libération

L'Espagne n'enquêtera pas sur sa crise - Libération

WTC7 — This is an Orange | TruthTheory

WTC7 — This is an Orange | TruthTheory

Actualutte | Abordant l’Espagne, le cyclone poursuit sa route dévastatrice

Actualutte | Abordant l’Espagne, le cyclone poursuit sa route dévastatrice

martes, 12 de junio de 2012 – Castellano – Castellano

Sectarian Genocide in Syria: US-NATO and the GCC Preparing a Coup d’état

Sectarian Genocide in Syria: US-NATO and the GCC Preparing a Coup d’état

MILITARY CONTRACT OF THE WEEK: UAE Missile Interceptors - Business Insider

MILITARY CONTRACT OF THE WEEK: UAE Missile Interceptors - Business Insider

Democracy Now! National and Global News Headlines for Tuesday, June 12 - YouTube

Democracy Now! National and Global News Headlines for Tuesday, June 12 - YouTube

Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, pt.2 — Julian Assange

Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, pt.2 — Julian Assange

Civic statt Geuro | Telepolis

Civic statt Geuro | Telepolis

Morir por miedo a perder el trabajo :: Periódico Diagonal

Morir por miedo a perder el trabajo :: Periódico Diagonal

Premio Nobel de Economía: "Rescate a España no funcionará" | El Comercio Perú

Premio Nobel de Economía: "Rescate a España no funcionará" | El Comercio Perú

El inadmisible apagón informativo de la Huelga Minera « El Pais de La utopia

El inadmisible apagón informativo de la Huelga Minera « El Pais de La utopia

Bailout Spanje zal kettingreactie veroorzaken en instorting eurozone versnellen | Je eigen gratis weblog, gratis fotoalbum, webmail, startpagina enz

Bailout Spanje zal kettingreactie veroorzaken en instorting eurozone versnellen | Je eigen gratis weblog, gratis fotoalbum, webmail, startpagina enz



La letra pequeña del rescate a España

La letra pequeña del rescate a España

THE END OF AMERICA!! Naomi Wolf Full Length Video » Videos » Banoosh

THE END OF AMERICA!! Naomi Wolf Full Length Video » Videos » Banoosh

Share » » Experts: Flame spy virus gets order to vanish

Share » » Experts: Flame spy virus gets order to vanish

US to deploy more than 3,000 troops to Africa — RT

US to deploy more than 3,000 troops to Africa — RT

The Pleasant Truths About Pain | Psychology Today

The Pleasant Truths About Pain | Psychology Today

Groundbreaking Research Shows How Nanoparticles Are Causing Autoimmune Diseases

Groundbreaking Research Shows How Nanoparticles Are Causing Autoimmune Diseases

FBI, DHS, Pentagon, Fed using social media for spying, propaganda » Videos » Banoosh

FBI, DHS, Pentagon, Fed using social media for spying, propaganda » Videos » Banoosh

15,000 Gallons of Fuel Leak from Army Reserve Vessel |

15,000 Gallons of Fuel Leak from Army Reserve Vessel |

Share » » Ex-Goldman director not testifying at his insider trading trial

Share » » Ex-Goldman director not testifying at his insider trading trial

Vladimir Putin Nemesis of the New World Order

Vladimir Putin Nemesis of the New World Order

La caída del Partido Popular | R-evolución

La caída del Partido Popular | R-evolución

Saudi Arabia’s got talent – as long as you are not a musician or a woman — RT

Saudi Arabia’s got talent – as long as you are not a musician or a woman — RT

Agent Provocateur at Bilderberg 2012 Tried to Set Up Protesters With Fake Bomb Threat - YouTube

Agent Provocateur at Bilderberg 2012 Tried to Set Up Protesters With Fake Bomb Threat - YouTube

US unleashed Stuxnet cyber war on Iran to appease Israel – report — RT

US unleashed Stuxnet cyber war on Iran to appease Israel – report — RT

Flame and Stuxnet: Two cyber weapons unleashed by same master — RT

Flame and Stuxnet: Two cyber weapons unleashed by same master — RT

Souheil Duchene, 5, looks at his confiscated schoolbag next to his father Denise near the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve before the Canadian F1 Grand Prix in Montreal - Education - Political Pictures, Photos

Souheil Duchene, 5, looks at his confiscated schoolbag next to his father Denise near the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve before the Canadian F1 Grand Prix in Montreal - Education - Political Pictures, Photos

Moscow rally: LIVE UPDATES — RT

Moscow rally: LIVE UPDATES — RT



Neoliberalismo, la fábula de la Araña: Crítica a Zeitgeist

Neoliberalismo, la fábula de la Araña: Crítica a Zeitgeist

Las 10 Estrategias de Manipulación Mediática - Noam Chomsky leído por Eduardo Aliverti - YouTube

Las 10 Estrategias de Manipulación Mediática - Noam Chomsky leído por Eduardo Aliverti - YouTube

Darwinismo, Eugenesia, Nazismo: El Crimen de las creencias en las ciencias 1/3 - YouTube

Darwinismo, Eugenesia, Nazismo: El Crimen de las creencias en las ciencias 1/3 - YouTube

Paradise or Oblivion (30 language subtitles) - YouTube

Paradise or Oblivion (30 language subtitles) - YouTube

lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

Webster Tarpley: The Elite's Plan for Global Extermination (FL-HD) - YouTube

Webster Tarpley: The Elite's Plan for Global Extermination (FL-HD) - YouTube

South Korea warns of tough military response to the North — RT

South Korea warns of tough military response to the North — RT

CFR & U.S. Army Chief of Staff: Use Army for Domestic Enforcement

CFR & U.S. Army Chief of Staff: Use Army for Domestic Enforcement

Diaz, Pg Cassazione: "Impossibile applicare il reato di tortura" - Genova -

Diaz, Pg Cassazione: "Impossibile applicare il reato di tortura" - Genova -

Diaz, Pg Cassazione: "Impossibile applicare il reato di tortura" - Genova -

Diaz, Pg Cassazione: "Impossibile applicare il reato di tortura" - Genova -


Evo Morales lanza en Roma “la quinua” para combatir el hambre en el mundo - BioBioChile

Evo Morales lanza en Roma “la quinua” para combatir el hambre en el mundo - BioBioChile

The Julian Assange Show: Cypherpunks (E8, p.1) - YouTube

The Julian Assange Show: Cypherpunks (E8, p.1) - YouTube

The Julian Assange Show: Occupy Movement (E7) - YouTube

The Julian Assange Show: Occupy Movement (E7) - YouTube

Diálogos con Julian Assange, episodio 8: entrevista con activistas 'criptopunks' - YouTube

Diálogos con Julian Assange, episodio 8: entrevista con activistas 'criptopunks' - YouTube

Democracy Now! National and Global News Headlines for Monday, June 11 - YouTube

Democracy Now! National and Global News Headlines for Monday, June 11 - YouTube

Google and Apple use planes that can film you sunbathing in your back garden | Mail Online

Google and Apple use planes that can film you sunbathing in your back garden | Mail Online

Mexicans protest against 'media bias' | World news |

Mexicans protest against 'media bias' | World news |

Actualutte | Corée du Sud : La justice entérine l’interdiction de livres “subversifs” dans l’armée

Actualutte | Corée du Sud : La justice entérine l’interdiction de livres “subversifs” dans l’armée

Déclaration de 15M Bruxelles | OCCUPY FRANCE

Déclaration de 15M Bruxelles | OCCUPY FRANCE



Islandia crece al ritmo más rápido desde el colapso de su sistema financiero -

Islandia crece al ritmo más rápido desde el colapso de su sistema financiero -

El 'sms' de Rajoy a De Guindos: "Aguanta, somos la cuarta potencia de Europa, España no es Uganda" -

El 'sms' de Rajoy a De Guindos: "Aguanta, somos la cuarta potencia de Europa, España no es Uganda" -

"La gestión de Rajoy es una auténtica tragedia" - El Disparate Económico -

"La gestión de Rajoy es una auténtica tragedia" - El Disparate Económico -

Spanische Banken: Spanien - Rettung ohne Spardiktat | Schuldenkrise - Frankfurter Rundschau

Spanische Banken: Spanien - Rettung ohne Spardiktat | Schuldenkrise - Frankfurter Rundschau

Mother America: Nuevo Orden Mundial Sub- Spanish - YouTube

Mother America: Nuevo Orden Mundial Sub- Spanish - YouTube

Rajoy, único presidente del mundo en calificar el rescate como una buena noticia : – Periódico digital progresista

Rajoy, único presidente del mundo en calificar el rescate como una buena noticia : – Periódico digital progresista

Former 'God’s Banker' could blitz Vatican with cache of secret documents — RT

Former 'God’s Banker' could blitz Vatican with cache of secret documents — RT

Euro zone agrees to lend Spain up to 100 billion euros | Reuters

Euro zone agrees to lend Spain up to 100 billion euros | Reuters

Obama Endorses Another Escalation of CIA Drone Strikes in Pakistan -- News from

Obama Endorses Another Escalation of CIA Drone Strikes in Pakistan -- News from

Share » » Checking accounts in US still too complex

Share » » Checking accounts in US still too complex

Spanish baby-jumping festival: Banishing evil since 1621 (PHOTOS) — RT

Spanish baby-jumping festival: Banishing evil since 1621 (PHOTOS) — RT

Teflon Report part 1 » Videos » Banoosh

Teflon Report part 1 » Videos » Banoosh

Forgotten Histories - Harry Fear for » Videos » Banoosh

Forgotten Histories - Harry Fear for » Videos » Banoosh

10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget | Care2 Healthy Living

10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget | Care2 Healthy Living

Punts & Clones: Fed up with Euro, Irish town cashes in old currency - YouTube

Punts & Clones: Fed up with Euro, Irish town cashes in old currency - YouTube

La prensa extranjera coloca a España en el ‘grupo de la muerte’

La prensa extranjera coloca a España en el ‘grupo de la muerte’

¿Casualidad o predeterminación? Cuando el deporte tapa la crisis – España – Noticias, última hora, vídeos y fotos de España en

¿Casualidad o predeterminación? Cuando el deporte tapa la crisis – España – Noticias, última hora, vídeos y fotos de España en

Tahrir Burden: Egyptian women call for cultural revolution - YouTube

Tahrir Burden: Egyptian women call for cultural revolution - YouTube

The Fuck-it Point | Watch Free Documentary Online

The Fuck-it Point | Watch Free Documentary Online

Warning: Possible NATO-FSA False Flag Attack in Syria :

Warning: Possible NATO-FSA False Flag Attack in Syria :

Land Destroyer

Land Destroyer

Russia prepares for second March of Millions / Waging Nonviolence - People-Powered News and Analysis

Russia prepares for second March of Millions / Waging Nonviolence - People-Powered News and Analysis

Air alert: Google and Apple may spy from the sky — RT

Air alert: Google and Apple may spy from the sky — RT

Check Out These Next-Generation Drones - Business Insider

Check Out These Next-Generation Drones - Business Insider

These New Drones Are Like Nothing The World Has Ever Seen

These New Drones Are Like Nothing The World Has Ever Seen

Salvados. Reiniciando España - laSextaOn | laSexta

Salvados. Reiniciando España - laSextaOn | laSexta

domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Lucha en la calle contra diálogo encallado - Provincia - Diario de León

Lucha en la calle contra diálogo encallado - Provincia - Diario de León

For Spain’s rescued bankers, there will be no austerity | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR

For Spain’s rescued bankers, there will be no austerity | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR

World business, finance and political news from the Financial Times– Europe

World business, finance and political news from the Financial Times– Europe

Tú dices tomate, yo digo rescate >> Aguas Internacionales >> Blogs EL PAÍS

Tú dices tomate, yo digo rescate >> Aguas Internacionales >> Blogs EL PAÍS

Directo | La prensa internacional ironiza con las explicaciones de Rajoy | Política | EL PAÍS

Directo | La prensa internacional ironiza con las explicaciones de Rajoy | Política | EL PAÍS

Europa vuelve a creer | Opinión | EL PAÍS

Europa vuelve a creer | Opinión | EL PAÍS

We Are Responsible For What Is Happening In The World | TruthTheory

We Are Responsible For What Is Happening In The World | TruthTheory

Catastroika: the disastrous fire-sale privatization of Greece | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR

Catastroika: the disastrous fire-sale privatization of Greece | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR

La letra pequeña del rescate a España

La letra pequeña del rescate a España

Activist Post: The 5 Most Surprisingly Corrupt Industries in the World (and what you can do about it)

Activist Post: The 5 Most Surprisingly Corrupt Industries in the World (and what you can do about it)

Primero negamos la crisis, ahora negamos el rescate | Economía | EL PAÍS

Primero negamos la crisis, ahora negamos el rescate | Economía | EL PAÍS

La reacció de la premsa a l'estranger al rescat espanyol

La reacció de la premsa a l'estranger al rescat espanyol

No digui rescat

No digui rescat

Hi haurà rescat financer per a Espanya

Hi haurà rescat financer per a Espanya

Here Comes The Sun | Watch Free Documentary Online

Here Comes The Sun | Watch Free Documentary Online

“El capitalismo se acaba”, vaticina José Luís Sampedro | Comunidad Valenciana | EL PAÍS

“El capitalismo se acaba”, vaticina José Luís Sampedro | Comunidad Valenciana | EL PAÍS

Energia libre, carrera hacia el punto cero.avi - YouTube

Energia libre, carrera hacia el punto cero.avi - YouTube

Scientists Suggest That All Food Should Be Irradiated, Pasteurized and Sterilized by 2030

Scientists Suggest That All Food Should Be Irradiated, Pasteurized and Sterilized by 2030

Cambalache Carlos Gardel - YouTube

Cambalache Carlos Gardel - YouTube

Iceland Court Sentences Ex-Byr Savings Executives to Jail - Bloomberg

Iceland Court Sentences Ex-Byr Savings Executives to Jail - Bloomberg

Islandia perdona la deuda hipotecaria de un cuarto de la población « Watching International Economy

Islandia perdona la deuda hipotecaria de un cuarto de la población « Watching International Economy

Rajoy - No va a haber ningún rescate de la banca española.flv - YouTube

Rajoy - No va a haber ningún rescate de la banca española.flv - YouTube

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

'Pentagon sanitizes movies to make Americans warlike' - YouTube

'Pentagon sanitizes movies to make Americans warlike' - YouTube


ALGAS CHLORELLA 5to B - YouTube » Chlorella » Chlorella

Aquanovel, equipamiento, Cultivos de fitoplancton: Nannochloropsis y Chlorella sp.

Aquanovel, equipamiento, Cultivos de fitoplancton: Nannochloropsis y Chlorella sp.

laSexta Columna: El 'sinpa' de Bankia - laSextaOn | laSexta

laSexta Columna: El 'sinpa' de Bankia - laSextaOn | laSexta

Alga Chlorella ¿el alimento perfecto?

Alga Chlorella ¿el alimento perfecto?

Owned & Operated - YouTube

Owned & Operated - YouTube

Your Body is a Biological Machine | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement

Your Body is a Biological Machine | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement

1.RADIACTIVIDAD: Alimentos que protegen (1 de 2) - YouTube

1.RADIACTIVIDAD: Alimentos que protegen (1 de 2) - YouTube

El FMI confirma que el pueblo español deberá pagar más de 40 mil millones de euros para salvar la banca

El FMI confirma que el pueblo español deberá pagar más de 40 mil millones de euros para salvar la banca

Occupation Nation - Global Illumination Council

Occupation Nation - Global Illumination Council

Els 50 d'Edicions 62-Gent-El Periódico

Els 50 d'Edicions 62-Gent-El Periódico

La gran crisi d'Espanya a l'ONU-Internacional-El Periódico

La gran crisi d'Espanya a l'ONU-Internacional-El Periódico

El sincrotró Alba s'estrena amb el seu primer experiment-Societat-El Periódico

El sincrotró Alba s'estrena amb el seu primer experiment-Societat-El Periódico

El governador del Banc d'Espanya va cobrar 176.000 euros

El governador del Banc d'Espanya va cobrar 176.000 euros

El cant contra la sida omple el Sant Jordi-Oci i Cultura-El Periódico

El cant contra la sida omple el Sant Jordi-Oci i Cultura-El Periódico

Ce qui m'indigne | le site d'expression des indignés

Ce qui m'indigne | le site d'expression des indignés

The Dictator - Final Speech on Dictatorship / Democracy [Sacha Baron, 2012] - YouTube

The Dictator - Final Speech on Dictatorship / Democracy [Sacha Baron, 2012] - YouTube

FUKUSHIMA y sus mentiras - Japon TEPCO - YouTube

FUKUSHIMA y sus mentiras - Japon TEPCO - YouTube

Right Royal Gang Bang: the grim reality behind the Londonberg Jubilee Rally | End the Lie – Independent News

Right Royal Gang Bang: the grim reality behind the Londonberg Jubilee Rally | End the Lie – Independent News

VIDEO: NATO Special Op Forces Assault Tampa, Florida :

VIDEO: NATO Special Op Forces Assault Tampa, Florida :

Usan el Agente naranja de Monsanto para devastar el Amazonas en Brasil « El nuevo despertar / the new awakening

Usan el Agente naranja de Monsanto para devastar el Amazonas en Brasil « El nuevo despertar / the new awakening

gaia (El jefe Raoni llora cuando se entera de que el...)

gaia (El jefe Raoni llora cuando se entera de que el...)

Avaaz - ¡Investigación BANKIA ya!

Avaaz - ¡Investigación BANKIA ya!