sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

Obama is the Biggest Pro-War President in 2 Generations | Watch Now

Obama is the Biggest Pro-War President in 2 Generations | Watch Now


BREAKING: US Strike on Syria Imminent - Wayne Madsen Report #N3 - YouTube

BREAKING: US Strike on Syria Imminent - Wayne Madsen Report #N3 - YouTube

Cinco grandes fracasos en la historia de los transgénicos en EE.UU. | lagranepoca.com

Cinco grandes fracasos en la historia de los transgénicos en EE.UU. | lagranepoca.com


Five greatest failures in the history of GM in the U.S.

TPP empowers elites at the expense of the rest of us | Troy Media

TPP empowers elites at the expense of the rest of us | Troy Media

Trans Pacific Partnership: Another secretive sell-out to the plutocrats.

"Significantly, polls show that the majority of Canadians DO NOT support the consequences of these economic policies."

Sri Lanka: UN visit underscores disturbing human rights reality | Amnesty International

Sri Lanka: UN visit underscores disturbing human rights reality | Amnesty International

"The Sri Lankan conflict may have ended in 2009, but the level of human rights violations in the country remains critically high, with persistent government attacks on dissenting voices throughout Sri Lankan society,” said
Polly Truscott, Amnesty International’s Deputy Asia Pacific Director

Herbs For Circulation

Herbs For Circulation

America's War Games - People & Power - Al Jazeera English

America's War Games - People & Power - Al Jazeera English

How the Obama administration is redefining the US military's strategic priorities with far-reaching consequences | http://aje.me/194Z8NJ

The Pentagon can not afford an attack on Syria – RT

El Pentágono no puede costear un ataque contra Siria – RT

In addition to international pressure, the U.S. Army has another big hurdle to overcome on the way to a possible attack against the forces of Bashar al Assad in Syria: it is the lack of resources that overwhelms the Pentagon.

Texto completo en: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/104392-pentagono-dinero-ataque-siria-guerra

Disturbios en Colombia por el paro campesino | Fotogalería | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Disturbios en Colombia por el paro campesino | Fotogalería | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Unrest in Colombia by unemployment peasant


Santos despliega el Ejército en Bogotá por protestas campesinas | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Santos despliega el Ejército en Bogotá por protestas campesinas | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Army deploys Santos in Bogota by peasant protests.  -- COLOMBIA  .--

All-Out War? Iran vows 'immediate destruction' of Israel if Syria attacked - YouTube

All-Out War? Iran vows 'immediate destruction' of Israel if Syria attacked - YouTube

“Nuclear’s Demise, From Fukushima to Vermont.” By Amy Goodman by Democracy Now! on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

“Nuclear’s Demise, From Fukushima to Vermont.” By Amy Goodman by Democracy Now! on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

"Fukushima shows us the intolerable costs of nuclear power. The citizens of Vermont show us the benefits of just saying no." Listen to Amy Goodman's latest podcast.

Brésil : nouvelles protestations à travers le pays | [VIDEO] - Actualités France

Brésil : nouvelles protestations à travers le pays | [VIDEO] - Actualités France

Genie-Programm: USA infizierten Zehntausende Rechner - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Genie-Programm: USA infizierten Zehntausende Rechner - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Cyber-attacks: USA infect computers with tens of thousands of NSA Trojans

The hacker attacks by U.S. intelligence agencies achieve a new dimension: Bald 85,000 systems will be infected with spy software in the world, reports the "Washington Post". The NSA plans to control the infected computer as a kind of botnet.

U.S. spy agencies mounted 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, documents show - The Washington Post

U.S. spy agencies mounted 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, documents show - The Washington Post

Documents Snowden: Washington a lancé 231 cyberattaques en 2011 - Yahoo! Actualités France

Documents Snowden: Washington a lancé 231 cyberattaques en 2011 - Yahoo! Actualités France

The Greenhouse of The Future? The Earthship Greenhouse! | Collective-Evolution

The Greenhouse of The Future? The Earthship Greenhouse! | Collective-Evolution

A highly innovative way to grow organic food year round in almost any climate!

UK officials asked New York Times to destroy Snowden docs — RT USA

UK officials asked New York Times to destroy Snowden docs — RT USA

A Freedom Budget for All Americans: Recapturing the Promise of the Civil Rights Movement in the Struggle for Economic Justice Today

A Freedom Budget for All Americans: Recapturing the Promise of the Civil Rights Movement in the Struggle for Economic Justice Today

While the Civil Rights Movement is remembered for efforts to end #segregation and secure the rights of African Americans, the larger economic vision that animated much of the movement is often overlooked today. That vision sought economic #justice for every person in the United States, regardless of race. It favored production for social use instead of profit; social ownership; and democratic control over major economic decisions. The document that best captured this vision was "The Freedom Budget for All Americans: Budgeting Our Resources, 1966-1975, To Achieve Freedom from Want" published by the A. Philip Randolph Institute. Now, two of today’s leading socialist thinkers return to the Freedom Budget and its program for economic justice. Paul Le Blanc and Michael D. Yates explain the origins of the Freedom #Budget, how it sought to achieve “freedom from want” for all people, and how it might be re-imagined for our current moment. Combining historical perspective with clear-sighted economic proposals, the authors make a concrete case for reviving the spirit of the Civil Rights Movement and building the society of economic security and democratic control envisioned by the movement’s leaders—a struggle that continues to this day. The book conjoins meticulous research with a sensitive analysis to deliver a superb political narrative graphically recreating a significant slice of lost history.

22 reasons why the U.S. should not trigger 3. WWII in Syria – RT

22 razones por las que EE.UU. no debe desencadenar la 3.ª Guerra Mundial en Siria – RT

Reports: Saudi Prince using U.S. to topple Assad to consolidate own power | Ben Swann

Reports: Saudi Prince using U.S. to topple Assad to consolidate own power | Ben Swann

Mexico vigilantes take law into own hands - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Mexico vigilantes take law into own hands - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Last year, Mexicans voted for a leader to end the war with the drug cartels. But under President Enrique Pena Nieto, the violence has become worse. Polls suggest that Mexicans are becoming disenchanted with their president. Now some communities are defying the government and taking the fight into their own hands. | Watch Adam Raney's report from the western state of Michoacan here: http://aje.me/17pvVxL

Microsoft, Google sue US for right to reveal nature of surveillance requests — RT USA

Microsoft, Google sue US for right to reveal nature of surveillance requests — RT USA

Colombia protests show dark side of economic boom - COLOMBIA - FRANCE 24

Colombia protests show dark side of economic boom - COLOMBIA - FRANCE 24

Colombia’s army was ordered to secure the streets of the capital on Friday, after growing protests in support of striking farmers left two people dead. By Joseph BAMAT. http://f24.my/15qLVed

A face in a billion: Facebook to include profile pix in facial recognition database — RT News

A face in a billion: Facebook to include profile pix in facial recognition database — RT News

How to Cut Glass Bottles

How to Cut Glass Bottles

 This time, we will learn you how to make your own bottles planters. You don’t need to be a glassworker to put this idea into practice. You can do it simply by using a beer, soda or wine bottle. Just be creative! As for the technique, see the video below: it shows a method of how to cut these bottles. May you enjoy!

Syria Is a Lie - YouTube

Syria Is a Lie - YouTube

How To Wage War: U.S. Propaganda Exposed - | Intellihub.com

How To Wage War: U.S. Propaganda Exposed - | Intellihub.com

We were lied to about the Vietnam war, the Iraq war, and now Syria, as the U.S. Government is ready to justify a new war any way possible.


Monsanto - mit Gift und Genen (1:49:06 min)

Monsanto - mit Gift und Genen (1:49:06 min)

Monsanto Ein Konzern der Gott spielen darf - YouTube

Monsanto Ein Konzern der Gott spielen darf - YouTube

Der Dokumentarfilm erkundet das Reich des US-amerikanischen Konzerns "Monsanto Chemical Works", dem weltweiten Marktführer für Biotechnologie.

Dem Engagement auf diesem Gebiet verdankt "Monsanto" auch, dass es zum umstrittensten Unternehmen des modernen Industriezeitalters wurde, stellte es doch das im Vietnamkrieg zu trauriger Berühmtheit gelangte Herbizid "Agent Orange" her.

Heute sind 90 Prozent der angebauten gentechnisch veränderten Organismen "Monsanto"-Patente.

Diesen Umstand halten viele für bedenklich.

Monsanto - Ein Konzern der Gott spielen darf (8:22 min)

Link: http://tinyurl.com/cqlprcs


Film: Monsanto - Mit Gift und Genen (1:49:06 min)

Link: http://tinyurl.com/broyogg

Buch: Monsanto - Mit Gift und Genen

Link: http://tinyurl.com/cqjkfns

US Aktion gegen Monsanto:

Sign the Millions Against Monsanto Petition

Link: http://tinyurl.com/ccaz43s

Bitte teilen!

Monsanto - Ein Konzern der Gott spielen darf (8:22 min)

Monsanto - Ein Konzern der Gott spielen darf (8:22 min)

 Der Dokumentarfilm erkundet das Reich des US-amerikanischen Konzerns "Monsanto Chemical Works", dem weltweiten Marktführer für Biotechnologie.

Dem Engagement auf diesem Gebiet verdankt "Monsanto" auch, dass es zum umstrittensten Unternehmen des modernen Industriezeitalters wurde, stellte es doch das im Vietnamkrieg zu trauriger Berühmtheit gelangte Herbizid "Agent Orange" her.

Heute sind 90 Prozent der angebauten gentechnisch veränderten Organismen "Monsanto"-Patente.

Diesen Umstand halten viele für bedenklich.

▶ John Lennon - Imagine - Subtitulada en Español - YouTube

▶ John Lennon - Imagine - Subtitulada en Español - YouTube

▶ Vietnam War-House of the Rising Sun - YouTube

▶ Vietnam War-House of the Rising Sun - YouTube

▶ Creedence Clearwater Revival "Run Through The Jungle" with graphic Vietnam War footage - YouTube

▶ Creedence Clearwater Revival "Run Through The Jungle" with graphic Vietnam War footage - YouTube

▶ Paint it Black - Vietnam War - YouTube

▶ Paint it Black - Vietnam War - YouTube

▶ Leonard Cohen - Everybody knows (live in London, 2008) - YouTube

▶ Leonard Cohen - Everybody knows (live in London, 2008) - YouTube

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

▶ Why We Fight (A Film By Eugene Jarecki) (480p) (cc) - YouTube

▶ Why We Fight (A Film By Eugene Jarecki) (480p) (cc) - YouTube

▶ Syria Drops Bomb on Kids in School Playground Napalm Type Bomb Explodes In School Yard In Syria - YouTube

▶ Syria Drops Bomb on Kids in School Playground Napalm Type Bomb Explodes In School Yard In Syria - YouTube

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, August 30 - YouTube

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, August 30 - YouTube

SPAIN -- ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT -- ▶ La PAH presenta: de la burbuja a la Obra Social - YouTube

▶ La PAH presenta: de la burbuja a la Obra Social - YouTube

"L 'association against evictions PAH arises from the need to combat anti-social working of financial institutions in the building sector. The aim is to reach more families, evicted, they have nowhere to live, given that the authorities are not able to respond to this unfortunate situation of emergency housing. Spain is among the countries with the most empty houses in Europe and, at the same time, the country with more foreclosures and more families who can not exercise their right to housing decent. PAH in four years denounced this injustice. The video explains how the circumstances have led to launch welfare projects, through a campaign of civil disobedience and the recovery of abandoned property held by banks for the families homeless. government PP has bailed out the banks with billions of Euros of public without any social consideration and passed a law that benefits the banks and destroys people's lives. European Court of Justice ruled that Spanish law on evictions is illegal. Madrid will have to change legislation on mortgages to secure more rights for citizens and curb the excessive power of the banks in getting evictions of citizens who are no longer able to pay the installment. Anti-Eviction Campaign has raised a million and a half signatures, after a dramatic series of suicides of people at imminent risk of eviction. The ruling of the European Court criticizes the Spanish law authorizing the eviction in the event that a citizen who has signed a mortgage, no longer able to pay. "

Herbal Antibiotics - Common Sense Homesteading

Herbal Antibiotics - Common Sense Homesteading

Study Links Hot Dogs To Leukemia | Live Free, Live Natural

Study Links Hot Dogs To Leukemia | Live Free, Live Natural

Learn more at: http://livefreelivenatural.com/study-links-hot-dogs-leukemia/#sthash.YBsnRD1Y.dpuf

The findings, which already are generating a great deal of controversy and concern, could help explain why the incidence of childhood leukemia and brain tumors has been increasing over the last two decades, say the researchers, led by USC epidemiologist Dr. John Peters.

See Why Here: http://livefreelivenatural.com/study-links-hot-dogs-leukemia/#sthash.YBsnRD1Y.dpuf

Espagne: des militants jouent les Robin des bois avant la rentrée - Yahoo! Actualités France

Espagne: des militants jouent les Robin des bois avant la rentrée - Yahoo! Actualités France


When I landed in the republic of conscience

it was so noiseless when the engines stopped

I could hear a curlew high above the runway.

Remembering Seamus Heaney | Amnesty's global human rights blog

Remembering Seamus Heaney | Amnesty's global human rights blog

Terribly sad to hear of the passing of Irish poet and Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney today.

His poem "From the Republic of Conscience" inspired a generation of human rights activists around the world.

Amnesty International Ireland's Executive Director Colm O'Gorman explains why we will miss Heaney's warmth, his compassion and his idealism.

» Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta have admitted to Associated Press journalist Dale Gavlak that they were responsible for last week’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.

US ready to decide on military action in Syria 'on our own' - White House — RT USA

US ready to decide on military action in Syria 'on our own' - White House — RT USA

Pluto Press - Search Results

Pluto Press - Search Results

Recommended reading for the end of the summer if you want to know where power really lies...

Syria: it takes more courage to say there is nothing outsiders can do | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

Syria: it takes more courage to say there is nothing outsiders can do | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

'The human misery in Syria is agonising to watch. It takes more courage to say there is nothing outsiders can do' http://t.gu.com/opfdc?CMP=OTCNETTXT8115

Why We Fight (2005) | Watch Documentary Free Online

Why We Fight (2005) | Watch Documentary Free Online

Link to watch Why We Fight: http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/why_we_fight/

How did a nation of, by, and for the people become the savings-and-loan of a system whose survival depends on a state of constant war?

The film moves beyond the headlines of various American military operations to the deeper questions of why - why does America fight? What are the forces political, economic, ideological that drive us to fight against an ever-changing enemy?

New Snowden Leak Reveals Secret $52.6 Billion Budget for Intelligence Agencies - | Intellihub.com

New Snowden Leak Reveals Secret $52.6 Billion Budget for Intelligence Agencies - | Intellihub.com

A new leak from Edward Snowden shows a massive budget for the military spy industrial complex that is hidden from the public


Syrialeaks: come dare la colpa ad Assad - contropiano.org

Syrialeaks: come dare la colpa ad Assad - contropiano.org

Syria crisis: US prepares for military action without Britain - live updates | World news | theguardian.com

Syria crisis: US prepares for military action without Britain - live updates | World news | theguardian.com

8 Natural Ways To Kill Garden Weeds

8 Natural Ways To Kill Garden Weeds


Explore and watch great films about food: http://www.filmsforaction.org/wall-of-food-films/

Syria War "Coalition" Dissolves: Britain, France, Canada and Most Other Countries Say NO to Syrian Attack

Syria War "Coalition" Dissolves: Britain, France, Canada and Most Other Countries Say NO to Syrian Attack

Are we winning yet? Syria War "Coalition" Dissolves: Britain, France, Canada and Most Other Countries Say NO to Syrian Attack. That just leaves you, US.

US ready to decide on military action in Syria ‘on our own’ – White House | End the Lie – Independent News

US ready to decide on military action in Syria ‘on our own’ – White House | End the Lie – Independent News

President Obama could well consider a military strike in Syria despite the British Parliament rejecting a motion authorizing the UK’s involvement in the conflict.

More: http://endthelie.com/2013/08/29/us-ready-to-decide-on-military-action-in-syria-on-our-own-white-house/

Has capitalism failed the world? - Head to Head - Al Jazeera English

Has capitalism failed the world? - Head to Head - Al Jazeera English

It seems that mistakes made in Wall Street and the City of London are paid for by people around the world, but can we govern greed within the realm of capitalism or is it all just money down the drain? Is austerity really needed? Can we trust the banks? http://aje.me/14aTztO

Facebook reportedly considering adding 1+ billion members’ photos to facial recognition database | End the Lie – Independent News

Facebook reportedly considering adding 1+ billion members’ photos to facial recognition database | End the Lie – Independent News

Facebook is considering adding the majority of its over 1 billion members’ profile photos to a massive facial recognition database, according to Reuters.

Blog » Top 10 Easy Home Remedies For Anxiety

Blog » Top 10 Easy Home Remedies For Anxiety

Syria War "Coalition" Dissolves: Britain, France, Canada and Most Other Countries Say NO to Syrian Attack

Syria War "Coalition" Dissolves: Britain, France, Canada and Most Other Countries Say NO to Syrian Attack

Are we winning yet? Syria War "Coalition" Dissolves: Britain, France, Canada and Most Other Countries Say NO to Syrian Attack. That just leaves you, US.

NSA paying U.S. companies for access to communications networks - The Washington Post

NSA paying U.S. companies for access to communications networks - The Washington Post

The National Security Agency is paying hundreds of millions of dollars a year to U.S. companies for clandestine access to their communications networks.

War Made Easy (2007) | Watch Documentary Free Online

War Made Easy (2007) | Watch Documentary Free Online

Link to watch War Made Easy (2007): http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/war_made_easy/

War Made Easy reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq.

With Syria being the next target of the US administration's imperial war plans, this is a great time to watch and share this film with friends.

BEN SWANN: How the Media Manipulates the Public #N3 - YouTube

BEN SWANN: How the Media Manipulates the Public #N3 - YouTube

CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors - | Intellihub.com

CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors - | Intellihub.com

Rand Paul Suspects Chemical Attacks 'Launched by Rebels, Not Syrian Army' - YouTube

Rand Paul Suspects Chemical Attacks 'Launched by Rebels, Not Syrian Army' - YouTube

BBC News - David Cameron loses Commons vote on Syria action

BBC News - David Cameron loses Commons vote on Syria action

BREAKING: The United Kingdom has voted AGAINST war with Syria. #NoWarWithSyria


Snowden reveals US intelligence’s black budget: $52.6 billion on secret programs — RT USA

Snowden reveals US intelligence’s black budget: $52.6 billion on secret programs — RT USA

Fukushima, Climate change, Near-Term Extinction: Resignation vs. Surrender

Fukushima, Climate change, Near-Term Extinction: Resignation vs. Surrender

Why would I not want to ingest a large dosage of ‘Fuckidall’ or go eat 700 pounds of chocolate? Go to the gym today? Are you freakin’ kidding me?

A recent Guardian headline reads “Fukushima Warning: Danger Level At Nuclear Plant Jumps To ‘Serious’,” and the Wall St. Journal states unequivocally that ‘TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) Has Lost Control.’ Just a few days ago I posted on my site Guy McPherson’s latest piece “19 Ways Climate Change Is Feeding On Itself,” and Washington’s Blog screams, “West Coast Of North America To Be Hit Hard By Fukushima Radiation,” complete with a detailed map of the ocean current called the North Pacific Gyre which is bringing Japanese radiation to the West Coast of North America.

As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, I occasionally hear people saying things like, “Well, we’re not going to be here after 2030 by which time near-term extinction is ‘guaranteed’ so what I eat or drink or smoke or do or don’t do doesn’t matter.”

That’s called resignation or giving up, and from my perspective, indulging in it, even if I feel compelled to do so, is a cowardly, delusional kind of devil’s bargain that essentially affirms that I have no purpose here except breathing air and ingesting food and water. Resignatio in Latin connotes submission, acquiescence, and compliance. Is this not the same as surrender? Actually, it’s not.

Hopefully, everyone reading these words, like me, is not willing to go gently, quietly, or complacently into the abyss that our species has created. If we do—if at this unprecedented time in the history of our planet we resign ourselves to defining our existence only in terms of the physical plane, as if we have absolutely no connection with anything eternal or constant, then we are inexorably as foolish as the purveyors of industrial civilization who are engaged in rendering this planet uninhabitable.

The courage to surrender

Surrender is fundamentally different from resignation because unlike the latter, it is not a passive act. Surrender is always a choice, and in our “dead man walking” status on planet Earth, we may be able to change nothing in the external milieu, but we have agency in how we meet our fate. Certainly we have the option and the right to muddle our way into oblivion like comatose inebriates, and countless millions will choose and are choosing that path.

Mentally, I keep returning to Nazi death camp survivors and the unspoken, seemingly feckless choices they made on a daily basis that allowed them to prevail. Perhaps a drawing made in the mud or jokes they furtively told to one another or a decision that every day they would find meaning somewhere, somehow in the hellish drudgery and brutality of their lives.

Giving up is easy. Surrender takes enormous courage and self-regard—an abiding conviction that one’s human dignity is worth it, even if one is bereft of family and friends.

Surrender acknowledges that in the last half of 2013, the human species is marching obliviously in its own funeral procession and that perhaps one can choose instead to march consciously, all the while asking questions that matter. Questions like: What is left for me to do here? How do I most wisely use the time I have left? What is my work in these remaining years? What gifts do I have that I must give? What brings meaning to the lives of people around me? What brings meaning to me?

Read the full article: http://www.filmsforaction.org/news/fukushima_climate_change_nearterm_extinction_resignation_vs_surrender/


PHOENIX - Arm und reich - Wie gerecht ist Deutschland?

PHOENIX - Arm und reich - Wie gerecht ist Deutschland?

[Video] Poverty / Harz4 / Precarious employment / wage dumping: The gap between rich and poor is wider. Rich get richer and the poor is increasing. The economy is doing well, the state made a surplus, yet more and more people work at low wages, and need government help many children and old people facing a life of poverty. The social organization in Germany calls for greater justice: Rich should help the poor. But they do not do that already? Not benefit socially disadvantaged by the economic power of successful entrepreneurs and higher tax revenue? What about the social commitment of the wealthy?  

» Alternative Media Blocks Globalist Attempt to Launch WW3 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Alternative Media Blocks Globalist Attempt to Launch WW3 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Top globalists have now admitted that a hot war scenario in Syria cannot go own due to the alternative media spotlight.

Fukushima's radioactive ocean plume to reach American shores in 2014 - Buzz.NaturalNews.com

Fukushima's radioactive ocean plume to reach American shores in 2014 - Buzz.NaturalNews.com

Russia renewed its permanent naval force in the Mediterranean– RT

Rusia renovará su fuerza naval permanente en el Mediterráneo – RT

To hunt Osama bin Laden, satellites watched over Abbottabad, Pakistan and Navy SEALs - The Washington Post

To hunt Osama bin Laden, satellites watched over Abbottabad, Pakistan and Navy SEALs - The Washington Post

The U.S. commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden was guided from space by a fleet of satellites. http://wapo.st/15BtiZ2

Fukushima radiation set to hit the U.S. by 2014 - Salon.com

Fukushima radiation set to hit the U.S. by 2014 - Salon.com

Fukushima radiation set to hit the U.S. by 2014.

A reminder there's nearly two dozen nuclear plants with the same faulty design as Fukushima currently operating in the U.S.

Check out one of my investigations on the aging plants:


Corresponsal de Reuters: “Siria podría ser la excusa que buscan los mercados para recoger beneficios y eso no ayudaría a España” | VdeVerdadNews.com - Contrainformación 24h.

Corresponsal de Reuters: “Siria podría ser la excusa que buscan los mercados para recoger beneficios y eso no ayudaría a España” | VdeVerdadNews.com - Contrainformación 24

Reuters correspondent: "Syria could be the excuse they are looking for markets to collect benefits and it does not help Spain"

What do Americans think about War with Syria - YouTube

What do Americans think about War with Syria - YouTube

What do Americans think about War with Syria

(VIDEO) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwxtt1y9NV0&feature=youtu.be

In this video Luke Rudkowski hits the streets of NYC to talk to random people about the current situation regarding Syria. This is an honest look into what random people think about the upcoming war. Everyone who was interviewed was included in this video and we did not edit out anyone who we talked to. As you can see the majority of people we spoke to were against the war, except for one person but a lot of people also seemed not to care about the situation.

Herbs For Heart Palpitations

Herbs For Heart Palpitations

Massive Transport of Tanks in New Orleans - | Intellihub.com

Massive Transport of Tanks in New Orleans - | Intellihub.com

Massive Transport of Tanks in New Orleans


Massive Transport of Tanks in New Orleans on the Huey P Long Bridge over the Mississippi River in Jefferson Parish


How much will a military intervention in Syria?– RT

¿Cuánto costará una intervención militar en Siria? – RT

How Syria to the Apocalypse?– Blogs en RT " As the hours go by confirming that it is going to carry out an attack against Syria soon, and it will be without the approval of the Security Council of the United Nations and without evidence of authorship of chemical attack , which is something that seems to not be interested suspiciously coalition of countries that will lead America.

¿De Siria al Apocalipsis? – Blogs en RT


As the hours go by confirming that it is going to carry out an attack against Syria soon, and it will be without the approval of the Security Council of the United Nations and without evidence of authorship of chemical attack , which is something that seems to not be interested suspiciously coalition of countries that will lead America.

Texto completo en: http://actualidad.rt.com/blogueros/francisco-sanchez-munoz/view/104257-siria-apocalipsis


As the hours go by confirming that it is going to carry out an attack against Syria soon, and it will be without the approval of the Security Council of the United Nations and without evidence of authorship of chemical attack , which is something that seems to not be interested suspiciously coalition of countries that will lead America.

Texto completo en: http://actualidad.rt.com/blogueros/francisco-sanchez-munoz/view/104257-siria-apocalipsis

One Key to Rule Them All: Threats Against Service Provider Private Encryption Keys | Electronic Frontier Foundation

One Key to Rule Them All: Threats Against Service Provider Private Encryption Keys | Electronic Frontier Foundation

A remarkable fact about how HTTPS works, and why we must protect the private encryption keys of service providers: https://eff.org/r.1bZH

UN Cannot Foster Peace When US Sidesteps It for War | Global Research

UN Cannot Foster Peace When US Sidesteps It for War | Global Research

A “punitive” strike by a country with this much unpunished blood on its hands seems equally ludicrous. Whether you call it “humanitarian intervention” or not, it won’t make the slightest bit of difference to the victims.

The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis: Syrian “Opposition” Armed to Thwart Construction of Iran-Iraq-Syria Gas Pipeline | Global Research

The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis: Syrian “Opposition” Armed to Thwart Construction of Iran-Iraq-Syria Gas Pipeline | Global Research

Backgrounder: Clues to a Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria | Science/AAAS | News

Backgrounder: Clues to a Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria | Science/AAAS | News

What evidence will U.N. investigators look for to pin down whether a nerve agent killed hundreds? Why do experts suspect sarin? Science lays out what we know - and what we're looking for.

The War on Iran begins...in Syria

The War on Iran begins...in Syria



Antipsychotic meds make children three times more likely to develop diabetes, increase suicide rates 20 fold

Antipsychotic meds make children three times more likely to develop diabetes, increase suicide rates 20 fold

Two detailed studies shine light on the devastating side effects that antipsychotic medications have on children and adolescents. http://www.naturalnews.com/041830_antipsychotic_medications_diabetes_in_children_suicide_rates.html

Not a ‘slam dunk’: US intelligence can’t prove Assad used chemical weapons | End the Lie – Independent News

Not a ‘slam dunk’: US intelligence can’t prove Assad used chemical weapons | End the Lie – Independent News

Only days after the White House suggested it was all but certain Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons to gas hundreds of civilians, United States intelligence officials briefed on the situation say the evidence isn’t all there.

More: http://endthelie.com/2013/08/29/not-a-slam-dunk-us-intelligence-cant-prove-assad-used-chemical-weapons/

Noam Chomsky: How the Business Class Views Democracy | Watch Now

Noam Chomsky: How the Business Class Views Democracy | Watch Now

‘Black budget’ summary details U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives - The Washington Post

‘Black budget’ summary details U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives - The Washington Post

The $52.6 billion “black budget” for fiscal 2013, obtained by The Washington Post from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, maps a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to public scrutiny. The summary describes cutting-edge technologies, agent recruiting and ongoing operations.

Read the full story here: http://wapo.st/17mcAxv

School is a prison — and damaging our kids - Salon.com

School is a prison — and damaging our kids - Salon.com

As the school is a prison - and damaging to our children Many schools have become like vampires, sucking the creativity, free will and critical thinking of our children. Long years of school are not the answer. The problem is the school itself. Compulsory education and test just does not work. http://www.salon.com/2013/08/26/school_is_a_prison_and_damaging_our_kids/

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, August 29 - YouTube

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, August 29 - YouTube

Syria: Military intervention – six key points | Amnesty's global human rights blog

Syria: Military intervention – six key points | Amnesty's global human rights blog

Tor anonymity network membership has doubled since NSA leak — RT USA

Tor anonymity network membership has doubled since NSA leak — RT USA

Iran still seeks to erase the ‘1988 prison massacre’ from memories, 25 years on | Amnesty International

Iran still seeks to erase the ‘1988 prison massacre’ from memories, 25 years on | Amnesty International

“My brother was killed on 28 August. In late November the authorities called us…and when my father went to the Revolutionary Committee office they said that both my brothers had been executed but they didn't give any documents. They didn’t say why they killed them, where they had been buried, why there had been a re-trial, their last words, nothing,” Jafar Behkish.

Saudi Arabia: Rights Groups Blocked From Operating | Human Rights Watch

Saudi Arabia: Rights Groups Blocked From Operating | Human Rights Watch

Saudi Arabia created a catch 22 situation and is exploiting it to harass and prosecute human rights activists. The authorities should immediately pass an associations law that meets international standards, and let independent human rights and other activists operate without harassment.

The War You Don't See (2010) | Watch Documentary Free Online

The War You Don't See (2010) | Watch Documentary Free Online

There has never been a better time to watch and share this film: http://bit.ly/10d2JTq

In this documentary John Pilger, the winner of journalism's top awards for both press and broadcasting, including academy awards in the UK and US, questions the role of the media in war.

In The War You Don't See, Pilger, himself a renowned correspondent, asks whether mainstream news has become an integral part of war-making.

Focusing on the current conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, Pilger reflects on the history of the relationship between the media and government in times of conflict stretching back to World War I and explores the impact on the information fed to the public of the modern day practice of public relations in the guise of 'embedding' journalists with the military.

Cameron, allies forced to delay strike against Syria | EurActiv

Cameron, allies forced to delay strike against Syria | EurActiv

Prime Minister David Cameron was forced yesterday (28 August) to push back his plans for an imminent military strike against Syria in a humiliating climb-down for Britain's leader after coming under fierce domestic and international pressure.

U.S. Backed False Flag Heating Up, a Look Into Syria - | Intellihub.com

U.S. Backed False Flag Heating Up, a Look Into Syria - | Intellihub.com

In a powerful broadcast, the director of Intellihub.com and host of Intellihub Radio Show, Shepard Ambellas, details what what will become another unjustified war.


A new virus is distributed via Facebook – RT

Un nuevo virus se distribuye a través de Facebook – RT

The Hendershot Generator

The Hendershot Generator

Bradley Manning – The Last Nail in the Coffin of the American Democracy - | Intellihub.com

Bradley Manning – The Last Nail in the Coffin of the American Democracy - | Intellihub.com

Bradley Manning – The Last Nail in the Coffin of the American Democracy


It was a sad day when we all heard about the sentencing of Bradley Manning. A 25 years old man who has followed his moral obligations and exposed the horrendous war crimes committed by the American soldiers in Iraq, will spend 35 years behind bars

Facebook reveals global government data snooping requests | EurActiv

Facebook reveals global government data snooping requests | EurActiv

Why are the Conservatives keeping Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations secret? - Blog Central, Jesse Brown - Macleans.ca

Why are the Conservatives keeping Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations secret? - Blog Central, Jesse Brown - Macleans.ca

Cheat Sheet On Syria | Washington's Blog

Cheat Sheet On Syria | Washington's Blog

Cheat Sheet On Syria: Events Are Moving Quickly Now… Here’s What You Need to Know

Cheat Sheet On Syria: Events Are Moving Quickly Now… Here’s What You Need to Know

50 Years Later: How the West Tarnishes Martin Luther King's Memory By Comparing Him to Obama

50 Years Later: How the West Tarnishes Martin Luther King's Memory By Comparing Him to Obama

How the West tarnishes the memory of MLK Jr. by comparing him to Obama: http://bit.ly/1fk6kHl

What MLK Jr would say today about Syria (2 minute video): http://bit.ly/19OrNYl

Via Films For Action & The Other 98%

PEACE ▶ Celtic Woman - You'll Never Walk Alone - YouTube

▶ Celtic Woman - You'll Never Walk Alone - YouTube

NO WAR --- ▶ Joan Baez - We shall overcome - YouTube

▶ Joan Baez - We shall overcome - YouTube

PACEM IN TERRAE OMNES BONA BOLUNTAE ---- Give Peace a Chance - John Lennon & Plastic Ono Band [Original video] - YouTube

Give Peace a Chance - John Lennon & Plastic Ono Band [Original video] - YouTube

Julian Assange Sings in the Latest Rap News. And It's More Awesome Than You Could Even Imagine. | Watch Now

Julian Assange Sings in the Latest Rap News. And It's More Awesome Than You Could Even Imagine. | Watch Now

Community Organizer | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Community Organizer | Electronic Frontier Foundation

We're seeking a full time community organizer to promote digital rights. Apply today and please share widely.

Australian spies in global deal to tap undersea cables

Australian spies in global deal to tap undersea cables

Snowden leak proves Australia is spying on undersea cables

"The Australian Signals Directorate, is in a partnership with British, American and Singaporean intelligence agencies to tap undersea fibre optic telecommunications cables that link Asia, the Middle East and Europe and carry much of Australia's international phone and internet traffic."



Pushing for Perfect Forward Secrecy, an Important Web Privacy Protection | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Pushing for Perfect Forward Secrecy, an Important Web Privacy Protection | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Are Test Tube Burgers Healthy? - NaturalNews.tv

Are Test Tube Burgers Healthy? - NaturalNews.tv

Protein burgers are not the same as meat! Where are the fats, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes etc. that are in real meat?

John Pilger - Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation.avi - YouTube

John Pilger - Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation.avi - YouTube

Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam - Full Speech.wmv - YouTube

Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam - Full Speech.wmv - YouTube

Martin Luther King Jr: Why I Am Opposed to US Intervention in Syria | Watch Now

Martin Luther King Jr: Why I Am Opposed to US Intervention in Syria | Watch Now

On the 50th anniversary of King's "I have a dream" speech, while the US is poised to enter into yet another war, King offers this message to President Obama. Will he listen?

Noam Chomsky

Profit and democracy are so contrary that there is no scope for comment. The aim of democracy is to leave people free to decide how they live and to make any political choices concerning them. Making a profit is a disease in our society, based on specific organisations. A decent, ethical society would pay only marginal attention to profits. Take my university department [at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology]: a few scientists work very hard to earn lots of money, but they are considered a little odd and slightly deranged, almost pathological cases. Most of the academic community is more concerned about trying to break new ground, out of intellectual interest and for the general good.

- Noam Chomsky

Iran mulls suing US over 1953 coup — RT USA

Iran mulls suing US over 1953 coup — RT USA

“American and British involvement in Mossadegh’s ouster has long been public knowledge, but today’s posting includes what is believed to be the CIA’s first formal acknowledgement that the agency helped to plan and execute the coup,” the US National Security Archive said.

Department of Defense: People who want to “make the world a better place” are Extremists | The Liberty Beat

Department of Defense: People who want to “make the world a better place” are Extremists | The Liberty Beat

New documents obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the Air Force has been distributing training material that equates talking of liberties or making the world a better place with being an “extremist”. The documents were released in a response to a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) seeking information on training materials related to hate groups or crimes.

8 Reasons Not to Go to War in Syria - Hit & Run : Reason.com

8 Reasons Not to Go to War in Syria - Hit & Run : Reason.com

'But the case for action in Syria is thin—and there are plenty of reasons to avoid becoming mired into another Middle East conflict. Here are eight reasons to avoid war in Syria:'

Big Pharma has monopoly lock on China, extracting nearly half of the nation's health care expenditures

Big Pharma has monopoly lock on China, extracting nearly half of the nation's health care expenditures

In communist China, nearly half of all health care expenditures are spent on drugs, many of which are not even necessary for those to whom they are being prescribed. http://www.naturalnews.com/041814_Big_Pharma_China_health_care_costs.html

Take Action Now - Amnesty International USA

Take Action Now - Amnesty International USA

Thinking of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today and his fight for justice as President Obama prepares to give his speech.

But will the President and Congress remember Dr. King's words when it comes to today's harmful racial profiling practices? Amnesty stands with our partners in the fight to end racial profiling. Take action here: http://amnestyusa.org/erpa

Money Is Not Safe In The Big Banks | Global Research TV

Money Is Not Safe In The Big Banks | Global Research TV

50 Years Later - West Defiles Martin Luther King's Memory

50 Years Later - West Defiles Martin Luther King's Memory

50 Years Later - West Defiles Martin Luther King's Memory: http://bit.ly/1fk6kHl

Legendary equality, justice, and peace activist who championed character over the color of one's skin is compared with warmongering corporate servant Obama ... because of the color of his skin.

The differences between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and current US President Barack Obama could not be greater. In fact, the only thing they have in common is that they are both black. Yet somehow, Western media outlets have managed to draw parallels between these diametrically opposed figures - presumably because they are indeed both black. AP recently published an article titled, "Obama Embodies King's Dream and His Struggle," stated:

"The scheduled appearance later Wednesday of Obama, the first African-American president, was certain to embody the fulfilled dreams of hundreds of thousands who rallied there in 1963..."
Why? Merely because President Obama is black? Or because President Obama embodies any of the ideals of justice, equality, and peace that Martin Luther King Jr. championed for during life, and ultimately died for?

There is no greater way to defile the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. than to compare him with US President Barack Obama - a servant of an engine for the greatest disparity, inequality, and injustice on Earth - driven by the very corporate-financier interests King stood up against, was opposed by throughout his entire life, and most likely was killed by. - http://bit.ly/1fk6kHl

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

Bombing Syria would make US pilots ‘Al-Qaeda's air force’ – Kucinich — RT USA

Bombing Syria would make US pilots ‘Al-Qaeda's air force’ – Kucinich — RT USA

A 'targeted strike' on Syria by the US would be nothing but an act of war, former Congressman Dennis Kucinich said, adding that an airstrike on President Assad’s anti-radical Islamist forces would mean the US Air Force was supporting Al-Qaeda.

The U.S. Has Repeatedly Falsely Accused Others of Chemical and Biological Weapons Use | Washington's Blog

The U.S. Has Repeatedly Falsely Accused Others of Chemical and Biological Weapons Use | Washington's Blog

The U.S. Has Repeatedly Falsely Accused Others of Chemical and Biological Weapons Use

The U.S. Has Repeatedly Falsely Accused Others of Chemical and Biological Weapons Use

Confronting the Chemical Lies in Syria | Global Research TV

Confronting the Chemical Lies in Syria | Global Research TV

Life under Pinochet: “We still don’t know what happened to my brother” | Amnesty International

Life under Pinochet: “We still don’t know what happened to my brother” | Amnesty International

“We knew we had to ask – we needed to know. We went to the health services and the morgue, thinking that we would find him dead. It was a pretty much pointless pilgrimage because we didn't get any response regarding where he was. Everybody in authority would constantly say that my brother had not been detained,” Gloria Elgueta.

Monsanto’s SmartStax maize ‘to be approved for growth in October’ in EU — RT News

Monsanto’s SmartStax maize ‘to be approved for growth in October’ in EU — RT News

StarLink resurfaces: GM corn banned decade ago found in Saudi Arabia — RT News

StarLink resurfaces: GM corn banned decade ago found in Saudi Arabia — RT News

The Saudi Arabian food chain has been widely contaminated with GM ingredients, according to a new study. The findings include controversial StarLink maize banned for human consumption in the US over ten years ago.

From CCS to unsustainable biomass: the revolving door in EU climate and energy policy | Corporate Europe Observatory

From CCS to unsustainable biomass: the revolving door in EU climate and energy policy | Corporate Europe Observatory

How the revolving door affects EU climate and energy policy

Treating Yaws with MSF - Adventure Medic

Treating Yaws with MSF - Adventure Medic

Al Qaeda Rebels Used Sarin Nerve Gas in Syria Attack - | Intellihub.com

Al Qaeda Rebels Used Sarin Nerve Gas in Syria Attack - | Intellihub.com

Inside Story - Is the UK intimidating journalists? - YouTube

Inside Story - Is the UK intimidating journalists? - YouTube

Inside Story - Syria: Chemical warfare? - YouTube

Inside Story - Syria: Chemical warfare? - YouTube

As Strikes on Syria Loom, Is U.S. Ignoring a Diplomatic Track That Could Prevent More Violence? - YouTube

As Strikes on Syria Loom, Is U.S. Ignoring a Diplomatic Track That Could Prevent More Violence? - YouTube

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, August 28 - YouTube

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, August 28 - YouTube

No strike on Syria before G20 summit: Russian experts | EurActiv

No strike on Syria before G20 summit: Russian experts | EurActiv

Leaders of the group of the G20 major economies are set to debate sanctions against Syria in a 5-6 September meeting in St Petersburg, with Western nations led by the United States preparing for air strikes in retaliation to a recent chemical attack on civilians.

#Anonymous publica los documentos del PP (Partido Polular Español) ~ Anonymous Iberoamérica

#Anonymous publica los documentos del PP (Partido Polular Español) ~ Anonymous Iberoamérica

# Anonymous publishes documents PP (Partido Polular Spanish)

COMPARTE: Recopilación videos: abuso de autoridad en Colombia Agosto 26 2013 - YouTube

COMPARTE: Recopilación videos: abuso de autoridad en Colombia Agosto 26 2013 - YouTube


Compilation videos: abuse of authority in Colombia August 26, 2013 

The video is not far from reality, though, this is worse in Colombia. Remember that during the previous government of Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010), with then Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos current president, there were more than 2000 (!) Innocent people killed by members of the army. On the other hand, ironically the police motto is "All with one heart" What heart?



SPAIN -- La bandera de la Segunda República vuelve a ondear en París - Público.es

La bandera de la Segunda República vuelve a ondear en París - Público.es

The flag of the Second Republic in Paris turns to wave

De Verdad Digital | Secuestrados por la troika

De Verdad Digital | Secuestrados por la troika

Kidnapped by the Troika

Los coches consumen hasta un 45% más de lo que anuncian oficialmente - Ecomotor.es

Los coches consumen hasta un 45% más de lo que anuncian oficialmente - Ecomotor.es

 Make Model Version Cars consume up to 45% more than officially announced

SPAIN -- ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT -- Las Vegas Sands paga 35 millones para eludir un juicio en un caso de blanqueo | Madrid | EL PAÍS

Las Vegas Sands paga 35 millones para eludir un juicio en un caso de blanqueo | Madrid | EL PAÍS:


Las Vegas Sands pays 35 million to avoid a trial in a case of laundering

Naked Juice class action settlement announced: Here's how to claim $45 from PepsiCo even without proof of purchase

Naked Juice class action settlement announced: Here's how to claim $45 from PepsiCo even without proof of purchase

The PepsiCo / Naked Juice class action settlement has just been announced! Remember, PepsiCo bankrolled the campaign to defeat Prop 37 and prevent GMOs from being labeled. Now they are forced to hand out $9 million in settlement fees. Anyone who bought Naked Juice can claim up to $45 from PepsiCo even without proof of purchase! Here's how to file a claim: http://www.naturalnews.com/041817_Naked_Juice_class_action_settlement_claim_form.html

SPAIN -- ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT -- La policía eleva a 400.000 la mordida del político que montaba los actos de Aguirre | Política | EL PAÍS

La policía eleva a 400.000 la mordida del político que montaba los actos de Aguirre | Política | EL PAÍS

The police rises to 400,000 political bite of riding Aguirre acts

SPAIN --- ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT -- Caso Bárcenas: Cristóbal Páez cobró 350.000 euros de más tras ocultar los papeles de Bárcenas | elmundo.es

Caso Bárcenas: Cristóbal Páez cobró 350.000 euros de más tras ocultar los papeles de Bárcenas | elmundo.es:

Christopher Paez claimed 350,000 euros more after hiding Barcenas papers

Obama Pushing Nation Into World War 3 - YouTube

Obama Pushing Nation Into World War 3 - YouTube

Herbs For Pain Relief

Herbs For Pain Relief

Choose your (Facebook) friends wisely: Companies assess social media accounts before lending — RT USA

Choose your (Facebook) friends wisely: Companies assess social media accounts before lending — RT USA

The U.S., Britain and Israel have Used Chemical Weapons within the Last 10 Years | Washington's Blog

The U.S., Britain and Israel have Used Chemical Weapons within the Last 10 Years | Washington's Blog

The U.S., Britain and Israel have Used Chemical Weapons within the Last 10 Years

The U.S., Britain and Israel have Used Chemical Weapons within the Last 10 Years

Those Condemning Syria Have Themselves Recently Used Chemical Weapons

Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran - By Shane Harris and Matthew M. Aid | Foreign Policy

Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran - By Shane Harris and Matthew M. Aid | Foreign Policy

The Chemical-Weapon Taboo and America's Next War | Free Speech TV

The Chemical-Weapon Taboo and America's Next War | Free Speech TV

Leaked Documents: US Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack - YouTube

Leaked Documents: US Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack - YouTube

ARGENTINA ---- Vaca Muerta, agua contaminada para los pueblos | AIM Digital

Vaca Muerta, agua contaminada para los pueblos | AIM Digital

Vaca Muerta contaminated water to the villages

Friedman on racial discrimination « Understanding Society

Friedman on racial discrimination « Understanding Society

Milton Friedman argues that racial #discrimination in #employment is essentially impossible within a market #economy. In his "#Capitalism and Freedom" Friedman expresses skepticism about whether the concept of “discrimination” even makes sense within a market economy. So taking steps through legislation to reduce the harmful effects of racial discrimination in hiring (and presumably in #housing) is an illegitimate use of the force of government, according to Friedman. In fact, he compares efforts to do so to the Hitler Nuremberg laws (p. 111). Friedman's analysis of racial discrimination is a striking example of the ways in which adherence to a theory can blind a person to the patent social realities around him or her. And once we see the realities of how racial discrimination and coercion worked in America, it is incumbent upon us as a society to put aside our stylized theories and attack the problem. #Inequality #neoliberalism

» Assad: Syria Is A Sovereign Country Fighting al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Assad: Syria Is A Sovereign Country Fighting al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 27 August | Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 27 August | Human Rights Watch

When President Obama speaks tomorrow on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, he will be surveying a landscape very different from that of 1963. http://trib.al/21lImP2

'Falluja Babies' and Depleted Uranium -- America's Toxic Legacy in Iraq | Alternet

'Falluja Babies' and Depleted Uranium -- America's Toxic Legacy in Iraq | Alternet

» Facebook Succumbs to 38,000 Government Requests for User Info in 2013 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Facebook Succumbs to 38,000 Government Requests for User Info in 2013 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - Trapwire - YouTube

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - Trapwire - YouTube

» Skull and Bones Kerry Prime Suspect in Syria Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Skull and Bones Kerry Prime Suspect in Syria Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Western Logic on Syria: 'We Need to Bomb It to Save It'

Western Logic on Syria: 'We Need to Bomb It to Save It'

War Propaganda and Media Lies within the Syria Conflict | Global Research TV

War Propaganda and Media Lies within the Syria Conflict | Global Research TV

Herbs For Acid Reflux

Herbs For Acid Reflux

The Ecology of a Police State

The Ecology of a Police State

A provocative premise, but the author has an excellent point. Read the article here: http://bit.ly/17i5Hxg

"Imagine being an environmental activist in a world where police can get away with killing young people for vandalizing a fast food joint; where a government’s local law enforcers are collaborating with giant energy corporations to stifle opposition; where a sheriff demands funding for a program urging neighbors to snitch on anyone who says they hate said government.

Sadly it doesn’t take much imagination, does it? In case you weren’t inspired to click the embedded links above, they reference recent stories of these things occurring in the US.

In light of this reality, it’s crystal clear that global ecology will never be stabilized as long as the police have anything to do with it.

That’s right. Stopping the tar sands’ atmospheric climate bomb, keeping GMOs out of our food, and defending wolves’ ability to restore biodiversity depends on getting rid of the fuzz. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new movement initiative that aims to reduce the CO2 parts per million (ppm) by simultaneously slashing the cpms (cops per million). Cops are not only the industrial empire’s first line of defense against, well, us. They are also massive usurpers of the public financial resources that might otherwise be put towards restoring the Earth." - http://bit.ly/17i5Hxg