miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016
Human rights abuses in your shopping basket | Amnesty International
Human rights abuses in your shopping basket | Amnesty International
Ben &
Jerry’s, Colgate, Dove, Pantene and KitKat are just some of the
thousands of popular brands that use palm oil. But where does that palm
oil come from?
Palm oil is a commodity in massive demand for its use
in a wide range of basic products from ice-cream and chocolate to
shampoo and toothpaste.
Most companies will tell you that the palm oil they use is
“sustainable” – meaning that it is environmentally friendly and the
workers are treated fairly.
But an Amnesty International investigation has revealed that some of the world’s biggest companies
- including Colgate, Nestlé and Unilever - are contributing to child
labour and wretched conditions for other workers on palm oil
Abuses are also taking place on plantations run by companies who are
certified as "sustainable", meaning even brands you buy marked as made
with “sustainable” or “certified palm oil” could be tainted by human
rights abuses.
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : The Only Way Trump Could Actually ‘Drain the Swamp’
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : The Only Way Trump Could Actually ‘Drain the Swamp’
President-elect Donald Trump’s message for the nation’s senior
military leadership is ambiguously unambiguous. Here is he on 60 Minutes
just days after winning the election.
Trump: “We have some great generals. We have great generals.”
Lesley Stahl: “You said you knew more than the generals about ISIS.”
Trump: “Well, I’ll be honest with you, I probably do because look at
the job they’ve done. OK, look at the job they’ve done. They haven’t
done the job.”
In reality, Trump, the former reality-show host,
knows next to nothing about ISIS, one of many gaps in his education that
his impending encounter with actual reality is likely to fill. Yet when
it comes to America’s generals, our president-to-be is on to something.
No doubt our three- and four-star officers qualify as “great” in the
sense that they mean well, work hard, and are altogether fine men and
women. That they have not “done the job,” however, is indisputable—at
least if their job is to bring America’s wars to a timely and successful
From Bush to Trump: Culture, Economy and War. The Pillars of the New World Order | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
From Bush to Trump: Culture, Economy and War. The Pillars of the New World Order | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Looking at US history over a fairly long period of time, it is easy to
see the destructive path that has accompanied the expansion of the
American empire over the last seventy years.
Comment perdre une élection, par Jerome Karabel (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2016)
Comment perdre une élection, par Jerome Karabel (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2016)
Dossier États-Unis, en kiosques — Un adversaire désavoué par son propre
camp, une évolution démographique favorable, des moyens financiers
considérables : les démocrates avaient
toutes les cartes en main pour remporter l’élection présidentielle. Ils
ont finalement été défaits, victimes de leur stratégie désastreuse.
Watergate-Era Intelligence Experts Call for Leniency for Snowden | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
Watergate-Era Intelligence Experts Call for Leniency for Snowden | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
Snowden, it would have been decades, if ever, until Americans learned
what intelligence agencies acting in our name had been up to.'
The signatories say NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden should receive leniency, if not a full pardon. (Photo: Maik Meid/flickr/cc)
Chomsky: Das Propagandamodell
Chomsky: Das Propagandamodell
Noam Chomsky: Propaganda Model & the Political Economy of Mass Media
The following video is a historical lecture held by Prof. Noam Chomsky
at the Unversity of Wisconsin on the evening of March 15, 1989. In this
talk, Prof. Chomsky introduces the propaganda model and explains how
propaganda and systemic biases function in mass media by providing
numerous examples from their coverage on foreign affairs. We translated
the first part of this speech into German – please donate today
so we can translate all historical speeces of Prof. Noam Chomsky and
archieve them digitally into multiple languages by clicking here.
The following questions and more will be answered in the following video:
What is the history of propaganda and how was it employed throughout the 20th century?
How does the government control the flow of information in corporate
media outlets such as the Washington Post and New York Times? And how
are these corporate institutions structured to enhance the flow of
With what methods is the spectrum of debate and democratic participation held limited?
What did the social grassroots movements in the 1960’s influence and
how did the establishment institutions view these developments?
is the history of US foreign policy and propaganda in Latin America?
What implications did this have on the people in this region?
IDF strikes ISIS compound in Syria after militants’ 1st cross-border attack — RT News
IDF strikes ISIS compound in Syria after militants’ 1st cross-border attack — RT News
The IDF ordered an airstrike on Islamic State’s facility in the south of
the Syrian Golan Heights after militants opened small arms and mortar
fire on an Israeli patrol on Sunday. Local media said it was the first
encounter between the two sides.

Israeli soldiers from the 605 Combat Engineering Corps
battalion take part in a training session on the Israeli side of the
border between Syria and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. © Baz
Ratner / Reuters
De l’art d’ignorer le peuple, par Anne-Cécile Robert (Le Monde diplomatique, octobre 2016)
De l’art d’ignorer le peuple, par Anne-Cécile Robert (Le Monde diplomatique, octobre 2016)
Considérer que le rétablissement de la primauté de la démocratie
conduirait à des formes nouvelles de tyrannie et de démagogie revient à
prêter aux citoyens des desseins plus noirs que ceux qui animent le
personnel dirigeant et son mépris de classe.
Millions of Muslims March Against ISIS During Pilgrimage and Mainstream Media Completely Ignores It
Millions of Muslims March Against ISIS During Pilgrimage and Mainstream Media Completely Ignores It
In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world,
tens of millions of Shia Muslims made an incredibly heartening
statement, by risking their lives to travel through war-stricken areas
to openly defy ISIS. This massive event that would have undoubtedly
helped to ease tensions in the West was almost entirely ignored by
corporate media.
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/20-million-muslims-march…/…
Bahraini journalist Faisal Hayyat detained over tweet about religion | RSF
Bahraini journalist Faisal Hayyat detained over tweet about religion | RSF
Without Borders (RSF) denounces the conviction of Bahraini journalist
and blogger Faisal Hayyat for allegedly insulting religion in a tweet.
Placed in pre-trial detention on 9 October, he now faces three months in
On 29 November a Bahraini court sentenced Faisal Hayyat, a journalist who hosts a satirical channel on YouTube, to three months in prison for a tweet deemed to have insulted a “religious symbol and group.” It is not yet known if he plans to appeal.
The Criminal Investigation Directorate interrogated and arrested Hayyat on 9 October, a few days after he posted an open letter
to the Bahraini authorities on social networks in which he referred to
the conditions in which he was detained in 2011 and criticized
governmental corruption and free speech violations.
The Western War on Truth
The Western War on Truth
Paul Craig Roberts
The “war on terror” has simultaneously been a war on truth. For fifteen
years—from 9/11 to Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction” and
“al Qaeda connections,” “Iranian nukes,” “Assad’s use of chemical
weapons,” endless lies about Gadaffi, “Russian invasion of Ukraine”—the
governments of the so-called Western democracies have found it essential
to align themselves firmly with lies in order to pursue their agendas.
Now these Western governments are attempting to discredit the
truthtellers who challenge their lies.
Press Turned Servile to the Authors of the US Decline
Press Turned Servile to the Authors of the US Decline
As the days have ticked past since the U.S. election, its
implications, especially for the press, have been interpreted with
agonizing slowness. The polls, so inaccurate,
yet uniformly revealed public disrespect for the press. Ninety per cent
of conventional press was hostile to Donald Trump, and 90 per cent of
polling organizations predicted a comfortable Clinton victory.
Read more: http://www.strategic-culture.org/…/press-turned-servile-aut…
Did Britain Use Armed Forces Disguised As Police Against Its Citizens? - TruePublica
Did Britain Use Armed Forces Disguised As Police Against Its Citizens? - TruePublica
Article Start: The information – from a source whose
bona fides are beyond question – was immediately attacked by an
employee of Blairite PR firm Portland Communications, which if anything
enhances its credibility:
Over recent weeks, the SKWAWKBOX
has been privileged to provide explosive eyewitness testimony showing
the involvement of military personnel impersonating police officers
against striking miners at The Battle of Orgreave in 1984.
As a result of that series of articles, this writer was contacted by a
former army officer (bona fides established) – whom we’ll call “Major
X” – who confirmed that soldiers ‘routinely’ masqueraded as police
officers in operations against what both the Blair and Major governments
considered ‘extremist groups’ – but with a mind-blowing stretching of
any definition of ‘extremist’. A ‘trailer’ of this testimony was
published last weekend, pending a full account from the ex-military
WikiLeaks - The HBGary Emails
WikiLeaks - The HBGary Emails
RELEASE: Over 60,000 emails from US cyber-intelligence contractor #HBGary now searchable. https://wikileaks.org/hbgary-emails/?bb
Why the West Falsifies the History of World War II
Why the West Falsifies the History of World War II
The origins and waging of World War II are of special interest to
western politicians, past and present. The American propaganda was
preposterous given the history of the
1930s as we now know it from various European archives. Was there ever a
gesture of ingratitude greater than US accusations blaming the USSR
for the origins of the war and covering up the huge contribution of the
Red Army to the common victory against Nazi Germany? These days in the
west the role of the Soviet people in destroying Nazism is practically
Read more: http://www.strategic-culture.org/…/why-the-west-falsifies-t…
Inside Palestine’s Refugee Camps | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
Inside Palestine’s Refugee Camps | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
On #PalestineDay,
learn why 2.2 million Palestinians are refugees in their own country,
illegally blocked from returning home, and go inside two of the most
attacked refugee camps in Palestine's West Bank with The Empire Files: http://bit.ly/2g31gPH
How Palestine Became Colonized – The Untold History of Israel | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
How Palestine Became Colonized – The Untold History of Israel | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
Today is the International Day of Solidarity with #Palestine. Take the time to learn the true history of Zionist colonization & expulsion of the country's indigenous people on The Empire Files: http://bit.ly/2gGde1w
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : They Attack Us for Telling The Truth. Let's Fight Back
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : They Attack Us for Telling The Truth. Let's Fight Back
The mainstream media continues to lose audience, revenue, and most
importantly credibility. Why is that? Much of it is due to the fact that
thanks to the Internet, independent organizations can rise up to
challenge the monopoly on ideas that they once enforced. Now, the
Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, etc. can be taken to task when
they falsely report and distort the news. When they wear their biases so
clearly on their sleeve that they resemble Pravda of old.
'Washington Post' 'Blacklist' Story Is Shameful, Disgusting - Rolling Stone
'Washington Post' 'Blacklist' Story Is Shameful, Disgusting - Rolling Stone
Last week, a technology reporter for the Washington Post named Craig
Timberg ran an incredible story. It has no analog that I can think of in
modern times. Headlined "Russian propaganda effort helped spread 'fake
news' during election, experts say," the piece promotes the work of a
shadowy group that smears some 200 alternative news outlets as either
knowing or unwitting agents of a foreign power, including popular sites
like Truthdig and Naked Capitalism.
propaganda effort helped spread 'fake news' during election, experts
Joe Raedle/Getty
Abuse of Rohingya Muslims in Burma may be 'crimes against humanity' | The Independent
Abuse of Rohingya Muslims in Burma may be 'crimes against humanity' | The Independent
Rohingya Muslims in Burma may be the victims of crimes against humanity, the UN's rights agency has said.
The army has been accused of carrying out a bloody crackdown in the
western state of Rakhine, leading thousands of the long-persecuted
Muslim minority to cross the border into Bangladesh this month.
They have made horrifying claims of gang rape, torture and murder at the hands of security forces.
Around 30,000 have fled their homes and analysis of satellite images
by Human Rights Watch found hundreds of buildings in Rohingya villages
have been burned.
taken by the Burmese military, in a refugee camp in Teknaf in southern
Cox's Bazar district UZ ZAMAN/AFP/Getty Images
Some trade deals on hold after Trump’s election, but danger lurks in the lesser-known Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) | bilaterals.org
Some trade deals on hold after Trump’s election, but danger lurks in the lesser-known Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) | bilaterals.org
Here are ten ways that the TiSA could fundamentally affect jobs and the
labor market, based on provisions in the leaked texts, some of which
have been accepted by all parties and some of which are under
Journalist still under house arrest, cannot receive treatment abroad | RSF
Journalist still under house arrest, cannot receive treatment abroad | RSF
Beijing court has told journalist Gao Yu that she can continue serving
her five-year jail term under a form of house arrest for another year
from 26 November but has warned her that she could be sent her back to
prison “at any time.”
She meanwhile remains under close police surveillance and continues to be banned from receiving medical treatment abroad.
Judge Li Yongling issued the decision coupled with the warning on 25 November. Radio Free Asia has quoted anonymous sources as saying the warning was a message that the government was sending via the justice system.
Civil society open letter to governments in the 16 RCEP countries | bilaterals.org
Civil society open letter to governments in the 16 RCEP countries | bilaterals.org
TPP rules in RCEP must be rejected! More than 300 civil society organizations write an #openletter to the 16 RCEP governments. With the demise of the TPP, there
is no justification for adhering to the TPP texts in RCEP because these
have no mandate. Governments should not bring the toxic content of the
TPP into the RCEP and instead #stopRCEP negotiations. Read the letter by 316 CSOs.
Iran : 80 coups de fouet pour avoir été dans une fête mixte
Iran : 80 coups de fouet pour avoir été dans une fête mixte
None of the media outlets inside Iran have covered the voilence of
lashing women for crimes such as attending mixed-gender parties . Why?
روز بین المللی خشونت علیه
جهان بود و همه در مورد خشونت خانگی نوشتند و حرف زدند چند رسانه در داخل
ایران در مورد تداوم خشونت حکومتی یعنی شلاق و زندان به جرم مهمانی مختلط
نوشتند؟ در قرن بیست یک هنوز قوانین عقب مانده می گویند زن نامحرم اگر با
مردی برقصد و شادی کند نه تنها خودش بلکه مرد همراه او نیز باید شلاق
En français / In French:
Aucun parmi les organes de presse internes à l'Iran n'a rendu compte de
la voilence de fouetter des femmes pour des crimes comme se rendre à
des fêtes mixtes. Pourquoi ?
Le « crime » se serait produit il y a 2 ans. Peu après son arrestation,
on l’aurait conduite à une clinique afin de vérifier si elle avait
consommé de l’alcool. Quand elle aurait refusé de se mettre nue, une
employée lui aurait répondu : « Vraiment ? Tu ne sembles pas
inconfortable de le faire devant des hommes pourtant. »
Some trade deals on hold after Trump’s election, but danger lurks in the lesser-known Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) | bilaterals.org
Some trade deals on hold after Trump’s election, but danger lurks in the lesser-known Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) | bilaterals.org
Here are ten ways that the TiSA could fundamentally affect jobs and the
labor market, based on provisions in the leaked texts, some of which
have been accepted by all parties and some of which are under
martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016
The Empire Files: How Palestine Became Colonized - YouTube
The Empire Files: How Palestine Became Colonized - YouTube
In honor of today's International Day in Solidarity with the
Palestinian People, learn & share why this day is so important. This
history told by Abby Martin is one of the greatest injustices of the modern era.
WATCH on teleSUR English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT5L4YU_Fl4&t=722s
'State of Surveillance' with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (FULL EPISODE) - YouTube
'State of Surveillance' with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (FULL EPISODE) - YouTube:
The full episode of VICE on HBO's 'State of Surveillance' is available to stream for free on VICE News.
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked details of massive government
surveillance programs in 2013, he ignited a raging debate over digital
privacy and security. That debate came to a head this year, when Apple
refused an FBI court order to access the iPhone of alleged San
Bernardino Terrorist Syed Farook. Meanwhile, journalists and activists
are under increasing attack from foreign agents. To find out the
government's real capabilities, and whether any of us can truly protect
our sensitive information, VICE founder Shane Smith heads to Moscow to
meet the man who started the conversation, Edward Snowden.
VICE on HBO Season 1: http://bit.ly/1BAQdq5
VICE on HBO Season 2:http://bit.ly/1LBL8y6
VICE on HBO Season 3:http://bit.ly/1XaNpct
Check out VICE News' continuing coverage of Edward Snowden and the surveillance debate:
Snowden Claims 'Deceptive' NSA Still Has Proof He Tried to Raise Surveillance Concerns: http://bit.ly/25MqUfD
Exclusive: Snowden Tried to Tell NSA About Surveillance Concerns, Documents Reveal: http://bit.ly/1TVVkog
Aleppo: How US-Saudi Backed Rebels Target ‘Every Syrian'
Aleppo: How US-Saudi Backed Rebels Target ‘Every Syrian'
were living in security and peace. These areas are being targeted, they
want to force us to leave. Every Syrian is being targeted,’ one Syrian
religious leader told a delegation of Western journalists who visited
Aleppo this month.
War diary by Western journalist Eva Bartlett on the truth about #Aleppo.
Overlooking the terrorist-occupied Bustan al-Qasr district of eastern Aleppo. Nov. 4, 2016. (Photo: Eva Bartlett)
Obama Administration Opposes Election Recount Effort in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Obama Administration Opposes Election Recount Effort in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Obama administration is opposing efforts to recount the presidential
election vote in the three key states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and
Britain’s GCHQ Virtually A Branch Office Of America’s NSA – Parliament Unable To Hold It To Account | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Britain’s GCHQ Virtually A Branch Office Of America’s NSA – Parliament Unable To Hold It To Account | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The NSA and GCHQ are virtually joined at the hip. GCHQ shares nearly all
the data it collects, and relies on US technology for its key
operations. “If there were a crisis in the relationship between the UK
and the US, what risks would our shared intelligence arrangements pose?”
We asked this question in our 2015 report about the Snowden leaks. We
might be about to find out the answer.
'Fidel Castro Is Not Dead'
'Fidel Castro Is Not Dead'
By Vanessa Baird
/ newint.org
There was a minute’s silence at Adelante, the yearly gathering of
Latin America activists in London on Saturday who had woken up to news
that Fidel Castro was no more.
And then another minute’s silence at the end of the day, rich in
tributes to the towering figure of socialism and internationalism.
It was fitting. Just one minute would barely reflect the
revolutionary leader who rarely gave a speech lasting less than four
hours and ruled Cuba for five decades.
But the achievements that most people kept coming back to during the
day, were not leadership or longevity but two ordinary areas of everyday
life: health and education.
Under Castro’s leadership, Cuba went from being a country of poor and
largely illiterate people, to one that puts most of the rest of the
Western world to shame with its impressive health and
education statistics.
As rich countries, such as the US and Britain, have fostered
growing inequality and are failing to meet the public health and
education needs of their populations, Cuba has for years provided high
quality free health care and education for all. The result: a literacy
rate higher than the US’s and life expectancy that equals it.
The 'Washington Post' 'Blacklist' Story Is Shameful and Disgusting
The 'Washington Post' 'Blacklist' Story Is Shameful and Disgusting
By Matt Taibbi
/ rollingstone.com
Last week, a technology reporter for the Washington Post named
Craig Timberg ran an incredible story. It has no analog that I can
think of in modern times. Headlined "Russian propaganda effort helped
spread 'fake news' during election, experts say," the piece promotes
the work of a shadowy group that smears some 200 alternative news
outlets as either knowing or unwitting agents of a foreign power,
including popular sites like Truthdig and Naked Capitalism.
The thrust of Timberg's astonishingly lazy report is that a Russian
intelligence operation of some kind was behind the publication of a
"hurricane" of false news reports during the election season, in
particular stories harmful to Hillary Clinton. The piece referenced
those 200 websites as "routine peddlers of Russian propaganda."
The piece relied on what it claimed were "two teams of
independent researchers," but the citing of a report by the longtime
anticommunist Foreign Policy Research Institute was really window
The meat of the story relied on a report by unnamed analysts from a single mysterious "organization" called PropOrNot –
we don't know if it's one person or, as it claims, over 30 – a "group"
that seems to have been in existence for just a few months.
It was PropOrNot's report that identified what it calls "the list"
of 200 offending sites. Outlets as diverse as AntiWar.com,
LewRockwell.com and the Ron Paul Institute were described as either
knowingly directed by Russian intelligence, or "useful idiots" who
unwittingly did the bidding of foreign masters.
Forget that the Post offered no information about the
"PropOrNot" group beyond that they were "a collection of researchers
with foreign policy, military and technology backgrounds."
The 'Washington Post' ran a piece last week headlined "Russian
propaganda effort helped spread 'fake news' during election, experts
say." (Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty)
rEVILution: Rise of the Christofascists (2016)
rEVILution: Rise of the Christofascists (2016)
'The following documentary examines the roll Christianity plays in
American right-wing politics and the radicalizing effect it has had.
Republicans often say that a handful of radicals represent the entire
Muslim community. Should Christians be held to the same standard?'
Dakota Access Pipeline: Thousands of veterans are heading to Standing Rock to stand in solidarity with protesters | The Independent
Dakota Access Pipeline: Thousands of veterans are heading to Standing Rock to stand in solidarity with protesters | The Independent
Two thousand veterans are planning to join the Standing Rock Indian Reservation protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline.
The day before the US Army Corps of Engineers plans to close camps in
North Dakota, as many as 2,000 military veterans are expected to stand
in solidarity with the Native Americans and the protesters who have
endured months of extreme weather, pepper spray, water cannons, as well
as alleged use of grenades by police. Protests were mostly peaceful
until they turned violent in late November.
The event, Veterans for Standing Rock, is calling for participants to
"assemble as a peaceful, unarmed militia" to stand against protesters
being assaulted and intimidated by law enforcement.

The event organisers have asked veterans to bring body armour and gas masks, but leave weapons at home Reuters
Analysis of the TiSA “annex on transparency” | bilaterals.org
Analysis of the TiSA “annex on transparency” | bilaterals.org
Transparency in TiSA is asymmetrical in favoring large corporations that
are financially strong and well established, while ordinary citizens
lack opportunities and the access to actually make use of transparency.
Record number of boat migrants reach Italy in 2016 – EurActiv.com
Record number of boat migrants reach Italy in 2016 – EurActiv.com
As of November 28, 171,299 boat migrants had reached Italy’s shores, the
Interior Ministry said, compared to the previous record of 170,100 for
all of 2014.

A boat overcrowded with migrants trying to reach Italy.
John Pilger: The Coming War On China - TruePublica
John Pilger: The Coming War On China - TruePublica
John Pilger’s new film – The
Coming War on China – will be in UK cinemas from Monday 5 December 2016
and on ITV at 10.35pm on Tuesday 6 December in both the UK and Ireland.
The Australian cinema release will be in February 2017 and the film will
be broadcast on SBS shortly after.
Watch the trailer
View cinema screenings
Read latest reviews
“The aim of this film is to break a silence: the United States and China
may well be on the road to war, and nuclear war is no longer
unthinkable” – John Pilger
Read more from John Pilger about the film here
This new feature-length documentary by award-winning journalist and
filmmaker John Pilger is his 60th film for television. Coming straight
after the election of President Trump, the film is one of John Pilger’s
most timely and urgent investigations and is both a warning and an
inspiring story of people’s resistance.
European and Canadian civil society groups call for rejection of CETA | bilaterals.org
European and Canadian civil society groups call for rejection of CETA | bilaterals.org
[EN] 455 European and Canadian civil society groups call for rejection of #CETA
[FR] 455 organisations de la société civile en Europe et au Canada rejettent le #CETA
lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016
L’ordolibéralisme allemand, cage de fer pour le Vieux Continent, par François Denord, Rachel Knaebel & Pierre Rimbert (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2015)
L’ordolibéralisme allemand, cage de fer pour le Vieux Continent, par François Denord, Rachel Knaebel & Pierre Rimbert (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2015)
Ordolibéral, François Fillon
? L'ordolibéralisme est une forme de néolibéralisme inventée outre-Rhin
il y a huit décennies, aujourd'hui incarnée par le ministre allemand
des finances Wolfgang Schäuble. C'est surtout « une référence ductile,
mais très légitime, car associée à l’idée de refondation — un peu comme
le gaullisme en France. »
Quand la société dit « non », par Bernard Cassen (Le Monde diplomatique, janvier 1996)
Quand la société dit « non », par Bernard Cassen (Le Monde diplomatique, janvier 1996)
« Quand la société dit non » (en souvenir du mouvement social de novembre - décembre 1995 en France, contre l'Europe libérale)
Agrochemicals - The Cesspool Of Corruption And Regulation of Glyphosate - TruePublica
Agrochemicals - The Cesspool Of Corruption And Regulation of Glyphosate - TruePublica
By Colin Todhunter
– In her recent open letter to the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason documents what
amounts to a cesspool of corruption surrounding sections of the
agrochemicals industry and the regulation of glyphosate (as found in
Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup).
As with all her previous ‘open
letters’ to officials, Mason cites ample sources to support her
arguments and claims, not least those about the health- and
environment-damaging impacts of glyphosate, a highly financially lucrative product for Monsanto. Readers may access these sources by consulting her original 15-page letter to the EPA here: open-letter-to-us-enviro nmental-protection-agency- about-glyphosate-and-the- international-monsanto-tribuna l
Mason notes that CropLife America, the agribusiness lobby
association, put pressure on the EPA to exclude individuals who had in
the past expressed a negative opinion of glyphosate from sitting on the
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Scientific
Advisory Panel (SAP). EPA immediately bowed to that request and delayed
the date of the SAP to find further figures approved by industry. She
documents in some detail how Croplife America pressured the FIFRA SAP to
rely on assessments of glyphosate tainted by conflicts of interest and
wanted to have excluded specific scientists from the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (whose negative evaluation of
glyphosate had upset the industry) and the Consensus Statement on
Glyphosate written by 16 scientists.
BREAKING: Putin Reveals ISIS Funded by 40 Countries, Including G20 Members
BREAKING: Putin Reveals ISIS Funded by 40 Countries, Including G20 Members
“I provided examples based on our data on the financing of
different Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) units by private
individuals. This money, as we have established, comes from 40 countries
and, there are some of the G20 members among them,” Putin told reporters.
#Putin: #ISIS income comes from #oil trade. I showed my colleagues satellite images of endless truck columns. #G20 pic.twitter.com/Dh70rNHjiV
— Russia Direct (@Russia_Direct) November 16, 2015
In addition to discussing the need to stop the flow of donor money to
ISIS, Putin also reiterated the need to stop the illegal oil trade by
“I’ve shown our colleagues photos taken from space and from
aircraft which clearly demonstrate the scale of the illegal trade in oil
and petroleum products,” he said.
“The motorcade of refueling vehicles stretched for dozens of
kilometers, so that from a height of 4,000 to 5,000 meters they stretch
beyond the horizon,” Putin said.
Putin has announced that he has shared intelligence with the other G20
member states, which reveals the 40 countries from which ISIS finances
the majority of their terrorist activities. The list reportedly included
a number of G20 countries.
India’s Demonetization “Shock Therapy”: State Sponsored Financial Repression | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
India’s Demonetization “Shock Therapy”: State Sponsored Financial Repression | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
SRIDHAR CHAKRAVARTHI RAMAN: Critics of demonetisation were shouted down
as unpatriotic with the passionate fervor of McCarthyism. Donning the
mantle of a messianic prophet PM Modi exhorted the poorest of the poor
to move towards a cashless society. Cutting beneath the masochistic
hysteria of pain and national sacrifice whipped up by the propaganda
machine of corporate media and the Modi government, one discerns
fundamental flaws in the argument that demonetization eradicates black
money and counterfeit currency. It is as absurd as arguing that to
prevent bank robberies one has to completely shut down the banks.
The ‘Worker President’ and the Banker Regime: Brazil under Lula Da Silva 2003-2010 | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The ‘Worker President’ and the Banker Regime: Brazil under Lula Da Silva 2003-2010 | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Leftwing academics, writers and journalists have written
tendentious articles where they manage to transform reactionary
political leaders into working class heroes and present their dreadful
policies as progressive advances.
Recently, leftist pundits throughout US and Latin America have
plagued the reading public with gross distortions of historical events
contributing, in their own way, to the demise of the left and the rise
of the right.
Washington Post’s ‘Fake News’ Guilt – Consortiumnews
Washington Post’s ‘Fake News’ Guilt – Consortiumnews
Exclusive: The “fake news” theme has captivated The Washington Post
and the mainstream U.S. media so much that it is stooping to
McCarthyistic smears against news outlets that don’t toe the State Department’s propaganda line, says Robert Parry.

Lawyer Roy Cohn (right) with Sen. Joseph McCarthy.
The West’s Shift Toward Repression – Consortiumnews
The West’s Shift Toward Repression – Consortiumnews
The West’s “liberal democracies” are undergoing a shift toward
repression with new initiatives to spy on citizens and punish
whistleblowers who expose government abuses, observes ex-British
intelligence officer Annie Machon.
Land Destroyer: Fake News Alert: CNN Finally Admits White Helmets Staged Fake Video
Land Destroyer: Fake News Alert: CNN Finally Admits White Helmets Staged Fake Video
While CNN's article is still full of lies and omissions, I wonder if
they would have said anything at all if it weren't for the influence of
the alternative media to force their hand and set the agenda...
A brief history of war and drugs: From Vikings to Nazis - News from Al Jazeera
A brief history of war and drugs: From Vikings to Nazis - News from Al Jazeera
Recent publications have revealed that narcotics are as much a part of conflict as bullets.
A brief history of war and drugs: From Vikings to Nazis - News from Al Jazeera
A brief history of war and drugs: From Vikings to Nazis - News from Al Jazeera
Recent publications have revealed that narcotics are as much a part of conflict as bullets.
UpFront special: Noam Chomsky on the new Trump era - Al Jazeera English
UpFront special: Noam Chomsky on the new Trump era - Al Jazeera English
Chomsky calls Trump an "ignorant, thin-skinned megalomaniac".
(via UpFront)
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