martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Notes on the Khashoggi Case
US-Saudi relations are a constant disaster where one unexpected horrible
With Shoe on Other Foot, Trump Admin Mum on Syria “Rebel” Chemical Attack in Aleppo
With Shoe on Other Foot, Trump Admin Mum on Syria “Rebel” Chemical Attack in Aleppo
Despite the fact that chemical weapons were used by al Qaeda-linked
militants in Idlib, the U.S. government and its allies have thus far
been silent about the recent attack — a
starkly different response from their bombing of Syria after its
government was falsely alleged to have used chemicals in April.…/…/
Opinion | The Monopolization of America - The New York Times
Opinion | The Monopolization of America - The New York Times
the first part of New York Times columnist David Leonhardt's latest on
the intensification of the monopolization of the U.S. economy. While
the growth of inequality has been much
discussed, monopolization hasn't and it's the same thing at the level of
the corporation. Important stuff. Tom
"The popular telling of the Boston Tea Party gets something wrong. The
colonists were not responding to a tax increase. They were responding to
the Tea Act of 1773, which granted a tea monopoly in the colonies to
the well-connected East India Company. Merchants based in the Americas
would be shut out of the market.
"Many colonists, already upset
about taxation without representation and other indignities, were
enraged. In response, dozens of them stormed three ships in Boston
Harbor on the night of Dec. 16, 1773, and tossed chests of East India
tea — “that worst of plagues, the detested tea,” as one pamphlet put it —
into the water.
"A major spark for the American Revolution, then, was a protest against monopoly.
"A strong strain of anti-monopoly sentiment has run through our
politics ever since. America was born as “a nation of farmers and
small-town entrepreneurs,” the historian Richard Hofstadter once wrote,
“anti-authoritarian, egalitarian and competitive.” Hostility to
corporate bigness animated Thomas Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt, as well
as the labor movement, Granger movement, Progressive movement and more.
"Of course, monopolies and other corporate giants have fought back
against these assaults on their power, and sometimes succeeded for years
or decades at a time. It happened during the age of Rockefeller and
Morgan. Over the past 40 years, it has happened again.
federal government, under presidents of both parties, has largely
surrendered to monopoly power. “The ‘anti’ in ‘antitrust’ has been
discarded,” as the legal scholar Tim Wu puts it in his new book, “The
Curse of Bigness.” Washington allows most megamergers to proceed either
straight up or with only fig-leaf changes. The government has also done
nothing to prevent the emergence of dominant new technology companies
that mimic the old AT&T monopoly.
"This meekness has made
possible the consolidation of one industry after another. For a long
time, though, it’s been hard to figure out precisely how much
consolidation. The available statistics just aren’t very good, which
isn’t an accident. In 1981 — around the time that the Reagan
administration was launching the modern pro-monopoly era — the Federal
Trade Commission suspended a program that collected data on industry
"Fortunately, researchers in the private sector
have recently begun filling in the gaps. On Monday, the Open Markets
Institute — an anti-monopoly think tank — is releasing the first part of
a data set showing the market share that the largest companies have in
each industry. You can see the main theme in the charts here: Big
companies are much more dominant than they were even 15 years ago.
"Mergers are one big reason. Another is the power of so-called network
effects — in which the growth of, say, Facebook makes more people want
to use it. True, a few industries have become less concentrated, but
they are exceptions. If anything, the chart here understates
consolidation, because it doesn’t yet cover energy, telecommunications
and some other areas. It also doesn’t cover local monopolies, such as
hospitals that are dominant enough to drive up prices.
"The new
corporate behemoths have been very good for their executives and largest
shareholders — and bad for almost everyone else. Sooner or later, the
companies tend to raise prices. They hold down wages, because where else
are workers going to go? They use their resources to sway government
policy. Many of our economic ills — like income stagnation and a decline
in entrepreneurship — stem partly from corporate gigantism...."…/25/opin…/monopolies-in-the-us.html
Varoufakis to stand in European election, calls for “Green New Deal” and an end to austerity - Stundin
Varoufakis to stand in European election, calls for “Green New Deal” and an end to austerity - Stundin
need to offer voters a realistic programme. We need to convince the
poor and the disenfranchised that green policies are good for them, not
just good for polar bears and for the flora. This we can most certainly
achieve if we use, for example, a carbon tax to fund social housing and
education in support of the weaker citizens. Such a policy mix, that can
turn the working class into committed environmentalists, is what
Diem25.official has been working upon, leading to our New Deal for
Europe policy agenda”- Yanis Varoufakis, MEP candidate and DiEM25
<<<…/varoufakis-stand-european-election-ca…/ >>>>
Video: Over 100 Civilians Suffered from Militant Chemical Attack on Aleppo City - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Video: Over 100 Civilians Suffered from Militant Chemical Attack on Aleppo City - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
In the late hours of November 24th militants launched several rockets
containing chlorine gas at residential areas in the northern part of
Aleppo city, according to Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). 107 civilians
reportedly suffered asphyxiation, including many women and children.
Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange and the Political Economy & future of Europe - YouTube
Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange and the Political Economy & future of Europe - YouTube
Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange and the Political Economy & future of Europe
Interview to Zain Raza for acTVism Munich
Children 'Screaming and Coughing in the Mayhem' as Trump Border Patrol Fires Tear Gas Into Mexico
Children 'Screaming and Coughing in the Mayhem' as Trump Border Patrol Fires Tear Gas Into Mexico
is the kind of world that Trump desires and has created... where the
vulnerable and those in need are forced to flee in fear from the most
dastardly and powerful.
The good people of the world should not stand for it. Not for a moment. Not an instant.
migrant family, part of a caravan of thousands traveling from Central
America en route to the United States, run away from tear gas in front
of the border wall between the U.S and Mexico in Tijuana, Mexico
November 25, 2018. (Photo: Reuters)
migrant family, part of a caravan of thousands traveling from Central
America en route to the United States, run away from tear gas in front
of the border wall between the U.S and Mexico in Tijuana, Mexico
November 25, 2018. (Photo: Reuters)
French president bans fuel tax protest in Paris as strikes expand - World Socialist Web Site
French president bans fuel tax protest in Paris as strikes expand - World Socialist Web Site
“It is important that every person who wishes to participate in this
movement be able to do so, no matter their skin color, country of
origin, sexual orientation, gender or
religion… No, the Yellow Vests are not the sheep of nationalists,
fascists and other extremist movements, just as our movement is not
represented by any party or union. We denounce the government’s tax on
those most in need while it enriches the ultra-wealthy.” -Eric Drouet,
the truck driver who issued one of the original calls for protests on
New climate change report: Impact of global warming “already being felt” - World Socialist Web Site
New climate change report: Impact of global warming “already being felt” - World Socialist Web Site
As with the other catastrophes produced by capitalism—poverty and
mounting social inequality, fascism and attacks on democratic rights,
and the growing threat of imperialist
war—climate change is a class question whose solution requires the
conscious political mobilization of workers in every country. Only
through the world socialist revolution, which makes possible the
organization of production on a global scale, scientifically planned and
democratically controlled, can humanity gain full and unfettered access
to the scientific, technological and creative capacities needed to
arrest and reverse the unfolding environmental catastrophe.
OHCHR | "The movement to ensure businesses uphold human rights is gaining momentum"
OHCHR | "The movement to ensure businesses uphold human rights is gaining momentum"
A number of businesses are leading the way in acknowledging their #HumanRights responsibility.
UN Human Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet calls for greater human rights due diligence and advocacy in her opening speech to the 2018 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights.
Read more: #BizHumanRights
What the Stansted 15 Tells Us About Law and Order in Britain - TruePublica
What the Stansted 15 Tells Us About Law and Order in Britain - TruePublica
By TruePublica: Back
in September, three environmental activists were the first people in
Britain since 1932 to receive jail sentences for non-violent
anti-fracking protest in the UK. An appeal was lodged and public outrage
caused a new judge to declare that the original ruling was ‘excessive”.
This excessive use of the law is being used again in another case,
which has more serious consequences.
lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018
CATALONIA -- Jordi Cuixart in pre-trial detention | Front Line Defenders
Jordi Cuixart in pre-trial detention | Front Line Defenders
Human rights defenders NGO Front Line Defenders denounces the pre-trial
detention of Jordi Cuixart. Together with Jordi Sànchez, he spent now
more than a year in prison without trial.
<<<…/jordi-cuixart-pre-tria… >>>
Chris Hedges: Corporate Totalitarianism: The End Game - YouTube
Chris Hedges: Corporate Totalitarianism: The End Game - YouTube
Chris Hedges: Corporate Totalitarianism: The End Game
<< >>>>
Terrorism is "Made in the USA". The "Global War on Terrorism" is a Fabrication, A Big Lie - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Terrorism is "Made in the USA". The "Global War on Terrorism" is a Fabrication, A Big Lie - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Echoing Dr Chossudovsky’s arguments, Malaysia’s prominent political
scientist, Islamic reformist and activist Dr Chandra Muzaffar said that
the US has always manipulated religion to further its global hegemony on
sovereign states.
sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2018
Dix armées étrangères contre la révolution russe, par Marc Ferro (Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2014)
Dix armées étrangères contre la révolution russe, par Marc Ferro (Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2014)
En octobre 1917, les bolcheviks s’emparent du pouvoir et créent la
République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie. Une guerre civile
commence : elle oppose l’Armée rouge aux «Russes blancs», soutenus par
les nations occidentales.

« La Salve de l’Aurora » (sur le palais d’Hiver à Saint-Pétersbourg).
Gravure sur bois de Vitali Lentchine, 1917
© akg-images.
<<< Lobby USA episode 4: le marketing de l'occupation - YouTube
(39) Lobby USA episode 4: le marketing de l'occupation - YouTube
Lobby USA episode 4: le marketing de l'occupation
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Assange’s Persecution Highlights Dangers to the Freedom of Speech and Free Media
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Assange’s Persecution Highlights Dangers to the Freedom of Speech and Free Media
If journalists are to be punished for publishing leaked information
informing us of government wrong-doing, the freedom of the press is in
great danger. Phil Giraldi explains at the link...
jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018
The Indictment of Julian Assange Is a Threat to Press Freedom | The Nation
The Indictment of Julian Assange Is a Threat to Press Freedom | The Nation
Want free press, pay attention...murder and trumped-up charges are being used to suppress truth.

L’autre combat des femmes kurdes d’Irak, par Nada Maucourant (Le Monde diplomatique, juillet 2015)
L’autre combat des femmes kurdes d’Irak, par Nada Maucourant (Le Monde diplomatique, juillet 2015)
« J’ai fait mes recherches pour “Les Filles Du Soleil”,
explique la réalisatrice Eva Husson, et il n’y avait jamais eu de film
de guerre sur des femmes combattantes avant ». Son long-métrage consacré
à un commando kurde est sorti ce mercredi en salles.
Le basculement du monde, par Michel Beaud (Le Monde diplomatique, octobre 1994)
Le basculement du monde, par Michel Beaud (Le Monde diplomatique, octobre 1994)
Une société « gérée en tant qu'auxiliaire du marché », des « relations
sociales encastrées dans le système économique », voilà comment
l'économiste Michel Beaud anticipait le XXIe siècle en 1994. (Archive en
accès libre.)
Afghanistan. Les talibans courtisés par Washington et par Moscou | L'Humanité
Afghanistan. Les talibans courtisés par Washington et par Moscou | L'Humanité
Aussi bien la Russie que les États-Unis font aujourd’hui des courbettes
aux islamistes afghans, leur déroulent le tapis rouge et les invitent à
USA prepares to add Venezuela to its terrorism list - its got a lot of oil you know - TruePublica
USA prepares to add Venezuela to its terrorism list - its got a lot of oil you know - TruePublica:
By TruePublica: The Washington Post reports that the Trump administration is preparing to add Venezuela to the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism in what would be a dramatic escalation against the socialist government of Nicolás Maduro, according to U.S. officials and internal government emails.
The (American) list is reserved for governments accused of repeatedly providing “support for acts of international terrorism,” which includes only Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.
Countries, where terrorism is endemic to daily life in more recent years, are quite often those that America and its allies have attacked, namely: Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, which are not mentioned in their list. There are other countries in the same region who should be on that list, that isn’t.
Republicans have long accused Venezuela of having ties to terrorist organizations but experts all over the world have played down any such assertions. They warn that the legitimacy of the U.S. list is applied inconsistently anyway.
Germany denies free speech on Israel's crimes | The Electronic Intifada
Germany denies free speech on Israel's crimes | The Electronic Intifada
A Palestinian recounts how he was treated by the German police for
advocating for Palestinian rights, "A few years ago German police
dragged me across the bare gravel, my face pushed into the cold ground."

Anne Paq
Right on Cue, Saudi Foreign Minister Uses Trump's Remarks to Legitimize Kingdom's Denials About Khashoggi Murder
Right on Cue, Saudi Foreign Minister Uses Trump's Remarks to Legitimize Kingdom's Denials About Khashoggi Murder
While one State Department official said the CIA's report made it
"blindingly obvious" that the Saudi government was behind Jamal
Khashoggi's killing, the Saudi foreign minister heard only President
Trump's clear message that he has no interest in holding the kingdom

of the CIA's report linking Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to
the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. (Photo: Twitter)
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : President Trump’s Support of Saudi Arabia is Par for the Course in US Foreign Policy
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : President Trump’s Support of Saudi Arabia is Par for the Course in US Foreign Policy
Is Washington really so shocked over Trump's love note to the Saudis?
The US has been in bed with dictators across the globe almost
continuously since WWII. RPI's Adam Dick reviews Glenn Greenwald's take
on the faux panic among neocons and hypocritical #Resistance types...
Julian Assange in US Intel’s Company Town - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Julian Assange in US Intel’s Company Town - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
ANN GARRISON: The American empire is in a deadly spiral of military
industrial rule, NATO expansion, and its latest rubric—the New Cold War.
See “Remarks as Prepared for Delivery
by Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 04.13.2017” Pompeo, who is now
Secretary of State, repeatedly damned Russia, Edward Snowden, and
Wikileaks, and I stopped counting how many times he damned Julian
Sigurdur Thordarson: WikiLeaks's baby-faced traitor
Sigurdur Thordarson: WikiLeaks's baby-faced traitor
Airplane full of FBI agents came to Iceland to "frame" Julian Assange -- former Interior Minister…/sigurdur-thordarson-wikileakss-bab…
Photo: Courtesy Sigurdur Thordarson
From 1945 Until Today - 20 to 30 Million People Killed by the USA - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
From 1945 Until Today - 20 to 30 Million People Killed by the USA - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
MANLIO DINUCCI: In the summary of its last strategic document – 2018
National Defense Strategy of the United States of America (of which the
entire text is classified) – the
Pentagon claims that “after the Second World War, the United States and
their allies installed a “free and open international order in order to
safeguard the freedom of the people from aggression and coercion”, but
that “this order is presently undermined by Russia and China, who are
violating the principles and rules of international relations”. This is a
total reversal of historical reality.
Assange’s Persecution Highlights Dangers to the Freedom of Speech and Free Media
Assange’s Persecution Highlights Dangers to the Freedom of Speech and Free Media
If Assange is convicted, the government would be able to exploit the
precedent to operate in secret at all levels while reporters and the
papers they represent seeking public interest stories would be subject
to legal action by the Justice Department.
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018
America Has Built 800+ Military Bases Worldwide. So Why Can’t It Build a Mexican Border Wall?
America Has Built 800+ Military Bases Worldwide. So Why Can’t It Build a Mexican Border Wall?
Time is ticking like a bomb for the American people to restore control
over its southern border, and there is no good excuse for not completing
this monumental project. Americans should not be cowered by accusations
of ‘racism,’ when the country itself has been founded on the blood,
sweat and tears of migrants throughout history.
« Gilets jaunes » : « Le mouvement rappelle les jacqueries des périodes révolutionnaires »
« Gilets jaunes » : « Le mouvement rappelle les jacqueries des périodes révolutionnaires »
une tribune au « Monde », le sociologue Pierre Merle estime que ce
conflit violent illustre le fossé qui s’est creusé entre les citoyens
révoltés et les élites dirigeantes.
<<…/gilets-jaunes-la-france-d-en-bas-c… >>>
Des manifestants se tiennent près d’un feu en bloquant une route lors
d’une manifestation de «Gilets jaunes» pour protester contre les prix
élevés du carburant le 19 novembre près du dépôt pétrolier de
Frontignan, dans le sud du pays. PASCAL GUYOT / AFP
martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018
The Truth about Black Friday
The Truth about Black Friday
The Truth about Black Friday
A minimalist breaks down the biggest shopping day of the year.
In Hodeida - A Truce is Called but Saudi Coalition Attacks Continue
In Hodeida - A Truce is Called but Saudi Coalition Attacks Continue
EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Arabia and its coalition allies have failed in their offensive against Yemen’s strategic port city.
Are We About to Face Our Gravest Constitutional Crisis?
Are We About to Face Our Gravest Constitutional Crisis?
Are We About to Face Our Gravest Constitutional Crisis?
Brexit U-Turn - The hypocrisy of the 'ultras' mouthpiece - TruePublica
Brexit U-Turn - The hypocrisy of the 'ultras' mouthpiece - TruePublica
By TruePublica: Paul Dacre, who
used to be the Daily Mail’s editor until last August after 26 years at
the helm drove a right-wing newspaper into Britain’s most fanatical
anti-liberal voice. In a rare moment of clarity three years ago, even
David Cameron made a case for replacing the then Mail’s editor on grounds that he was threatening the nation’s future with his stance on Brexit.
The Daily Mail has a history of being on the wrong side of the big
things. Who, in their right minds could forget those immortal words when
comparing Brexit to World World War 2 – “As in 1939 we are at a crossroads in our island history,”
without even a hint of irony for a paper that at the previous
crossroads, its own editorials stood sympathetic to fascism and acted as
a recruitment agent for Oswald Mosley. “Hurrah for the Blackshirts!” eh!
The Mail practically invented the language of Brexit. With
“Remoaners” and concepts of the “tsunami of immigrants,” along with
“Crush the saboteurs,” and “Enemies of the people” – the nation has been
encouraged to split.
So serious is the Brexit meltdown as we approach its own manufactured
cliff that doubt has now entered the mindset of even those employed at
this most hate-filled of bile spewing propagandists. The Daily Mail has
been at the heart of creating a violent culture of hostility towards
migrants and refugees that has done little but to massively increase
racism and xenophobic attitudes in our country and drive the
nation-state into what we can clearly see is a political slow-motion
The Geopolitical Strategy Of The US' Global Hegemony By A Notorious Russophobe Zbigniew Brzezinski |
The Geopolitical Strategy Of The US' Global Hegemony By A Notorious Russophobe Zbigniew Brzezinski |
If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the
indispensable nation. (Madeleine K. Albright, February 1998)[1] Madam
Secretary As a matter of very fact,
regardless to the reality in global politics that the Cold War was over
in 1989, Washington continued to drive toward the getting the status of a
global hyperpower at any expense for the rest of the world. [ 3,725
more words ]…/the-geopolitical-strategy-of-…/
Former U.S. secretary of state Madeleine Albright
« Gilets jaunes » : couvre-feu partiel à La Réunion, bloquée par des barrages routiers
« Gilets jaunes » : couvre-feu partiel à La Réunion, bloquée par des barrages routiers
De 21 heures à 6 heures, il sera interdit durant trois nuits de circuler dans la moitié des communes de La Réunion.
<<<…/un-couvre-feu-partiel-instaure-a-l… >>

a connu, lundi, une nouvelle nuit de violences avec, notamment, des
affrontements entre groupes de jeunes et les forces de l’ordre. RICHARD
« Gilets jaunes » : « Attention à ne pas les réduire à un mouvement extrémiste »
« Gilets jaunes » : « Attention à ne pas les réduire à un mouvement extrémiste »
Louis Maurin, directeur de l’Observatoire des inégalités, revient sur les racines du mouvement, une « coalition de personnes de milieux sociaux et d’opinions parfois très différents ».
« Gilets jaunes » : une épreuve de fond dans le nord de l’Alsace
« Gilets jaunes » : une épreuve de fond dans le nord de l’Alsace
A Roppenheim, les uns et les autres se relaient depuis samedi matin sur un barrage filtrant et assurent qu’ils ne céderont pas.
« Il faut vite raccrocher les “gilets jaunes” aux wagons, sinon ils ne voteront plus »
Entretien | Jean-Yves Camus, directeur de l’Observatoire des radicalités politiques (ORAP), décrypte le mouvement des « gilets jaunes ». #abo

The CIA and The Muslim Brotherhood: How the CIA Set The Stage for September 11 (Martin A. Lee – Razor Magazine 2004) | ce399 | research archive: (anti)fascism
The CIA and The Muslim Brotherhood: How the CIA Set The Stage for September 11 (Martin A. Lee – Razor Magazine 2004) | ce399 | research archive: (anti)fascism
The CIA and The Muslim Brotherhood: How the CIA Set The Stage for September 11 (Martin A. Lee – Razor Magazine 2004)
The CIA and The Muslim Brotherhood: How the CIA Set The Stage for September 11
Reverend Franklin Graham, the pugnacious preacher who delivered the
prayer at President George W. Bush’s 2001 inauguration, might have a
bone to pick with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). When Franklin
branded Islam “a very evil and wicked religion” after the 9/11 terrorist
attacks, he had no idea that American spies were once eager to promote a
Muslim leader in the Middle East modeled after his own father, the
famous evangelist Billy Graham.
<<…/the-cia-and-the-musli…/ >>
Money, Silver, Gold and Cars: ISIS Fighters Received "Bonuses" for Using Chemical Weapons - Report - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Money, Silver, Gold and Cars: ISIS Fighters Received "Bonuses" for Using Chemical Weapons - Report - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
According to the documents, many ISIS fighters received gold, silver and
even cars for carrying out terrorist attacks. One of the documents
reveals that this award program was created to encourage the terrorist
group’s fighters to “fight the enemies.”
Iraq and Beyond: How Many Millions Have Been Killed in American Wars?
Iraq and Beyond: How Many Millions Have Been Killed in American Wars?
How Many Millions Have Been Killed in America’s Post-9/11 Wars?
The numbers of casualties of U.S. wars since Sept. 11, 2001 have
largely gone uncounted, but coming to terms with the true scale of the
crimes committed remains an urgent moral, political and legal

Destroying a Country's Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Destroying a Country's Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY: Today, Libya as a country and a nation state has
been destroyed. Under Nuremberg, the leaders of the NATO member states
involved in the war on Libya are war criminals.
<<…/26686 >>
Noam Chomsky Warns of the Rise of ‘Judeo-Nazi Tendencies’ in Israel
Noam Chomsky Warns of the Rise of ‘Judeo-Nazi Tendencies’ in Israel
Noam Chomsky warns of the rise of '#JudeoNazi tendencies' in #Israel.
"Take Gaza. If you are going to place two million people in a
concentration camp, which is in effect what it is, and put them under a
vicious siege, you have to ask yourself; am I justified in doing this?
People who try to oppose it are traitors, Arab lovers and so on. You
have seen this phenomenon in European history, I don’t have to give you
examples." – #NoamChomsky
<<…/…/ >>
lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018
Hillary Clinton admits America created, funded and armed Al Qaeda / ISIS terrorists - YouTube
Hillary Clinton admits America created, funded and armed Al Qaeda / ISIS terrorists - YouTube
Hillary Clinton admits America created, funded and armed Al Qaeda / ISIS terrorists
Hillary CIinton admits [ TWO TIMES ] that American Government and
Intelligence Agencies created Al Qaida. So doesn't it mean that they are
responsible for everything... 9/11 ,Wars, Refugees, ISIS? Why aren't
these statements enough to hold Clinton, American Government (both
Republicans & Democrats), CIA, NSA and all of them accountable for
the suffering, destruction and deaths of hundreds of thousands of
innocent civilians and soldiers?
Why isn't the Mainstream Media in America reporting the fact that
Hillary Clinton admitted in public that the U.S. government created Al
Qaeda, and thus ISIS, etc.? Why does the MSM refuse to tell the American
people that the United States doesn't actually fight terrorists but
arms, funds and trains them?
“Let’s remember here… the people we are fighting today we funded them
twenty years ago… and we did it because we were locked in a struggle
with the Soviet Union. They invaded Afghanistan… and we did not want to
see them control Central Asia and we went to work… and it was President
Reagan in partnership with Congress led by Democrats who said you know
what it sounds like a pretty good idea… let’s deal with the ISI and the
Pakistan military and let’s go recruit these mujahedin And great, let
them come from Saudi Arabia and other countries, importing their Wahhabi
brand of Islam so that we can go beat the Soviet Union. And guess what …
they (Soviets) retreated … they lost billions of dollars and it led to
the collapse of the Soviet Union. So there is a very strong argument
which is… it wasn’t a bad investment in terms of Soviet Union but let’s
be careful with what we sow… because we will harvest. So we then left
Pakistan … We said okay fine you deal with the Stingers that we left all
over your country… you deal with the mines that are along the border
and… by the way we don’t want to have anything to do with you… in fact
we’re sanctioning you… So we stopped dealing with the Pakistani military
and with ISI and we now are making up for a lot of lost time.”
- Hillary Clinton
"We've walked away from Pakistan and Afghanistan in the past with all
the consequences we are well aware of. We had a huge trust deficit,
because the United States had to be fair, we had helped to create the
problem we are now fighting.
Because when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan we had this brilliant
idea we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force of mujahedin
and equip them with stinger missiles and everything else to go after the
Soviets inside Afghanistan.
And we were successful. The Soviets left Afghanistan, and then we said
great, good-bye, leaving these trained people, who were fanatical, in
Afghanistan and Pakistan, leaving them well-armed, creating a mess,
frankly, that at the time we didn't really recognize, we were just so
happy to see the Soviet Union fall and we thought fine we are OK now
everything is going to be so much better Now you look back. The people
we are fighting today, we were supporting in the fight the soviets."
- Hillary Clinton (July, 2010)
CATALONIA -- Conference in The Hague on self-determination – Alfred de Zayas' Human Rights Corner
Conference in The Hague on self-determination – Alfred de Zayas' Human Rights Corner
The right of self-determination of peoples is jus cogens and part of
the Spanish legal order pursuant to articles 10(2) and 96 of the Spanish
Constitution. It is time for constructive dialogue between Madrid and
Barcelona. 8-9 November I was invited to participate at a useful
symposium hosted by the ANC in the Hague, the Netherlands, together with
former UN rapporteur Ben Emmerson -- here some pictures.
<<…/conference-in-the-ha…/ >>
viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018
Mattis, defending troop deployment against caravan, cites Pancho Villa’s raid into U.S. that killed 18 Americans - The Washington Post
Mattis, defending troop deployment against caravan, cites Pancho Villa’s raid into U.S. that killed 18 Americans - The Washington Post
of Defense James Mattis visited U.S. troops at the border twiddling
their thumbs (at great cost to American taxpayers) awaiting the
"invading caravan" that Donald Trump
has, post-election, seemingly forgotten about and, as far as I'm
concerned, done the president one better. He compared that unarmed
caravan of sufferers, including women and children, to Pancho Villa's
armed cross-border raiders of 1916. Truly pathetic. Tom
"While en route to McAllen, Tex., to meet with some of the 5,900 troops
recently deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border by President Trump, Defense
Secretary Jim Mattis offered a history lesson of sorts on Wednesday in
defense of the hastily arranged military response to the caravan of
migrants called an “invasion” by President Trump.
"Before citing
the active duty troops sent by the Clinton administration to the border
in the ’90s and the National Guardsmen deployed by Presidents George W.
Bush and Barack Obama as reasons for why the deployment was needed,
Mattis reminded the press gaggle aboard his plane of the lengths to
which President Woodrow Wilson went to counteract the forces led by
Mexican revolutionary Gen. Francisco “Pancho” Villa more than a century
“I think many of you are aware that President Wilson 100
years ago — a little over 100 years ago deployed the U.S. Army to the
Southwest border,” Mattis said. “The threat then was Pancho Villa’s
troops, a revolutionary raiding across the border into the United
States, New Mexico in 1916."
"As a lifelong student of military
history with a personal library that reportedly once had more than 7,000
volumes, Mattis citing Wilson’s action against against Villa in the
context of a caravan of men, women and children immediately raised
"The threat that Trump said would come in the form of a
caravan of thousands of Central American migrants, many of them women
and children, moving north through Mexico has not materialized. Critics
saw the dispatch of active duty troops to the border as a pre-election
"Pancho Villa, on the other hand, did actually lead a
cross-border raid that killed 18 Americans in the small town of
Columbus, N.M. His actions caused thousands of American troops, led by
Gen. John J. Pershing, to pursue him for close to a year, nearly
starting a war. Villa’s attack is considered by historians one of the
first, if not the first, acts of terrorism on U.S. soil.
“The comparison makes absolutely no sense,” tweeted Univision anchor León Krauze.
"After initially earning the support of Wilson around 1913, who once
called Villa “a sort of Robin Hood,” the rebel leader felt betrayed by
the American government when Mexican leader Venustiano Carranza came
back into the president’s favor during the early part of the Mexican
Revolution. The rebel leader then targeted the U.S. in January 1916. A
group of Villistas, the common word for Villa’s army, killled 18
American passengers on a train in Mexico.
"General John J.
Pershing, at the head of his men, fords a stream in Mexico in 1916 while
leading the United States troops there in pursuit of Pancho Villa. (AP
"Villa’s next move came in the early morning hours of
March 9, 1916, Villa was joined by hundreds of Villistas in a raid on
Columbus, a bustling New Mexico town of 250 residents located three
miles north of the border. The Villistas — reportedly shouting “Viva
Villa!” and “Viva Mexico!” — burned the town, looted the homes, hotel
and stores, and killed 18 civilians and American soldiers.
“I was
awake, they were asleep,” Villa later bragged, according to historian
Mitchell Yockelson in the Daily Beast, “and it took them too long to
wake up.”
"Wilson moved swiftly to pursue Villa, wrote Yockelson,
author of “Forty-Seven Days: How Pershing’s Warriors Came of Age to
Defeat the German Army in World War I.” Almost a week after the attack
in Columbus, Pershing led a punitive expedition (later referred to as
the Mexican Expedition) of more than 14,000 troops to Mexico in hope of
capturing the violent terrorist.
"Perhaps one of the only common
elements between now and then was that it was an election year. Wilson’s
1916 presidential reelection campaign trumpeted the slogan, “He kept us
out of war,” in hope that his anti-war image would appeal to those
against conflict with Mexico or Europe, according to “Woodrow Wilson: A
Biography.” (He narrowly won a second term over Charles Evans Hughes.)
"With the U.S. close to entering World War I, the expedition would
officially end nearly a year later in February 1917 without capturing
Villa. (He was assassinated in 1923.)..."…/mattis-defending-troop-d…/…
Trump demands end to Florida recount in new attack on voting rights - World Socialist Web Site
Trump demands end to Florida recount in new attack on voting rights - World Socialist Web Site
In demanding that Florida’s Senate seat and governorship be awarded to
his favored candidates, regardless of the will of the people, Trump is
not just reprising what took place in
2000. He is giving a glimpse of what Election Day 2020 and its immediate
aftermath could look like, particularly if the election is closely
New Study Details 'Staggering' $6 Trillion (and Counting) Price Tag of Endless US War
New Study Details 'Staggering' $6 Trillion (and Counting) Price Tag of Endless US War
"The U.S. continues to fund the wars by borrowing, so this is a
conservative estimate of the consequences of funding the war as if on a
credit card."
U.S. spending on war and all of its related costs will hit nearly $6
trillion by the end of 2019, according to the Watson Institute (Photo: Carpetblogger/flickr/cc)
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