sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

CATALONIA -- Mas demana a Rajoy pactar la consulta en el termini més breu possible - VilaWeb

Mas demana a Rajoy pactar la consulta en el termini més breu possible - VilaWeb

    The President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, has sent a letter to the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, in which he expresses the need 'to address the dialogue and negotiation' that allow holding an inquiry in the Catalan town ' so agreed, 'in the shortest time possible "and" to establish legal frameworks that'. But he argues that given the 'favorable conditions' for the asking: broad public support and parliamentary will to dialogue and negotiation and existence of legal ways to carry it out. " Also, remember that Rajoy other countries' EU also 'have found ways to' legally and democratically resolve such challenges "and that Spain should not be the exception."