lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

NO SALDRÁ EN TV: Monsanto compró el mayor ejército de mercenarios del mundo y se viene a sudamérica | GAMBA

NO SALDRÁ EN TV: Monsanto compró el mayor ejército de mercenarios del mundo y se viene a sudamérica | GAMBA

      A report by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation, revealed that the largest mercenary army in the world, Blackwater, was bought by the multinational Monsanto GMO foods. Blackwater has a history of complaints of abuses in Iraq, including massacres of civilians. Currently, it is the largest private contractor of the U.S.   One of its directors, former CIA high command Cofer Black, the company also manages Total Intelligence, devoted to spying, infiltrating organizations and to keep track of all information posted by its opponents. Remember that currently, Monsanto covers about 90% of the global transgenic seed market in the world. All this in the meantime, prepare to disembark in South America after being expelled from Europe.