On November 8th, Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines, reducing
vast areas of the country to ruins. The island of Leyte, where typhoon
survivors found themselves living among the dead, was particularly hard
hit. But the government has been unable to reach many of those most in
Comet ISON entered the annals of astronomical history on the night of 28 November, when it flew past the Sun and, latest updates suggest, emerged in tatters on the other side after many skywatchers had given it up as dead.
Still, the most recent images hint that most of ISON's nucleus disintegrated as the comet approached the Sun, leaving only a slim chance there will be anything left to see with the naked eye over the Northern Hemisphere in coming weeks.
Analysis of the light coming from ISON will determine whether it is now just a spray of dust and gas, or whether any significant portion survived, says Gerhard Schwehm, an European Space Agency comet expert based in Noordwijk, The Netherlands and a former head of ESA's Solar System Science Operations Division. “Either there’s only a small piece left, or the nucleus is really totally disintegrated and we just see the debris of the comet travelling along,” he says.
Comet ISON approaching the Sun (see video below).Image: ESA/NASA/SOLAR AND HELIOSPHERIC OBSERVATORY
UN expert on cultural rights Farida Shaheed calls on the Government of #VietNam “to expand the space for people to articulate their views and to ensure they can contribute their knowledge, including their traditional knowledge, to the development of the country”: http://sm.ohchr.org/1cR23Lc
Monsanto protesters in Malvinas, Argentina got a rude awakening yesterday. November 28, 2013 was the 72nd day of the blockade against the brand new Monsanto plant under construction in Malvinas, set to be the largest GM seed plant in Latin America. Protesters have been camped on site since September 18th and despite attacks and death threats they remain unmoved. They have managed to block all five entrances to the plant site, bringing construction to a standstill.
Brutal retaliation came early in the morning yesterday when two buses of approximately 60 people arrived in camp and attacked the protesters, most of whom were sleeping in tents at the time. They ripped tents, destroyed property, set fires in the campsite, threw bricks and stones and beat protesters with clubs. Some protesters also had their computers and phones stolen.
Photo: ECOS Cordoba
Approximately 20 protesters have been injured many with head wounds. Outspoken activists, Sofia Gatica and Celina Molina were among the wounded having been beaten and kicked while on the ground.
A small group of police officers were on site but they looked away and did not intervene as protesters were subjected to violence. It seemed the police were only interested in opening up the blockade temporarily to allow entry of a truck of construction materials into the job site. They did however manage to fire rubber bullets at protesters at some point during the attack.
Photo: ECOS Cordoba
Protesters documented the attack with photos and videos and local authorities are now scanning all media to identify suspects in the attack. Some of the attackers claimed to be from OUCRA, a local construction trade union. Representatives of OUCRA have denied involvement in the ambush on the Malvinas blockade. It is still unknown who sent them but this attack was clearly organized.
The bus driver who drove one of the buses bringing the thugs into camp was caught on camera attempting to hide the license plate of the vehicle but protesters have photos of the plate numbers and evidence has been turned over to authorities who will hopefully track down the owner.
Photo: ECOS Cordoba
El Cuarto Patio followed the buses as they left and took photos from the highway to be used as evidence.
Photo: El Cuarto Patio
A march was held in downtown Cordoba yesterday afternoon and marches are being held across the country in solidarity with the protesters in Malvinas.
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss David Cameron as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) which causes the wealth of the nation to drop. They also discuss Continuous Payment Authorities as a metaphor for our financial systems continuously taking toll payments, whether via interest fees or inflation. Max also notes that David Cameron claims 'profits' is not a dirty word; and yet, to every major, successful corporation on Earth "profits' is, indeed, a word to be avoided at all costs. In the second half, Max interviews Dr Michael Hudson of michael-hudson.com about the global economic policies turning the UK into Greece and the U.S. into Latvia and a world in which only the little companies make profits.
In Pictures: The number of Syrian refugees in Iraq's Kurdistan region has reached 200,000. The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) expects that the number may exceed 500,000 by the end of 2013. | Click here to see more: http://aje.me/IlVWWu
A mother takes her children for a walk inside the camp.
Bangkok protesters besiege telecoms offices. Headquarters of two state firms in Thailand's capital surrounded by demonstrators demanding end of "Thaksin regime".
Earlier this year the Japanese government began to brainwash victims of Fukushima radiation poisoning into believing if they simply “smile” radiation will not harm them“. Fish caught off the coast of Fukushima are being sold at local markets after test-catches resumed, following a suspension over concerns of radioactive water leaks. This is coming after UK Guardian reported, on Sept. 4th, that Fukushima radiation leaks have reached a deadly new high.
In America we see the same kind of madness. Washington’s Blog and even Forbes reported that the DOD wants to sell piles of nuclear scrap metal to be made into silverware. Don’t worry we can take all the radiation out. Lets not forget the FDA is not checking fish inbound from the Pacific for radiation stating “there is no need to test Pacific fish for radioactivity“. Pretty soon we will be asked to just smile…
In the aftermath of one of the strongest storms to ever strike land, the most dangerous place for children in the Philippines to be right now could very well be the evacuation centers, or living near one.
This past week, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF began an aggressive program to vaccinate more than 500,000 children with the measles and polio vaccines in the typhoon affected areas of the Philippines. They have already vaccinated more than 30,000 children in Tacolban, one of the worst hit areas.
“It is virtually unprecedented that within two and a half weeks of a disaster of this scale, with this level of devastation and these logistical challenges, that a mass vaccination campaign is already rolling out,” reported Dr. Julie Hall, WHO representative in the Philippines.
The children are being vaccinated for measles and polio, in spite of the fact that measles rates are very low and declining in the Philippines, and that there has not been a single case of polio in the Philippines since 1993.
In the video below, Heather Papowitz, a senior advisor for UNICEF, states that they are vaccinating children for measles even though they have already been vaccinated for the disease, because previous vaccine campaigns were, ”not enough to protect them, so we need to get them vaccinated as soon as possible.”
Is this a statement to the ineffectiveness of measles vaccines that they need to be vaccinated repeatedly, or that somehow typhoon disasters like this require higher doses of the vaccine? By either reasoning, it allows pharmaceutical companies a larger market for their products.
Regarding their goal to vaccinate 500,000 children with the very dangerous oral polio vaccine, she states, “As far as polio, it was already eradicated in the Philippines, so we just want to make sure it doesn’t come back.”
Thanks to Edward Snowden's leaking of American intelligence secrets, the whole world now knows the extent of US-UK surveillance of global phone and internet traffic. Have the revelations flagged up a corrosive infringement of individual liberty, or undermined efforts to protect the world from terrorism? HARDtalk speaks to journalist Glenn Greenwald - he broke the Snowden story. His mission, he says, is to hold power to account. Is this a journalistic crusade that has gone too far?
The vast con game remains unrecognized by #Congress and the public. At the #IMF Research Conference on November 8, 2013, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers presented a plan to expand the con game. Summers says that it is not enough merely to give the banks interest free money. More should be done for the banks. Instead of being paid interest on their bank deposits, people should be penalized for keeping their money in banks instead of spending it.
"Big Brother is watching you — on just about every social-media platform you can imagine."
The federal government has tendered a media monitoring contract for continuous monitoring of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. (Joerg Koch/Associated Press)
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the breatharian diet in central banking where credit is created out of thin air and expected to sustain and nurture the economy. Max suspects that Ben Bernanke is walking on paper, Janet Yellen is doing a Travis Bickle ("You buying from me?") and both are drilling for fraud with artificially low interest rates. In the second half, Max interviews Stacy Herbert and a red pepper, standing in for Jeremy Scahill, presenter of the documentary film, Dirty Wars. Max and Stacy discuss his film and ask why he didn't follow the Dirty Money War or provide the context of the history of dirty wars where nuns and dissidents were thrown out of planes across Latin America over a period of decades from the 1950s.
With is track record of oil spills Gazprom deserves an award of shame! Vote for it and expose it as the most irresponsible company of the year: http://goo.gl/Lompo2
It is being projected that approximately 140 million Americans will participate in the disgusting #BlackFriday ritual. Sadly, most of them have absolutely no idea that they are actively participating in the destruction of the economic infrastructure of the United States. If you don't understand why this is true, please be sure to read this entire article all the way to the end.
Egypt's interim president will issue a full pardon to the group of 21 women and girls who were sentenced to 11 years in prison for a peaceful protest, the presidential office has said.
The convicted protesters, who are supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi, received the harsh sentences for forming a human chain and passing out flyers in the city of Alexandria. The youngest member of the group is 15-years-old. http://aje.me/IqJMeB
Today we rebroadcast our interview with author Craig Steven Wilder, which was very popular the first time it aired.
"At every moment that there’s a push toward slavery, there’s also anti-slavery. There’s an anti-slavery tradition actually emerging from the 17th century right through the 18th century. And much of it, because it’s an intellectual movement, because it’s a moral and religious movement, is actually housed on campus. And so you have this tension on campus. And I try and actually point that out at various times in the book."
'Nonsense: The Pentagon and the State Department gave the game away when both condemned China’s ADIZ as an attempt to change “by force” the “status quo” over the Senkakus.
Worse: Washington insists Beijing is allegedly trying to “control” an immense area of the Western Pacific, which, of course, are God-given American waters. Thus Washington had to “send a message”; otherwise President Obama’s “pivot to Asia” will be stuck in credibility limbo.
So it’s all here, in a nutshell: the “pivot to Asia” once again proved to be a fundamental military strategy to “contain” China, part of the Pentagon’s Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine, which has been the US military Bible since 2002. It’s always crucial to remember the “pivot” was officially announced by Obama at the Pentagon' -
to the repression against demonstrators in Cordoba fighting the
installation of Monsanto, in Buenos activists and personalities of
various environmental organizations and human rights Aires demonstrated
against the repressive policy of the province of Cordoba. These Cortiña
Nora from the NDA who talked about the current state of affairs.
“Protests in Yemen have always been dangerous for activists, with police routinely shooting and killing peaceful demonstrators. However, given the disagreements over the future of the south of Yemen and the charged symbolism of the date, we are particularly worried about what could happen on Saturday.” said Philip Luther, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International.
In the coming weeks a Parliament-Commission working group will make final decisions about the future of the EU’s lobby transparency register. The Amazon case shows the need to finally drop the failing voluntary model and move to a mandatory register with comprehensive information about lobbying!
Incidentally, the record youth unemployment rate doesn't take into account young people who are economically inactive. It's a measure of those under 25 who are looking for work, compared to the total youth labour force.
The raw fact is that 3.577m people aged 15-24 in the eurozone were looking for work in October, 15,000 more than a year ago, out of a youth labour force of over 14 million.
Eurostat has more information.
Reflections of buildings in a canal in Amsterdam. Photograph: Alamy
Nigeria extends military rule in northeast. Locals say state of emergency, meant to allow army to fight Boko Haram, is pointless and ruining the economy.http://aje.me/1b3h0um
The latest revelation to come from the Edward Snowden leaks highlights how the NSA conducted a mass spying exercise with the co-operation of Canadian authorities during international meetings in order to further certain policy goals.
In a report by The Canadian Broadcasting Company, it is revealed that Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government colluded with the NSA during the 2010 G8 and G20 summits in Toronto.
Documents marked “Top Secret,” highlight how the US embassy in Ottawa was transformed into a spy centre compound for a week as president Obama met with 25 foreign dignitaries and leaders.
The NSA was aided by its Canadian counterpart, the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC).
While the documents do not specifically state who the target of the huge operation was, it is thought that the exercise is most likely a repeat of what occurred in Britain just a few months earlier during the 2009 G20 summit in London. There, as other NSA leaks have revealed, the U.S. and Canadian intelligence agencies, along with Britain’s GCHQ are said to have hacked the phone calls and emails of multiple foreign politicians and diplomats.
The document pertaining to the Toronto summit states that the NSA’s goal was, at least in part, “providing support to policymakers” at the meetings, namely providing what would have been private information to the Canadian and US leaders in order to give them an advantage during negotiations and debates.
The documents once again highlight how the NSA surveillance dragnet extends beyond simply protecting against security threats, and has become a commonplace tool for the US government and its allies, The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The so-called “Five Eyes” have had a surveillance agreement dating back to the 1950s, it was only revealed to have existed in 2005.
If true, the latest revelations would once again show how the NSA and its partner spy agencies are routinely breaking the law. Under Canadian law, a warrant must be issued in order for the government to conduct covert surveillance on anyone, including foreign visitors. Foreign spy agencies also do not have jurisdiction on Canadian soil.
“If CSEC tasked NSA to conduct spying activities on Canadians within Canada that CSEC itself was not authorized to take, then I am comfortable saying that would be an unlawful undertaking by CSEC,” says Craig Forcese, an expert in national security at University of Ottawa’s faculty of law.
“[The CSEC is] undermining democracy here at home, while deeply damaging Canada’s international reputation as a fair and honest partner,” said Steve Anderson, executive director of OpenMedia.ca, a Canadian civil liberties group.
The US government has refused to comment. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s office has also refused to comment, citing national security.
The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?
China has sent several fighter jets into disputed airspace over the East China Sea, raising stakes in standoff with US, South Korea and Japan. http://aje.me/1cPTS1U
Ties between China and Japan have been strained for months by the dispute over the islands [AP]
Vaccines are supposed to be safe according to the U.S. CDC/FDA, so how come the HRSA division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published Statistics Reports [1] for the period ending September 3, 2013 providing data verifying that vaccines cause damage and even kill?
The period covers fiscal years (FY) 1989 to FY 2013. There were 3,387 compensable claims—meaning those claims that received compensation or money, and 9,651 claims that were dismissed, an awful miscarriage of the original intent of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program created by Congress and Public Law 99-660, in this writer’s opinion.
The U.S. Court of Federal Claims (aka the vaccine court) paid out $2,569,336,538.59 for compensable claims and $104,202,681.85 for attorneys’ fees representing those claims. The court paid another round of attorneys’ fees for dismissed claims totaling $56,375,431.34, plus $15,190,454.29 for interim attorneys’ fees. Judging by attorneys’ fees paid out, it looks like attorneys do pretty well, instead of injured claimants, i.e., those the court decides to dismiss.
Here is the nitty-gritty of the reports filed: Injuries, Deaths, Compensated, and Dismissed claims.
Please study the data carefully. You will notice the vaccines causing the most damage
Northern Texas towns are experiencing an intense string of earthquakes – the last of which was one of the most powerful in 5 years. As unusual tremors have been going on for over 3 weeks now, many suspect fracking might be to blame.
On Thursday, the region experienced two tremors, with one of them registering 3.6 magnitude, 55 km west of the town of Azle at 07:58:36 GMT, as recorded by the US Geological Service, and the other 2.8 at 08:41:07 GMT, with the epicenter not far from the first one. USGS records show that the 3.6 tremor was one of the strongest earthquakes to hit the region in 5 years.
On Thursday, the region experienced two tremors, with one of them registering 3.6 magnitude, 55 km west of the town of Azle at 07:58:36 GMT, as recorded by the US Geological Service, and the other 2.8 at 08:41:07 GMT, with the epicenter not far from the first one. USGS records show that the 3.6 tremor was one of the strongest earthquakes to hit the region in 5 years.
“It sounded like a sonic boom, and then the house started shaking,” Keith Krayer, a local resident who felt the effects of the quake, told RT...................................................................
Arig contracted by Apache Corp drills a horizontal well in a search for oil and natural gas in the Wolfcamp shale located in the Permian Basin in West Texas (Reuters / Terry Wade)
A 3.6-magnitude earthquake has struck an area in north Texas - it's the strongest tremor there in 5 years. No damage or injuries are reported - but locals have been left emotionally shaken. And not everyone's blaming mother nature. Some scientists say that the drilling in nearby fracking wells is actually setting off the quakes. The area's been hit by more than a dozen tremors this month alone. It's seen more earthquakes since fracking began there in 2008, than during the previous four decades combined. One Texas resident in the affected area shared his experience with us earlier. Let's also hear now from anti-fracking campaigner Andy Chyba, from the Wales Green Party. Read More: http://on.rt.com/8sjvye
I will be so thankful if today you could take a moment to help Jenna Pope get her photo book published. She is an incredibly talented and passionate photographer who I respect and admire (she is one of the independent photographers whose work I feature in Peace, Love, and Pepper Spray). Jenna is a role model to photojournalists worldwide.
Learn more here: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/photo-book-an-activist-armed-with-a-camera#&ui-state=dialog
Women who have fled death and destruction in Syria should find a safe haven, not sexual abuse, in Lebanon.
Syrian women, fleeing the violence from the Syrian town of Qara, carry their babies as they queue to register to get help from relief agencies at the Lebanese border town of Arsal, in the eastern Bekaa Valley on November 18, 2013.
• UN moves closer to calling for end to surveillance
• Read more: NSA 'collected details of online sexual activity'
• New to the NSA revelations? Catch up here
• What do the NSA files mean for you?
Confused about the NSA revelations? Do you wonder how the activities of GCHQ and the NSA affect you? Why have spies been monitoring Facebook, Gmail and Skype? And even if we are being watched online, how does that affect what we do? This animation, narrated by Jemima Kiss, explains what the disclosures mean for all of us
Geneticist David Suzuki says that human beings "are part of a massive experiment." More public figures and scientists are spreading the word about GMOs!
David Suzuki, has been a long-time advocate against #GMOs, and has been speaking out about how they can be hazardous to human #health and the #environment. His article as well as video is presented here...
The National Security Agency conducted widespread surveillance during the 2010 G8 and G20 summits with the blessing of host country Canada’s government.
Documents supplied by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden show the US converted its Ottawa embassy into a security command for six days in June 2010 as world leaders met in Toronto. The covert operation was known to Canadian authorities, CBC News reported.
The documents do not reveal targets of the espionage by the NSA - and possibly by its counterpart, the Communications Security Establishment of Canada (CSEC). The NSA briefing notes say the operation was "closely co-ordinated with the Canadian partner."
Ultimately, the documents obtained by the CBC do not give exact specifications of CSEC’s role, if any, in the Toronto spying. Former Guardian reporter and Snowden’s chosen journalist to receive the NSA documents, Glenn Greenwald, co-wrote the story for CBC.
But the documents do spell out that CSEC’s cooperation in the venture was crucial to ensuring access to telecommunications systems needed to spy on targets during the summits.
Leaders from around the world pose for the G20 Summit "family photograph" June 27, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (AFP Photo / Chip Somodevilla)
"The pirate faction has sometimes just sued the agency for work in Berlin. Zack! For some time the group has tried to create transparency in the Berlin job centers and multiple requests for the Freedom of Information Act (IFG) provided - including the surrender of the existing target agreements which newly enters into the Federal Employment Agency, annually with the management of the job center. It can be defined and controlled in the framework of Zielnachhaltung nationwide and local objectives of labor market policy. First and foremost it's about the quantitative processing of case numbers. Managing Director * inside and "executives" get bonuses when these goals are met. Simon White, spokesman for the pirate faction for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, said: "The focus of the job center, the idea should be to help people to integrate into the labor market, we suspect that for the quantitative targets the wrong incentives. employees are placed in the job centers. We suspect that it is mainly about the performance of the bare figures of the specification, rather than to the individual fate of the beneficiaries or the quality and sustainability of mediated activities. By the target system put an enormous pressure on the employees of the job center is generated and passed to the unemployed. Therefore, we want to know which policy guidance it for the Berlin Job Center are, how they are implemented locally and how well they meet these requirements. Since our requests have not been answered sluggishly to do, we were forced to take legal action. ""
We are living in the age of disinformed consent. Parents assume their doctors and their public health authorities are providing them with all relevant vaccine information, and nothing could be further from the truth.
Obviously, if vaccines can kill and cause serious and debilitating lifelong damage – which they can, and do – the vaccine administrator must provide that information to the client, in unambiguous fashion, regardless of the estimated size of the risk. It’s an ethical mandate that must be fulfilled, but it never is. There is a fundamental reason: medical schools don’t teach the history and nature of vaccine damage and death; nor do nursing and pharmacy schools. Yet doctors, nurses, and, these days, pharmacists, are the very ones who administer vaccines, and upon whom we rely for full information. Somewhere there is made a conscious decision to exclude the reality of serious vaccine damage from the curricula.
Most of the many doctors who have witnessed vaccine damage – thankfully, not all – lack the professional integrity to follow up with curiosity, let alone research. This is the most troubling of the array of vaccine contradictions; trained to observe, they nevertheless appear blind to even the possibility of causal relation.
There is a reason the CDC didn’t announce to the American public in 1999 the direct correlation between the amount of mercury in vaccines and the incidence of speech and learning disorders and autism it found in its own in-house study: a conscious, intolerable decision. [1]
How the Current Medical System Misinforms You About Vaccines
Step one for everyone trying to make the world a better place should be listening to those they wish to help. This is certainly true in the case of Haiti, a long-time target of Canadian ‘aid’. But, while Haitians continue to criticize Ottawa’s role in their country, few Canadians bother to pay attention.
Films pornographiques, messageries coquines, sites de rencontres… Une
enquête du Huffington Post accuse l’agence américaine d’espionner le
comportement sur Internet de ses cibles pour pouvoir ensuite les
discréditer publiquement
Pornographic films, courier naughty dating sites ... Investigation Huffington Post accuses U.S. agency to spy on Internet behavior of its target to then discredit them publicly
UN suspends construction projects in Gaza by Israeli blockade
United Nations, Nov. 27 (PL) UN had to suspend 19 of its 20 construction projects in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli blockade at the entrance of materials that occupied Palestinian territory, according to a report released today.
In its report for Humanitarian Bulletin October 2013, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports that were discontinued initiatives aimed at addressing housing needs, education, water and sanitation in Gaza under a tight siege since 2006.
At the detention by Israel of the passage of construction materials into Gaza, the UN Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was forced to suspend rehabilitation projects and humanitarian reconstruction, accurate.
The report includes tens of thousands of workers were temporarily unemployed, which further complicates life in Gaza.
According to OCHA, a week after discovering a tunnel between the southern Gaza and Israel, Tel Aviv authorities decided to prevent the flow of construction materials, including those for international organizations.
The Israeli decision exacerbates the already severe problems of access to these resources, following the drastic reduction in flow through underground tunnels from Egypt, stated in its report.
Israel has applied for seven years a blockade on Gaza, territory occupied in 1967, forcing its inhabitants to seek ways of subsistence.
In another report, OCHA notes that the lack of electricity exacerbates the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, whose only power plant operations left earlier this month for lack of fuel.
The entire population of that territory, one million 700 thousand people, affected by cuts up to 16 hours a day, with a severe impact on medical care, access to safe water and sanitation, warns in the document circulated here.
The UN humanitarian agency regrets that blackouts have a severe impact on the normal functioning of hospitals, especially in critical areas such as operating rooms, emergency assistance and neonatal care.
Also in health the situation is very complex, because it affected the work of the 291 facilities in the Gaza Strip for the treatment of waste, causing the spill of tens of thousands of cubic meters of sewage, including in areas residential adds.
On Tuesday, the UN special rapporteur on human rights Richard Falk called almost catastrophic situation of basic services in Gaza, by rolling blackouts.
Falk said he can not forget that the central cause of the crisis lies in blocking Israel.
This is the world that “became more secure” because the five major nuclear powers plus Germany (which has provided Israel with nuclear attack submarines), have concluded an agreement according to which “Iran’s nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful.”
Tapping Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone would seem like an outrageous breach of trust—except that there have been so many other, deadlier and lesser-known, breaches of trust wrought by the U.S. in Germany in recent years.
Where to begin? There’s the worldwide secret drone war—a massive break with international law. Then there’s the large and growing shadow army of private spies. And, finally, the asylum seekers, whose knowledge is unwittingly used to drop bombs in their home countries.
The worst part? Germany doesn’t even seem to mind.
Since both U.S. and German agencies have answered questions with the same unconvincing reassurances (that their only knowledge of any problem comes from the morning newspaper), a team from Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR, the German public radio and television broadcaster) and Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ, Germany’s leading broadsheet newspaper) has spent the past few months investigating these topics, trying to shine some light on Germany’s dark secrets.
By any reasonable measure, I think it is safe to say that the last quarter of 2013 has been an insane game of #economic Russian Roulette. We face an even greater acceleration next year.
El Gobierno estadounidense debe hacer público el 13 de enero su plan sobre el apagón y control de Internet y de redes de comunicación en caso de emergencia o recurrir la decisión judicial que le obliga a ello.
El Gobierno estadounidense debe hacer público el 13 de enero su plan sobre el apagón y control de Internet y de redes de comunicación en caso de emergencia o recurrir la decisión judicial que le obliga a ello.
Un juez federal del Distrito de Columbia apoyó este mes la demanda de un grupo defensor de las libertades en la Red, Electronic Privacy information Center (EPIC), contra el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional sobre el documento secreto codificado SOP 303 que regula el apagón y restauración de redes inalámbricas en situaciones críticas.
La demanda se ampara en la Ley por la Libertad de Información (The Freedom of Information Act), que otorga el poder parcial de acceder a registros federales.
En julio de 2012 el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, firmó un mandato ejecutivo que podría darle el control de todas las comunicaciones al Gobierno en caso de emergencias y desastres naturales.
La orden, emitida bajo el título de Asignación de Funciones de Seguridad Nacional y Preparación para Emergencias de Comunicación, recoge varios protocolos de comunicaciones de emergencias que ya existían en diferentes departamentos y agencias del Estado.
Entre otras cosas, permiten a las agencias federales tomar el control de las comunicaciones por cable e inalámbricas en situaciones que consideran críticas, para contactar con cualquier persona en el país.
Grupos de defensa del derecho a la privacidad han expresado su profunda preocupación por esta legislación, afirmando que facilita al Gobierno un control excepcional sobre Internet y sobre las telecomunicaciones en EE.UU., algo que podría suponer una intromisión en la vida privada de sus ciudadanos.
JUST IN: REPORT: Nestle Threatens Fresh Water Supply
REPORT: Nestle Threatens Fresh Water Supply
Mark Anderson reports on how the world's fresh water supplies may very well be in trouble due to corporate interests and more.
Did you know that less than 3% of the worlds water supply is consumable fresh water? Well how does it make you feel that corporate interests like Nestle are extracting enormous amounts of this fresh water from Michigan for pennies on the dollar?
Mark Anderson has the full report, featuring John Devine, editor of worlds-apart.ca and a former fish farmer.
Next News Network's WHDT World News program airs daily at 6pm and 11pm Eastern on Comcast, DirecTV and Over-the-Air and Online at http://NNN.is/on-WHDT
WHDT World News is available to 6 million viewers from South Beach to Sebastian, Florida and to 2 million viewers in Boston, Massachusetts via WHDN.
WHDT broadcasts on RF channel 44 (virtual channel 9) from Palm City and is carried on cable TV channels 44 (SD) and 1044 (HD) by AT&T, on cable channels 17 (SD) and 438 (HD) in West Palm Beach by Comcast, on satellite channel 44 (SD) in West Palm Beach by DIRECTV, and on WHDN-Boston which broadcasts on RF channel 38 (virtual channel 6) from the Government Center district in downtown Boston.
Ver también el video con Shari Bernson y Richard Gage de AE911Truth, AIA - entrevistados en al aire en Denver, Colorado durante el estreno histórico en Television del '11-S: Evidencia Explosiva - Hablan los expertos'. Visite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sksg5w...
Public Broadcasting Station, la Television publica de Colorado (cpt12.org), se ha empujando con valentía a la vanguardia de la red de medios de comunicación públicos. CPT12 recientemente difundió en el aire esta película poderosa y controversial durante su campaña de recaudación de fondos del verano. El sitio web nacional PBS luego publicó la re-emisión que se convirtió rápidamente en uno de sus " más vistos ", programas, así como " Los más compartidos " en PBS.
Nos estamos acercando a los 12 años desde aquel fatídico día de septiembre y cada vez más personas se están dando cuenta de que no han recibido toda la informacion sobre el 11-S. Más de 1900 arquitectos e ingenieros están marcando el camino en AE911Truth, con decenas de profesionales adicionales que se unen a ellos en este documental ariesgando sus carreras en su demanda para una nueva investigación independiente. Arquitectos de rascacielos, ingenieros estructurales, científicos, físicos, químicos, investigadores, educadores, bomberos, ingenieros de fuego forenses y especialistas en demolición y otros han elaborado una evaluación científica pionera de los eventos en el World Trade Center. El repentino colapso total del tercer rascacielos en el 11-S, el edificio 7 del WTC a las 5:20 horas, ahora se está viendo en todo el mundo como "la prueba tangible", que desmiente a la versión oficial sobre el 11-S. Estos expertos también introducen adicionales "pruebas abrumadoras " de una hipótesis de la demolición controlada de las torres gemelas que es preocupante por decir poco. La película no especula y se identifica con los espectadores al presentar también el segmento más popular de la película, que presenta las perspectivas profesionales de los ocho psicólogos que explican algunas de las razones por lo qué es tan difícil para que la gente hagar frente a la evidencia científica. Este es la película documental sobre el 11-S más científica y convincente hasta la fecha, que contiene información vital que exige acción de todos nosotros. Ya no podemos darnos el lujo de ignorar la evidencia sobre las Torres Gemelas.
See also the video with Shari Bernson and AE911Truth Richard Gage, AIA - interviewed on the air in Denver, Colorado during the historic premiere of '11-S Television: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out '. Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sksg5w ... Public Broadcasting Station, the Television publishes Colorado (cpt12.org) has been pushing boldly to the forefront of network public media. CPT12 recently released in the air this powerful and controversial film during his campaign fundraising summer. The national PBS website then published restatement that quickly became one of its "most watched" programs and "Most Shared" on PBS. We are approaching the 12 years since that fateful September day and more and more people are realizing that they have not received all the information about the 11-S. Over 1900 architects and engineers are leading the way in AE911Truth, with dozens of additional professionals to join them in this documentary ariesgando their careers in their demand for a new independent investigation. Skyscraper architects, structural engineers, scientists, physicists, chemists, researchers, educators, firefighters, fire engineers and forensic specialists in demolition and others have developed a pioneering scientific assessment of the events at the World Trade Center. The sudden total collapse of the third skyscraper in S-11, Building 7 of the WTC at 5:20 pm, is now being seen across the world as "tangible evidence" that refutes the official version of the 11 - S. These experts also introduce additional "overwhelming evidence" of a hypothesis of controlled demolition of the twin towers is disturbing to say the least. The film does not speculate and identifies with the audience to also present the most popular segment of the film, which presents the career prospects of the eight psychologists explain some of the reasons so why is it so difficult for people hagar against scientific evidence. This is the documentary film about the 11-S more scientific and convincing to date, which contains vital information that requires action from all of us. We can no longer afford to ignore the evidence of the Twin Towers.
"This is the first time that we will have the Supreme Court decide whether religious liberty rights can be used to trump anti-discrimination laws," explains Brigitte Amiri of the American Civil Liberties Union.
The cases could force a re-hashing of the landmark Citizens United decision, which ruled companies have freedom of expression rights that allow unlimited spending on political campaigns. The court could now decide whether companies also have religious freedom rights.
"The bullet I’m worried about is the one that has penetrated his abdomen & not come out..." Read MSF nurse Jon's tense blog post about helping a wounded man in Pakistan. Please leave your questions and comments for Jon below his blog post. Thank you. http://msf.me/1he2lBF
The #NSA is apparently seeking out the online sexual activity of its targets – individuals who the agency believes are “radicalizing others through incendiary speeches” but who lack any ties to actual criminality – hoping to expose them as hypocrites to their followers.