sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

Keiser Report: Working Class Debt Slaves (E506) - YouTube

Keiser Report: Working Class Debt Slaves (E506) - YouTube:

 In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss David Cameron as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) which causes the wealth of the nation to drop. They also discuss Continuous Payment Authorities as a metaphor for our financial systems continuously taking toll payments, whether via interest fees or inflation. Max also notes that David Cameron claims 'profits' is not a dirty word; and yet, to every major, successful corporation on Earth "profits' is, indeed, a word to be avoided at all costs. In the second half, Max interviews Dr Michael Hudson of michael-hudson.com about the global economic policies turning the UK into Greece and the U.S. into Latvia and a world in which only the little companies make profits.