CATALONIA -- Míssil a la línia de flotació de les tesis unionistes ! directe!cat
Míssil a la línia de flotació de les tesis unionistes ! directe!cat
Missile Waterline theses Unionists Spain Catalonia without also being outside the European Union, the DUI is illegal and Catalonia could negotiate directly with the distribution of international financial institutions debt
The lawyer specializing in process independence, Slovenian Ana Stanic, in a newspaper interview Monday NOW aquets says that if Catalonia becomes independent from Spain would cease to exist as it is now and the states derivative must be considered heirs of the dissolved state. According Stenico "or both territories remain in the European Union or left out" because no Catalonia Spain would be a different country and that it was in Spain, like Catalonia should request readmission to the Union. In this regard, the lawyer recommended that Catalonia has insisted it is not a secession, but a dissolution of Spain.
It should be clear that the assets and liabilities we divide with Spain According to the expert, it is very important to analyze the distribution of assets and liabilities that we divide with Spain, and if necessary, if Spain refuses to negotiate the distribution of assets and liabilities could negotiate directly international financial institutions, without the intervention of Spain. In this regard, remember Stanic Serbia did not want to negotiate the deal with the new republics, but once it was clear Slovenia's independence, were the banks who negotiate directly with the authorities of the new future state. "There is nothing in international law that prohibits a DUI" and the application of Article 155 Grinding Stanic said that in no case can be argued that international law considers illegal unilateral declaration of independence, because it includes the right to secede, but it prohibits. Regarding the suspension of autonomy under Article 155, the lawyer recalled that the constitution states that the article can be applied "to interest" and wondered if it would keep the unit of general interest Spain and claims that this argument is not used in international law.