sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

Ebola - What You're Not Being Told [UPDATED] | SCG News

Ebola - What You're Not Being Told [UPDATED] | SCG News


UPDATED to clarify the question of semantics regarding how ‪#‎Ebola‬
travels through the air. Someone pointed out that in medical terms, if
the virus is transferred through tiny droplets in the air this would
technically not be called an "airborne virus". Airborne, in medical
terms would mean that the virus has the ability to stay alive without a
liquid carrier. As a question of terminology the point is well taken,
but keep in mind that the study did not officially determine how
the virus traveled through the air, it merely established that Ebola
DOES travel through the air. Doctor Kobinger's hypothesis regarding
droplets of liquid is just that, a hypothesis. For the average person
however what needs to be understood is very simple: if you are in a room
with someone infected with Ebola, you are not safe, even if you never
touch them or their bodily fluids, and this is not what you are being
told by the mainstream media. Essentially I am using the word "airborne"
as a layman term (which kind of makes sense, since I am a layman in
this field). I have annotated the video and the transcript to make this
