Revolution under attack: the story of Kobanê's resistance [Proposal] : December 2014 : Contributoria - the independent journalism network
needs your support to realize this report from the Turkish border with
Kobane, where editor Iskender Dogu spent one week talking to local
activists and Syrian refugees. Create a Contributoria account and donate
some of your points if you like to see this article in print next
"I want to tell the story of Medya, the 18-year old girl
who wanted to be a football player in the Syrian national team, but now
she can't because "ISIS has destroyed all my dreams"; I want to tell the
story of Feram, who kissed his wife and eight children goodbye in
Germany, and left for Kobanê to join the resistance against ISIS; I also
want to tell the story of Müslüm, who spent three years in a Turkish
jail for little more than being a Kurd demanding democracy, and who went
out of his way to help me getting around and meeting me with the right
25% Of the fees will be donated to the Syrian refugees in Turkey. Thanks for your solidarity and support.