Great victory.
"In assessing whether ads are misleading under the
Code, we are required to consider whether they are likely to cause
consumers to take a transactional decision that they would not otherwise
have taken. The Code sets out that a transactional decision is "… any
decision taken by a consumer, whether it is to act or not act, about
whether, how and on what terms to buy, pay in whole or in part for,
retain or dispose of a product or whether, how and on what terms to
exercise a contractual right in relation to a product". In this case, we
considered the average consumer reading the ad would not necessarily be
aware of the status of the territory in question and the surrounding
dispute. We considered the existence of such a dispute and the impact
this had on travellers would have an effect on consumers’ decisions
about whether or not to take action on seeing the ad. We therefore
considered the presentation of the ad would mislead consumers into
believing that the Old City of Jerusalem was part of Israel and into
taking a transactional decision that they would otherwise not have