domingo, 31 de julio de 2016
The Democratic Party No Longer Exists. And an Orchestrated War with Russia is Contemplated | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
DR. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS: The Democratic Party that once was concerned
Les démocrates américains envoûtés par la Silicon Valley, par Thomas Frank (Le Monde diplomatique, mars 2016)
Les démocrates américains envoûtés par la Silicon Valley, par Thomas Frank (Le Monde diplomatique, mars 2016)
Qui a-t-on retrouvé en 2015 à la tête d’une « start-up de technologie politique » conçue pour fournir à la candidate Hillary Clinton le fin du fin en matière de ciblage des électeurs ? Eric Schmidt, bien entendu. Le patron de Google (Alphabet), 137e homme le plus riche du monde — selon le classement 2015 de Forbes — est le milliardaire préféré du centre gauche américain.
Yves Velter. – « Garden of Recognition » (Jardin de reconnaissance), 2013
Abu Ghraib Torture Company With Deep British Connections Re-Hired For Syria - TruePublica
Abu Ghraib Torture Company With Deep British Connections Re-Hired For Syria - TruePublica
Abu Ghraib Torture Company With Deep British Connections Re-Hired For Syria
In December 2014 the Independent
reported that “Hundreds of new cases accusing British soldiers of
abusing – in many cases torturing – Iraqi men, women and children, aged
from 13 to 101, were to be considered by the International Criminal
Court (ICC).”
To add to the dreadful truth that was still emerging ten years after
the first torture claims, an official report into allegations that
British soldiers mistreated and unlawfully killed Iraqis in 2004, it
appeared there was evidence of official British knowledge of the use of
torture to obtain intelligence from suspected insurgents and terrorists.
Back in 2004, the first MoD
investigation came about just at the time as it was announced that the
US military was launching their own investigation into ‘interrogation procedures‘
which included the use and role of private contractors in military
prisons across Iraq after continuing evidence of torture and sexual
abuse at an army-run jail, Abu Ghraib near Baghdad, which could no
longer be ignored.
At the time, British ministers were in full denial that torture was
being used. Geoff Hoon, the then Defence Minister who was embroiled in
various military contractor scandals and sacked in his role by NATO
continued with these denials in 2005 stating that Britain did not use
torture methods to obtain information. A subsequent inquiry found that
Iraqi prisoners (many innocent) were beaten, threatened with mock
execution, stripped and sexually humiliated.
Get Briefed, Get Weekly Intelligence Reports - Essential Sunday Reading - Safe Subscribe
The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald on What’s Wrong (and Right) With the Media
The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald on What’s Wrong (and Right) With the Media
Actvism Munich Editorial Pick of the Day: Glenn Greenwald
Glenn Greenwald: "Once corporations started — Westinghouse and CBS, now Disney and ABC, and all of that,
and journalists started becoming corporate employees instead of
journalists, the ethos of a corporation is completely different from
what a journalistic ethos is supposed to be. When you work at a
corporation, being controversial or offending and alienating people is
the worst possible thing you can do. You’re supposed to fit into
authoritative structures, you’re supposed to kind of please the power
structure that exists. If you’re a corporation that has a lot of
dealings with the government, the last thing you want is your media
division alienating government officials by being aggressive toward them
or alienating them or offending them. So the whole mentality of being
at a big corporation is to me the antithesis of what a real journalistic
ethos is supposed to be, and I think that’s fundamentally changed
journalism for the worse by making it seek out these kinds of
uncontroversial postures"
"But the same people who advocated the Iraq War, if you look at the
Sunday shows to see who is being asked to opine on foreign policy, it’s
the same people who were so radically wrong in everything they said
about Iraq. Or if you look at who the economic gurus are, they’re the
same people whose policies in the ’90s and then into the Bush
administration led to that economic collapse."
Brain Cancer in Children Linked to Monsanto’s Glyphosate
Brain Cancer in Children Linked to Monsanto’s Glyphosate
Brain Cancer in Children Linked to Monsanto’s Glyphosate
Vicki Batts
Glyphosate is the primary ingredient of Monsanto’s best-selling weed killer.
Naturally, when the World Health Organization came forward and reported that glyphosate was a probable carcinogen — the
corporate giant
refuted their assertion by claiming their research was clearly “biased and inaccurate.”
Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America (Full Book on PDF)
Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America (Full Book on PDF)
This historical gem of a book details how the industrial powers of the
late 1800’s funded Allopathic, pharmaceutical medicine into existence,
suppressing the homeopathic/naturopathic medicine and building an entire
structure of industry funded academia as a foundation for this new
Jeremy Corbyn, Labour’s Unelectable Leader. The Strident Anti-Corbyn Headlines are Endless | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Jeremy Corbyn, Labour’s Unelectable Leader. The Strident Anti-Corbyn Headlines are Endless | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
“Labour Party in Turmoil!” “Is Labour going to split?” “The Labour Party is increasingly anti-Semitic” “45 female Labour MPs tell Corbyn ‘Abuse is in your name’” “Eagle accuses Corbyn supporters of ‘bullying’ Labour rebels” “The Breaking of the Labour Party” “Jeremy Corbyn’s deselection threat means Labour’s civil war is now a fight to the death”….
Corbyn calls for end to UK 'arms bazaar' policy in Middle East | Middle East Eye
Corbyn calls for end to UK 'arms bazaar' policy in Middle East | Middle East Eye
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has demanded a root-and-branch review of
Britain’s alliance with Saudi Arabia in the wake of the brutal Saudi
interventions in Bahrain and the Yemen.
Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Anti-Sanders Conspiracy | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Anti-Sanders Conspiracy | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Anti-Sanders Conspiracy
The release by Wikileaks of
a trove of emails from high-ranking Democratic Party officials has
confirmed what many Americans – both progressive and conservative – have
suspected throughout this election cycle: that the Democratic National
Committee (DNC) actively conspired against Bernie Sanders in an attempt
to ensure the nomination for Hillary Clinton.
But it wasn’t simply party apparatchiks like the disgraced Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the recently resigned Chair of the DNC and
close ally of Clinton, but also their trusted cronies in the corporate
media who actively collaborated with DNC officials to ensure that
nothing too critical of Hillary would make it into the Mighty Wurlitzer
of contemptibly ‘respectable’ journalism. Indeed, what the Wikileaks
revelations expose to the world is the fact that there’s nothing
democratic about the Democratic Party, or America’s alleged democracy in
More specifically however, the question that really must be asked is:
why Hillary Clinton? What is it about this woman that unites nearly
the entirety of the political, financial, socio-cultural, and military
establishment? Is it really just hatred of Donald Trump? Or is there
something more insidious, something that makes Hillary the irresistible
flame of belligerence and exceptionalism to which the
corporate-imperialist moths are slavishly attracted?
From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact
For months the sentinels of the liberal media fortress derided all
allegations of a DNC conspiracy against Bernie Sanders and the millions
of Americans who #FeelTheBern, caricaturing these accusations as no
different from the Illuminati-Freemason-Rothschild-Lizard People.
Articles like Bernie Sanders Fans’ DNC ‘Collusion’ Conspiracy Theory is Embarrassing Garbage and Can we please stop with the Bernie Sanders conspiracy theories? were
staples of the campaign once it became clear that the Berners were a
real political force, and that the Sanders campaign could actually pose a
threat to the establishment’s preferred proxy, Hillary Clinton.
Hotheaded Hillary, the Democratic Presidential Candidate
Hotheaded Hillary, the Democratic Presidential Candidate
During World War II, I remember there was a famous saying that went
something like this: Loose lips sink U.S. ships, referring to the
importance of military members—sailors,
in particular—not talking about their tour of duty or in their letters
written to loved ones, about the location of their ship, etc. because of
the damage and harm leaked information could do to the war effort.
The CIA’s ‘Pokémon Go’ App is Doing What the Patriot Act Can’t : The Corbett Report
The CIA’s ‘Pokémon Go’ App is Doing What the Patriot Act Can’t : The Corbett Report
The CIA’s ‘Pokémon Go’ App is Doing What the Patriot Act Can’t
by James Corbett
Privacy advocates (that’s establishment speak for “normal human
beings”) celebrated earlier this week as the House rejected yet another
attempt to expand the Patriot Act’s snooping provisions. House
Resolution 5606, better known by its Orwellian name, the “Anti-terrorism Information Sharing is Strength Act,”
would have allowed Big Brother to access Americans’ financial
information based on what the government deems to be “suspicious
activity.” Given that the DHS has labeled such things as using binoculars, paying with cash, or even “appearing normal”
as “possible terrorist activity” in the past (thus making pretty much
every human being a possible terrorist), everyone can breathe a sigh of
relief that the bill failed.
But don’t breathe that sigh too deeply, because exactly as that
threat to privacy was being extinguished, another one was rising to take
its place. It goes by the name of “Pokémon Go” and it is a so-called
“augmented reality” game that allows users to capture, train and battle
virtual Pokémon by chasing them around through real world environments
with your smart phone.
Pokémon Go, the CIA, "Totalitarianism" and the Future of Surveillance
Pokémon Go, the CIA, "Totalitarianism" and the Future of Surveillance
If anyone doubted that a percentage of the global population are akin to
zombies, the incidents following the release of Pokémon Go have surely
convinced you. Despite the game only
being released in early July, we have already seen a man driving into a
tree and a women getting locked in a graveyard whilst chasing these
furry little creatures.
With DNC Wrapped FBI Director Suddenly Declares "Success Against ISIS Means ... MORE Terror"
With DNC Wrapped FBI Director Suddenly Declares "Success Against ISIS Means ... MORE Terror"
The now wrapped Democratic National Convention proved to be an ugly
circus of lies, deceit, betrayal, censorship, issue-dodging,
finger-pointing, name-calling, propaganda, fake speeches, snappy quotes
and cliques, you name it. It was an ugly moment in American history of
course. Anyone paying attention and anyone who sees what I see knows we
are watching history unfold before our very eyes because we are watching
the official attempt (by the ruling elite) to transform America, once
and for all, into a broken and depopulated dangerous wasteland of slaves
living in fear and ruled by evil overlords.
"Don't Owe. Won't Pay." Everything You've Been Told About Debt Is Wrong
"Don't Owe. Won't Pay." Everything You've Been Told About Debt Is Wrong
"Not only does #debt
have the potential to be a rallying point of near-universal appeal, it
also happens to be a unique political pressure point. That’s because the results of mass debt resistance would be catastrophic for the financial system.
The Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008 demonstrated that the system is so
highly leveraged and so tightly interconnected that even a small
disruption can cascade into a massive systemic crisis. Moreover, “won’t
pay” is a form of protest easily accessible to the atomized digital
citizen who has been sundered from most forms of political association;
arguably, it is the only form of digital action that has much real-world
impact. No street protests are necessary, no confrontations with riot
police, to stop payment on a credit card or student loan. The financial
system is vulnerable to a few million mouse clicks." #OurRevolution
Russia Won’t Hack US Voting Machines, That’s America’s Job | New Eastern Outlook
Russia Won’t Hack US Voting Machines, That’s America’s Job | New Eastern Outlook
With the Democratic National Convention in high gear, the corporate
media has inundated the television and computer screens of American...
US Coverage: More Than Ignorance | New Eastern Outlook
US Coverage: More Than Ignorance | New Eastern Outlook
Recently, the public Broadcasting Channel (PBS) ran a series on the war in Ukraine that would make the inhabitants of...
New Study Shows Common Insecticide Destroys Fertility In Bees
New Study Shows Common Insecticide Destroys Fertility In Bees
A new study provides further evidence that a commonly used insecticide
is causing harm to the honey bee population, specifically the male drone
honey bees.
By Derrick Broze
sábado, 30 de julio de 2016
Hillary Clinton and Her Hawks – Consortiumnews
Hillary Clinton and Her Hawks – Consortiumnews
Exclusive: Focusing on domestic issues, Hillary Clinton’s acceptance
speech sidestepped the deep concerns anti-war Democrats have about her
hawkish foreign policy, which is already taking shape in the shadows,
reports Gareth Porter.
Secretary Leon Panetta with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at NATO
conference in Munich, Germany, Feb. 4 (Official Defense Department
Secretary Leon Panetta with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at NATO
conference in Munich, Germany, Feb. 4 (Official Defense Department
“The Two-Party System Is the Worst Case Scenario” – An Interview With the Green Party’s Jill Stein
“The Two-Party System Is the Worst Case Scenario” – An Interview With the Green Party’s Jill Stein
"In my view the worst horror of all is a political system that tells us we have to choose between two lethal options."
IMF admits disastrous love affair with the euro and apologises for the immolation of Greece
IMF admits disastrous love affair with the euro and apologises for the immolation of Greece
The latest report by the IMF's Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)
describes a “culture of complacency”, prone to “superficial and
mechanistic” analysis, and traces a shocking breakdown in the governance
of the IMF.
The IMF's chief Christine Lagarde is presiding over an organisation that is almost out of control
"Free Speech Cage" At The DNC Is A Truly Pathetic Image Of Modern American Freedom
"Free Speech Cage" At The DNC Is A Truly Pathetic Image Of Modern American Freedom
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. —
The First Amendment
Kshama Sawant vs. Rebecca Traister on Clinton, Democratic Party & Possibility of a Female President | Democracy Now!
Kshama Sawant vs. Rebecca Traister on Clinton, Democratic Party & Possibility of a Female President | Democracy Now!
Watch the debate between journalist Rebecca Traister and socialist Seattle councilmember Kshama Sawant on whether to vote for Hillary Clinton.
ISIS is Escalating Its Violence Against Iraqi Civilians. Why Doesn’t the World Care? | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
ISIS is Escalating Its Violence Against Iraqi Civilians. Why Doesn’t the World Care? | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
"Outside Iraq there are no speeches made, no flags lowered in response
to the almost daily terror attacks. And yet our people continue to show
resilience and hope."
as I’d lost my ability to grieve, the world seems to have lost its
ability to acknowledge the death of Iraqis.’ (Photo: Hadi Mizban/AP)
as I’d lost my ability to grieve, the world seems to have lost its
ability to acknowledge the death of Iraqis.’ (Photo: Hadi Mizban/AP)
Possible War Crime: Syrian Maternity Hospital Bombed | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
Possible War Crime: Syrian Maternity Hospital Bombed | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
Latest strike "appears to be part of a despicable pattern of unlawful attacks deliberately targeting medical facilities."
Supporters demand an end to the bombing of hospitals in Syria at a
die-in to defend Syrian health professionals. (Credit: Michael
Hnatov/Physicians for Human Rights via flickr/cc)
Nonviolent Resistance: How Manufactured Revolutions Serve US Foreign Policy - Top US & World News | Susanne PoselTop US & World News | Susanne Posel
Nonviolent Resistance: How Manufactured Revolutions Serve US Foreign Policy - Top US & World News | Susanne PoselTop US & World News | Susanne Posel
Nonviolent Resistance: How Manufactured Revolutions Serve US Foreign Policy
Dr. Gene Sharp wrote “From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation”, in 1973, based on his thesis paper.
In 1983, Sharp founded the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) which is a
non-profit organization that promotes the use of nonviolent action to
topple oppressive governments. The AEI receives its support from
globalist think-tanks and organizations that further agendas for the
Elite around the world. Members of the board of directors for AEI come
from the Ford Foundation and the RAND Corporation. Funding for the AEI
comes from:
• The Ford Foundation
• The International Republican Institute (IRI)
• The National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
The NED was created in 1983 to funnel funds to uprisings under the
guise of promoting democracy in developing nations. The US Congress
financially supports NED to achieve “democratic goals in more than 90
The IRI is the organization that works with the
nations directly to install democracy in nations that have had a
manufactured uprising.
While Sharp himself has become a pasty
over the years, the use of the AEI has aided in the exclusion of
military tactics with regard to how the US government finances and
promotes the ideals set forth by Sharp to control governments across the
Sharp’s book is “a substitute for war and other violent
action.” Its effectiveness has been seen in the seemingly grassroots
revolutions that have rocked recent history. Tunisia, Syria, Egypt,
Libya and Iran have fallen victim to the ideology set forth by Sharp and
its application that is facilitated by citizens who unwittingly
participate in the over-throw of their government which happens to
compliment the agendas of the US government.
Clouds of Uncertainty Continue to Loom Over Iran-nuke Deal | New Eastern Outlook
Clouds of Uncertainty Continue to Loom Over Iran-nuke Deal | New Eastern Outlook
While the very first anniversary of the historic Iran-nuke deal was celebrated only a few days ago, the deal has...
Declassified 9/11 Report Portrays US-Saudis as Partners in Crime | New Eastern Outlook
Declassified 9/11 Report Portrays US-Saudis as Partners in Crime | New Eastern Outlook
Declassified 9/11 Report Portrays US-Saudis as Partners in Crime
The recently released, previously classified report titled, “Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001″ (.pdf),
reveals that indeed long-time US ally, Saudi Arabia, had connections to
the alleged hijackers who purportedly carried out the 9/11 attacks.
the US would go on to invade Afghanistan and Iraq predicated on the
9/11 attacks, it should be noted that all of the alleged hijackers were
either Saudis or Persian Gulf citizens, or connected to terrorist
organizations supported by Persian Gulf states.
The Western media has attempted to
downplay the impact of the document’s release, claiming that subsequent
investigations found the “many” of the allegations in the document
“without basis” – even as the US and Saudi Arabia today openly arm and
fund terrorists in Syria.
To Whose Benefit?
Many mistakenly believe on one hand
terrorism is simply an inevitable clash of civilizations between “Islam”
and the West, while others maintain it is the predictable backlash to
flawed or unjust Western foreign policy.
In reality, it is neither.
It is meticulously engineered violence
used as a tool for achieving geopolitical objectives around the world –
from overthrowing governments and justifying military interventions, to
creating paralyzing fear and hysteria at home to garner support for a
growing domestic police state and a large military footprint overseas.
In essence, it is a highly conductive medium through which modern day empire can spread.
This can clearly be seen through the use
of terrorism today. Some 14 years after the September 11, 2001 attacks,
and as memories begin to fade, the US finds itself partnered with Saudi
Arabia once again, arming and funding terrorists to fight their proxy
wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq, and beyond, just as they did in the 1980s
when they jointly created Al Qaeda to begin with.
As the pendulum of geopolitical
necessity swings from needing heavily armed, fanatical proxy forces to
fight abroad, to needing a pretext at home to initiate large-scale
military interventions overseas, these terrorist organizations are
characterized by Western politicians and the media in a similarly
shifting manner. During the 1980s Al Qaeda was portrayed as “freedom
fighters.” In 2001 when the United States sought to use full-scale
military force to rearrange the Middle East, North Africa, and Central
Asia, Al Qaeda was transformed into a villain.
DNC/RNC Pageantry, Abby's Arrest & Manchurian Candidate Trump by Media Roots | Free Listening on SoundCloud
DNC/RNC Pageantry, Abby's Arrest & Manchurian Candidate Trump by Media Roots | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Robbie Martin and I talk about the RNC/DNC pageantry and
behind-the-scenes dissent, my unlawful arrest and absurd media hype over
Putin, Trump & the #DNCleak on Media Roots Radio:
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It
The DNC Protests You Didn't See on TV: Sanders Delegates Chant and Walk Out on Clinton Speech | Democracy Now!
The DNC Protests You Didn't See on TV: Sanders Delegates Chant and Walk Out on Clinton Speech | Democracy Now!
"All this pseudo-patriotic rhetoric coming out is lethal, it's deadly.
We're sick and tired of it. We're not going to give Hillary Clinton a
nanosecond of political honeymoon, and that time starts right now." -
Norman Solomon, Calif. delegate
Labour rebels plan to start their own party if Jeremy Corbyn gets re-elected - Mirror Online
Labour rebels plan to start their own party if Jeremy Corbyn gets re-elected - Mirror Online
Difficult to doubt that this is what the Labour rebel MPs are planning
after they lose the leadership challenge against Jeremy Corbyn: go to
the courts to seize the party's name and its assets. They might pull it
off too, given that our elites pay no more than lip service to
Jeremy Corbyn
Syrian maternity hospital bombed, says Save the Children | World news | The Guardian
Syrian maternity hospital bombed, says Save the Children | World news | The Guardian
Syrian maternity hospital bombed, says Save the Children
Charity says the facility that it supports in a rebel-held area of Idlib province has been extensively damaged
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION --- Catalan News Agency - Spain wants to claim criminal liability against Parliament’s President
Catalan News Agency - Spain wants to claim criminal liability against Parliament’s President
Spain wants to claim criminal liability against Parliament’s President
Barcelona (CNA).- Spain’s executive wants the Spanish
Constitutional Court (TC) to apply an enforced sentence against the
Parliament’s President, Carme Forcadell, for having disobeyed the TC’s
rulings and allowing the pro-independence roadmap to be put to vote on
Wednesday. In particular, the Spanish executive calls for the TC to
“proceed to consider the witness of particulars in order to claim
criminal liability against the Parliament’s President for disobeying the
rulings of the TC, which all public servants are compelled to obey”.
The current Spanish Cabinet, which met this Friday, also agreed to
attempt to expressly ban the Parliament’s President, the Parliament
Bureau and the Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont, from promoting any
initiative in relation to the pro-independence process.
For her part, Forcadell assured that she is “not afraid” of the TC
and insisted that she “acted according to the rules” and that she
“couldn’t’ impede” the vote on the conclusions of the Committee for the
Constitutive Process from taking place. The Parliament’s President
lamented the attempts of the Spanish executive to “limit political
debate” and “restrict the freedom of speech of the Parliament and its
Current Spanish Vice President, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría (by ACN)
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION -- Spain seeks criminal charges against Catalan leader - News from Al Jazeera
Spain seeks criminal charges against Catalan leader - News from Al Jazeera
Spain seeks criminal charges against Catalan leader
Spanish government moves to nullify text by Catalonia's parliament urging the region to push ahead for independence.
government is seeing if it can bring criminal charges against the
speaker of the Catalan parliament for letting the assembly vote for
Politicians in Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, voted on
Wednesday to continue with a plan to detach the north-eastern region
from Spain.
On Friday, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, deputy prime minister in the
caretaker administration in Madrid, said the government had asked the
Constitutional Court to annul Wednesday's resolution and see if Catalan
assembly speaker Carme Forcadell had broken the law by trying to press
ahead with the independence plans.
READ MORE: Madrid rejects fresh Catalonia freedom bid
The text passed by the Catalan parliament outlines the steps
Catalonia - a region of 7.5 million people which represents nearly a
fifth of Spain's economic output - needs to take to defend its right to
WATCH: Catalans to hold unofficial vote on independence |
It argues the "only way possible" for Catalans to exercise their
right to decide on their future is if the region "disconnects" from the
Spanish state and disobeys Spanish institutions.
"It's a violation of our constitution," government spokeswoman Santamaria told reporters in Madrid after a cabinet meeting.
She also warned that separatist politicians, and especially
Forcadell, the speaker, risked fines of up to 30,000 euros ($33,500),
suspension from their posts and even legal action if they continued to
disobey Madrid.
Speaking to a Catalan television channel, Forcadell hit back at
Madrid's reaction, accusing the government of using legal tools to try
and fix something "they do not know how to resolve politically.
"This does not help resolve the problem, it makes it worse," she said.
With the backing of acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's
conservative government, Spain's Constitutional Court has already taken
measures against Catalonia's independence drive.
Inside Story: Independence for Catalonia? |
It suspended an independence referendum called by the Catalan government in 2014, as well as a resolution passed by Catalonia's parliament in November declaring the start of a secession process.
Secessionist parties hold a majority in the 135-seat Catalan parliament, and the text was approved with 72 votes in favour.
A poll published last week showed support for Catalan independence
growing at a time when political deadlock at the national level after
two inconclusive general elections has prevented the formation of a new
government in Madrid.
The survey, by the regional government's official pollster, found
47.7 percent of Catalans supported independence, with 42.4 against.
Many Catalans who favour breaking away from Spain say their
region pays too much in taxes and receives less than its fair share of
government investment. Independence also sentiment grew during Spain's
near economic meltdown during the financial crisis.
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION -- Madrid Takes Catalan Parliament Resolution on Secession to Constitutional Court
Madrid Takes Catalan Parliament Resolution on Secession to Constitutional Court
Madrid Takes Catalan Parliament Resolution on Secession to Constitutional Court
Acting Spanish Deputy
Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria stated that the Spanish
Government demands to invalidate the Catalan Parliament resolution from
July 27 to continue the process of Catalonia's secession from Madrid.
(Sputnik) — The Spanish Government filed a lawsuit to the
Constitutional Court in connection with the recent resolution adopted
by the Parliament of Catalonia to continue the process of secession
from Madrid, acting Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de
Santamaria said Friday.
On Wednesday, the Catalan parliament supported the conclusions of a
parliamentary commission created to study the process of secession. The
conclusions included the points of secession's terms and a referendum
on a new regional constitution. Later that day, de Santamaria announced
that the Spanish government will file a lawsuit to the constitutional
court. Earlier on Friday, the Spanish government's meeting took place
in Madrid and has reached a decision to proceed with the lawsuit to the
Constitutional Court, agreeing on the suit's text.
"We demand to invalidate the [Catalan
Parliament] resolution from July 27, since it is contrary to a previous
decision of the Constitutional Court. We demand its immediate
suspension," de Santamaria told reporters after the government's
has long sought independence from Spain, but the Spanish government has
repeatedly declined the region’s quest for independence, saying it
would violate the country’s constitution.
On November 9, the Parliament of Catalonia passed a resolution
to begin the process of seceding from Spain. The initiative was backed
by 72 votes in the 135-seat parliament.
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION ----- Spanish Government Seeks Criminal Charges Against Catalan Leader - NBC News
Spanish Government Seeks Criminal Charges Against Catalan Leader - NBC News
Spanish Government Seeks Criminal Charges Against Catalan Leader
by Reuters
MADRID — Spain's central government is seeing if
it can bring criminal charges against the speaker of the Catalonian
parliament for letting the assembly vote for independence, it said on
hold placards to form a giant Estelada, or Catalan separatist flag, in
front of the Sant Feliu del Llobregat townhall, near Barcelona. ALBERT GEA / Reuters file
The Catalan parliament voted on Wednesday to
continue with its plan to detach the wealthy north-eastern region from
Spain, despite a ruling by the Spanish Constitutional Court annulling an
earlier resolution to form an independent state.
Related: Catalonia Votes in Symbolic Poll for Independence From Spain
Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, deputy prime
minister in the caretaker administration in Madrid, said the government
had asked the Constitutional Court to annul the latest resolution and
see if Catalan assembly speaker Carme Forcadell had broken the law by
trying to press ahead with the independence plans.
Study Finds Evidence for CDC Cover-Up of Link Between Autism and
Study Finds Evidence for CDC Cover-Up of Link Between Autism and
Unfortunately, the disgusting practice of covering up inconvenient evidence is the norm in a number of "medical studies."
viernes, 29 de julio de 2016
Three Steps To Reverse A “Doomsday” Clock | Oriental Review
Three Steps To Reverse A “Doomsday” Clock | Oriental Review
The next U.S. Administration should seriously consider three steps to de-escalate tensions in E.Europe until it is too late...
WATCH: Full Julian Assange Interview on WikiLeaks & Leaked DNC Emails | Democracy Now!
WATCH: Full Julian Assange Interview on WikiLeaks & Leaked DNC Emails | Democracy Now!
See the full interview with Julian Assange
on the release of 20,000 emails revealing how the Democratic Party
favored Hillary Clinton and worked behind the scenes to discredit and
defeat Bernie Sanders:
Slavery, Endless War, and Presidential Politics | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
Slavery, Endless War, and Presidential Politics | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
"No presidential candidate without the courage to do at least this —
open a discussion about the costs and consequences of war — deserves my
vote, or yours." -- Robert C. Koehler
army soldiers look on as U.S. soldiers discuss movement techniques and
squad-level tactics at a training area on Camp Taji, Iraq, March 24,
2015. (Photo: U.S. DoD)
Groundbreaking Review Shows How Glyphosate Alters DNA Toward Chronic Illness
Groundbreaking Review Shows How Glyphosate Alters DNA Toward Chronic Illness
A new review of scientific literature is linking one of the most well
known and notorious herbicides in the United States to a variety of
diseases as a result of a mechanism that modifies the function of human
Merck Insider Caught Deleting Peer-Reviewed Study Linking "Behavioral Abnormalities" to Gardasil
Merck Insider Caught Deleting Peer-Reviewed Study Linking "Behavioral Abnormalities" to Gardasil
On January 9, 2016, a study titled “Behavioral abnormalities in young
female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human
papillomavirus vaccine Gardasil” was published by the journal Vaccine.
Empowering Wisdom to Free You From Debt Slavery
Empowering Wisdom to Free You From Debt Slavery
“It was apparent that materialism was in complete control of the
economic structure, the final objective of which was for the individual
to become part of a system providing an economic security at the expense
of the human soul, mind and body.” – Manly P. Hall
Russia urged to free journalist held for 12 months on spurious charge | RSF
Russia urged to free journalist held for 12 months on spurious charge | RSF
The flimsy nature of the “extremism” charge against Sokolov suggests
that he is being persecuted because of his reporting. He specializes in
investigating large-scale corruption. #PressFreedom
Massive New Study Suggests Pesticide the Cause of Microcephaly — NOT Zika Virus
Massive New Study Suggests Pesticide the Cause of Microcephaly — NOT Zika Virus
Massive New Study Suggests Pesticide the Cause of Microcephaly — NOT Zika Virus
By Justin Gardner
A new scientific study
carried out by the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) is
casting doubt on the assumed connection between the Zika virus and
microcephaly. The study was prompted by the fact that no similar
epidemics of microcephaly are being found in other countries hit hard by
the Zika virus.
“Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine published
the preliminary results of a large study of pregnant Colombian women
infected with Zika. Of the nearly 12,000 pregnant women with
clinical symptoms of Zika infections until March 28, no cases of
microcephaly were reported as of May 2. At the same time, four
cases of Zika and microcephaly were reported for women who were
symptomless for Zika infections and therefore not included in the study
Hybrid Wars 6. Trick To Containing China (VII) | Oriental Review
Hybrid Wars 6. Trick To Containing China (VII) | Oriental Review
Part 7 of Andrew Korybko's analysis of geopolitical solitaire in South East Asia:
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