sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016

An Unstoppable Progressive Movement | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

An Unstoppable Progressive Movement | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community


There is no reason to sugar coat it. The election of Donald Trump is a
wakeup call for those of us who care about working-class families.
People all across the country are struggling to make ends meet and they
feel like the economy is rigged against them in favor of the wealthy.
Some of those voters felt disillusioned and frustrated that their voices
weren’t being heard in Washington. 

This is true of places like my hometown of Kenosha, Wisconsin, which
used to have a thriving automobile industry, and now has dwindling
economic opportunities. For decades now, we have not adequately
addressed the basic problems that continue to worsen for the working

Income inequality began to grow during the 1970s as economic growth
slowed. Concentration of wealth rose to the very top while safety nets
protecting the most vulnerable have gradually been snipped away. Things
have gone in the wrong direction for the majority of people. Explaining
why this happened is often complex. On the campaign trail, Trump gave
simple answers that preyed on people’s insecurities and anger, even if
they weren’t solutions. 


Demonstrators protesting then-Republican candidate Donald Trump while he
addressed an event organized by the American Israel Public Affairs
Council, Washington DC, March 21, 2016. (Photo: Stephen Melkisethian/cc/flickr)