martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

Smart Meters Uncloaked And How To Fight Back

Smart Meters Uncloaked And How To Fight Back

 By Catherine J. Frompovich

The battle of AMI Smart Meters is heating up across the land.  Too
many utility customers are getting sick after those meters unknowingly
are/were retrofitted on to their home utility meters.  After researching
the timeline on what happened either to them or their children’s
health, customers realize it all started after AMI Smart Meters were
retrofitted on to their electric, natural gas or water utility meters. 
The problem is the non-thermal radiation waves AMI Smart Meters emit,
which causes electrosmog and an adverse health problem known as
electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).

However, I want to share with readers information which may help in
dealing with, and/or removing, those harmful meters from your utility
service.  Here is the American Policy Center’s 2013 report SPECIAL REPORT Sustainable Development and the Control Of Energy: The growing battle over Smart Meters (a 36-page report) .

Below the icon taken from that Report, readers will find my comments and suggestions.