miércoles, 9 de agosto de 2017

Polls: U.S. Is ‘The Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today’ | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Polls: U.S. Is ‘The Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today’ | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization


" It
has happened again: yet another international poll finds that the U.S.
is viewed by peoples around the world to be the biggest threat to world

to start, let’s summarize the first-ever poll that had been done on
this, back in 2013, which was the only prior poll on this entire issue,
and it was the best-performed such poll: “An
end-of-the-year WIN/Gallup International survey found that people in 65
countries believe the United States is the greatest threat to world
, as the N.Y. Post reported on 5 January 2014. 

On 30 December 2013, the BBC had reported of that poll: “This
year, first [meaning here, ‘for’] the first time, Win/Gallup agreed to
include three questions submitted by listeners to [BBC’s] Radio 4’s
Today programme.”
And, one of those three listener-asked
questions was phrased there by the BBC, as having been “Which country is
the biggest threat to peace?” The way that WIN/Gallup International
itself had actually asked this open-ended question, to 67,806 respondents from 65 countries, was: “Which country do you think is the greatest threat to peace in the world today?” #1,
24% of respondents, worldwide, volunteered that the U.S. was “the
greatest threat.” #2 (the second-most-frequently volunteered ‘greatest
threat’) was Pakistan, volunteered by 8%. #3 was China, with 6%. #4-7
were a four-way tie, at 5% each, for: Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, and
North Korea. #8-10 were a three-way tie, at 4% each, for: India, Iraq,
and Japan. #11 was Syria, with 3%. #12 was Russia, with 2%. #13-20 were a
seven-way tie, at 1% each, for: Australia, Germany, Palestine, Saudi
Arabia, Somalia, South Korea, and UK. "