jueves, 3 de agosto de 2017

Profit Is Theft: It Sounds Absurd but Here's Why

Profit Is Theft: It Sounds Absurd but Here's Why

 Profit is theft, in our current economy. That is the profound conclusion
that must be addressed. But surely no one will agree with this on its
face. It sounds equally absurd. But corporate/ceo/shareholder profit
would not exist if workers were paid the full value of their work. All
workers contribute to the profit or losses of a business. But in
traditional capitalist practice, only the owners or shareholders receive
the profits while 99% of the workers - the working class minus
management usually - receives a static wage. And this wage *must* be
depressed lower than the full value of their work otherwise profit could
not exist.

Just to make sure this is totally clear, let's say a worker does 8 hours
of work to produce $160 in value for the company. If everyone was paid
the full value of their work this person would get paid $160. Instead,
this worker is paid $8 an hour and receives $64, while the other $96
goes to the owners. When this wealth extraction occurs day after day
after day, it's no wonder we see the rich getting richer while the poor
stays poor. The working class is getting robbed by the very nature of
the wage-based employee/owner system.