miércoles, 9 de agosto de 2017

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: 7 Ways the Ruling Elite Are Making Us Dumber | Wake Up World

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: 7 Ways the Ruling Elite Are Making Us Dumber | Wake Up World


By Paul A. Philips

Guest writer for Wake Up World

If you want to hijack a planet, what could be a better way of doing
it than by controlling the populace without them ever knowing? Unaware
that anything’s going on, the populace would never revolt. Such is the
nature of our world’s hijack by the invisible enemy — the ruling ‘elite’
and their silent war on humanity.

In this gross deception, the elite’s carefully orchestrated plans have two distinct purposes. The first purpose
is to deceive the populace into believing that their manufactured lies —
psy-ops, falsehoods, distortions, manipulations — are real. To prevent
any of this from being found out, a number of deceptions and
distractions have been manufactured to take the populaces’ attention
elsewhere. The second is to advance their agenda for total
global domination with minimal resistance, because the populace don’t
know that they’ve been deceived by the first purpose.

A minority, such as those of us frequenting the alternative media,
do indeed know this, but as a safeguard to prevent the ‘sleeping
masses’ from waking up in numbers and causing a revolt, the ruling elite
are systematically working to make our society on the whole, dumber!
