jueves, 14 de junio de 2018
The big trade war distraction | bilaterals.org
The “trade war” points our leaders away from what they should be focused
CATALONIA -- Independence of Catalonia : 2n round
Independència de Catalunya : 2n round
Indépendance de la #Catalogne : 2ème round https://t.co/gtzz6vNYF6 ~~~
Independence of Catalonia
The first Catalan executive meeting in the Tàpies room of the Palace of the Generalitat
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : German Officials Admit 'Still No Evidence' From UK That Russia Poisoned Skripals
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : German Officials Admit 'Still No Evidence' From UK That Russia Poisoned Skripals
This week, the German government informed a parliamentary oversight
committee during a closed hearing that it still has not received any
evidence suggesting that Russia might well be behind the incident that
took place in early March, German TV station RBB reports.
The G-7, Frozen in Time - Geopolitical Futures
The G-7, Frozen in Time - Geopolitical Futures
we now call the G-7 was meant to be an organization of the leading
industrial countries in the world. It originated in the 1970s in
response to the Arab oil embargo, which had hit the industrial world
hard. It hit back by forming an entity that represented the major
industrial powers that were struggling with high energy prices.
What the group was supposed to do remains unclear. Without a specific
purpose, it has become a meeting of the world’s major economic powers.
Except that some of the leading economic powers in 1973 are no longer
the leading powers in 2018. Russia, now the 11th-largest economy, was
part of a G-8 for a while, but it was banished because of its behavior
in Crimea. But most important, China and India boast the second- and
seventh-largest economies in the world and yet are not members.
If the G-7 were constituted by the top seven economies in the world, it
would probably hold different meetings with different agendas. Not
having China and India at the table, after all, makes any decisions
taken on economic matters of limited importance. Their inclusion may not
make the G-7 any more viable as anything more than a forum for
discussion, but the bigger point is that like many institutions of its
ilk, the G-7 is frozen in a time that no longer exists. During the Cold
War, its members arguably did represent the bulk of the world’s
industrial. But it remains a fundamentally Euro-American creation,
consisting of Euro-American agendas that dominate the event out of the
sheer number of leaders there.
The corporate media’s world of illusions
The corporate media’s world of illusions
For several years now, I have been writing these regular blog posts
with one end in mind: to help open a door for readers and encourage them
to step through. I select issues, usually those that dominate western
media coverage and represent a consensus that we might term the Great
Western Narrative, and try to show how this narrative has been
constructed not to inform and enlighten but to conceal and deceive.
It is not that I and the many other bloggers doing this are cleverer
than everyone else. We have simply had a chance – an earlier one – to
step through that door ourselves, because of a jarring life experience
that the Great Western Narrative could not explain, or because someone
held the door open for us, or more usually because of a combination of
the two.
CATALONIA -- The Yellows 05 · You are not alone - YouTube
The Yellows 05 · You are not alone - YouTube
You are not alone
In Spain, 9 politicians and social leaders remain unjustly imprisoned,
some of them for more than 7 months. They were incarcerated by means of
manipulated and unfounded accounts.
<<< https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S6gyZE4Mf5Y > >>>
CATALONIA --Catalan independence referendum in October was a 'turning point' | The National
Catalan independence referendum in October was a 'turning point' | The National
EXCLUSIVE: Those who have been following Catalan's referendum from the start say last October was a turning point.
<<< http://thenational.scot/…/16288818.Independence_referendum…/ >>
Some attitudes changed after the referendum. Photograph: Getty
CATALONIA -- New Catalan referendum ‘is the only way forward’ | The National
New Catalan referendum ‘is the only way forward’ | The National
New Catalan referendum ‘is the only way forward’ https://t.co/dGUYHY7AzH ~~~

Catalan indy supporters initially had their hopes raised by Spain’s new PM
Leaked Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to “Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies”
Leaked Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to “Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies”
of the most under-appreciated trends: how War on Terror tactics are
being imported by western governments onto domestic soil and used
against their own citizens, to suppress dissent.
The latest stunning example: 100 documents leaked to The Intercept
from a shadowy mercenary firm reveal how they used "military-style
counterterrorism measures" against anti-DAPL activists at Standing Rock.
The Intercept’s Drone Papers Shed New Light on Targeted Killing
The Intercept’s Drone Papers Shed New Light on Targeted Killing
The Intercept’s Drone Papers Shed New Light on Targeted Killing
Brett Max Kaufman
<< https://www.commondreams.org/…/intercepts-drone-papers-shed… >>
high time for the government to tell the public whether its supposed
“limits” on targeted killing are real limits, or limits in name only.
(Photo: Wikimedia/Owen Cheverton)
high time for the government to tell the public whether its supposed
“limits” on targeted killing are real limits, or limits in name only.
(Photo: Wikimedia/Owen Cheverton)
GMOs invade fruit industry: Apples, pears, cherries and peaches to all become unlabeled GMO - NaturalNews.com
GMOs invade fruit industry: Apples, pears, cherries and peaches to all become unlabeled GMO - NaturalNews.com
GMOs invade fruit industry: Apples, pears, cherries and peaches to all become unlabeled GMO.
One Treaty to rule them all | bilaterals.org
One Treaty to rule them all | bilaterals.org
"A treaty to govern them all
Two decades ago an opaque international agreement came into force: the Treaty on the Energy Charter (TCE) .The Treaty, which has never undergone a significant public debate, functions as the only ring of the trilogy of Elseñor de los anillos - "A ring to rule them all" -, as it gives large companies enormous power over our energy systems, such as the power to sue governments, which could hinder the transition to energy The TCE is in the process of being expanded, which threatens that even more countries are handcuffed by energy policies that favor large companies. "
CATALONIA -- Two held after Spanish police raid Catalan offices | The National
Two held after Spanish police raid Catalan offices | The National
If there was any hope that Spain’s new government would signal a change
in direction towards the crisis in Catalonia, it was dashed yesterday.
<<< http://thenational.scot/…/16286040.Two_held_after_Spanish_…/ >>
viernes, 8 de junio de 2018
America’s Endless Wars and the New Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
America’s Endless Wars and the New Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
STEPHEN LENDMAN: Enacting the September 2001 AUMF was flagrantly
illegal. Only Security Council members may authorize war by one nation
on others – in self-defense alone if attacked or if one is imminent,
never preemptively.
Still Waiting for Evidence of a Russian Hack – Consortiumnews
Still Waiting for Evidence of a Russian Hack – Consortiumnews
than two years after the allegation of Russian hacking of the 2016 U.S.
presidential election was first made, conclusive proof is still lacking
and may never be produced, says Ray McGovern.
OAS Facing Call for New Probe into RFK Murder – Consortiumnews
OAS Facing Call for New Probe into RFK Murder – Consortiumnews
Kennedy was shot on June 5 and died June 6, 1968, fifty years ago
today. A new examination of evidence is forcing human rights
organizations — including the OAS— to consider probing the case.
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend: Agrees with her brother on new probe. (Photo by James Tourtellotte, Wikimedia Commons.)
How Washington Has Lost Its Way
How Washington Has Lost Its Way
It should surprise no one that the Trump administration is packed with Israel-firsters from top to bottom.
Fallout from Colombia’s New Association with NATO
Fallout from Colombia’s New Association with NATO
For imperialist plunderers of the 21st Century, Colombia has become the point of their sword.
Israel Rejects Palestinian Teen Ahed Tamimi’s Request for Early Release
Israel Rejects Palestinian Teen Ahed Tamimi’s Request for Early Release
Earlier this week, Ahed’s cousin, 21-year-old Izz Al-Din Tamimi, was
shot dead by Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank village of Nabi
Oliver Stone: The Untold History Of The United States (2012)
Oliver Stone: The Untold History Of The United States (2012)
There is a classified America we were never meant to see. From Academy
Award®-winning writer/director Oliver Stone, this ten-part documentary
series looks back at human events that
at the time went under reported, but that crucially shaped America's
unique and complex history over the 20th century. From the atomic
bombing of Japan to the Cold War and the fall of Communism, this
in-depth, surprising, and totally riveting series demands to be watched
again and again.
The big lie: How apologists for Israel’s occupation justify killing unarmed Palestinian protesters - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
The big lie: How apologists for Israel’s occupation justify killing unarmed Palestinian protesters - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Breaking the Silence
After taking part in the destruction in Gaza as a platoon commander in the last operation in 2014, our spokesperson Dean Issacharoff wasn’t surprised by the recent
killing of unarmed protestors. While Occupation apologist like IDF
spokesperson want us all to believe that we Israelis have a public
relations problem, Dean knows we have a moral problem.
Read his latest piece in @haaretz on the violence in Gaza and the necessity of ending the occupation >>
Geopolitics Of The Mediterranean Sea Area In Global Security During And After The Cold War (1949-1989) | OrientalReview.org
Geopolitics Of The Mediterranean Sea Area In Global Security During And After The Cold War (1949-1989) | OrientalReview.org
The current war conflict in Syria and constant warfare between the
Israeli state and the Palestinians which recently erupted once again in
Gaza strip brought the region of the
Middle East to the world attention once again. However, the Middle East
is a natural-geographic continuation of the Mediterranean Sea basin and,
therefore, it is a part of the broader Mediterranean geopolitical game.
[ 2,361 more words ]
Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
MOJMIR BABACEK: Transmitting human speech into the human brain by means
of electromagnetic waves is apparently, for the researchers, one of the
most difficult tasks. It must be much easier to control human emotions
which motivate human thinking, decision making and actions. People who
claim to be victims of experiments with those devices complain, aside of
hearing voices, of false feelings (including orgasms) as well of aches
of internal organs which the physicians are unable to diagnose.
US war crimes in Syria exposed - World Socialist Web Site
US war crimes in Syria exposed - World Socialist Web Site
The United States committed war crimes of staggering proportions last
year during its four-month-long siege of the Syrian city of Raqqa,
demolishing up to 80 percent of the city with an unrelenting blitzkrieg
of bombs and artillery shells that killed hundreds of civilians.
Pour les socialistes en déroute, l’échec, c’est les autres…, par Serge Halimi (Le Monde diplomatique, juin 2018)
Pour les socialistes en déroute, l’échec, c’est les autres…, par Serge Halimi (Le Monde diplomatique, juin 2018)
Confrontés à un désastre électoral, la plupart des responsables
politiques remettent en question les choix qu’ils ont faits. Mais les
socialistes français semblent incapables d’imaginer une autre stratégie
que celle qui les a condamnés.
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : New Report: War Crimes In Raqqa. Who's Guilty?
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : New Report: War Crimes In Raqqa. Who's Guilty?
US-led assault on Raqqa has cost thousands of civilian lives and may
well constitute a war crime, a just-released Amnesty International
report has found. In today's Liberty Report we look at the attack and
the aftermath...
New Report: War Crimes In Raqqa. Who's Guilty?
Video: Syrian Government, SDF Reach Agreement on Omar Oil Field | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Video: Syrian Government, SDF Reach Agreement on Omar Oil Field | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
On June 3, Syrian government forces repelled an ISIS attack on their
positions east of the town of Hasrat in southeastern Deir Ezzor.
According to reports, ISIS used small boats to cross the Euphrates to
its western bank and then carried out the attack.
Don’t call them populists | New Internationalist
Don’t call them populists | New Internationalist
Don’t call them populists – Italy’s new government is far-right
M5S and the League have formed a government in Italy, after months of
negotiations. But this is not some fluffy populist government. Alessio Perrone says its time to brace for years of rightwing politics in the country

New Interior Minister and League leader Matteo Salvini with the
leader of the M5S, Italy's Minister of Labor and Industry Luigi Di Maio,
at the Quirinal palace in Rome, Italy, June 1, 2018. Photo:
REUTERS/Tony Gentile
SPAIN : OPERATION DEEP STATE -- From Rajoy to Sánchez: the operation of the State of the Spanish establishment
De Rajoy a Sánchez: la operación de Estado del establishment español
De Rajoy a Sánchez: la operación de Estado del establishment español
<<< https://www.elnacional.cat/…/jordi-barbeta-de-rajoy-a-sanch… >>>
From Rajoy to Sánchez: the operation of the State of the Spanish establishment
Ana Patricia Botín, the president of Banco Santander and a benchmark for the Ibex35 , has celebrated the appointment of Nadia Calviño as Minister of Economy. He says it is "a guarantee". Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba , who two years ago prevented Pedro Sánchez from forming a government with the same support that he has achieved now, has also praised the new Executive. Rubalcaba is first of all a "servant of the State".
Belongs to a theoretically republican party, but was the architect of
the relay at the head of the State at the right time to save the
monarchy. Rubalcaba is part of the editorial board of the newspaper El País, which has become the organ of expression of the Spanish deep state . On June 1, the editorial of this newspaper was titled "A Government unviable" and now, six days later, with another director , in this case, director, its publisher is entitled "A good cabinet."
A week ago, Spain was a country in democratic decadence and now,
suddenly, it seems that everything has become colorful, although as we
have seen, the vice president Oriol Junqueras continues in Estremera passing the mocho . What exactly has happened?
The image of Spain in Europe had been deeply degraded. The international media presented Mariano Rajoy as the president of a corrupt, incompetent and authoritarian government that was incapable of resolving the state crisis with Catalonia .
And it was creating problems in Europe by forcing the exile of
Democratic politicians that the European courts were not willing to
extradite. The change was sung. Pedro Sánchez has been placed in the right place at the right time ... when the State needed it.
Mariano Rajoy
has decided to abandon politics but did not resign as president of the
government because the issue was not to ensure the continuity of the PP government, but to save the state. The resignation of Rajoy
would have prolonged the political instability indefinitely and would
not have offered in Europe the change of image that Pedro Sánchez has achieved.
Spain has gone from having the most unfriendly government on the planet
to being governed by a council "of ministers and ministers" with a
majority of women, with an admired astronaut and a frivolous journalist
Spain has gone from having the most unfriendly government on the planet to being governed by a council " of ministers and ministers " with a majority of women, with an admired astronaut and a frivolous journalist . It seems out of The Worlds of Yupi , but Sanchez has done a casting full of intentions.
Josep Borrell
in the Foreign Ministry, as a Catalan, is the man in charge of denying
to the world the existence of a Catalan democratic cause. Even more significant is the incorporation of Fernando Grande-Marlaska
in the Interior, which ensures the continuity of the repressive
criteria of the previous government and increases the peace of the
defendants of the PP due to corruption issues. Grande-Marlaska has been a judge always promoted from the right who has not had any inconvenience in archiving the scandalous case of the Yak-42 or determining that in the Foreigners ' Detention Centers "fundamental rights are not violated ". And so significant is its appointment as the "non-appointment" of Margarita Robles
, who is a lawyer experienced in conflict management and who has been
relegated to Defensa, a fictitious ministry where everything is
technical decisions determined by NATO and by the military. It has been wanted to decorate the appointment with the control of the CNI , when everybody knows that the espionage service to whom reports finally is to the president.
There is another interesting fact of the new Spanish cabinet as is the Andalusian component . With Carmen Calvo in the vice presidency, María Jesús Montero in Hacienda and Luis Planas in Agriculture is guaranteed that, if a new financing system could be negotiated that could serve to appease the Catalan sovereignty claims, in no case will it be to the detriment of the so-called flow of solidarity from the north to the south. The own Andalusian president, Susana Diaz , already has said that "Montero and Planas are a guarantee for Andalusia ", that is a way of saying that "we send ourselves". The incorporation of the Catalan Meritxell Batet to Territorial Policy will be sold as the bet of Pedro Sánchez for the dialogue with Catalonia but it is a way of circumscribing the negotiation to a matter of statutory competences that does not interest anyone.
Certainly, now those who govern Spain are no longer nostalgic for Francoism. The European perception of Spain and the Spanish Government will not be the same, but Judge Llarena
will continue to do what he does, peaceful political leaders and
Democrats will continue in prison or in exile accused of crimes they did
not commit. Everything remembers the Lampedusian maxim, "if we want everything to continue the same, everything needs to change". And it will cost a lot more to explain everywhere that Catalonia is the victim of a repressive state. Who says that we are not facing a cosmetic and successful state operation?
<<< https://www.elnacional.cat/es/politica/jordi-barbeta-de-rajoy-a-sanchez_276162_102.html >>>
miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018
US Ambassador: Journalists Reporting on Gaza Should Keep 'Mouths Shut'
US Ambassador: Journalists Reporting on Gaza Should Keep 'Mouths Shut'
US Ambassador to Israel Tells Journalists Who Report Truth About Gaza: ‘Keep Your Mouths Shut’
David Friedman insisted that American news coverage is biased
against Israel, but media analysts have concluded that the precise
opposite is the case.
Jake Johnson
Warnings as Trump Considers Escalation of US Military Role in Yemen
Warnings as Trump Considers Escalation of US Military Role in Yemen
Grave Warnings Issued as Trump Considers Major Escalation of US Military Role in Yemen
Aid groups warned that American support for a Saudi-led takeover
of Yemen’s main humanitarian port “would destroy the lifeline to
Jake Johnson
Whoever Controls the Narrative, Controls the World
Whoever Controls the Narrative, Controls the World
If you can control the stories that the masses tell themselves, you control everything.
CATALONIA -- Spanish judge summoned by Belgian court after Catalan officials file lawsuit
Spanish judge summoned by Belgian court after Catalan officials file lawsuit
"Magistrate in charge of independence case faces hearing on September
4, after litigation presented by Puigdemont and officials in Brussels"
<< http://www.catalannews.com/…/spanish-judge-summoned-by-belg… >>
Palestine is not occupied, it is colonised – Middle East Monitor
Palestine is not occupied, it is colonised – Middle East Monitor
truth is that Palestinians continue to suffer the consequences of
Zionist colonialism and they will continue to carry that burden until
that original sin is boldly confronted and justly remedied.
#OPINION #Israel #ApartheidState
51 years since Naksa Day when 300,000 1Palestinians were forced off their land by Israeli forces in 1967 [Twitter]
French activists call for prosecuting Saudi, UAE at ICC – Middle East Monitor
French activists call for prosecuting Saudi, UAE at ICC – Middle East Monitor
Saudi Strikes on Yemen.
READ: http://ow.ly/F51S30klsQt
A man walks past a graffiti, depicting drone strikes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen [File photo]
Israel soldiers who shot Palestinian teen in the back to walk free – Middle East Monitor
Israel soldiers who shot Palestinian teen in the back to walk free – Middle East Monitor
Two #Israeli soldiers who shot and killed #Palestinian teen Samir Awad will walk free after indictments against them were dropped.
US Challenges Russia to Nuclear War
US Challenges Russia to Nuclear War
Trump is now pushing to the limit, presumably in the confident
expectation that as the US President, he can safely grab any territory
and steal any oil or other natural resource that he wishes.
Israel Aiding Saudi Arabia in Developing Nuclear Weapons
Israel Aiding Saudi Arabia in Developing Nuclear Weapons
Saudi interest in developing nuclear weapons dates back to the 1970s,
when the kingdom learned of major steps taken by both Israel and India
in the development of nuclear armaments
WikiLeaks - CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election
WikiLeaks - CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election
CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election
<<< https://wikileaks.org/cia-france-elections-2012/ >>
Monsanto to ditch its infamous name after sale to Bayer | Business | The Guardian
Monsanto to ditch its infamous name after sale to Bayer | Business | The Guardian
Monster-merger monopolizing both the agricultural and the food sectors
is a disaster for our farmers and the environment. Whether it leaves #Monsanto name behind or not.

Demonstrations against the merger of the German pharmaceuticals and
chemicals company Bayer with the seeds and agrochemicals firm Monsanto
before Bayer’s AGM in Bonn on 25 May.
Photograph: Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters
martes, 5 de junio de 2018
Bayer supprime Monsanto : "C'est une mascarade", clame José Bové sur RTL
Bayer supprime Monsanto : "C'est une mascarade", clame José Bové sur RTL
Si Monsanto était connu pour l'agent orange au Vietnam, le Round Up et les OGM... Bayer n'a pas du tout un meilleur passé
BDS, une mobilisation contre l’impunité, par Isabelle Avran (Le Monde diplomatique, février 2018)
BDS, une mobilisation contre l’impunité, par Isabelle Avran (Le Monde diplomatique, février 2018)
Une «menace stratégique». C’est ainsi que le gouvernement Netanyahou,
qui sera reçu en grande pompe mardi 5 juin à l'Élysée, qualifie la
campagne internationale de boycott,
désinvestissement et sanctions (BDS) lancée en 2005 par 172
organisations non gouvernementales, syndicales et politiques
palestiniennes. — Analyse d'Isabelle Avran désormais en accès libre.
Clément Chapillon. — Dans le nord de la Cisjordanie, entre deux colonies, 2016
The Coming Collapse + A Positive Course of Action
The Coming Collapse + A Positive Course of Action
United States and the global status quo are rapidly approaching a
breaking point. Viewed from the scale of history we're milliseconds
This video presents a positive course of action.
The hidden weed killer in your BREAD: Commercial wheat doused with cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide right before harvest... and you're eating it! - NaturalNews.com
The hidden weed killer in your BREAD: Commercial wheat doused with cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide right before harvest... and you're eating it! - NaturalNews.com
Commercial wheat doused with cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide right before harvest... and you're eating it.
YouTube Censors Abby Martin Video on Israeli Fascism in 28 Countries
YouTube Censors Abby Martin Video on Israeli Fascism in 28 Countries
YouTube’s recent move to block a video featuring a Jewish-American
discussing Fascism in Israel from showing in 28 countries seems to have
less to do with actual violations of law and more with the pressure
brought by pro-Israeli interests.
lunes, 4 de junio de 2018
A brief history of democracy: Does it still convey the 'will of the people'? | The Independent
A brief history of democracy: Does it still convey the 'will of the people'? | The Independent
A brief history of democracy: Does it still convey the 'will of the
people'? The ancient Athenian ideal of direct plebiscite has over time
transformed into a pre-fascist state of political being and is under
direct assault from the machinations of the dark web (Source: The Independent)
Cicero attacks Catilina at the Roman Senate, from a 19th-century fresco
Israel and Palestine: a story of modern colonialism | openDemocracy
Israel and Palestine: a story of modern colonialism | openDemocracy
Israel and Palestine: a story of modern colonialism
The foundations of Israel are rooted in a colonial project that has
modernized its face but continues to subject Palestinians to military
occupation, land dispossession and unequal rights.
Saint Mary’s Church, in the destroyed Palestinian village of Iqrit. Photo: Daniel Avelar
It is not the Europe we dreamed of -- Non è l'Europa che sognavamo - Il Fatto Quotidiano
Non è l'Europa che sognavamo - Il Fatto Quotidiano
Non è l’Europa che sognavamo https://t.co/N8skKa0ve0 vía @fattoquotidiano ~~~
It is not the Europe we dreamed of
The Logic of U.S. Foreign Policy | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Logic of U.S. Foreign Policy | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
How can U.S. foreign policy of the past several decades be explained
rationally? The following chart – based on a model developed by
political science professors David Sylvan and Stephen Majeski – reveals
the imperial logic behind U.S. diplomatic and military interventions
around the globe.
Palestinians – 70 Years Of Suffering | OrientalReview.org
Palestinians – 70 Years Of Suffering | OrientalReview.org
To date, 62 Palestinians have been shot dead in the Gaza Strip by the
Israeli army and over 5,500 wounded by gunfire. Their crime: protesting
the loss of their ancestral homes in the West Bank. Here was an example
of Gandhi-style passive resistance that failed. Israeli sniper teams
just fired at will at the protesters, some of who were throwing rocks or
firing sling shots. [ 739 more words ]
Most of the Palestinians killed were unarmed but Israeli forces said they did face shooting and bomb attacks from Gaza
This Is the New Italy
This Is the New Italy
Years of neoliberal economic policies imposed by Brussels and by Italian
politicians alike have devastated numerous industrial towns and the
very fabric of Italian society, reports Attilio Moro.
CATALONIA -- Is democracy fading in Europe? - Department of Political Science
Is democracy fading in Europe? - Department of Political Science
Is democracy fading in Europe? https://t.co/SSQo936qiW
Photo: Francesc Guillén
SPAIN -- Spain’s new laws turn peaceful protesters into terrorists | Red Pepper
Spain’s new laws turn peaceful protesters into terrorists | Red Pepper
Spain’s new laws turn peaceful protesters into terrorists https://t.co/s7xP00Sd3y from @redpeppermag ~~
‘Indignados’. Photo by Julien Lagarde.
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