sábado, 30 de marzo de 2019
CATALONIA --- Catalan public media faces sanction over Madrid protest coverage
Catalan public media faces sanction over Madrid protest coverage
Catalan public media faces sanction over Madrid protest coverage
Spain's Electoral Authority forbids Catalan public media using terms
like "exile," "political prisoners," and "repressive trial"
One Year of Gaza Protests. A New Era of Palestinian Struggle? | by Tareq Baconi | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
One Year of Gaza Protests. A New Era of Palestinian Struggle? | by Tareq Baconi | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
on year one of the Great March of Return in occupied Gaza, "...the
experience of Gazans over the past fifty-two weeks has been a grim
foreshadowing, and yet another reminder, of how easily popular
mobilization is crushed and how staggering the cost is."
Why the Gaza Protests Won’t Stop | Human Rights Watch
Why the Gaza Protests Won’t Stop | Human Rights Watch
Saturday, Palestinians in Gaza will head to the militarized barrier
with Israel, which effectively serves as their prison, to mark one year
since they began weekly protests against Israel’s more than decade-long
siege on their homes in Gaza.
À qui profite la paix scolaire ?, par Laura Raim (Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2018)
À qui profite la paix scolaire ?, par Laura Raim (Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2018)
en accès libre : conçu pour répondre à une exigence catholique, le
système du privé (écoles et lycées) s’est révélé parfaitement adapté à
la logique de marché, montre ici Laura Raim.
Le Parlement européen est-il vraiment la solution ?, par Susan Watkins (Le Monde diplomatique, février 2016)
Le Parlement européen est-il vraiment la solution ?, par Susan Watkins (Le Monde diplomatique, février 2016)
chacun s’entend pour dénoncer le déficit démocratique de l’Union
européenne, les réponses envisagées divergent. Pour certains, une
priorité se dégage : renforcer le pouvoir du Parlement.
CATALONIA -- ❎ Spanish electoral commission forbids the Catalan media 📺🎙📰 to speak of "exiles" and "political prisoners".
La Junta Electoral prohibeix a TV3 i Catalunya Ràdio dir "presos polítics" i "exili"
❎ Spanish electoral commission forbids the Catalan media 📺🎙📰 to speak of "exiles" and "political prisoners".
The international press is saying it, but from now in these words will
be censored in Catalonia by the Spanish judiciary system 🇪🇸👨⚖️.
That this House notes with puzzlement the decision of the Spanish
Electoral Board, the body charged with the conduct of the forthcoming
Spanish General Election, in ordering the removal of a yellow ribbon
sign from the balcony of the Catalan Delegation to the UK's offices in
Central London, the yellow ribbon being the symbol of solidarity with
Catalan political prisoners; wonders how such a display could possibly
influence Spanish voters in Spain; is further concerned that two members
of the Electoral Board are also Supreme Court judges who are hearing
the trial of 12 Catalan leaders on charges of rebellion and sedition in
relation to the October 2017 independence referendum; and notes that
while both judges abstained on the vote to ban the symbol they were in
attendance at the meeting and returned to the resumed trial where a
number of the accused are candidates in that election.
Secret Torture Sites, Assassinations, Political Fraud, MH17 Tragedy And Other Realities Of Modern Ukraine | Defend Democracy Press
Secret Torture Sites, Assassinations, Political Fraud, MH17 Tragedy And Other Realities Of Modern Ukraine | Defend Democracy Press
Secret Torture Sites, Assassinations, Political Fraud, MH17 Tragedy And Other Realities Of Modern Ukraine
CATALONIA --- Alfred Bosch on Conflict Zone | Conflict Zone - Confronting the Powerful | DW | 01.11.2017
Alfred Bosch on Conflict Zone | Conflict Zone - Confronting the Powerful | DW | 01.11.2017
As the stakes get higher for Catalonia and its leaders contemplate
exile in Brussels, where does its independence movement go from here?
Tim Sebastian meets Alfred Bosch from the pro-independence Republican
Left of Catalonia party.
<<<< https://m.dw.com/…/alfred-bosch-on-conflict-zone/av-41200912 >>>
jueves, 28 de marzo de 2019
CATALONIA -- Spanish foreign minister Borrell walks out of interview when asked about Catalonia
Spanish foreign minister Borrell walks out of interview when asked about Catalonia
'Spanish foreign minister Josep Borrell shouted "stop the recording"
and walked out on an English-language television interview yesterday
after being questioned about Catalonia. The minister was speaking to
journalist Tim Sebastian on the Conflict Zone current affairs programme,
broadcast by DW News.
In a series of questions on the
Spain-Catalonia conflict, Borrell reaches breaking point when asked
about the possibility of constitutional reform in Spain as a way to resolve
the issue. Interviewer Sebastian asks his guest why there hasn't been a
debate about changes that would make self-determination possible and
Borrell replies forcefully: "Because they didn't come to the Spanish
Congress with a proposal, like the Basques did" - referring to the 2004
proposal which Congress voted overwhelmingly not to even discuss. The
interviewer then probes further on the constitutional question and
Spain's foreign minister loses his diplomatic cool.'
CATALONIA -- French senator denounces diplomatic pressure over manifesto
French senator denounces diplomatic pressure over manifesto:
'François Calvet, the French senator behind a manifesto signed by 40 of
his colleagues in support of Catalonia, has said that he's received
"very strong diplomatic pressure" to withdraw the text.
yesterday to Catalunya vespre on radio station Catalunya Ràdio, Calvet
said that, despite the pressure, he has no intention to back down.'
-------___________CATALONIA --- Catalonia, Europe and democracy | Left
La Catalogna, l'Europa e la democrazia | Left
La Catalogna, l’Europa e la democrazia
<<<< https://left.it/…/…/20/la-catalogna-leuropa-e-la-democrazia/ >>>

Catalonia, Europe and democracy
In Madrid, in the heart of Western Europe, twelve representatives of
Catalan politics and civil society are currently on trial. Nine of them
are in pre-trial detention, in many cases for well over a year. The
charges are very serious, with requests for punishment by the public
prosecutor up to 25 years.
Among the alleged crimes there is the "rebellion": it is the criminal
figure used for those who, in 1981, entered the parliament with weapons
and took tanks into the street. The Spanish penal code, in effect,
requires, in the typing of the crime, the element of the "violent
revolt". The only violence so far certain, due to the innumerable images
that show it and that have gone around the world, is however the one
put in place by the Spanish police forces: which depart from every
corner of the country for Catalonia under the threatening cry "A por
ellos!" ("To take them!"; "Give them to him!"); who beat voters and
protesters - even non-independence - intent on peacefully resisting,
with arms raised, in defense of the seats; firing rubber bullets at
citizens, although their use is prohibited in Catalonia.
Chevron vs Ecuador: international arbitration and corporate impunity | openDemocracy
Chevron vs Ecuador: international arbitration and corporate impunity | openDemocracy
years ago a historic ruling against Chevron-Texaco asked it to pay over
$9 billion for polluting the Amazon from 1964-1992.
But Ecuador has been unable to enforce the sentence.
A story of corporate destruction and a cheated people
'#FakeYou: Fake News and Disinformation' | openDemocracy
'#FakeYou: Fake News and Disinformation' | openDemocracy
Fake news is far from a new phenomenon.
But it is being used as an excuse to curtail fundamental freedoms and rights. A special report by X-Net
Revealed: Trump-linked US Christian ‘fundamentalists’ pour millions of ‘dark money’ into Europe, boosting the far right | openDemocracy
Revealed: Trump-linked US Christian ‘fundamentalists’ pour millions of ‘dark money’ into Europe, boosting the far right | openDemocracy
A special investigation by OpenDemocracy 50.50 today:
US Christian 'fundamentalists' linked to Trump are pouring millions of dark money into Europe to boost the far right 💵💲💸
The New Grand Strategy Of The United States | OrientalReview.org
The New Grand Strategy Of The United States | OrientalReview.org
is commonly believed in the United States that the country has no Grand
Strategy since the end of the Cold War. A Grand Strategy is a vision of
the world that one seeks to impose, and
that all administrations must respect. So, even if you lose in one
particular theatre of war, the fight continues in others, and finally
ends in triumph. [ 1,139 more word ]
Israeli Army Kills 18-Year-Old Palestinian Paramedic in West Bank - Palestine Chronicle
Israeli Army Kills 18-Year-Old Palestinian Paramedic in West Bank - Palestine Chronicle
Our hearts are heavy with the news of another murder of a volunteer paramedic in Palestine.
Video: Mueller Report Decimates 'Russiagate' Hoax - What's Next? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Video: Mueller Report Decimates 'Russiagate' Hoax - What's Next? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
two-plus year great hoax has come to an end. Trump is not Putin’s
puppet, as the vast majority of the mainstream media and Democrats have
claimed. There was no “collusion” with Russia.
Russia Throws Down The Gauntlet To US On Venezuela | OrientalReview.org
Russia Throws Down The Gauntlet To US On Venezuela | OrientalReview.org
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova acknowledged in Moscow on
Tuesday that Russian “specialists” are indeed in Venezuela within the
ambit of a 2001 military-technical cooperation agreement with Caracas.
Zakharova underscored that Russia’s bilateral military cooperation with
Venezuela is in accordance with the latter’s constitution and has legal
underpinning, which “doesn’t require any additional approval from the
(opposition-controlled) National Assembly of Venezuela.” [ 1,186 more
word ] https://orientalreview.org/…/russia-throws-down-the-gauntl…/
________US Coalition in Syria Using ISIS at Al Tanf - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
US Coalition in Syria Using ISIS at Al Tanf - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
is defeated, and the Syrian Defence Forces (SDF) announced the capture
of thousands of ISIS terrorists in their custody, and the wives and
children of the terrorists were taken to
camps in north east Syria. The question on many minds is: where do
these terrorists go? Who has the capacity and resources to house
thousands of blood thirsty terrorists who are well known for chopping
off heads?
Mueller Report Ends a Shameful Period for the Press
Mueller Report Ends a Shameful Period for the Press
press endlessly repeated such allegations while ignoring the expanding
social inequality and suffering of a country where half the population
lives in poverty, as well as the collapse of our democratic
The U.S. Military Is the World's Largest Polluter
The U.S. Military Is the World's Largest Polluter
Pentagon has left its toxic legacy throughout the world in the form of
depleted uranium, oil, jet fuel, pesticides, defoliants like Agent
Orange and lead.
À Gaza, les bombes, argument électoral de Netanyahou | L'Humanité
À Gaza, les bombes, argument électoral de Netanyahou | L'Humanité
nouveau le bruit des bottes de l’armée israélienne résonne autour de la
bande de Gaza. Benyamin Netanyahou menace d’envahir le territoire
palestinien qui n’en peut plus de mourir d’un embargo cruel et inhumain.
De la rumeur au lynchage anti-Roms | L'Humanité
De la rumeur au lynchage anti-Roms | L'Humanité
mythe increvable de la camionnette et des Roms voleurs d’enfants a
refait surface dans plusieurs départements d’île-de-France. Mais cette
fois, l’intox a pris une ampleur dramatique inédite.
CATALONIA --- How fair are the trials of Catalan pro-independence politicians? DW's Conflict Zone put this question to Spain's Foreign Minister, Josep Borrell.
How fair are the trials of Catalan pro-independence politicians?
DW's Conflict Zone put this question to Spain's Foreign Minister, Josep
In an interview to DW News and DW Conflict Zone Spanish Foreign Minister
acuses Tim Sebastian of "continuously lying" (4'20''), asks to "stop
[the] recording" (10'20'') and blames Sebastian for "not knowing
anything [he] talks about" ,"being ignorant" (19'20''), "putting him on
the bench of guilty people" and "being funny" (23'50''). After that he
suggested Sebastian of "putting the questions in a less biased way" (25'10'').
We recommend full screening of the interview.
Maybe Global Spain should invest less money on their commercials and more on a public relations seminar for the minister.
Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell to Tim Sebastian of Conflict Zone (DW):
“Stop the record [recording], you are continuously lying! Next time [ask] the questions in a less biased way”.
Francoland ministers not used to challenging interviews.
miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019
Another Point We Forget About The New Zealand Massacre - TruePublica
Another Point We Forget About The New Zealand Massacre - TruePublica
interesting article from a NZ based journalist written a few days ago.
It makes an interesting point, the same point quite a few of the non-MSM
outlets have made in recent years in
Britain; that whilst the security services busy themselves and
concentrate their spying activities on non-violent political agitators,
environmentalists, civil and human rights organisations, the bad guys
slip through the net. The question - does some of the fault lie with the
security services?
The Populist Political Parties and their Overthrow in the Prevalent Order | Defend Democracy Press
The Populist Political Parties and their Overthrow in the Prevalent Order | Defend Democracy Press
The Populist Political Parties and their Overthrow in the Prevalent Order
Grèce: Le FMI insiste sur.. l’imposition des pauvres! | Defend Democracy Press
Grèce: Le FMI insiste sur.. l’imposition des pauvres! | Defend Democracy Press
Grèce: Le FMI insiste sur.. l’imposition des pauvres!
"Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
"Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel”
constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the
current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the
Israeli military and intelligence establishment. (article first
published by Global Research on April 29, 2013).
Don’t Trust a Hand that Feeds the "Fascist Beast". People Around the World Are Rising Up against Their Government - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Don’t Trust a Hand that Feeds the "Fascist Beast". People Around the World Are Rising Up against Their Government - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
NAYERI: The “Mueller Report” is out and as it was expected, it was
disastrous news to the Democrats and pushed the fascistic minded
President a little closer to his dream of creating a police state in the
U.S. In this regard, beside the gloat or gloom on the commercial
channels and press, once again we are witnessing that there are two
distinctive realities in the U.S.
Balkan History Didn’t Inspire The Christchurch Terrorist Attack | OrientalReview.org
Balkan History Didn’t Inspire The Christchurch Terrorist Attack | OrientalReview.org
deliberately deceptive effort was made to connect the Christchurch
terrorist attack to Balkan history. The Australian terrorist
meticulously scrawled the names of many Balkan figures, battles, and
slogans onto his guns and gear and even listened to a Serbian song that
was popular during the Bosnian Civil War before carrying out his
massacre, strongly suggesting to those who don’t know any better that
there’s apparently a connection between Balkan history and anti-Muslim
terrorism. [ 394 more words ]
______The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Trump’s Golan is a Megalomaniac’s Own Goal
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Trump’s Golan is a Megalomaniac’s Own Goal
may have scored an ‘own goal’ with his announcement that the US will
recognize Golan as Israeli territory. Without doubt, this audacious step
will weaken his pet Iran strategy.
Tehran’s stance that it is the US, and not Iran, that violates
international law becomes even more difficult to contradict. Any
American peace plan for the Middle East will now be a tougher sell than
at anytime — especially on Trump’s watch. Clearly, the US’ pretext for
intervention in Syria — namely, need to end Iran’s military presence —
becomes hopelessly untenable. There will be widespread sympathy in the
Arab world for Syria.
Lessons for the Progressive Left From the ‘Failed’ Mueller Inquiry
Lessons for the Progressive Left From the ‘Failed’ Mueller Inquiry
are three important lessons to consider now that it is clear the
inquiry by Mueller into Russiagate is never going to uncover collusion
between Trump’s camp and the Kremlin in 2016.
The People of Palestine Are on the March
The People of Palestine Are on the March
as if on a timer, begins to pulverize Gaza. The bombs strike from one
end of the country to another, a warning against the protests that have
been ongoing for a year."
Watch | US Foists “Humanitarian Aid" on Venezuela, Helps Create a Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen
Watch | US Foists “Humanitarian Aid" on Venezuela, Helps Create a Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen
Kei Pritsker breaks down the nature of US humanitarian aid and how it’s
weaponized to advance foreign policy objectives.
CATALONIA --- - CENSORSHIP of Catalan independence support
@Freemuse, the NGO defending artistic freedom, has published its yearly report with main findings for Spain being:
- CENSORSHIP of Catalan independence support
- PROSECUTED for satire and comments on religion
- Counter-terrorism laws NARROW FREE SPEECH
Climate change denial is evil, says Mary Robinson | Environment | The Guardian
Climate change denial is evil, says Mary Robinson | Environment | The Guardian
The denial of climate change is not just ignorant, but “malign and
evil”, according to Mary Robinson, because it denies the human rights of
the most vulnerable people on the planet.
Plus de 2 000 condamnations depuis novembre | L'Humanité
Plus de 2 000 condamnations depuis novembre | L'Humanité
Parmi les 8 700 gilets jaunes placés en garde à vue depuis le 17
novembre, quelque 2 000 ont été condamnés par la justice dont plus de 40
% sont des peines de prison ferme. Une répression historique et
alarmante ! "
<<<< https://www.humanite.fr/plus-de-2-000-condamnations-depuis-… >>>
Algérie. Le chef de l'armée lâche Bouteflika | L'Humanité
Algérie. Le chef de l'armée lâche Bouteflika | L'Humanité
commandement militaire algérien Gaïd Salah a tranché. Il prône la
destitution de Bouteflika pour incapacité, en raison de maladie grave.
martes, 26 de marzo de 2019
After Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement, Israeli Politicians Now Pushing for US Recognition of West Bank as “Israeli”
After Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement, Israeli Politicians Now Pushing for US Recognition of West Bank as “Israeli”
Some powerful Israeli politicians are now petitioning Trump to
recognize Israeli sovereignty over Palestine’s occupied West Bank.
As Yemen War Turns Four, Houthis Take the Battle To Saudi Arabia's Doorstep
As Yemen War Turns Four, Houthis Take the Battle To Saudi Arabia's Doorstep
Yemen forces loyal to the Houthis launched a series of weekend attacks
against military targets in Saudi Arabia. The Houthis have vowed to take
the war to the Saudi-led coalition’s own doorstep until they withdraw
from Yemeni territory.
CATALONIA -- Internationalisation, the independence movement's great s...
Internationalisation, the independence movement's great s...
Internationalisation, the independence movement's great secret weapon
The Conservative Party Is Incubating The Racism Behind New Zealand Terror | OrientalReview.org
The Conservative Party Is Incubating The Racism Behind New Zealand Terror | OrientalReview.org
massacre of 49 people including children at a mosque in New Zealand has
not come out of the blue — it follows the mainstreaming of the same
ideology that inspired the first major
far-right terrorist attack of this decade: the 2011 massacre in Norway
by Anders Behring Breivik. Brenton Tarrant, who livestreamed his attack
on the Christchurch mosque via Facebook, had published a 74 page
manifesto online in which he… [ 2,685 more words ]
Whether Impeached or Voted Out or Stays Put, Ocasio-Cortez Says Trump 'Symptom of Much Deeper Problems'
Whether Impeached or Voted Out or Stays Put, Ocasio-Cortez Says Trump 'Symptom of Much Deeper Problems'
Trump will not remove the infrastructure of an entire party that
embraced him; the dark money that funded him; the online radicalization
that drummed his army; nor the racism he amplified+reanimated." Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
The Mueller Report Is In. They Were Wrong. We Were Right
The Mueller Report Is In. They Were Wrong. We Were Right
people who steered us into two years of Russiavape insanity are the
very last people anyone should ever listen to ever again when
determining the future direction of our world." - Caitlin Johnstone
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Now We Will Find Out If Trump Is Really The President Or Merely A Figurehead
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Now We Will Find Out If Trump Is Really The President Or Merely A Figurehead
full "Russiagate" vindication at the hands of the Mueller Report,
President Trump faces a moment of truth writes Paul Craig Roberts at the
link: Is Trump strong enough to launch
an investigation into the “illegal takedown that failed,” or is he too
surrounded by enemies to actually serve as President of the United
States instead of as a figurehead for the criminal elements who actually
comprise government in the United States?
Consortium News’ Record on Russia-gate—A Series of Articles on How CN Covered the ‘Scandal’: No. 1—‘The Sleazy Origins of Russia-gate’ – Consortiumnews
Consortium News’ Record on Russia-gate—A Series of Articles on How CN Covered the ‘Scandal’: No. 1—‘The Sleazy Origins of Russia-gate’ – Consortiumnews
News’ Record on Russia-gate—A Series of Articles on How CN Covered the
‘Scandal’: No. 1—‘The Sleazy Origins of Russia-gate’
Can Japan Join the Multipolar Revolution – Or Will US Imperialism Bring It to Heel? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Can Japan Join the Multipolar Revolution – Or Will US Imperialism Bring It to Heel? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
between Japan and Russia have long been the subject of discussion
within international-relations circles. The meetings between Prime
Minister Abe and President Putin have
been going on for years, yet the situation regarding the peace treaty
between the two countries, never signed since the conclusion of the
Second World War, is difficult to resolve.
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