sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019

CATALONIA --- Catalonia: three centuries in the sight of Spain

Catalunya: tres segles en el punt de mira d'Espanya





Catalonia: three centuries in the sight of Spain

With the de facto suspension of autonomy, let's look at 12 moments in which the State has had Catalonia in its goal

1. The War of Succession and the defeat of 1714

In the War of Succession on the Spanish throne, the Catalans realized
that if they wanted to preserve their governmental and legal system they
had to bet on Archduke Charles of Austria, a decision that we paid very
expensive. The defeat of 1714 represented the end of the political and
legal organization of Catalonia and the imposition of an absolutist
government. The decree of the New Plant annulled the Catalan
institutions and there was repression in all areas. Thirty thousand
people were forced to exile and the country remained without leaders.

If you want to know more ...

War histories of the War of Succession
The role of women in the War of Succession
The siege of Barcelona hour by hour

2. Espartero, 1842: "It is convenient to bomb Barcelona at least once every 50 years"

Catalonia set foot in the nineteenth century as the XVIII finished:
defeated in a unitary and centralist Spain. The discomfort of Catalans
was often expressed in revolts, such as that which occurred in Barcelona
in November 1842 for the mistreatment of the Catalan cotton industry.
General Baldomero Espartero took over the realities of the situation and
ordered an indiscriminate bombardment over the city. It is the phrase
"For the sake of Spain, it is convenient to bomb Barcelona at least once
every 50 years."


<<< http://www.sapiens.cat/…/catalunya-tres-segles-en-el-punt-d… >>>