jueves, 30 de mayo de 2019
CATALONIA --- Catalan prisoner Raül Romeva suspended from seat in Spanish Senate
The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, overseen by the United Nations Human Rights Council, has released an opinion on the pretrial detention of Catalan leaders Oriol Junqueras, Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart
The report finds that their imprisonment without bail violates
CATALONIA -- UN Working Group calls for immediate release of three Catalan prisoners
UN Working Group calls for immediate release of three Catalan prisoners
The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, overseen by the United Nations Human Rights Council, has released an opinion on the pretrial detention of Catalan leaders Oriol Junqueras, Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart
concluding it to have been arbitrary and calling on the Spanish
government to "adopt the necessary measures to remedy the situation
[...] without delay". They go on to suggest that "the appropriate remedy
would be to immediately release" the three.
The report finds that their imprisonment without bail violates
international rules, including parts of the Universal Declaration on
Human Rights. Besides being released, the group says the three should be
"conceded the right [to] compensation" and that the government should
"carry out an exhaustive and independent investigation [...] and adopt
the appropriate measures against those responsible for the violation of
their rights".
CATALONIA -- Puigdemont and Comín stopped by European Parliament from getting credentials as MEPs-elect
Puigdemont and Comín stopped by European Parliament from getting credentials as MEPs-elect
The European Parliament has this afternoon prevented former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and former minister Toni Comín from collecting their credentials as MEPs after Sunday's election.
On Twitter, Puigdemont wrote: "The European Parliament's secretary
general has given instructions that neither Toni Comín, Oriol Junqueras
nor myself can go through any formalities as MEPs. No legal reason. Pure
discrimination. All the other MEPs-elect have been able to do the
processes they've blocked us from. Disgraceful!".
CATALONIA -- Així va fer l’Estat la guerra econòmica contra Catalunya
Així va fer l’Estat la guerra econòmica contra Catalunya
That is how the Spanish State made the economic war against Catalonia.
La Zarzuela and La Moncloa joined forces to force changes of
headquarters of banks, large companies and multinationals to spread
panic among the population. Catalan managers explain what happened.
______Thus the State made the economic war against Catalonia
The Zarzuela and the Moncloa were united to force changes of
headquarters of banks, large companies and multinationals and spread
panic. Catalan managers explain what happened
king is the head of the State, symbol of his unity and permanence,
arbitrates and moderates the regular functioning of the institutions,
assumes the highest representation of the Spanish state." Thus article 56 of the Constitution begins, the first of those referring to the Crown.
Only from a generous interpretation of the article can the frantic
activity presented to the monarch be understood during the days after
the referendum on October 1, 2017.
Felip VI intervened personally in the most convulsive week that has
experienced the Catalan economy in recent years, according to several
sources have confirmed in the ARA.
The head of state, President Mariano Rajoy and the head of his
government worked those days with a common goal, calling on businessmen
and managers to force a flight of companies that served as economic
punishment against a sovereignist process that arrived at its height
when the images of the 1-O police repression went round the world.
The decision of the State was forceful. It began with a massive withdrawal of the accounts that the public administrations and companies had in Catalan banks .
It was then when intense activity of the highest representatives of the
State began, in some cases, and of people calling on their behalf, in
others. Objective: to force CaixaBank and Banco Sabadell to take over the headquarters of Catalonia.
Voices of the first business level explain to the ARA that they are called by Philip VI and Josep Oliu.
Other sources indicate that Isidre Fainé, president of La Caixa, the
first shareholder of CaixaBank, held a meeting that week attended by
Felip de Borbon and a very select group of great entrepreneurs of the

The first objective of this state operation was to force the change of headquarters of the two Catalan banks.
With the leakage of deposits already unleashed (one third of which, the
direct responsibility of the State, as the ARA advanced yesterday) and
the actions in free fall, the two entities reached the same conclusion:
do not enter they could oppose
Between CaixaBank and Sabadell there were coordinated movements (on
Wednesday, October 4, they informed the decision Carles Puigdemont,
Oriol Junqueras and the presidents of the ANC and Òmnium), but the
synchronization could not be full: Sabadell He could change the
headquarters with a simple board meeting - which he did the next day,
day 5- thanks to a legal change introduced to the last shareholder
meeting. The emergency protocol was known to the bank, but it was not until that week that Oliu was convinced of taking the step. Financial sources argue that the president of the bank was "the person to whom he decided most." During those days, a person remembers having seen him in the bank with his eyes dangled. They also indicate that the person who expressed more doubts about the change of office was the secretary, Miquel Roca. However, the transfer took place in a few hours. But for CaixaBank it was more difficult.
The old savings bank necessarily needed to convene a general assembly
of shareholders that endorsed the transfer of the headquarters and this
demanded a time that it did not have. And the alternative was to appeal to the Spanish government.
CaixaBank sources have denied the existence of the meeting between
Fainé and the king as the entity urges the approval of the decree by the

THE RELATION BETWEEN Fainé and Rajoy was already broken before 1-O, to
the point that the Spanish president did not catch the phone in those
days. Thus, the Catalan financier called at that time the Economy Minister, Luis de Guindos. The
now vice-president of the ECB moved the matter to Rajoy, who, before
giving a green light, agreed to it with the PSOE and Citizens . CaixaBank negotiated the details of the decree law with Guindos and Jorge Moragas, Chief of Staff of Rajoy. On Thursday 5th, while Sabadell closed the decision, CaixaBank continued to wait for the decree.

The first Catalan entity was faced with an added problem that week when the state establishment put its bow: Monday half a thousand workers cut off the Diagonal in protest against police violence. And, according to different sources, the images of the protest multiplied the pressures against the great Catalan bank.
Far from being unanimous, CaixaBank's decision generated internal discrepancies. Among those who opposed the decision to take over the headquarters of Catalonia was the president of the entity, Jordi Gual, according to the NRA. "It was a hot meeting, intense, to make a decision that did not make an illusion to any employee," point sources consulted. Finally, it was decided to move the seat outside of Catalonia for the first time in its centenary history. And despite the discrepancy of Gual, the weight of La Caixa, the first shareholder, was imposed and the change was a fact.
Banco Sabadell and CaixaBank had already taken the step and the orchestrated move for Moncloa began to take control. There was a key actor missing: the rest of the imposing business group of La Caixa. The multiple sources consulted for this newspaper disagree in their version of what happened.
A very widespread version of Catalan business is that the departure of
all the companies of La Caixa was the price that Guindos and Moragas
imposed to promote the decree that allowed the bank to move.
And that, therefore, CaixaBank followed (the following days, with more
media coverage) La Caixa, Gas Natural, Criteria, Aigües de Barcelona,
Abertis and Cellnex with little opposition to the advice. Only Saba stayed, which is not listed on the stock exchange.
But there is another version. "It was not a counterpart: La Caixa has a very sensitive skin and do not require explicit requests;
Fainé decides to leave everyone because he wants to, because he is
convinced that, with Together for Yes and the CUP, Catalonia will become
independent and everything will go into disaster, "said these voices. "A Fainé convince him that there will be DUI, although weeks before they told him not; he decides it prudently and because he was well in Madrid ", points another voice.
With a change of his seat, he secured more legal stability, he took the
opportunity to pressure the independentist parties and joined the
Why should CaixaBank be conquered with Madrid?
Because there was a perception that if the sovereignty process had come
so far it was because La Caixa and the big businessmen had not avoided
"There is a summit of power, which is 2,000 people, no more, who find
it normal to send newspapers, companies and citizens," explains a
prominent director of the Ibex 35.
"These 2,000 are begun by the king, who always intervenes below the
table and is the first one who believes that the Process has arrived so
far because La Caixa and El Sabadell have not done what they were
playing," he says.
The pressures of the state's leadership in Catalan banks are commonplace, and a good example is how to remotely remote the bank statement prior to the September 27, 2015 elections .
This nucleus of the Madrid power has longed for an explicit position of
Fainé and Oliu against independence and, in his opinion, this has not
been given.
Catalan business sources remember that in circles of Madrid, "figures
like Joan Rosell [President of the CEOE] and Joaquim Gay de Montellà
[president of Labor Promotion] are seen almost as independentists." This label, which does not even remotely link to reality, is also dragged by the two financial entities. "If you did not change yours it seemed you were a pro-independence party," says a manager.
To add dramatism to the situation, the Catalan banks faced those days with a new threat. It is what in the surroundings of the bank of the star is known as the " A" for them! financial
The week of October 2 was launched a very strong commercial capturing
campaign of the large accounts that had left Sabadell and CaixaBank. With an outstanding protagonist: Banco Santander.
Different financial sources point out that the bank of Ana Botín,
unlike BBVA, was led to attract these new clients to squeeze the climate
of fear of a possible cataclysm in Catalonia.
The zeal and the hyperactivity with which the red bank carried out this
operation even caused formal complaints from the Catalan banks. Whoever received these criticisms was Chief Executive Officer, José Antonio Álvarez, who blamed the blame and pointed out his sub-government as responsible for the " A for them! financial
The circumstance is that Alvarez has been replaced ten days ago by his
position as CEO of the first Spanish bank for the problems experienced
by the entity in Spain.
This newspaper was able to know that the dismissal was received at the
noble offices of CaixaBank and Sabadell with a little dissimilar joy.

The balance of damages eight days after 1-O was imposing.
On the 9th, all Ibex-35 Catalan companies had not announced that they
moved their headquarters outside of Catalonia (Sabadell, those of the La
Caixa group and also Colonial). The psychological impact was enormous, partly also due to the mix of enthusiasm and catastrophism with which the majority of media based in Madrid addressed the issue . And only Grifols, with 95% of the business outside of Spain, decided to keep headquarters in Catalonia.

To explain what was being triggered, there are those who talk about domino effect. Maybe it would be more accurate to refer to a snowball.
But despite the fact that he was already starting to roll and have
considerable dimensions, the invisible hand that pushed the ball into it
wanted more.
WOULD ANOTHER effect. And this happened to the multinationals.
Specifically, for one: Seat, a Catalan economy flag, of German capital
and the first company in Catalonia in number of workers, with more than
13,000 employees. Matías Carnero, chair of the business committee
, explains that after knowing the banks, Luca de Meo summoned a crisis
committee in which he made clear his criterion: "Seat should be kept
In those days, different ministries, as well as the Generalitat, pressured Seat to find out if he would keep the headquarters.
"Everyone said the same thing: let us do cars!" The crisis committee
met every day, studied possible scenarios -including an increase in
police repression-, and the staff was told that everything would
continue the same if there was no legal change. But on day 12 things changed.
During the ceremony of the Day of Hispanicity in Madrid, an emissary
from the House of the King transmitted to "a director of Seat" the
preoccupation of the Crown. "The next day we learned that the questions that the House of the King had already moved to De Meo," recalls Carnero.

Although no one has explained until now who played the role of
transmission strap, several sources remember that among the guests to
the October 12 celebration was the expolitician and businessman Josep
Piqué, a member of the board of directors of Seat Whatever it was, De Meo also resisted the pressure of the monarchy and Seat remained headquartered in Catalonia.
That month was settled with nerves and with a change in the agenda: the
world presentation of Seat Tarraco, the first model of the brand with a
Catalan name, had to be postponed.
The last remaining hunting trophy was the rest of multinational companies based in Catalonia. "Here the king played a role, because the multinationals do not reach the ministers," says a connoisseur of the facts.
There is coincidence in the perception that Philip VI was personally
involved in making calls to foreign companies to move their headquarters
outside of Catalonia.
Consulted by this newspaper, the House of the King does not deny the accusations. "What the king does on his private agenda does not explain it," says a spokesman. Regarding the calls, of course: "You always do things about them". He adds: "Your mission does not start and it ends in the events and hearings where there are photos."
The king's public agenda also gives clues: in 2014 he made 14 acts in
the first half of October, in 2015 he maintained the figure, in 2016 he
had 6 official acts and last year only 2: the polemic speech of the day 3
and the parade of October 12.
As a manager reflects, the king's pressure on multinationals was not very successful. "Most of them decided to stay in Catalonia, for respect for their people, their workers," he explains. In his opinion, and just as the facts would eventually prove, "the pressures slipped on them." Different voices show that surely Brexit helped her.
Nobody knew that the United Kingdom's post in the European Union had
been voted in June 2016 and 16 months later there had not been any
traumatic break-and the conflict has not yet been solved. This made the supposed economic apocalypse that was about to take place in Catalonia. And this motivated that the contingency plans of many multinational companies still kept in the drawer.
The refusal of the multinationals was firm, despite some internal
pressure, with Spanish directors who threatened to resign if the
headquarters of Catalonia were not removed.
There are different versions about the sophistication of the arguments
used by supporters of moving theirs, especially in non-financial
One of the most used was allusions to the law of transitory Catalan,
which allegedly opened the door to a double taxation, the prohibition of
transferring their business and the nationalization of certain sectors,
in addition to the power of the Government to dismiss presidents of
financial institutions. Legal sources consulted by the ARA find that this polemic law did not address all these aspects.
Often these pressures were made by ministers or members of the lower-ranking government. People who received calls agreed to point out that it was "suggestions" and unexplained messages. There were also less delicate calls. Customers of Catalan companies who, when they called the provider, invited him to change their home. There is an eloquent case: a manager from El Corte Inglés spoke with a Catalan provider.
When receiving a negative response to the question of whether they had
taken over the headquarters of Catalonia, he said: "You will know."
The question arises alone. What did directors and companies from the private world instant other market players to leave Catalonia? An undeniable ideological component must be included in the answer. Entrepreneurs and executives also have political ideas and, in this case, with the skin tension, they said theirs. "They wanted to sell that, if there was independence, it would be a lot, the Monegres," says a veteran of the Ibex. "And the exit of social headquarters is symbolic, but it has a strong political burden," he adds.
"I wanted to get it all down", says another senior manager, who adds a
pessimistic diagnosis: "It was an economic war, a war that began with
the expense of Gas Natural in Endesa and even before". This voice remembers the role of traditionally as innocuous institutions as the College of Registrars.
Usually unactive, those days sent a daily note updating the marker of
companies that had moved their headquarters outside of Catalonia. "They were carrying the helmet," he says.
This voice does not call for another reflection of the future: "As
things stand, it would be better for us to focus on unregulated
businesses, such as technology and fashion, in Catalonia."
Among the dozens of voices who have participated in this report (and
that have done so with the condition of keeping anonymity) there are
also criticisms of the role of the Generalitat.
They regret that the government did not fight the comments on the
transitional law, they criticized that it acted with "slowness", that it
was "disoriented" and left very few arguments with the directors who
claimed to be based in Catalonia. And especially to face such coordinated and massive action as the one launched by the State.
The shared vision is that the Generalitat did not respond to
entrepreneurs and, in fact, the Economy Department organized a meeting
with multinationals to convey them peace of mind, but it did not occur.
The current Minister of Enterprise and then the General Director,
Àngels Chacón, says that if they could not stop the departure of their
offices it was partly by the decree law that the Spanish government
approved at the request of CaixaBank, and that they received "all kind
of companies ". "We spent a month and a half as if we were in the UCI, with marathon schedules," he says. Managers regret, however, that the Generalitat did not have a proactive attitude to help companies.
The sources consulted to elaborate this story explain that there was
much more reason to remove the headquarters of Catalonia than reasons
(based or not) to protect the business. For example, for a manager, it is fiscalally more advantageous to tax in Madrid than in Catalonia, where IRPF is higher.
The argument also mentioned the conviction that companies based in
Madrid receive less fiscal inspections than those in Catalonia. "Some took the opportunity to move the headquarters and thus end up paying less taxes," says the president of an Ibex company.
And another key factor was the follow-up: everyone did it and change
their place was fast, had a small cost and protected you against the
risks that the State warned (exit from the euro, tariffs, economic
collapse ... ).
The balance of everything is shocking.
Between 3,449 and 4,422 companies, according to the source that is
consulted, have moved the headquarters of Catalonia from October 2017.
It was a real stampede. And as in every stampede, in this case there was a first person who started to run and, also, someone who forced this reaction.
CATALONIA -- UN report proves Catalan separatists 'political prisoners', says Puigdemont | World news | The Guardian
UN report proves Catalan separatists 'political prisoners', says Puigdemont | World news | The Guardian
UN report proves Catalan separatists 'political prisoners', says Puigdemont
Trio arrested over alleged role in failed independence bid should be freed, panel says
CATALONIA -- Catalan trial: UN working group demands release of prisoners | The National
Catalan trial: UN working group demands release of prisoners | The National
Catalan trial: UN working group demands release of prisoners
By Greg Russell
martes, 28 de mayo de 2019
Today, DiEM25 has every reason to celebrate. Tomorrow we get down to work, again – Message to our magnificent activists – Yanis Varoufakis
Today, DiEM25 has every reason to celebrate. Tomorrow we get down to work, again – Message to our magnificent activists – Yanis Varoufakis
have planted a beautiful, radical idea in the minds of Europeans. Our
task is now to help this seed of hope grow. Feel proud for what you have
achieved. Rest for a day or two. After
that, we shall all get back to work, planning for the next steps that
must surely include a paneuropean DiEM25 get-together where we shall
spend days and nights mapping out the road ahead." - Yanis Varoufakis, Diem25.official co-founder.
Watch | Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur Expose Venezuela Coup
Watch | Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur Expose Venezuela Coup
Abby Martin debunks the most repeated myths about Venezuela with UN investigator and human rights Rapporteur Alfred De Zayas.
European Elections - Read what you want from these statistics they only add up to this... - TruePublica
European Elections - Read what you want from these statistics they only add up to this... - TruePublica
European elections were always going to be interesting if nothing else.
We’ve put lots of stats together so you can see them in a different
way. It only goes to show one thing in the end though!
Verts allemands : dans le laboratoire de l’écolo-bourgeoisie, par Olivier Cyran (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2011)
Verts allemands : dans le laboratoire de l’écolo-bourgeoisie, par Olivier Cyran (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2011)
écologistes ont fortement progressé en France et en Finlande, mais leur
succès est plus spectaculaire encore en Allemagne, où les Verts sont
les grands gagnants des élections
européennes. En 2011, Olivier Cyran décrivait dans nos colonnes
l’évolution de ce parti d’origine contestataire, dont les dirigeants se
sont peu à peu adaptés au jeu institutionnel.
An Attack on Iran Would Violate US and International Law - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
An Attack on Iran Would Violate US and International Law - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
MARJORIE COHN: It was Trump who threatened genocide, tweeting, “If Iran
wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran.” The Pentagon is
now considering sending 10,000 additional troops to the Gulf region for
“defensive” purposes and not in response to a new threat by Iran.
The War Racket Continues... 84 Years Later! - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The War Racket Continues... 84 Years Later! - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
PHILIP A FARRUGGIO: General Butler acknowledged that he became a ‘Gangster’ for the US corporate interests internationally.
Macron Suffers Huge Blow With Defeat To Le Pen — Strategic Culture
Macron Suffers Huge Blow With Defeat To Le Pen — Strategic Culture
To the shock of globalists and statists everywhere, this is Le Pen’s second straight victory in the EU vote.
Vivre en troupeau en se pensant libres, par Dany-Robert Dufour (Le Monde diplomatique, janvier 2008)
Vivre en troupeau en se pensant libres, par Dany-Robert Dufour (Le Monde diplomatique, janvier 2008)
contrainte permanente à consommer doit être constamment accompagnée
d’un discours de liberté, fausse liberté bien sûr, entendue comme
permettant de faire «tout ce qu’on veut». Archive (2008).
Monsanto, Scientific Deception And Cancer – OrientalReview.org
Monsanto, Scientific Deception And Cancer – OrientalReview.org
may not be able to buy the purest love, but it can buy the best,
life-ending cancer. For Monsanto, giant of rule and misrule in matters
of genetically modified crops, known for
bullying practices towards farmers, things have not been so rosy of
late. Ever the self-promoter of saving the world an agricultural
headache (biotech crops being the earth’s touted nutritional salvation),
the company has run into a set of legal snags that have raided its
funds and risk sinking it, along with Bayer AG, the company that bought
it last year for $63 billion. [ 991 more words ]
How close are we to a War with Iran? | Interview with a Former Insider & Retired Army Colonel
How close are we to a War with Iran? | Interview with a Former Insider & Retired Army Colonel
acTVism Munich:
In this interview we talk to a retired U.S. retired Army Colonel (31
years) and the former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell
(2002-2005), Prof. Lawrence Wilkerson,
about the recent situation in Iran. We begin the discussion by providing
context on U.S.-Iran relations post World War II, the military
industrial complex and the forces that are influencing the Trump
administration to go to war with Iran. In addition we analyse the
effects that U.S. sanctions are having on Iran and examine the possible
consequences of a U.S, attack on Iran. Finally we talk about the role of
the anti-war movement during this period and whether it could prevent a
war with Iran.
Abuses show Assange case was never about law
Abuses show Assange case was never about law
latest: Here are 17 legal abuses Assange has suffered over the past
nine years, demonstrating how normal procedures have been systematically
violated by Sweden, the UK and US – a fact the corporate media
apparently never notices or comments on.
US-China Trade War: Are Rare Earths China’s "Ultimate Weapon"? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
US-China Trade War: Are Rare Earths China’s "Ultimate Weapon"? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
WILLIAM ENGDAHL: In the dramatic escalation of tariff escalations and
trade war tensions between China and the USA, China President Xi Jinping
made a well-timed visit to see the JL Mag Rare-Earth Company Ltd., a
state-owned complex in Ganzhou.
CATALONIA --- Puigdemont among three Catalan independence activists elected as MEPs | The National
Puigdemont among three Catalan independence activists elected as MEPs | The National
EXILED former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, his former deputy
Oriol Junqueras and Toni Comin – one of his ex-ministers who is also in
self-imposed exile –were all elected as MEPs as pro-independence parties
dominated in the European elections in Catalonia.
Their success overshadowed that of Pedro Sanchez, whose Socialists topped the poll across Spain.
CATALONIA -- Puigdemont says Brussels win shows strength of independence cause - VilaWeb
Puigdemont says Brussels win shows strength of independence cause - VilaWeb
'Winning a seat in the European Parliament shows the strength of his
project from exile, said president Carles Puigdemont, who also stated
that the victory was the result of a “winning strategy” of the
independence movement. Puigdemont also said the result was a testament
to the “persistence” of the efforts towards independence, and pointed to
the defeat of Spanish foreign minister and unionist, Josep Borrell,
calling on him to listen to “the voice of the October 1 referendum.” '
CATALONIA -- Puigdemont and Maragall lead a pro-independence victory in Catalonia and Barcelona
Puigdemont and Maragall lead a pro-independence victory in Catalonia and Barcelona
'A double victory for the Catalan independence movement in the May 26th
elections. Exiled president Carles Puigdemont has led JxCat (Together
for Catalonia) to a clear win in the EU elections in Catalonia, ahead of
the Catalan Socialists (PSC) and the Republican Left (ERC), and Ernest
Maragall has beaten Ada Colau in the municipal race in Barcelona. ERC is
the largest municipal force acorss Catalonia in votes and councillors,
although JxCat is ahead in the total number of mayoralties won. The Socialists have recovered some of the ground lost in recent years.'
lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019
Des Gilets jaunes manifestent à Bruxelles, de nombreuses interpellations (VIDEOS) — RT en français
Des Gilets jaunes manifestent à Bruxelles, de nombreuses interpellations (VIDEOS) — RT en français
Ce 26 mai, jour de vote en France mais également en Belgique, des Gilets jaunes en ont profité pour manifester à Bruxelles
US Complementing Israeli Effort to Give Nuclear Weapons to Saudi Arabia
US Complementing Israeli Effort to Give Nuclear Weapons to Saudi Arabia
Trump’s energy secretary, Rick Perry, has secretly approved the sale of nuclear power technology and assistance to Saudi Arabia.
Meet Ten Corporate Giants Helping Israel Massacre Gaza Protesters
Meet Ten Corporate Giants Helping Israel Massacre Gaza Protesters
companies are knowingly supporting war crimes, and are complicit in
state-orchestrated murder," Tom Anderson, a researcher for Corporate
Occupation, told MintPress News.
Trump Regime Heightens Middle East Tensions — Strategic Culture
Trump Regime Heightens Middle East Tensions — Strategic Culture
Since WW II, the US waged wars of aggression against nations threatening no one, the highest of high crimes gone unpunished.
Rand Corp: how to destroy Russia — Strategic Culture
Rand Corp: how to destroy Russia — Strategic Culture
conclusions of the latest confidential report by the Rand Corporation
were recently made public in a «Brief». They explain how to wage a new
Cold War against Russia. Certain
recommendations have already been implemented, but this systemic
exposure enables us to understand their true objective.
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Nope, Guccifer 2.0 Was Not a Russian Creation
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Nope, Guccifer 2.0 Was Not a Russian Creation
CIA officer Larry Johnson explains why the Mueller Report assertions
that Guccifer 2.0, which it is claimed hacked the Democrats in the 2016
election, is a Russian intelligence operation makes no sense at all.
This is the central tenet of the Russia hysteria.
Les classes moyennes entre soumission et rébellion, par Dominique Pinsolle (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2012)
Les classes moyennes entre soumission et rébellion, par Dominique Pinsolle (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2012)
classes moyennes n’étant pas toujours conservatrices ni le prolétariat
nécessairement progressiste, à quelles conditions un projet de
transformation radicale de la société
serait-il susceptible de réunir deux groupes sociaux numériquement
majoritaires, mais dont les intérêts peuvent diverger ?
Nationalisme hindou, libéralisme économique et populisme high-tech, par Christophe Jaffrelot (Le Monde diplomatique, avril 2014)
Nationalisme hindou, libéralisme économique et populisme high-tech, par Christophe Jaffrelot (Le Monde diplomatique, avril 2014)
un bilan économique et social désastreux, le premier ministre indien
Narendra Modi et son parti le Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), au pouvoir
depuis mai 2014, ont remporté haut la
main les élections législatives (entre 53 et 55 % des sièges). Ce
triomphe risque d’entraîner de nouvelles violences à l’encontre des
musulmans — tels ces Indiens « lynchés au nom de la vache sacrée ».
L’Inde se transforme en « démocratie ethnique », selon l’expression du
spécialiste Christophe Jaffrelot qui, dès avril 2014, mettait en garde
contre le nationalisme hindou de M. Modi.
New Syria Chemical Attack Blamed on Government. Reports Fostered Divisions Among U.S. Allies - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
New Syria Chemical Attack Blamed on Government. Reports Fostered Divisions Among U.S. Allies - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
SAMURI: On May 19, 2019, several Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (ex. Jabhat
al-Nusra) militants reported on the use of the chemical weapons in
settlement of Al-Kabina by the Syrian
Army (SAA). The mainstream media immediately replicated this news and a
number of states brought charges against Damascus.
Accusations of Chemical Weapons Use by the Syrian Army Nullified by Fact-Checking - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Accusations of Chemical Weapons Use by the Syrian Army Nullified by Fact-Checking - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
AL KHALED: Syrian government forces allegedly committed yet another
chemical attack, local opposition affiliated media reported last Sunday.
On War With Iran, It’s Trump Versus the Founding Fathers — Strategic Culture
On War With Iran, It’s Trump Versus the Founding Fathers — Strategic Culture
He seems to think he can launch an attack without congressional approval. The Constitution says otherwise.
CATALONIA -- Puigdemont and Maragall lead a pro-independence victory in Catalonia and Barcelona
Puigdemont and Maragall lead a pro-independence victory in Catalonia and Barcelona
double victory for the Catalan independence movement in the May 26th
elections. Exiled president Carles Puigdemont has led JxCat (Together
for Catalonia) to a clear win in the EU
elections in Catalonia, ahead of the Catalan Socialists (PSC) and the
Republican Left (ERC), and Ernest Maragall has beaten Ada Colau in the
municipal race in Barcelona. ERC is the largest municipal force acorss
Catalonia in votes and councillors, although JxCat is ahead in the total
number of mayoralties won. The Socialists have recovered some of the
ground lost in recent years.'
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