jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019


More detained, more cautious and more repressed over entire Catalonia.  We have existed for some time, in spite of everything.  In front of the attacks on our culture we have put more illustration;  before violence, civil disobedience;  Faced with massive and continuous waves of newcomers, we have put integration and tolerance, etc.

Those who from Catalonia, with a colonizing attitude, rejoice and still ask for more state repression, have no authority to speak to us as Catalans.  Not everyone who lives in Catalonia is Catalan, to be Catalan, we must love and respect our culture and not annoy our language, we must feel Catalan for free choice, regardless of its origin,  enough to be registered.  Have they come to Catalonia to live as Catalans, or to prevent Catalans living as such in their homes? ...

Those who prefer to be subjects of a carpetovetónico and distant power, do not love freedom, prefer to snatch the progress of any nation that wants to succeed beyond the empire.  They are insensitive to repression over their neighbors and tell us about a coexistence problem ...

Catalonia has suffered many exiles, expulsion of Jews during the time of the Catholic kings, brotherhoods during Charles I, critics with Philip II, the Reapers' War, 30 years of Succession, 1936-39, Francoism, among other circumstances.  Our culture and our language have suffered many bans since the time of printing, despite being the first to use it, or perhaps for this, burning books, etc.  Much political repression.  And massive colonization of people looking for a better way to make a living, or serve as squirrels to occupy the jobs of Catalans in struggle to achieve wage improvements, etc.

The State does not know how to fight against a society that claims its rights from Non-Violence and civil disobedience.  Little knows our irreducible people.  Too bad they prefer to repress to talk and agree.
  We will live like Catalans in Catalonia.  Donec Perficiam!