viernes, 25 de octubre de 2019

CATALONIA ------ Why Catalonia is not giving up


Why Catalonia is not giving up

“This claim seems all the more legitimate when we consider the fate of Catalonia’s last ten  presidents, since 1931. Five of them suffered periods of exile, four spells in prison, one execution and almost all fines, suspension or contempt from Madrid. The Catalan cause, therefore, and its rejection by Madrid is nothing new. And Spanish governments of different colours have always responded to it in a similarly repressive fashion. It is on the Catalan side that the changes are more visible. As Spain continues to make all the same old mistakes in handling the Catalan issue -mistakes that many now consider irreparable with the new sentences-  Catalans are spurred on along the road to independence. No one is giving up because Spain is allowing them no other option.”