lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, critique du journalisme et de la propriété intellectuelle - Acrimed | Action Critique Médias
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, critique du journalisme et de la propriété intellectuelle - Acrimed | Action Critique Médias
Scam Alert: Facebook “Unblock Government” Emails Point to Phishing Site
Scam Alert: Facebook “Unblock Government” Emails Point to Phishing Site:
Beware of emails that appear to come from Facebook bearing the subject “Unblock Government” (misspelled as “goverment”)! The fake notifications are designed to lure users to a phishing website.
“WARNING. YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT WILL BE DISABLED. Someone has reported your account. Perhaps, you have uploaded an image that can be insulting or harmful to others. And chances are you writing content rough. To stop the warning, you must confirm your account Facebook,” the emails read.
A UAE Royal Family Member, Sheikh Issa, Tortures a Afghani businessman » Banoosh
A UAE Royal Family Member, Sheikh Issa, Tortures a Afghani businessman » Banoosh
A UAE Royal Family Member, Sheikh Issa, Tortures a Afghani businessman
New report shows urgent need to rescue EU's ineffective lobby register | Corporate Europe Observatory
New report shows urgent need to rescue EU's ineffective lobby register | Corporate Europe Observatory:
The European Commission and European Parliament's joint lobby register turns two years old this week, and a new report by the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) shows that the voluntary register is still failing to get a sufficient share of lobbyists to register and remains packed with unreliable and incomplete data. ALTER-EU calls on the Commission and Parliament to use the opportunity of the register's review to make the Transparency Register mandatory.
Kenyan Government must end forced evictions | Amnesty International
Kenyan Government must end forced evictions | Amnesty International
On 10 May 2013, nearly 400 homes were destroyed in a forced eviction carried out at City Carton informal settlement in Nairobi, after the settlement was cordoned off by 170 police officers between 4 and 5am.
NSA: Pourquoi espionnaient-ils leurs maris et amants?!
NSA: Pourquoi espionnaient-ils leurs maris et amants?!:
Une douzaine d'employés de l'agence du renseignement américain (NSA) espionnaient leurs maris et amants avec les outils de surveillance. En effet ils ont utilisé leur métier pour les fins personnelles. Un rapport de l'inspecteur général de la NSA a révélé des cas qui ont été détectés ces dix dernières années. En guise d’exemple une employée a eu mis sur écoute un numéro de téléphone étranger trouvé dans les contacts de son mari en 2004; aussi un autre employé a mis sur écoute l'amant d'une autre employée de la NSA... parce qu'elle suspectait ce dernier d'écouter ses conversations téléphoniques.
Las 45 mentiras que dijo Obama ante la ONU – RT
Las 45 mentiras que dijo Obama ante la ONU – RT:
The 45 lies that Obama told the UN
American activist and blogger David Swanson has compiled a list of the lies of the U.S. president Barack Obama at the plenary session of the 68th UN General Assembly. What were the lies of Obama?
Greenwald, Scahill vow to unmask NSA’s ‘US assassination program’ | End the Lie – Independent News
Greenwald, Scahill vow to unmask NSA’s ‘US assassination program’ | End the Lie – Independent News:
American investigative journalists Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald say they have teamed up to prepare a report on the National Security Agency’s role in what one of them described as the “US assassination program.”
“The connections between war and surveillance are clear. I don’t want to give too much away but Glenn and I are working on a project right now that has at its center how the National Security Agency plays a significant, central role in the US assassination program,” Scahill said in Rio de Janeiro, as cited by Associated Press.
CATALONIA --- Resposta al professor Granell: Catalunya independent, un estat fallit? - VilaWeb
Resposta al professor Granell: Catalunya independent, un estat fallit? - VilaWeb
Reply to Professor Granell: independent Catalonia, a failed state?
Vicente Aparicio's lawyer responds to Professor Francesc Granell, which was compared with Somaliland Catalonia in an interview with El Pais
In the interview published in El País this week, Professor Francesc Granell made a series of statements about the possible independence of Catalonia, on the strength, the reader hardly went unnoticed. In this paper, Vicente Aparicio , attorney, law graduate and business administration (UPF) and Political Science (UOC), responds in detail Granell claims against the institutional and economic viability of an independent Catalonia, which reach compared with Somaliland.
Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 30 September | Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 30 September | Human Rights Watch
In today's Brief: Students killed while they slept in #Nigeria; #Australia & #Indonesia discuss asylum & refugees; police beating & extorting street traders in #Angola; another aerial bombing of a school in #Syria; no Pride in #Serbia; and how the changes in modern journalism affect human rights reporting.
CATALONIA -- Nació Digital: La pel·lícula de la Via Catalana
Nació Digital: La pel·lícula de la Via Catalana
The National Assembly of Catalonia also reported that a film will be made by the ANC and audiovisual equipment will be achieved during the month of October in a special edition on DVD.
The film Catalan Way
The ANC has released the first images of what will be the official film of the Catalan way.
Special: Catalan Way
The National Assembly of Catalonia also reported that a film will be made by the ANC and audiovisual equipment will be achieved during the month of October in a special edition on DVD.
The film will have a report of the best images of the Via Catalan who united the country from north to south on Eleventh of September and in the coming days, the ANC will announce the date and outlets and distribution where you can acquire.
FDA now trying to regulate 'smartphone' apps by blocking all natural medicine technology from mobile devices
FDA now trying to regulate 'smartphone' apps by blocking all natural medicine technology from mobile devices:
(NaturalNews) The internet is no longer the only open-source communication medium that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is trying to censor. The Alliance for Natural Health - USA (ANH-USA) reports that the FDA is now going after "smartphones" by trying to force mobile "app" developers to gain pre-approval from the rogue federal agency before being allowed to publish certain health- and medicine-related apps for public use.
Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and the 'pathetic' American media | Media |
Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and the 'pathetic' American media | Media |
Seymour Hersh has got some extreme ideas on how to fix journalism – close down the news bureaus of NBC and ABC, sack 90% of editors in publishing and get back to the fundamental job of journalists which, he says, is to be an outsider.
It doesn't take much to fire up Hersh, the investigative journalist who has been the nemesis of US presidents since the 1960s and who was once described by the Republican party as "the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist".
He is angry about the timidity of journalists in America, their failure to challenge the White House and be an unpopular messenger of truth.
Don't even get him started on the New York Times which, he says, spends "so much more time carrying water for Obama than I ever thought they would" – or the death of Osama bin Laden. "Nothing's been done about that story, it's one big lie, not one word of it is true," he says of the dramatic US Navy Seals raid in 2011.
Detailed audit finds U.S. government routinely inflates terrorism statistics to scare populace into compliance
Detailed audit finds U.S. government routinely inflates terrorism statistics to scare populace into compliance:
(NaturalNews) Your own government wouldn't use fear and intimidation in order to push an agenda - would it?
Absolutely it would. Enter "the terrorist threat."
Most Americans know that the threat of terrorism exists. The two gaping holes where the World Trade Center used to be on Sept. 12, 2001, are more than enough proof of that. But Boston bombing aside, are Americans really under constant threat of being killed by terrorists? No, we're not - though our government would like for us to think so.
According to a newly released audit, all of the Justice Department's terrorism-related statistics were reported inaccurately, and most of them were greatly exaggerated.
Monsanto Resorts to Dirty Tricks Amid Failed GMO Battle
Monsanto Resorts to Dirty Tricks Amid Failed GMO Battle:
Monsanto has utterly failed in convincing the public that their disease-linked genetically modified creations are ‘safe’, and the only option left is to resort to an assembly of dirty tricks. Spending a whopping 8.2 million just to fight GMO labeling in Washington, we have really begun to see the desperate and clinging nature of the failing biotechnology giant. Because in reality, Monsanto simply cannot stand to allow consumers to know what’s in their food.
ROAR Magazine
ROAR Magazine
ROAR Magazine is an online journal of the radical imagination that seeks to amplify the voice of our generation amid the clamorous cacophony of a rapidly changing world.
Disability rights: UN experts reject restrictions on persons with intellectual disabilities’ right to vote --- DisplayNews
GENEVA (30 September 2013) - States should not prevent persons with intellectual disabilities from voting, nor make their inclusion on an electoral register dependent on capacity assessments, a UN Committee has said after examining the case of six Hungarians who lost the right to vote when they were placed under legal guardianship.
The six people, who have intellectual disability, brought their complaint to the Geneva-based Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) after they were unable to vote in Hungary’s parliamentary and municipal elections in 2010.
Under an article of the Hungarian constitution applicable at the time of the complaint, all persons under guardianship were automatically excluded from voting. The complainants argued that they were able to understand politics and participate in elections, and that the ban, which took no account of the nature of their disability and their individual abilities, was unjustified.
Fraud Exposed in NIST WTC 7 Reports: Part 5 of 5
Fraud Exposed in NIST WTC 7 Reports: Part 5 of 5
Editor’s note: To this day most people, including many architects and engineers, are not aware that a third skyscraper, World Trade Center Building 7, mysteriously collapsed along with the World Trade Center Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. The official report on this building’s collapse by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been challenged by many reputable and credentialed technical professionals. The NIST analysis has not undergone the rigors of scientific peer review – the typical pathway for validating significant scientific theories. Chris Sarns’ research appears in Dr. David Ray Griffin’s book titled "The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7. "A definitive study of what happens when political concerns are permitted to override science and the scientific method. With intellectual finesse worthy of a scientist, Griffin shows that NIST's WTC 7 report has no scientific credibility. A must read for all concerned with the restoration of science to its `rightful place' in our democracy."--John D. Wyndham, Ph.D., Physics, Cambridge University; former Research Fellow at the California Institute of Technology]" The studies below represent years of work by Chris in unraveling some of the most glaring inconsistencies and outright frauds in the NIST report on World Trade Center 7. He demonstrates that the NIST’s theory of the fire-induced collapse of Building 7 is faulty and misleading.
Europa incluye a España en la “lista negra” de países sin libertad y el único del mundo que no admite inspeccionar su régimen | Un espía en el congreso
Europa incluye a España en la “lista negra” de países sin libertad y el único del mundo que no admite inspeccionar su régimen | Un espía en el congreso
Europe includes Spain in the "black list" of countries without freedom and the only one that does not support his regime inspect
Spain is the only country that does not allow international inspection of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on his curious monarchy regime of parties or party politics, which has led to its inclusion in the "black list" of restricted freedoms countries, which include Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Russia, Bulgaria, Albania, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kosovo. While condemning Spain, OSCE values democratic advances produced in Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Montenegro in prison policy, border, judicial, industrial, media, intellectual property, domestic violence and a half environment, according to the relationship of the press similar condemnation to those who have had starring Spanish regime.
“Psywar” [Documentary] (Video)
“Psywar” [Documentary] (Video):
This documentary is an in-depth study of propaganda — its nature and history — offering valuable insight on the role played by public relations to control information, perception, and thought, with an emphasis on the elitist theory of democracy and the relationship that exists between war, propaganda, and class. It includes original interviews with a number of dissident scholars, including Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, Peter Phillips, John Stauber, Christopher Simpson, and others.
“PSYOPs: ‘Psychological Operations’ – Any form of communication in support of objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly.”
—Department of Defense, U.S. Army Field Manual 33I
“The President’s Private Army“: NSA-CIA Spying is Central to Carrying Out the Obama Administration’s Assassination Program | Global Research
“The President’s Private Army“: NSA-CIA Spying is Central to Carrying Out the Obama Administration’s Assassination Program | Global Research:
Intelligence Agencies Central In Assassination Programs Carried out Without Oversight
We’ve previously documented that the NSA isn’t just passively spying like a giant peeping tom, but is actively using that information in mischievous ways … such as assassinations.
A lot more information is about to come out on the topic. AP reports:
Two American journalists known for their investigations of the United States’ government said Saturday they’ve teamed up to report on the National Security Agency’s role in what one called a “U.S. assassination .”
Prepare the revelation of 'U.S. assassination program' – RT
Preparan la revelación del 'programa de asesinatos de EE.UU.' – RT:
Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who published the revelations of espionage Snowden on the National Security Agency (NSA), prepares the revelation of the alleged role of this organism in a U.S. assassination program
Higher Perspective: 1,200 Year Old Egyptian City Discovered Underwater
Higher Perspective: 1,200 Year Old Egyptian City Discovered Underwater:
1,200 years ago the ancient Egyptian city of Heracleion disappeared beneath the Mediterranean. Founded around 8th century BC, well before the foundation of Alexandria in 331 BC, it is believed Heracleion served as the obligatory port of entry to Egypt for all ships coming from the Greek world.
Prior to its discovery in 2000 by archaeologist Franck Goddio and the IEASM (European Institute for Underwater Archaeology), no trace of Thonis-Heracleion had been found (the city was known to the Greeks as Thonis). Its name was almost razed from the memory of mankind, only preserved in ancient classic texts and rare inscriptions found on land by archaeologists.
An Open Letter to Guido Barilla | Casey Carey-Brown
An Open Letter to Guido Barilla | Casey Carey-Brown:
Dear Guido Barilla,
I am writing to you today under unfortunate circumstances. When I woke up this morning, I certainly didn't expect to end my day by writing a letter to the chairman of a pasta company, but here we are. I am writing to you in regards to your recent statements about my family. I know you don't know my actual family, because, you know, we aren't close, you and I. So, let me introduce you. My wife and I have been married, legally, for nearly 10 years. We have a 4-year-old daughter together. She calls us Mommy and Mama. We eat dinner at our table together every night. We work hard. We love even harder.
We are the gay family that you don't agree with.
Mexico's disappeared continues to rise - Features - Al Jazeera English
Mexico's disappeared continues to rise - Features - Al Jazeera English:
Mexico City - Mexico's mountain of unsolved disappearances continues to rise despite President Enrique Pena Nieto's promise to tackle the problem which has devastated thousands of families since 2006.
The disappearance of four people within six days close to the US border recently exposed the cruel mix of state corruption and organised crime still blighting the lives ordinary folks on Mexico's mean streets.
"Mexico today has the worst crisis of disappearances in Latin America, arguably the world," Nik Steinberg, senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, told Al Jazeera. "That there is still no single unified definition and many state authorities have no idea how to investigate disappearances shows the government has failed to take the problem seriously."
domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013
Posters - Idle No More
Posters - Idle No More:
Check out the amazing posters and graphics below in multiple languages, there is even a blank poster background image so that you can make your own #Oct7Proclaim poster or graphic for your event. Huge thanks to designer Krishna Lalbiharie and Tannis Nielsen and photographers Paulo Freire Lopez and Blaire Russell.
#Oct7Proclaim at Idle No More
#Oct7Proclaim at Idle No More:
Idle No More has called for a Global Day of Action on Oct 7 - #Oct7Proclaim October 7, 1763, marked the signing of the British Royal Proclamation, an historic document that legally mandated Canada to recognize Indigenous land rights. 250 years later, on October 7, 2013... Idle No More calls on all peoples to raise (y)our voices and take action in support of:-- Our Land -- Our Water -- Our Bodies -- Our Stories -- Our Future -- Indigenous Sovereignty! Oct 7 is also the day that the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Professor James Anaya, will begin an official visit to Canada to examine the human rights situation of the indigenous peoples of the country. Proclaim the importance of Indigenous Sovereignty! Stand up and be heard this October 7, 2013!
Am 12. Oktober versammeln sich Aktivisten weltweit, um gemeinsam gegen Monsanto zu protestieren.
Am 12. Oktober versammeln sich Aktivisten weltweit, um gemeinsam gegen Monsanto zu protestieren.
Weshalb demonstrieren wir?
-Wissenschaftliche Studien haben gezeigt, dass der Konsum von Monsantos genetisch veränderten Lebensmitteln zu schwerwiegenden gesundheitlichen Schäden wie Unfruchtbarkeit, Krebs und Missbildungen bei Neugeborenen führt.
-Vor kurzem wurde vom U.S. Kongress und Präsident Barack Obama ein Gesetz verabschiedet, welches es Monsanto ermöglicht, sich über gerichtlich angeordnete Verkaufsstopps ihres Saatgutes hinwegzusetzen.
-Die FDA (Food and Drug Administration), zuständig für den Schutz der...
Justifying War: From Yugoslavia to Syria | Global Research
Justifying War: From Yugoslavia to Syria | Global Research:
Most human beings by nature are anti-war.
All military conflicts involve death and destruction, to say nothing of unintended consequences.
This is why for generations, military planners have made use of war pretext incidents to galvanize war-averse populations behind aggressive military actions against other countries.
These rationales are at core psychological operations utilizing justifications for military action generally not reflecting the government’s REAL reasons for going to war.
As researcher and anti-war campaigner Richard Sanders chronicles in his magazine Press For Conversion, war pretext incidents were involved in the Mexican-American War (1846), the Spanish-American War (1898), both World Wars, the Vietnam War (1964), the Wars against Iraq in 1991 and 2003, and NATO’s War Against Yugoslavia in 1999, among others.
CATALONIA -- horizonteFBT: La martingala federalista
horizonteFBT: La martingala federalista
The federal martingale
Fear Felipe Blasco
What to look for the possible arrival on the scene of the third way -whether federal, as more autonomy ... - consultation: gather a sense of Catalan society or try to divide independence? In my view, the second rather than the first, but it is quite likely that proponents of federalism achieve the opposite, ie, the votes that emanate from any federalism "no."
The time spent in the federal long. A separatist and federalist choose this path would be wrong for four reasons:
First, anyone with some power in Spain does not speak so seriously about federalism. PSOE think it would make that much of what he sees as the Catalans are tired of successive governments that have taken place in Spain.
Second, federalism mean to keep us within the Spanish legal framework. Therefore we should expect the rest of Spain (each autonomy and the central government) made a 180 degree turn in the conception of the model and State. That is, if it does, we would be in the same situation now.
Third, due to the second point-to federalism or more autonomy with better financing (called as everyone wants this third response) lasted only would get headaches, tension, contempt, deceit and breach it suffered in Catalonia the government of Spain for some time. In federalism would negotiate and define the powers of good Catalonia and the rest of the state. After years and years of old and new struggles, we would realize-again-the big mistake and lost time that meant choosing the "third way." (Otherwise aspirations of this kind could have reached some years with the reform of the Statute, that the first Congress and the Constitutional Court were halted after rennet, do you remember that?).
And fourth, if the EU survives the crisis, eventually a possible target of the EU through a federation or confederation of states. Catalonia in, so it should be more like a federate within the Union and not with Spain to have a voice directly.
CATALONIA -- Són majoria a Espanya? | En veu alta
Són majoria a Espanya? | En veu alta
Most are in Spain?
Spain are the most vulgar mesetaris unable to accept that there are people who do not identify with the idea of the country, do not understand that you can decide whether you want to stay there or leave, those who are openly and an inability of public reasoning, comprehension and analysis insane chromogenic own hereditary or retired military factions reminiscent ended as President and Co Retron the longing of the guns bombarding our land?
A majority in Spain who prefer gas or pepper arguments, tributes to those who applaud the fascist Blue Division or support initiatives towards Franco, who shamelessly s'atraveixen to wear in Nazi symbols in public enbolcallats and making greetings fascist or stating the Intangible Cultural Heritage mere torture an animal to bring it to death?
They are most corrupt oligarchies in Spain, civil servants and business financial living gross pay all of us who ruin whole families left homeless and those who amass fortunes indecent commissions airports ghosts steal the budget safety of thousands of kilometers of AVE and radial highways around the capital go bankrupt, those advocating expensive rail corridors and central Madrid's Olympic candidates, bankers laugh in our face while we pay between the party with you with our education and health of our family?
Spain are the most genocidal cultural spent years fighting to eliminate our culture, working day and night to destroy a school model is presented as a success story in the international arena only because the language Catalan is used, which makes the ridiculous naming an ancient language with strange occurrences such as the Lapa or denying what is spoken in the Catalan ignoring the opinion of the world community philological, is one language?
The Catalans so long ago that we would like to hear strong voices and strong disagreement from Spain to be clear that most others are not.
To date, however, silent as whores!
Illustration Enjoy the Silence by AlexCherry
Schneier on Security: Senator Feinstein Admits the NSA Taps the Internet Backbone
Schneier on Security: Senator Feinstein Admits the NSA Taps the Internet Backbone
Sen. Feinstein confirms NSA obtains emails directly from Internet backbone, describes process.
Keiser Report: Lynching America (E503) ft. Galloway - YouTube
Keiser Report: Lynching America (E503) ft. Galloway - YouTube:
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss whether banking bonus outrage is equivalent to the lynching of African Americans in the Deep South and the money, money, money, MONEY! of the ex-Presidents of the United States. In the second half, Max interviews George Galloway, a Member of Parliament, about his documentary film, The Killing of Tony Blair. They also discuss crowd funding democracy with Galloway's run for Mayor of London.
Century of the Self – The Rise of the All-Consuming Self
Century of the Self – The Rise of the All-Consuming Self:
Edward Bernays invented ‘Public Relations' in the 1920s, being the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.
“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.” -Edward Bernays, (Propaganda 1928, p.71)
Edward Bernays – also known as the “father of propaganda” – took Freud's key thesis that individuals were driven by unconscious irrational forces and used it to develop marketing techniques which are now common place.
Neil deGrasse Tyson: What We Are | Watch Now
Neil deGrasse Tyson: What We Are | Watch Now
Inspired by Neil deGrasse Tyson, The Sagan Series & Milky way Musings.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claims Syrian sarin gas was homemade | Ben Swann Truth In Media
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claims Syrian sarin gas was homemade | Ben Swann Truth In Media:
Bashar Assad’s alleged gassing of Syrian citizens was the main argument in support of American intervention in the situation. It has consequently been the main source of controversy and most discussed example of the US’s total outsider status and lack of understanding of the country’s situation. The Western world simply does not know which side of the conflict used the gas.
OpenMedia's Steve Anderson exposes the TPP Internet Censorship plan on Global BC1 - YouTube
OpenMedia's Steve Anderson exposes the TPP Internet Censorship plan on Global BC1 - YouTube:
60,000 people have spoken out against the TPP's extreme Internet censorship plan.
Largest Sky Map Revealed: An Animated Flight Through the Universe -- Minds
Largest Sky Map Revealed: An Animated Flight Through the Universe. The first public data release from BOSS, the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. Led by Berkeley Lab scientists, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's BOSS is bigger than all other spectroscopic surveys combined for measuring the universe's large-scale structure.
The Third Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III) has issued Data Release 9 (DR9), the first public release of data from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). In this release BOSS, the largest of SDSS-III's four surveys, provides spectra for 535,995 newly observed galaxies, 102,100 quasars, and 116,474 stars, plus new information about objects in previous Sloan surveys (SDSS-I and II).
MK Ultra Mind Control: The Government’s Voices Of God Weapon » The Rundown Live
MK Ultra Mind Control: The Government’s Voices Of God Weapon » The Rundown Live
MK Ultra and LRAD(Long Range Acoustic Device) are two areas of science that work together to make an alchemy of ultimate control. The ability to hypnotize a Manchurian candidate or even the masses. This same technology can put voices in the head of a single individual or even a large crowd. Imagine how you could mentally terrorize a person by putting voices in their head constantly and how that could jeopardize their sanity. Who should have such power?
Nepal's slave girls - 101 East - Al Jazeera English
Nepal's slave girls - 101 East - Al Jazeera English:
Slavery is banned in Nepal. But hidden behind the walls of city homes, some still keep young girls as slaves called kamlaris.
The girls are from the Tharu community, an indigenous group that was stripped of its land and forced into bonded labour after Nepal's first social order was introduced 160 years ago. Tharus farm the land of their landlord and, in return, give back half of what they produce. Often, they trade away their daughters as well
Natural Cures Not Medicine: Monsanto Corporation gets owned by 11 year old boy
Natural Cures Not Medicine: Monsanto Corporation gets owned by 11 year old boy
Monsanto Corporation gets owned by 11 year old boy
One Wrong Move at Fukushima Could Unleash a Nuclear Disaster Equivalent to 85 Chernobyls » RYOT News
One Wrong Move at Fukushima Could Unleash a Nuclear Disaster Equivalent to 85 Chernobyls » RYOT News

More than two years after a massive earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan, the Fukushima power plant sits in ruins, leaking 300 tons of contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean every day. But that’s small potatoes compared to what might happen in November.
In what could be humankind’s most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis, TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Co). — the Japanese company that owns the Fukushima power plant — will attempt to remove approximately 1,300 fuel rods from the heavily damaged Reactor Unit 4. Why should you care? Because many experts feel that neither TEPCO nor Japan have the scientific, engineering or financial resources to handle the repair. And you know what happens if they screw up? Nuclear disaster.

In this April 7, 2011 file photo, Japanese police wearing protective radiation suits search for the bodies of victims of the tsunami in the Odaka area of Minami Soma, inside the deserted evacuation zone established for the 20-kilometer radius around the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plants. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder, File)
We’re talking more than 15,000 times as much radiation as was released during the bombing of Hiroshima in WWII. That’s the equivalent of 85 Chernobyl disasters.
Israel rules on former Nablus settlement - Features - Al Jazeera English
Israel rules on former Nablus settlement - Features - Al Jazeera English
Feature: When Israel withdrew its settlers from the Gaza Strip and from four small West Bank settlements under its 2005 "disengagement plan," the villagers of Burqa near Nablus thought they would finally take back land originally confiscated from them 35 years ago.
Feature: When Israel withdrew its settlers from the Gaza Strip and from four small West Bank settlements under its 2005 "disengagement plan," the villagers of Burqa near Nablus thought they would finally take back land originally confiscated from them 35 years ago.
But only last week was a decision made by Israel's Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein to allow Palestinians access to their land, and to reiterate that settlers would be forbidden from entering the area. Read more:
Journalist Braves Death Threats to Reveal Ties Between Mexican Government & Drug Cartels | Free Speech TV
Journalist Braves Death Threats to Reveal Ties Between Mexican Government & Drug Cartels | Free Speech TV
Anabel Hernández has been described as one of the most courageous journalists in Mexico. In 2010, she published a groundbreaking book linking top Mexican governmental officials to the world's most powerful drug cartels. She received so many death threats that the National Human Rights Commission assigned her two full-time bodyguards. Despite the danger, she continued to report.
Anabel Hernández has been described as one of the most courageous journalists in Mexico. In 2010, she published a groundbreaking book linking top Mexican governmental officials to the world's most powerful drug cartels. She received so many death threats that the National Human Rights Commission assigned her two full-time bodyguards. Despite the danger, she continued to report.
Hernández joined Democracy Now! to discuss the ties between the Mexican government and drug cartels, check it out:
Dexter Filkins: Qassem Suleimani, the Middle East’s Most Powerful Operative : The New Yorker
Dexter Filkins: Qassem Suleimani, the Middle East’s Most Powerful Operative : The New Yorker:
Last February, some of Iran’s most influential leaders gathered at the Amir al-Momenin Mosque, in northeast Tehran, inside a gated community reserved for officers of the Revolutionary Guard. They had come to pay their last respects to a fallen comrade. Hassan Shateri, a veteran of Iran’s covert wars throughout the Middle East and South Asia, was a senior commander in a powerful, élite branch of the Revolutionary Guard called the Quds Force. The force is the sharp instrument of Iranian foreign policy, roughly analogous to a combined C.I.A. and Special Forces; its name comes from the Persian word for Jerusalem, which its fighters have promised to liberate. Since 1979, its goal has been to subvert Iran’s enemies and extend the country’s influence across the Middle East. Shateri had spent much of his career abroad, first in Afghanistan and then in Iraq, where the Quds Force helped Shiite militias kill American soldiers.
"BOX" : The Future Of Brain-Bursting Unreasonably Awesome Projector-Tech. No This Is Not CG, No You Have Not Been Dosed. It's Just That F'ing Awesome. - Minds
Box explores the synthesis of real and digital space through projection-mapping on moving surfaces. The short film documents a live performance, captured entirely in camera.
Bot & Dolly produced this work to serve as both an artistic statement and technical demonstration. It is the culmination of multiple technologies, including large scale robotics, projection mapping, and software engineering. We believe this methodology has tremendous potential to radically transform theatrical presentations, and define new genres of expression.
FBI Admits It Controlled Tor Servers Behind Mass Malware Attack | Threat Level |
FBI Admits It Controlled Tor Servers Behind Mass Malware Attack | Threat Level |
It wasn’t ever seriously in doubt, but the FBI yesterday acknowledged that it secretly took control of Freedom Hosting last July, days before the servers of the largest provider of ultra-anonymous hosting were found to be serving custom malware designed to identify visitors.
Freedom Hosting’s operator, Eric Eoin Marques, had rented the servers from an unnamed commercial hosting provider in France, and paid for them from a bank account in Las Vegas. It’s not clear how the FBI took over the servers in late July, but the bureau was temporarily thwarted when Marques somehow regained access and changed the passwords, briefly locking out the FBI until it gained back control.
Tor browser bundle update released -- Minds
Do you want to browse the web safely and anonymously?
Do you want to browse the web safely and anonymously?
The Tor Browser Bundle, one of the easiest ways to stay anonymous while browsing the web, has received a new update today.
Learn more: view/258850/ tor-browser-bundle-update-relea sed
Intelligence agencies want 'all the phone records,' defend surveillance programs — RT USA
Intelligence agencies want 'all the phone records,' defend surveillance programs — RT USA:
Leading members of the United States intelligence community continued to defend the government's vast surveillance programs in Washington on Thursday and suggested that those agency's capabilities exceed what's been previously reported.
During a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday afternoon, lawmakers asked representatives from the National Security Agency, Department of Justice and Office of the Director of National Intelligence to provide more information about the surveillance programs operated by the government and exposed through a series of unauthorized disclosures attributed to former contractor Edward Snowden earlier this year.
The hearing, the first open meeting of the committee since March, centered on the NSA's authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and PATRIOT Act that allow the government to gather basic records pertaining to the communications of American citizens.
Amid spying scandal, billion-dollar NSA data center may secretly open — RT USA
Amid spying scandal, billion-dollar NSA data center may secretly open — RT USA:
The new National Security Agency building in Bluffdale, Utah will be the most expensive facility in the NSA's history, but don't expect any sort of grand unveiling when it's finally functioning.
The $1.5 billion NSA data center is scheduled to officially open up this fall, but the Salt Lake Tribune is now reporting that the facility may already be up and running.
Thomas Burr of the Tribune wrote Thursday that the administrators of the state-of-the-art facility are staying silent when it comes to announcing information about the building, even though knowledge of its construction has been widely reported, and the NSA has become a mainstay in mainstream headlines since top-secret security documents were leaked to the media earlier this year.
Feinstein's NSA 'reform' bill would expand snooping powers — RT USA
Feinstein's NSA 'reform' bill would expand snooping powers — RT USA:
A bipartisan group of US senators is trying to ban the NSA’s blanket surveillance program in a radical bill proposed to the Senate Intelligence Committee. But a milder bill from chairwoman Diane Feinstein would sanction more snooping on US citizens.
Thursday’s Committee hearing on reforming the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) reviewed the two rival bills in an effort to find a balance between security and privacy. The Committee is expected to have further lively debate on the proposed legislation next week, before the bill is sent for consideration by the full Senate.
NSA uses metadata 'to create sophisticated graphs' of US citizens’ social connections — RT USA
NSA uses metadata 'to create sophisticated graphs' of US citizens’ social connections — RT USA:
The US National Security Agency has been exploiting US citizens' personal information drawn from its large collection of metadata to create complex graphs of social connections for foreign intelligence purposes, the latest Snowden leaks have revealed.
Documents obtained by the New York Times from the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden say that the practice has been going on since November 2010, after restrictions prohibiting the agency from working with US citizens’ data were “lifted” by NSA officials.
NSA uses metadata ‘to create sophisticated graphs’ of US citizens’ social connections | End the Lie – Independent News
NSA uses metadata ‘to create sophisticated graphs’ of US citizens’ social connections | End the Lie – Independent News
The US National Security Agency has been exploiting US citizens’ personal information drawn from its large collection of metadata to create complex graphs of social connections for foreign intelligence purposes, the latest Snowden leaks have revealed.
The US National Security Agency has been exploiting US citizens’ personal information drawn from its large collection of metadata to create complex graphs of social connections for foreign intelligence purposes, the latest Snowden leaks have revealed.
More: 28/ nsa-uses-metadata-to-create-sop histicated-graphs-of-us-citize ns-social-connections/
Burying the Needle | American Civil Liberties Union
Burying the Needle | American Civil Liberties Union
The data explosion at the #FBI has left agents and analysts inundated with false alarms and irrelevant data that distract them from real threats.
Russia Says Sarin Gas in Aug. 21 Syria Attack Was 'Homemade' | Russia | RIA Novosti
Russia Says Sarin Gas in Aug. 21 Syria Attack Was 'Homemade' | Russia | RIA Novosti:
MOSCOW, September 26 (RIA Novosti) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with a US newspaper published Thursday that homemade sarin nerve agent was used in a chemical weapons attack in Damascus on August 21, an attack that the United States maintains was carried out by the Syrian regime.
Lavrov gave an interview to The Washington Post on Tuesday after a meeting with his US counterpart John Kerry. Lavrov said he had used the meeting to hand over evidence proving Russia’s contention that chemical weapons were used by Syrian rebel groups in the controversial August 21 attack.
Russia investigated the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Aleppo on March 19 after a request from the Syrian government, Lavrov said, adding that its findings have been “broadly” made available to the United Nations Security Council and the public, The Washington Post reported.
▶ Panicked MSM Begins Killing Off Comment Sections - YouTube
▶ Panicked MSM Begins Killing Off Comment Sections - YouTube
Desperate to cling onto their ability to dictate reality, the crumbling mainstream media is beginning to kill off article comment sections in a cynical bid to silence dissenting voices.
Studies confirm that article comments sections - for better or worse - are heavily swaying public opinion. How many times have you read a mainstream news article about NSA spying, drones, gun control or any other other hot button issue where the author sides with the establishment, only to have their argument completely eviscerated by the respondents in the comment section?
Recent polls show that trust in mainstream media is hovering at record lows. After largely failing to influence the court of public opinion via paid trolls, the establishment is starting to panic and is responding by moving to cull comment sections altogether.
sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013
The great US trickle down - Counting the Cost - Al Jazeera English
The great US trickle down - Counting the Cost - Al Jazeera English:
The US is flirting with another politically-motivated debt crisis as the White House and Congress battle over the budget for the year beginning on October 1.
The White House has asked Congress to raise the $16.7tn debt ceiling. But Congress will not do that unless the White House agrees to spending cuts and a delay in Barack Obama's healthcare law. If they fail to agree, come October 17, the treasury will be down to its last $30bn, meaning that the US will be unable to pay its bills. That could result in the government and schools being shut down and social security payments stopped.
Of course, the country came close to an historic debt default in 2011. So, will Obama bypass Congress this time around? And, if the US cannot sort out its debt, what will that mean for the rest of the world?
» Newly Declassified Government Documents: Pre 9/11 Bin Laden Hijack Plot Was Ignored By US Intelligence Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Newly Declassified Government Documents: Pre 9/11 Bin Laden Hijack Plot Was Ignored By US Intelligence Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:
After eleven years, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the country’s military intelligence arm, has released documents to watchdog group Judicial Watch, that show the warning was ignored because “nobody believed that Usama bin Laden’s organization or the Taliban could carry out such an operation.”
Higher Perspective: Mind Control and the New World Order
Higher Perspective: Mind Control and the New World Order
On 28 November 1953, at 2 am, a man crashed through a closed window and fell to his death from the 10th floor of the Statler Hotel in New York City. He was identified as Frank Olson, a bacteriologist with the US Army Research Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. He had fallen from a room he shared with another scientist, Robert Lashbrook. It was ruled a suicide.
Twenty-two years later, in 1975, William Colby, then CIA director, declassified documents that changed the complexion of the case. It was revealed that Olson had actually been an undercover CIA operative at Fort Detrick, and that one week prior to his death, he had been drinking Cointreau at a high-level meeting with scientists at Deep Creek Lodge in rural Maryland. The Cointreau was laced with a large dose of LSD administered by his CIA boss, Sidney Gottlieb. He was then sent to New York with Lashbrook, also with the CIA, to see a psychiatrist because the LSD had induced a psychosis.
It was also revealed that Olson had been part of the top secret CIA program that was known as Project MK-ULTRA, exploring the use of chemicals and drugs for purposes of mind control, and bacteriological agents for covert assassination. Olson had been working on ways to deliver anthrax in aerosol form, for use as a weapon. New evidence that came to light, through the persistent efforts of Olson’s son Eric, made the suicide ruling highly suspect.
▶ Why in the World are They Spraying? (Full Length w/ Foreign Language Subtitles) - YouTube
▶ Why in the World are They Spraying? (Full Length w/ Foreign Language Subtitles) - YouTube
People around the world are noticing that our planet's weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of chemtrail/geoengineering programs. Could there be a connection between the trails and our severe weather? While there are many agendas associated with these damaging programs, evidence is now abundant which proves that geoengineering can be used to control weather. In this documentary you will learn how the aerosols being sprayed into our sky are used in conjunction with other technologies to control our weather. While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the mitigation of global warming, it is now clear that they can be used as a way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives certain corporations over the Earth's natural systems. This of course, is being done at the expense of every living thing on the planet.
Map: How the world’s countries compare on income inequality (the U.S. ranks below Nigeria)
Map: How the world’s countries compare on income inequality (the U.S. ranks below Nigeria):
The way we measure income inequality is changing. After years of relying on a complicated metric called the Gini coefficient, some economists argue that we should adopt the Palma ratio, which measures the gap between the rich and the poor in a society. My colleague Dylan Matthews explains how the Palma works and why it might be superior (more on that below).
FBI admits to listening to cell phones even when turned off -- Minds
Your phone's microphone can be turned on remotely and tapped. Only removing the battery seems to be able to prevent this from happening.
Roseanne Barr: “MK Ultra Rules In Hollywood” ---- Collective-Evolution
For those of you that don’t know, Roseanne Barr is a well known actress, comedian, writer, television producer and director. She has won several awards which include Emmy awards, Golden Globe awards, People’s Choice awards and more. She has been in the industry for over twenty years and has gained much respect from many of her Hollywood colleagues who she is now speaking on behalf of. I just want to make it clear how long she has been inside the industry, and the connections she has to others within it. Industry insiders are feeling the need to share inspirational words and food for thought to the millions of people that pay attention to them as of late. We saw this recently with Ashton Kutcher. Celebrities have a voice that can reach a large sum of people, they can be a threat to corporate interests and the controlling elite and as Roseanne states, many celebrities bite their tongue and live in a culture of fear.
Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream | Watch Now
Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream | Watch Now
This 7 minute film tells the story of the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium and how the Pacha Mama Alliance is writing a new chapter in the history of encounters between the modern world and the indigenous world.
This 7 minute film tells the story of the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium and how the Pacha Mama Alliance is writing a new chapter in the history of encounters between the modern world and the indigenous world.
The Symposium is an interactive transformational workshop that inspires participants to play a role in creating a new future: an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just human presence on this planet. The presentation is being offered around the USA, the UK, Europe and elsewhere.
Anti-Tyranny News
Anti-Tyranny News
LIVE AT 6pm Eastern, Anti-Tyranny News Radio! Covering multiple topics and articles.
LIVE AT 6pm Eastern, Anti-Tyranny News Radio! Covering multiple topics and articles.
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#Liberty #Truth #Freedom
How I was knifed by Golden Dawn supporters — video | ROAR Magazine
How I was knifed by Golden Dawn supporters — video | ROAR Magazine
By Ross Domoney: a young Greek woman describes how she was assaulted by two supporters of Greece’s neo-Nazi party. The woman suffered cuts to her face and arms in the attack, which happened the day after the anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas was stabbed to death. She says she has not reported the attack to the police, because she does not have confidence that they will take action.
Century of the Self – The Rise of the All-Consuming Self
Century of the Self – The Rise of the All-Consuming Self:
Edward Bernays invented ‘Public Relations' in the 1920s, being the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.
“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.” -Edward Bernays, (Propaganda 1928, p.71)
Edward Bernays – also known as the “father of propaganda” – took Freud's key thesis that individuals were driven by unconscious irrational forces and used it to develop marketing techniques which are now common place.
In the Soviet Era as in Canada: Science Suffers Under Authoritarian Rule | DeSmog Canada
In the Soviet Era as in Canada: Science Suffers Under Authoritarian Rule | DeSmog Canada:
The suppression of science in Canada is getting so bad that academics (not raving extremists) are moving past comparing it to Bush's America and are now comparing it to Stalin's Soviet Union!
This is a guest post by Richard Kool, Associate Professor in the School of Environment and Sustainability at Royal Roads University in Victoria.
Back in the 1930s, the Soviet ruler Josef Stalin had a problem with genetics; as a result, geneticists were branded traitors ("Trotskyite agents of international fascism"), stripped of their positions at government laboratories and universities, sent to prison, or even executed. Soviet biological sciences were hindered for more than a generation. The story of the Soviet geneticists has a distant resonance to the story of what is happening to government-sponsored environmental science in Canada today.
Panicked MSM Begins Killing Off Comment Sections - YouTube
Panicked MSM Begins Killing Off Comment Sections - YouTube
Desperate to cling onto their ability to dictate reality, the crumbling mainstream media is beginning to kill off article comment sections in a cynical bid to silence dissenting voices.
Desperate to cling onto their ability to dictate reality, the crumbling mainstream media is beginning to kill off article comment sections in a cynical bid to silence dissenting voices.
Studies confirm that article comments sections - for better or worse - are heavily swaying public opinion. How many times have you read a mainstream news article about NSA spying, drones, gun control or any other other hot button issue where the author sides with the establishment, only to have their argument completely eviscerated by the respondents in the comment section?
Recent polls show that trust in mainstream media is hovering at record lows. After largely failing to influence the court of public opinion via paid trolls, the establishment is starting to panic and is responding by moving to cull comment sections altogether.
Popular Science and recently announced their decision to kill comment sections on their website. Thew New York times also recently announced that it is scaling back comments and removing them from some articles altogether.
As an excellent Daily Tech piece highlights, Popular Science admitted that its decision to pull the comment section was in order to preach a "scientific doctrine" on global warming without being challenged. The origin of the word "doctrine" is to indoctrinate. Therefore, Popular Science is taking the most unscientific approach possible - by censoring debate and stifling alternative ideas - in order to indoctrinate its readers.
The decision to kill comment sections on news websites will only result in the mainstream losing traffic to alternative sites which allow free expression and do not resort to censorship.
Watch the video above for the full breakdown of this audacious new attempt to stifle free speech by the mainstream media.
CATALONIA -- Nació Digital: CiU, ERC, ICV-EUiA i la CUP premen l'accelerador per a la consulta
Nació Digital: CiU, ERC, ICV-EUiA i la CUP premen l'accelerador per a la consulta
CiU, ERC and ICV CUP pressed the accelerator to the consultation The four formations vote a resolution to fix your how, when and why before December 31. The PSC, together with PP and C's, does against
The last-minute agreement signed by CiU, ERC, ICV and CUP in the corridors of Parliament has endorsed the vote in the afternoon so solemn 86 votes in favor, 47 against, PP, and PSC-C's . The quadripartite sovereignty has signed and passed a joint resolution in Congress to bring an urgent petition to hold an inquiry and complete the date and the question before the end of this session on December 31 and to "make effective the right to decide the course of 2014. " In this regard, the proposal is born of a text set of CiU and ERC and ICV traded to the CUP. The resolution grants the "role of Parliament" addendum ecosocialista-in-process or referendum consultation and the "formation of a broad political majority that boost." The text includes a specific mention of the "settled will of the people of Catalonia majortària to exercise the right to decide their political future in 2014, expressed on a massive civic and the Catalan Way." In this regard, the 87 deputies that they approve a "recognition that citizenship in favor of national and social."
Syria’s Balkan Tragedy by Joschka Fischer - Project Syndicate
Syria’s Balkan Tragedy by Joschka Fischer - Project Syndicate:
BERLIN – Pacifist doctrines may say otherwise, but combining diplomacy with the threat of military force is a highly effective tactic, as we have just seen in Syria. It was the credibility of the United States’ threat of military intervention that seems to have led Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to cut a deal brokered by his main allies, Russia and, less directly, Iran. Assad now appears prepared to give up his chemical weapons in exchange for remaining in power. But what will happen to America’s credibility, and that of the West, if the agreement falls apart?
Spies versus Scribes by Naomi Wolf - Project Syndicate
Spies versus Scribes by Naomi Wolf - Project Syndicate:
NEW YORK – The recent guilty plea by Donald Sachtleben, a former FBI bomb technician charged with leaking classified information, after government investigators identified him by secretly obtaining the phone logs of some Associated Press reporters, represents the latest chapter in the ongoing drama over United States security officials’ behavior.
SPAIN GOVERNMENT AGAINST CATALAN SPEAK - El vídeo de suport als mestres de les Illes que corre per les xarxes - VilaWeb
El vídeo de suport als mestres de les Illes que corre per les xarxes - VilaWeb
I continued: "In addition to all that we wanted to help out tomorrow, we wanted to fit various personalities from the cultural, educational, social, and political parties, showing the mainstreaming of this position. For this reason, we also want to make it clear appreciation for the cooperation received from Cris Juanico, Juan Villanueva, Joana Barceló, Oriol Junqueres, the Poor Clares of Citadel, Alfred Bosch, Pablo Iglesias, Juan Herrera, txaranga, among many others are assembling with very clear messages. '
The video to support teachers in the Islands that runs networks
'Students, parents, players, commentators, different personalities and singers give thanks for teachers. Given the current circumstances siege to public education and other regression to time in the contents and forms part of the government of the Balearic Islands, Menorca Youth we wanted to show in a friendly but express our support for teachers have a lesson in dignity, struggle and sacrifice to ignorant and authoritarian government. ' With this message, the Young Menorca to present the video that has been spilled by the networks to support teachers and the entire school community.
I continued: "In addition to all that we wanted to help out tomorrow, we wanted to fit various personalities from the cultural, educational, social, and political parties, showing the mainstreaming of this position. For this reason, we also want to make it clear appreciation for the cooperation received from Cris Juanico, Juan Villanueva, Joana Barceló, Oriol Junqueres, the Poor Clares of Citadel, Alfred Bosch, Pablo Iglesias, Juan Herrera, txaranga, among many others are assembling with very clear messages. '
Finally, Young Menorca want to take this campaign to be known as a group of young people committed to society, culture, territory and the language of the island.
Hymn for the Independence of Catalonia
This is a song for everyone, for those who believe in the independence of Catalonia and want even more reasons to be brave with your dream. The singer Hostalets Balenyà Josep Maria Puigdomènech. If you feel identified, take it off you.
CATALONIA --- Jaume Barberà: 'Per dignitat, coherència i justícia social, adéu!' - VilaWeb
Jaume Barberà: 'Per dignitat, coherència i justícia social, adéu!' - VilaWeb
Jaumes Barbera: "For dignity, social justice and consistency, goodbye! '
The journalist answered the 'Three key questions on independence', a series of brief interviews
Independence is all the discussion boards, real or virtual, in Catalonia. The Eleventh of September but there may be more weight if it is confirmed that the demonstration organized by the Catalan National Assembly has attracted many thousands of citizens for a new state in Europe '. To find out about the state of maturation and the paths of independence, we talked with a dozen personalities reference because it stated his opinion on when, how and who in the process. Now answer the three questions the journalist James Barbera , who is director and host of ' Special 'on TV3.
United Response: Security Council votes 15-0 for Syria chem weapons resolution - YouTube
United Response: Security Council votes 15-0 for Syria chem weapons resolution - YouTube
The UN Security Council has unanimously backed a resolution requiring Syria to eliminate its chemical weapons. The document, put together by Russia and the US, imposes binding obligations on all parties of the Syrian conflict, but does not authorize immediate use of force for non-compliance. RT's Marina Portnaya reports on a landmark vote, and a rare diplomatic breakthrough
Santos Ruesga, the only member of the expert committee on pensions who voted against the text and Professor of Applied Economics at the UAM, spoke to eighth day on the impact the new pension reforms that was approved today by the Council of Ministers, and has assessed the impact on the purchasing power of pensioners: "If over the next five years, which is quite likely, pensions are revalued only 0.25%, there will be a loss of purchasing power greatly depending on whether the rate of inflation, and to recover this loss of purchasing power in five years we will need about 35 years of economic growth and revenue growth in the Social Security system. " Santos Ruesga also denied that reform is necessary and essential-as the Spanish government, to maintain sostenibiltitat system.
Bourdieu, Pierre
Pierre #Bourdieu:
“It is true that sociological analysis hardly makes concessions to
narcissism and that it carries out a radical rupture with the profoundly
complaisant image of human existence defended by those who want, at all
cost, to think of themselves as ‘the most irreplaceable of beings.’ But
it is no less true that it is one of the most powerful instruments of
self-knowledge as a social being, which is to say a unique being... It
also offers some of the most efficacious means of attaining the freedom
from social determinisms which is possible only through knowledge of
those determinisms.”
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1998. Practical Reason: On the Theory of Action. Stanford University Press. (p. ix)
Golden rice exposed as fraud: Genetically engineered crop nothing more than biotech battering ram to crush GMO regulations
Golden rice exposed as fraud: Genetically engineered crop nothing more than biotech battering ram to crush GMO regulations:
(NaturalNews) Everywhere you turn in the media, GMO propagandists are invoking so-called "Golden rice" as part of a false narrative that claims GMOs will save the world. Golden rice will save a million lives, blared the cover of TIME Magazine. Golden rice will give poor people critical nutrition and end suffering, we're told. In fact, Golden rice will even make all the poor children eating it no longer care that they have no clean water, no sustainable agriculture and no economic future, it seems.
There's a problem with all this, of course: the golden rice hoopla is pure hokum. Quackery. Charlatanism. There is no evidence whatsoever that golden rice can treat, prevent or cure any medical condition. And since when did pro-GMO people ever care about nutrition in the first place? Aren't they in agreement with the FDA that there is no vitamin, no mineral and no herb that has any ability whatsoever to prevent, treat or cure any disease?
viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013
Don’t Let Them Trade Away Our Internet Freedoms: Speak Out Against the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement! - Electronic Frontier Foundation
Don’t Let Them Trade Away Our Internet Freedoms: Speak Out Against the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement! - Electronic Frontier Foundation:
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade agreement currently being negotiated in secret by the United States and ten other countries.
Leaked language from the agreement’s intellectual property chapter has been worrisome enough—and the public has no idea what is in the latest official draft, or even what the U.S. Trade Representative is pushing for in this agreement. There has been zero transparency in a process that is being pushed to the finish.
What’s worse is that the people who do have access to TPP’s official language are the same content industry executives that tried pushing through harmful laws like SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA. The rest of us will continue to be kept in the dark unless we speak up now.
Join us in demanding an end to these backroom negotiations.
Congressional briefing examines unethical distribution of carcinogenic contraceptive for profit and population control -
Congressional briefing examines unethical distribution of carcinogenic contraceptive for profit and population control -
( Friday, U.S. Congressman William Lacy Clay, Jr., (D-MO) held a Congressional briefing examining Pfizer and health providers targeting women of color to be primary consumers of the injectable carcinogenic contraceptive drug Depo-Provera by concealing FDA Black Box Warnings and minimizing life-threatening and debilitating side effects.
At the briefing, members of Congress and the Congressional Black Caucus examined a report released by the Rebecca Project which details severe health problems from Depo-Provera use, including strokes and cancer, and the failure of health providers like Planned Parenthood to disclose side effects before injecting patients with the shot.
The Rebecca Project report claims that the promotion of Depo-Provera for use in women of color and low income is driven by an ideological agenda based on profit and population control fueled by Pfizer, the Gates, Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Population Council, Planned Parenthood, Columbia and Johns Hopkins Universities and "a cadre of extreme reproductive health advocates."
Limitless ceiling? US debt doomsday approaches — RT Business
Limitless ceiling? US debt doomsday approaches — RT Business:
With the US debt ballooning to a new record of $16.7tln and the deadline to fix the ‘debt ceiling’ expiring on October 1, a default threat looms over the world’s largest economy. Experts agree the government will broaden its borrowing limit.
The latest warning to Congress comes from the International Monetary Fund, who urged the US Congress to reach an agreement to raise its debt ceiling and avoid a federal government shutdown.
CATALONIA -- Albert Pont: 'La secessió de Catalunya és un fet consumat' - VilaWeb
Albert Pont: 'La secessió de Catalunya és un fet consumat' - VilaWeb:
Albert Pont: The secession of Catalonia is a fait accompli '
In fact, bridge, international law expert and professor of the Master in International Relations and Diplomacy foreign (Diplocat) said: "The secession of Catalonia is a fait accompli since Parliament passed a declaration of sovereignty, we are now in the process of transition towards independence. "
There's a section there about using local currencies, but the greatest gains would come from understanding and making proper use of the national currencies we already have. In order to achieve decentralised, organic economies, we need money to enter our economies and circulate on the back of rights, not on the back of elite privileges which subjugate the rest of us. But uniform common currencies are more advantageous than fragmented ones and should form the basis of universal rights:
Relocalize the Economy: Generate Alternatives from the Ground Up
Relocalize the Economy: Generate Alternatives from the Ground Up:
Across the world millions of people are actively resisting the process of corporate globalization while simultaneously creating viable local alternatives in the here and now. This powerful emerging movement represents a radical departure from ‘business as usual’. In place of the imposition of a single, global world economy, the new paradigm seeks ‘a world that embraces many worlds’ – an adapting biocultural mosaic rather than a global monoculture. Proponents of this approach call for ‘small scale on a large scale’ rather than one-size-fits-all, ‘too big to fail’ blueprints. In turn, the kind of solutions that are being generated flow from diversity, are attentive to the ecological particularities of place, are more responsive to social needs, and are often far more equitable, participatory and democratic.
How to Start a Food Co-Op
How to Start a Food Co-Op:
Starting a food co-op takes a lot of work. But the rewards are many. This book provides an overview of the basic steps and procedures. The manual is not an exhaustive or comprehensive reference document. Groups interested in starting a new co-op are strongly encouraged to check additional references, including those listed throughout the manual.
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