lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Europa incluye a España en la “lista negra” de países sin libertad y el único del mundo que no admite inspeccionar su régimen | Un espía en el congreso

Europa incluye a España en la “lista negra” de países sin libertad y el único del mundo que no admite inspeccionar su régimen | Un espía en el congreso

Europe includes Spain in the "black list" of countries without freedom and the only one that does not support his regime inspect


Spain is the only country that does not allow international inspection of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on his curious monarchy regime of parties or party politics, which has led to its inclusion in the "black list" of restricted freedoms countries, which include Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Russia, Bulgaria, Albania, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kosovo. While condemning Spain, OSCE values ​​democratic advances produced in Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Montenegro in prison policy, border, judicial, industrial, media, intellectual property, domestic violence and a half environment, according to the relationship of the press similar condemnation to those who have had starring Spanish regime.