sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

CATALONIA -- DECLARACIÓ DE NOVEMBRE | Assemblea Nacional Catalana

DECLARACIÓ DE NOVEMBRE | Assemblea Nacional Catalana

Catalan National Assembly


The National Secretariat of the Catalan National Assembly, meeting in regular session on November 16, 2013 in Barcelona, ​​considering the transcendent moments that must be faced in the future, has adopted its position that public wants this



The National Assembly Catalan is a popular organization, unitary, plural and democratic, based on grassroots democracy and unity of action, and made by people who want Catalonia to become an independent state.

On 11 September 2012, the National Assembly Catalan demonstrated ability to mobilize the Catalan people. And he did a great demonstration that gathered more than a million and a half people in the streets of Barcelona. On 11 September 2013 we again demonstrated ability to mobilize not only, but also of organization, we divide neatly into two million people across the country, forming a chain of more than 400 km.

These mass demonstrations and the huge impact they have managed to media around the world have made the independence of Catalonia in the center of the political debate and have placed the issue on the table Catalan major ministries in the world.

The result of the elections of 25 November 2012 and all solvents accredit public opinion studies backed up by the citizens of Catalonia to exercise the right to decide. But even more, the desire to establish Catalonia as a new independent state and is the majority option among citizens Catalan.

Neither the failure of the Statute of the 2005-2006 economic crisis is not sufficient evidence to explain why we have reached this situation. Like many other European countries, living a crisis of traditional political values ​​and social model. In our case, this is complemented by the Catalan national demands, unresolved by Spain, a democratic state with alarming deficits and a historic inability to reinvent itself in key multinational.

That is, we live in a situation of triple crisis: economic, social and democratic country.

Catalan society without mechanisms to define a state that has had to find other ways for its progress and its organization. Paradoxically, this has given it a unique sound. Only this explains why, historically and currently, Catalonia has been able to successfully tackle challenges such as the integration of successive waves of immigration preserving harmony and social cohesion, or as defending the underprivileged, through networking social support.

Catalan people become aware that the fight against the triple crisis affecting you need real tools of state.

The autonomy that supposedly guaranteed by the Spanish Constitution of 1978 is a fraud. Catalonia is not recognized as a nation, nor is it achieved independence respected. The systematic economic distress to the Government, as well as re-nationalism and deliberate attack against the Spanish language and culture of the Catalan region, is a clear example that fits in Spain is only possible if we willing to disappear as a nation and as a people.

The aim is to restore the National Assembly Catalan political independence of Catalonia, through the establishment of a rule of law, democracy and society. The National Assembly has channeled the force of Catalan civil society that pushes towards a new horizon national and hopeful that allows us to build a better country.

We want a Catalan state because as a people we are, we are right. But above all, we want to understand it as an opportunity to build a framework of their own social, economic and political. State to serve people where citizens are at the center of public policies.

We are in a world increasingly interdependent, but where no state waives its independence. In this world, the Catalans want to participate with their own voice in the European, because we believe in diversity, freedom and equality of individuals and peoples. Otherwise, Catalonia has all the conditions to become a perfectly viable and prosperous state in economic terms. I legitimately aspires to share the changes that Europe must face to solve the common stock and the current structural crisis that is deeply troubling. None of this is possible if we simply Spanish region.

The political forces have to park the tacticismes partisan and should think about the common good. Therefore, you should exercise maximum possible unity to face the hard final stage of the process of independence. The unit can be expressed, depending on the circumstances, forming a broad unity government in the form of broad parliamentary agreements, lists of unitary spectrum or programmatic sharing points regarding the political future of Catalonia. In any case, ultimately, it is up to the political parties and their sense of responsibility specified in the best possible way, as expressing the unity which we believe is currently claiming citizenship.

We know where we come from and where we go, but we must also say how we get there. Therefore, at present the political debate, the National Assembly considered necessary Catalan noted some points considered waived.

We are facing a strictly political debate without legal constraints. In a democracy, only the people of Catalonia him to decide on his political future. In this regard, holding a referendum on the independence of our country is an essential objective that can not be subject to delays or abaratiments.

Therefore, the National Secretariat of the National Assembly publishes the Catalan


First. Holding a referendum on the political future of Catalonia during 2014 is waived.

Two. The consultation must occur as soon as possible, preferably before 31 May 2014 and shall convene at the time that specifies the applicable legal framework.

Three. The petition to the Parliament of Catalonia Congress could initiate query can not be an excuse for delaying it. Parliament should fix a deadline to get a reply. After this date must apply the Declaration of Sovereignty and the Right to Decide the people of Catalonia, approved by Parliament on 23 January this year and call the query under Catalan law.

4. The consultation should be a single question directly and clearly, to be able to respond in the affirmative or negative, and specifically asked about the independence of Catalonia. Any other possibility would be a fraud, because the result would be determined and may not be recognized by the international community. In this sense, the Catalan National Assembly proposes the following question: "Would you like Catalonia to be an independent state?"

5. To address the current stage successfully is essential to the highest unity of action between the Catalan institutions, civil society and political parties. Catalan political forces must act with the utmost sense of responsibility and unity, so that it calls for a vast majority of citizens, and putting collective interests ahead of party interests. The unit of political action must be visible and permanent and large parliamentary agreements, where appropriate, with the formation of a government of national concentration. The unit is the best tool against the attempts of the permanent state apparatus Spanish torpedo the process and institutions to defend in case of dissolution or intervention of the Government.

6. European elections of 25 May 2014 will be a challenge and an opportunity for Catalonia. We will mobilize to achieve participation as high as possible, because our national determination will be observed and evaluated by the European countries in terms of votes obtained by the candidates in favor of consultation and independence. The National Assembly called Catalan then work from now to make possible a wide range of socio-political candidacy, you may have the support of as many political parties and popular movements.

7. The Catalan National Assembly will closely follow the evolution of the situation and, if necessary, call new demonstrations to ensure democratic right of citizens to be consulted clearly about the future of Catalonia and defend our national institutions.

Barcelona, ​​23 November 2013


Saturday, November 23, 2013