First big event of the 'Constituent Procés' project to consolidate his break
On 11 September, during the National Day, hundreds of members Procés surrounding La Caixa.
BARCELONA / / The journey has only just begun. On the horizon, the Catalan regional elections that if the Govern sovereigntist agenda does not lead to early elections will be held in 2016. With the aim of bringing together a large social base leading to a candidacy break to win the elections, the Benedictine nun Montserrat, Teresa Forcades, and economist and chairman of Justice and Peace, Arcadi Oliveres, launched last April Procés Constituent that during this time has added more than 46,500 accessions and the support of intellectuals, artists and activists.
Eight months that were held hundreds of meetings in counties and towns in Catalonia and consolidated a hundred local and sectoral meetings. On Sunday, representatives of all these groups participate in the first general assembly of Procés in Sabadell. As indicated by the proponents of the initiative, "the general assembly will end the presentation stage and ripped the Constituent Procés and mark the beginning of a phase of political and organizational consolidation of the project."
The ultimate goal of the initiative is, once you won the election, dissolve the Parliament and call a constituent assembly to lay the foundations of a new political, economic and social organization in Catalonia as a reference.
The founding manifesto of the process, in line with the Greek SYRIZA, includes ten basis points to aspirational directions. Are shared by other units and organizations, such as CUP, leftist parties and platforms against cuts and in defense of housing, public health and education aspects: Participatory democracy, fighting corruption, expropriation of private banking and defense a public and ethical banking, payment in kind, ecological reconversion of the economy, reduced working hours and job sharing, brake privatization ...
Sum of wills
"We want a completely different economic, political and social system that we have now. During these months there has been a more than remarkable. We have over 45,000 accessions, and are present in Catalan towns and counties and in different sectors. This encourages us, "said Oliveres in the main event held in the Constituent Procés Sources Montjuïc in Barcelona in October, which attracted over 5,000 people.
Esther Vivas, journalist and member of the Constituent Proces, notes that "the challenge is to add a lot of people today are not organized together with those who already have an active life in organizations and political parties.'s Not about making a sum of acronyms, but to add more people to this programmatic perspective breakup, loyal to a political practice in street fights and social movements. To change things is a must. "
The general meeting will bring together delegates from the various local and sectoral meetings (among which are the health, education, feminism, immigration, culture, and ecology, among others) to take stock of the route of the project and establish the guidelines of work plan in the coming months. Among the agenda items is also discussion and debate on the Catalan political situation, the query for independence and the protests against the cuts as some of the core issues. "After the launch period and extension work is imposed to open a new period of consolidation of the project, define a policy strategy collectively and establish a collective organizational framework," Vivas says.
La Marea is edited by a cooperative of journalists and readers
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