viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013

NSA, GCHQ spied on Israel, Germany, UN and others - new Snowden leaks — RT USA

NSA, GCHQ spied on Israel, Germany, UN and others - new Snowden leaks — RT USA:

Leaders in Israel — one of America’s closest allies—have for years been targeted in a surveillance operation waged by the United States’ National Security Agency, or NSA, according to files leaked by Edward Snowden.

Those documents reportedly also contain information suggesting that heads of international charities, foreign energy companies, United Nations officials and the vice president of the European Commission were targeted as well by either British or American spies.

The New York Times, the Guardian and Der Spiegel all reported on Friday that classified documents supplied to them by the former intelligence contractor contain details about, among other programs, a NSA operation that set its sights on the email account belonging to the office of an Israeli prime minister.

Ehud Olmert, the PM of Israel at the time of the January 2009 interception, was spied on by the NSA and British colleagues at the GCHQ, according to the latest reports that rely on intelligence supplied by Snowden.

But the revelations go further: journalists say this week that the documents show details pertaining to NSA operations in 60 countries, Times reporters James Glanz and Andrew Lehren wrote, including not just arguably one of America’s closest allies, but also individuals from the likes of the UN and EU.

Allison Shelley / Getty Images / AFP

Allison Shelley / Getty Images / AFP