Take Back Your Town (Beta) | P.A.N.D.A. People Against The NDAA
Take Back Your Town (Beta) | P.A.N.D.A. People Against The NDAA
What’s all the fuss about the NDAA?
It’s a big deal.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is a bill that normally funds the military. However, in 2012, two sections (1021 & 1022) made the NDAA the most dangerous law since the U.S. Civil War. Repeating the mistakes of WWII, when we detained 120,000 Japanese-Americans on race alone, this law authorizes the indefinite military detention of any person suspected of an affiliation with terrorism. This law applies to American citizens in America, non-citizens in America, and American citizens abroad. It doesn’t matter.
No charge. No trial. No day in court. Passed 93-7 in the Senate, 283-136 in the House.
How does it affect you?
The government just redefined a “terrorist.” It’s not someone convicted of blowing up buildings anymore. It’s everyone. According to multiple documents from the FBI, department of Homeland Security, and other agencies, It’s people who are “reverent of individual liberty,” “suspicious of centralized authority,” and “antifederalists.” It’s people who carry cash instead of credit. It’s people who are against fracking. It’s Constitutionalists, Ron Paul supporters, Democrats, Republicans, tea partiers and occupiers. It’s everyone.
What can you do?
The problem is big, but there’s an easy solution. All politics is local. We’ve forgotten that. It’s time to go local. Your police, sheriff, city council, they all took an oath to protect your rights. It’s time to hold them to it. We’ve been fighting this battle for almost two years. And now, we’re created the tools for you to do it too.
If you’re ready to take back your town, it’s time to roll. There are 3 steps: Learn, Build, and Act. Here’s how you do it.
About the NDAA
The 2012 NDAA is the most dangerous law since the U.S. Civil War, and America’s politicians don’t want you to find out about it…using every trick in the book to stop you from understanding. Know your enemy, and you can fight it.
About your local government
First, you must know your public servants. Secondly, you must know your process. Research your local government; know when they meet, the rules for public comments, and how to get legislation introduced, voted on, and passed.