Today, Sunday, December 1, 2013, on The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust
Michelle Akers joins the conversation at the start of the show. The issue of trust will be the healing fierceness of a mother who has witnessed vaccine damage in her child, and I dedicate it to Michelle's son, Thaddeus. Thaddy is one of the many kids lucky enough to have a warrior for a mom: someone who will go to the ends of the earth and farther to protect her child against further vaccine damage, and become expert in cause and treatment, to heal the existing injury - and, in this case, despite the incredible impediment of living in West Virginia.
We'll cover vaccine news, and discuss the works of Dr. Andrew Moulden, who recently passed. In his research of vaccine injury, Dr. Moulden, with an incredible array of degrees in the field of neurology, at one point collected 5,000 photographs of the faces of people of all ages, taken just prior to, and just after, vaccination, which showed the unmistakable signs of stroke, post-vaccination. His theory of vaccine injury relates to the fundamental cause of stroke: lack of oxygen to specific areas of the brain, caused in the main by lack of proper blood flow in the respective capillaries. Dr. Moulden tied vaccine injuries - and other disorders - to this same process, the symptomatic display dependent upon the organ or tissue deprived of oxygen, and many other factors.
The show airs from 2-4pm Central time, and can be hear live at:
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