martes, 20 de enero de 2015
EU-Kommissarin in Wien: Malmström wirbt für TTIP | Tiroler Tageszeitung Online - Nachrichten von jetzt!
EU trade commissioner Malmstroem is in Vienna to promote #TTIP
Why Doctors "Do Not Want to Find a Cure for Cancer" - Natural Authority
Why Doctors "Do Not Want to Find a Cure for Cancer" - Natural Authority
“Many people in high positions don’t really want to find a cure for
cancer, because if they did, what would they do for a living?”
The New York Times Sinks to a New Journalistic Low in its Reporting on Ukraine | Walter C Uhler
The New York Times Sinks to a New Journalistic Low in its Reporting on Ukraine | Walter C Uhler
On 8 January 2015, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk
demonstrated once again that he is either a liar or an ignoramus
(inspired by Russophobia) when he told a German TV channel, “I will not
allow the Russians to march across Ukraine and Germany, as they did in
WWII.” Putting aside his ludicrous bravado – analogous to a crazed,
dying gnat promising to stop a bull elephant — only the untaught do not
know that it was Hitler’s Nazi Germany that invaded the Soviet Union on
June 22, 1941. Moreover, while most military historians specializing in
the history of the Eastern Front (including this writer) know that the
Red Army played by far the greatest role in saving Europe from prolonged
Nazi rule, only an ignoramus or liar like Mr. Yatsenyuk would say, “We
all very well remember the Soviet invasion of Ukraine and Germany, and
we have to avoid it.”
GCHQ captured emails of journalists from top international media | UK news | The Guardian
GCHQ captured emails of journalists from top international media | UK news | The Guardian
Outrageous: Snowden files reveal that Britain's spy agency "has scooped
up emails to and from journalists working for some of the US and UK’s
largest media organizations," including the BBC, Reuters, the Guardian,
the New York Times, Le Monde, the Sun, NBC and the Washington Post.
journalists’ communications were among 70,000 emails harvested in less
than 10 minutes on one day in November 2008 by GCHQ. Photograph:
Act now - Survival International
Act now - Survival International
Martin Luther King Jr.'s words remind us of the genocidal violence,
slavery and racism tribal peoples continue to be subjected to by
industrialized societies in the name of "progress" and "civilization."
Help us stop tribal peoples' annihilation:
Richest 1% Percent To Have More Than Rest of Humanity Combined | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
Richest 1% Percent To Have More Than Rest of Humanity Combined | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
Richest 1% Percent To Have More Than Rest of Humanity Combined
New Oxfam report shows the scale of global inequality is 'simply staggering'
The 1961 Massacre of Algerians in Paris: When the Media Failed the Test | Global Research
The 1961 Massacre of Algerians in Paris: When the Media Failed the Test | Global Research:
A COLLEAGUE of mine in Cairo told me a story a few years ago about a massacre in the streets of Paris. He was a news service reporter at the time of the violence in the French capital – Oct. 17, 1961 – and saw tens of bodies of dead Algerians piled like cordwood in the center of the city in the wake of what would now be called a police riot.
But his superiors at the news agency stopped him from telling the full story then, and most of the world paid little attention to the thin news coverage that the massacre did receive. Even now, the events of that time are not widely known and many people, like myself, had never heard of them at all.
Truth, War Propaganda, CIA and Media Manipulation | Global Research
Truth, War Propaganda, CIA and Media Manipulation | Global Research
Never before has it been so important to have independent, honest
voices and sources of information. We are – as a society – inundated
and overwhelmed with a flood of information from a wide array of
sources, but these sources of information, by and large, serve the
powerful interests and individuals that own them. The main sources of
information, for both public and official consumption, include the
mainstream media, alternative media, academia and think tanks.
The mainstream media is the most obvious in its inherent bias and
manipulation. The mainstream media is owned directly by large
multinational corporations, and through their boards of directors are
connected with a plethora of other major global corporations and elite
interests. An example of these connections can be seen through the board
of Time Warner.
Time Warner owns Time Magazine, HBO, Warner Bros., and CNN, among
many others. The board of directors includes individuals past or
presently affiliated with: the Council on Foreign Relations, the IMF,
the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Warburg Pincus, Phillip Morris, and AMR
Corporation, among many others.
TTIP: covert attacks on democracy and regulation | Corporate Europe Observatory
TTIP: covert attacks on democracy and regulation | Corporate Europe Observatory:
TTIP: covert attacks on democracy and regulation
A beginners guide to "regulatory cooperation" - now in French, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Finnish and Spanish.
The guide explains how TTIP
could transform the shape and function of our existing political
institutions, particularly their role in ensuring accountability towards
citizens for the decisions taken. Of particular concern is the proposal
in TTIP for “regulatory cooperation”.
Commission consultation on investor rights in TTIP makes a mockery of democracy | Corporate Europe Observatory
Commission consultation on investor rights in TTIP makes a mockery of democracy | Corporate Europe Observatory
Mockery of democracy - the European Commission has ignored the
overwhelming majority of those who took part in its consultation on
investor/state disputes in the planned EU-US trade deal.
CATALONIA -- Catalan News Agency - 1.4 million Catalans signed international complaint against Rajoy for banning self-determination vote
Catalan News Agency - 1.4 million Catalans signed international complaint against Rajoy for banning self-determination vote
1.4 million Catalans signed international complaint against Rajoy for banning self-determination vote
Barcelona (ACN).- The Spanish Government “violates the
Catalan people’s right to decide its own political future and bans the
exercise of democracy through a referendum or an internationally
standardised consultation vote”, reads the document signed by 1,386,628
citizens and 3,703 elected representatives such as mayors and MPs. The
document will be sent to the United Nations, the European Parliament,
the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the Organization for
Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). The complaint reports on the
“Spanish Government’s anti-democratic attitude” for ignoring an
electoral mandate from 2012 – in which 80% of the newly-elected Catalan
Parliament ran promising a legal and binding self-determination vote in
Catalonia, in elections that became a sort of plebiscite on this issue.
In addition, the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has unilaterally
imposed his no-to-everything attitude since mid-2012, despite the
numerous peaceful citizen demonstrations and demands from Catalonia’s
legitimate representatives. The complaint asks the international
community to make the necessary steps “to guarantee that the Catalan
people can democratically decide its political future”. The signatures
were collected during the symbolic vote on independence held on 9
November by the civil society organisations Catalan National Assembly
(ANC) and Òmnium Cultural, as well as by the Association of
Municipalities for Independence (AMI). The signatures of elected
representatives already started on the 5 November last.
The document signed by almost 1.4 million citizens formally accuses
the Spanish Government of "violating the right of the Catalan people to
decide on its own political future". It lists reasons of democratic
legitimacy for allowing such a vote. It also stresses the Catalan
people's sustained self-determination demands and highlights that
Catalan representatives have explored all the possible legal avenues to
hold a legal self-determination vote. The complaint also emphasises the
Spanish Government's total blocking attitude, which "goes against
international practice". Furthermore, it announces that Catalan
representatives "feel legitimised in launching all the necessary
political and legal actions to know the will of the majority of the
Catalan people". Finally, it also asks those international organisations
to act in order "to guarantee that Catalonia's citizenry can
democratically decide its future".
Civil society organisations are behind the action
The ANC has been in charge of all the logistics aspects, including
the digitalisation of all the documents. The sheets of paper with the
signatures were divided by municipalities in order to ease their
classification and numbering. Furthermore, an official affidavit has
been carried out, including all the files with the signatures and the
documents of the complaint. This affidavit and the digitalised
signatures will be the documents that are to be handed to the UN, the
European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of Europe and
the OSCE.
A petition for the UN, the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the OSCE
The 3-page document is divided into three main parts. In the first
one, the signers recall the main events that have driven Catalan society
to the current situation. They stress the democratic legitimacy of the
self-determination demands, which has always respected the principles of
legality, dialogue, negotiation and social cohesion, and they accuse
the Spanish stance of going against democratic standards of
plurinational states and recent evolutions of international law.
Secondly, they inform the aforementioned international institutions that
Catalan representatives have tried all the legal ways to vote and that
the Spanish authorities have adopted a no-to-everything attitude.
Therefore, Catalan representatives "feel legitimate to launch all the
required political and legal actions" to honour "the democratic mandate"
and guarantee that Catalans will be able to vote on their own future,
and, "based on the vote's results, to act accordingly". Finally, they
ask the international community and the aforementioned institutions "to
make all the necessary actions to guarantee that Catalonia's citizenry
can democratically decide its political future".
The main steps leading to the current situation
The first part of the document is split into 4 main points, which
have subsequent minor bullet points. Firstly, the document states that
"the people of Catalonia has the nature of a sovereign political entity
and subject, for reasons of democratic legitimacy". "As such, it grants
itself the right to decide its own political future". Then the petition
recalls Catalonia's long tradition of self-government, its historical
rights, how the Spanish authorities trimmed Catalonia's statute of
autonomy between 2005 and 2010, and the reaction of the Catalan people
through a massive demonstration in July 2010.
Secondly, the document emphasises that "in the last few years the
Catalan citizenry has repeatedly expressed, directly or through its
political representatives, its will to decide its own future". The
petition then recalls the massive pro-independence demonstration
organised on Catalonia's National Day in 2012, 2013 and 2014. It also
highlights the "unequivocal mandate" from the last Catalan Parliament
elections (November 2012) in which a great majority of citizens voted
for parties supporting the organisation of a self-determination vote.
Based on such a mandate, two-thirds of the Catalan Parliament approved a
'Declaration of Sovereignty' in January 2013 to launch a
self-determination process, but the Spanish authorities banned such a
declaration. In addition, in September 2014, 96% of the Catalan
municipalities issued motions backing the organisation of a
self-determination vote.
Thirdly, the document also highlights that Catalan representatives
tried to reach agreements with the Spanish authorities on many
occasions, but they were all rejected, and therefore they used the
Catalan legal framework to hold the self-determination vote. They
mention the attempts to organise a referendum mutually agreed with the
Spanish authorities, the consensus reached in Catalonia for organising a
consultation vote on November 9 and the approval in September 2014 of
the Catalan Law on Consultation Votes. However, the Spanish authorities
banned Catalonia's actions once again and an alternative and non-binding
participatory-process was launched to allow Catalans to at least give
their opinion, but this process has also been appealed against.
Fourthly, the signers state that the Spanish stance goes against "the
international practice of plurinational states and international law".
They justify such a statement by recalling that Canada's Supreme Court
recognised Quebec's right to self-determination, even if it was not
explicitly recognised in the Constitution, because of the democratic
principle on which the legal framework is based. It also mentions the
agreement reached between the British and Scottish governments.
Furthermore, it mentions a verdict of the International Court of Justice
from the 22nd July of 2010, in which that body concluded
that the right to self-determination has evolved and that no rule or
habit against this evolution has appeared at international level.
Therefore, in the 21st century, the right to self-determination can be
exercised to allow specific peoples and political communities to
democratically elect their future.
Catalan representatives inform the international community that they "feel legitimate" to act
The second part of the document is also divided into four points,
although no minor bullet points are included this time. Firstly, the
signers inform the aforementioned institutions that "the Catalan
institutions, with the support of a majority of the citizenry, have used
all the legal ways to organise a referendum or a consultation vote on
Catalonia's political future, which includes the option of independence"
from Spain. Secondly, they "acknowledge the Spanish Government's lack
of political will to set dialogue and negotiation frameworks" and they
"also acknowledge its permanent denial to allow the Catalan people to
exercise their right to decide" on its future.
Thirdly, the petition emphasises "the accumulation of difficulties
and negative answers by the Spanish State's main political and judicial
institutions, which constantly reject all the proposals that have been
sent from Catalonia, reflects a clear political and democratic
involution, clearly aiming to weaken Catalonia's self-government". "This
involution is today expressed with an absolute clarity in political,
jurisdictional, financial, social, cultural and linguistic aspects", it
states. Therefore, based on all the previous points, Catalan
representatives "feel legitimised to launch all the necessary political
and legal actions that will allow them to know the will of the majority
of the Catalan people about their political future and, afterwards, to
act consequently and following this democratic mandate".
A clear petition to the international community: react and allow Catalans to vote
Finally, the document concludes with a clear and direct petition to
the international community and the organisations receiving the
complaint: "based on the United Nations' Foundational Charter and the
successive international pacts and treaties that guarantee the rights of
peoples to decide their political future, we ask the United Nations,
the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of Europe
and Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to
launch all the necessary actions to guarantee that Catalonia's citizenry
can democratically decide its future".
More on
ANC, Association of pro-Independence Municipalities, Catalan Independence, Catalan National Assembly, Catalan Parliament, Citizenship, Civil Society, Conflict Resolution, Council of Europe, Democracy, European Commission, European Union, International Cooperation, International Law, International leaders, International Organisation, International Relations, Internationalisation, Justice, Òmnium Cultural, OSCE, Participation, Peace, Referendum, Self-Determination, Spanish Government, Spanish Nationalism, United Nations, Vote
A table collecting signatures backing the international complaint on 9 November (by ACN)
Over sixty per cent of EU lobbyists represent corporate interests | LobbyFacts Database
Over sixty per cent of EU lobbyists represent corporate interests | LobbyFacts Database
But taken together, these two data sets suggest that over 60 per cent of EU lobbyists (organisations and individual lobbyists alike) represent corporate interests. They substantially out-number those representing other interests: NGOs, trade unions, academics, think tanks and all the other lobby actors in the Brussels bubble.
The power of lobbies | Corporate Europe Observatory
The power of lobbies | Corporate Europe Observatory
The power of lobbies
is at the centre of EU decision-making and as such attracts thousands
of lobbyists promoting the interests of big business. In this section
you can find basic information about this corporate lobbying and how it
affects you as a citizen. Or you can visit our specific pages on the revolving door phenomenon of politicians who become lobbyists – and vice versa – and on the corporate dominance of expert groups whose advice helps make official policy for the EU.
European PR firms whitewashing brutal regimes - report | Corporate Europe Observatory
European PR firms whitewashing brutal regimes - report | Corporate Europe Observatory
Corporate Europe Observatory
new report “Spin doctors to the autocrats: how European PR firms
whitewash repressive regimes” is now out. Read how repressive
governments pay PR companies to mask dire human rights records.
New research exposes companies behind Europe's multi-million Euro image-laundering business.
Pope Francis: No need to breed 'like rabbits' - Europe - Al Jazeera English
Pope Francis: No need to breed 'like rabbits' - Europe - Al Jazeera English
Pope Francis is firmly upholding church teaching banning
contraception, but said that Catholics do not have to breed "like
rabbits" and should instead practice "responsible parenting".
Speaking to reporters en route home from the Philippines, Francis
said on Monday there are plenty of Church-approved ways to regulate
births. But he said most importantly, no outside institution should
impose its views on regulating family size, blasting what he called the
"ideological colonisation" of the developing world.
"Every people deserves to conserve its identity without being ideologically colonised," Francis said.
Pope Francis said there are plenty of Church-approved ways to regulate births [Reuters]
"No respite" from Israeli violence against Palestinian children, says human rights group | The Electronic Intifada
"No respite" from Israeli violence against Palestinian children, says human rights group | The Electronic Intifada
An attorney and international advocacy officer for Defence for Children International-Palestine (DCI-Palestine) says that 2014 was “devastating” for Palestinian children.
Whether they were killed, injured or left homeless and traumatized in the Gaza Strip during Israel’s summer attack,
or whether they faced “increasing levels of violence [by Israeli
forces] … at demonstrations [or] as part of military operations
throughout the West Bank” including occupied East Jerusalem — especially
during frequent arrest raids — Palestinian children were regular
targets of Israel’s systematic violence throughout 2014, says Brad Parker of DCI-Palestine.
Parker told The Electronic Intifada in a recent interview that
Palestinian children face routine physical abuse, violence and torture
during arrest raids and detention. “In about twenty percent of cases,
kids are brought and held in solitary confinement
solely for interrogation purposes,” a practice that has been condemned
by international law, which equates it to torture, Parker explained.
Othman, 15, was put on house arrest for eleven months in 2014.
Israeli interrogators were physically violent toward Othman, and
threatened to rape him, his father told DCI-Palestine. (DCI-Palestine)
Don’t believe what the government says about Barrett Brown | New York Observer
Don’t believe what the government says about Barrett Brown | New York Observer
"On Thursday, the government will argue that Barrett Brown is not a
serious journalist, even though writing has been his sole source of
income since he was a teenager. It’s important that we don’t believe
Barrett Brown in 2011. (Photo: Nikki Loehr)
Exclusive: Newly Discovered 1964 MLK Speech on Civil Rights, Segregation & Apartheid South Africa | Free Speech TV
Exclusive: Newly Discovered 1964 MLK Speech on Civil Rights, Segregation & Apartheid South Africa | Free Speech TV
Exclusive: Newly Discovered 1964 #MLK Speech on Civil Rights, Segregation & Apartheid South Africa
Who is tracking you when you read the news online? | Tactical Technology Collective
Who is tracking you when you read the news online? | Tactical Technology Collective
A new project called Trackography offers unprecedented insight into
exactly where and through which companies our data travels when we read
the news online.
Noam Chomsky: 'Their' Terrorism versus 'Our' Terrorism
Noam Chomsky: 'Their' Terrorism versus 'Our' Terrorism
Noam Chomsky: Charlie Hebdo massacre was a terror attack -- but so is Obama's drone campaign.
Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More | Oxfam International
Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More | Oxfam International
Global wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small wealthy elite.
These wealthy individuals have generated and sustained their vast
riches through their interests and activities in a few important
economic sectors, including finance and insurance and pharmaceuticals
and healthcare.
Companies from these sectors spend millions of
dollars every year on lobbying to create a policy environment that
protects and enhances their interests further. The most prolific
lobbying activities in the US are on budget and tax issues; public
resources that should be directed to benefit the whole population,
rather than reflect the interests of powerful lobbyists.
briefing explains Oxfam’s methodology and data sources and updates key
inequality statistics, such as Oxfam’s frequently cited fact in 2014:
‘85 billionaires have the same wealth as the bottom half of the world’s
lunes, 19 de enero de 2015
‘Saudi human rights record worst in region: 1 beheading every 4 days’ — RT Op-Edge
‘Saudi human rights record worst in region: 1 beheading every 4 days’ — RT Op-Edge
As long as Saudi oil is seen as a valuable resource for US oil
corporations, the US will maintain relations with the feudal regime
regardless of what that means for the rights of Saudi people, Sara
Flounders, of the International Action Center, told RT.
Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud
(R) listens to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry before a meeting at
the Royal Palace in Jeddah (Reuters / Brendan Smialowski / Pool)
Toni Negri: from the refusal of labor to the seizure of power | ROAR Magazine
Toni Negri: from the refusal of labor to the seizure of power | ROAR Magazine
Toni Negri talks to ROAR: "I think that the present state of the
movement forces us to be self-critical about what happened in 2011, and I
think this self-criticism must focus on the question of political
organization. The situation is probably ripe enough to attempt once
again that most political of passages: the seizure of power."
From the refusal of labor to the
seizure of power, the Italian militant and theorist talks to ROAR about
class struggle in the contemporary metropolis.
More than half of US public school students living in poverty - World Socialist Web Site
More than half of US public school students living in poverty - World Socialist Web Site:
For the first time in at least half a century, low-income children make up the majority of students enrolled in American public schools, according to a report by the Southern Education Foundation (SEF).
The percentage of public school students who are classified as low-income has risen steadily over the past quarter century, under both Democratic and Republican administrations. In 1989, under 32 percent of public school students were classified as low-income, according to statistics from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) cited by the report. This rose to 38 percent by 2000, 48 percent in 2011, and 51 percent in 2013.
Fast Track Not A Done Deal, The People Will Stop It | PopularResistance.Org
Fast Track Not A Done Deal, The People Will Stop It | PopularResistance.Org
There is bi-partisan opposition in Congress to Fast Track and a large movement of movements mobilized to stop it.
The corporate media is reporting that since the Republican leadership
and President Obama support Fast Track trade authority, it is a done
deal. And that message, also heard by countries negotiating the
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), is driving the race to finalize that
The truth is: Fast Track is not a done deal. There is bi-partisan
opposition in Congress and a large movement of movements organized to
stop it.
Across the political spectrum there is mass opposition to fast
tracking the secretly negotiated TPP, the Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership (TTIP, aka TAFTA) and the Trade in Services
Agreement (TISA). People remember the impact of NAFTA on job loss,
destruction of Mexican agriculture, expansion of inequality,
environmental degradation and increased immigration. The most recent South Korean trade pact, which Obama touts as a success, is leading to similar results of lost jobs and an expanding US trade deficits.
Members of both parties know that Obama will be out of office when
the negative impacts of these trade agreements are felt. Congress will
be alone facing an angry electorate while Obama is raising money for his
post-presidential career from the transnational corporations who get
rich off these agreements at the expense of everyone else.

Resist! Climate Change, Corporatism, Crony capitalism, Extreme Energy, fast track, Internet, Living Wage, TAFTA, TPP, TTIP, Wages, Worker Rights and Jobs
By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers,
January 18th, 2015
Protest outside the office of the US Trade Representative in December
2014 calling for releasing the text of trade agreements and opposing
Fast Track.
Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 19 January 2015 | Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 19 January 2015 | Human Rights Watch
Israel attacks the ICC; east Ukraine conflict; Lebanon's discrimination;
CAR crisis arms; Boko Haram's regional threat; deadly cartoons protest
in Niger; detention of opposition figure in Bahrain; Saudi beheading;
Indonesia executions; Olympic authoritarians; world wealth gap; Iran
bans paper over George Clooney photo; & the worst time for refugees.
Searching for Radical Democracy in the Ruins of Capitalism's Economic Depravity
Searching for Radical Democracy in the Ruins of Capitalism's Economic Depravity
Public intellectual Henry Giroux discusses the immediate need for a new political consciousness.
Henry Giroux. (Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout)
2014 "Noam Chomsky": Why you can not have a Capitalist Democracy! - YouTube
2014 "Noam Chomsky": Why you can not have a Capitalist Democracy! - YouTube
©2014 Leigha Cohen Video Production - private
- private - private
- private
the Q&A period after Noam Chomsky gave a lecture at 1199 SEIU Union
Hall located in Dorchester, MA on September 30, 2014. “Capitalist
Democracy and its Prospect’s” he spoke why you can not have a capitalist
democracy. During the 18 minutes he speaks about one of the architects
of modern Capitalism, Adam Smith, Laissez-faire Economics, people’s
misinterpretations of Adam Smith specifically when it comes to what
personal freedom actually is. He tears into what Modern Libertarianism
has become in the US. He talks about the transitioning economy from
being technology based to biology based. He finally discussed how people
income impact political decisions and referred to the Orwellian term
“Unpeople “to describe the largest percentage of people who are
disenfranchised from political decisions and power and believes as
compared to the occupy movement that the country is being rules in a
Plutocracy ruled by the top 0.1% of wealth..
The lecture was sponsored by MA Jobs With Justice - private
- private
Massachusetts Jobs with Justice is a coalition of community, faith and
labor groups in Massachusetts who work to protect and promote workers'
rights, along with our sister coalition, Western Mass Jobs with Justice.
otherwise indicated, all materials on in this video are copyrighted to
Leigha Cohen Video, All rights reserved. No part of this video may be
used for any purpose other than educational use and any monetary gain
from this video is prohibited without prior permission from me.
Therefore, reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system is
prohibited. Standard linking of this video is allowed and encouraged.
Noam Chomsky (2014) "Obama and Martin Luther King Jr." - YouTube
Noam Chomsky (2014) "Obama and Martin Luther King Jr." - YouTube
"There was no reason to be disillusioned [with Obama] because there was no reason for the illusions in the first place!"
-- Noam Chomsky
Paradise Found - Photo Gallery - National Geographic Magazine
Paradise Found - Photo Gallery - National Geographic Magazine
In this image by Stefano Unterthiner, a red fox lies in wait,
camouflaged in the autumn woods of Gran Paradiso National Park. See more
photos of Italy's oldest protected area—and the captivating wildlife
that call it home.
Photograph by Stefano Unterthiner
A red fox lies in wait, camouflaged in the autumn woods. Like
all foxes, those in Gran Paradiso are adaptable opportunists; they’ll
catch fish, hunt rabbits, or scavenge picnic scraps.
7 Reasons the World Development Movement has become Global Justice Now
7 Reasons the World Development Movement has become Global Justice Now
What's in a name? The group formally known as World Development Movement explain.
Yemenite Children Affair: Families of the kidnapped speak out | +972 Magazine
Yemenite Children Affair: Families of the kidnapped speak out | +972 Magazine
the years 1948 and 1952, thousands of babies, children of mostly
Yemenite immigrants to the newly-founded State of Israel, were allegedly
taken away from their parents and given up for adoption to Ashkenazi
Now a group of activists is telling the stories of the traumatized families who vow never to forget.
In Tunisia, Muslims and Jews come together to honor Paris victim | +972 Magazine
In Tunisia, Muslims and Jews come together to honor Paris victim | +972 Magazine
A vigil for Yoav Hattab, who was killed in the terrorist attack on a
kosher supermarket in Paris, brought Tunisians of all stripes to Tunis'
Grand Synagogue.
A Muslim woman and her daughter attend the vigil in honor of Yoav Hattab, Tunis, January 17, 2015. (photo: Salma Jarad)
PHOTOS: Police kill Bedouin man, wound dozens at funeral | +972 Magazine
PHOTOS: Police kill Bedouin man, wound dozens at funeral | +972 Magazine:
Israeli police clash with Bedouin protesters during the funeral of Sami Ja’ar, who was shot by officers last week during a police operation in the southern city of Rahat.
man bleeds from his head during clashes between Bedouin and Israeli
police in the city of Rahat, January 18, 2015. (photo: Oren
Ziv/ | ‘We are fed up!’:Thousands march against TTIP & GMOs in Berlin | ‘We are fed up!’:Thousands march against TTIP & GMOs in Berlin:
‘We are fed up!’: Thousands march against TTIP & GMOs in Berlin
A broad alliance of farmers, ethical consumers, and anti-capitalist activists staged a march through Berlin that numbered up to 50,000, to denounce the proposed TTIP treaty between the US and EU, and mass farming technologies.
More than 120 organizations joined the fifth annual ‘We are Fed Up!’ demonstration, which this year focused on the increased importation of American farming practices – such as genetic modification, frequent antibiotic injections for animals, and chemical meat treatments – following the implementation of the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Netanyahu to launch media campaign against ICC - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News | Haaretz
Netanyahu to launch media campaign against ICC - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News | Haaretz:
Netanyahu to launch media campaign against ICC
PM took decision despite specific recommendation by Foreign Ministry not to directly attack International Criminal Court, Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.
Activist Post: Prison State America: Inmates becoming corporate slaves in for-profit facilities
Activist Post: Prison State America: Inmates becoming corporate slaves in for-profit facilities:
For-profit prisons have created a “neo-slavery” in the US, according to award-winning journalist Chris Hedges. Inmates work eight hours per day for major corporations such as Chevron, Motorola, Nordstrom’s and Target, yet only have the possibility of making up $1.25 an hour. In addition, companies that provide services like phone calls overcharge prisoners on even the most basic services, making hundreds of millions in profits annually. RT’s Ben Swann speaks to Hedges, who explains how this shadowy system came into existence.
"SpiritWorld: The Alien Kabbalah" [Documentary] (Video)
"SpiritWorld: The Alien Kabbalah" [Documentary] (Video)
A film that reveals the race between black magicians to control the souls of humanity…
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