Poroshenko and Harf Shift Blame in Bus Tragedy to Justify Kiev Atrocity Washington's Blog
Poroshenko and Harf Shift Blame in Bus Tragedy to Justify Kiev Atrocity Washington's Blog:
On January 13th 12 Ukrainian passengers on a bus in Ukraine heading toward Donetsk in Ukraine’s breakaway Donbass region were killed in an explosion near the Ukrainian town of Volnovaha. Ten casualties were reported directly and two more died later in the hospital. Both the Kiev Government and Marie Harf of the Obama Administration were quick to put the blame on the Novorussia army (the defenders of the breakaway region) saying it was an artillery strike from them. “Attacks on the airport of Donetsk and the shelling of the bus, which killed 10 people and injured 13 more, constitute gross violations of the Minsk agreements”, – said Harf.
The problem is that the nearest artillery set up in Donetsk Republic (DNR) is over 50 kilometers away, which is well out of range.
Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko immediately ordered another mobilization of conscripts, and Kiev tightened the blockade of Donbass by stopping bus and train travel near the war-torn area.
The problem for the Ukrainian and the US Administration’s claim is that video footage from the scene shows clearly that the area was actually mined — the Ukrainian Government had killed these people. The video footage was taken by Ukrainian soldiers at the scene.