Truth Has Been Murdered
Paul Craig Roberts
The Obama
regime and its neocon monsters and European vassals have resurrected a
Nazi government and located it in Ukraine. Read this statement by Elena
Bondarenko, a member of the Ukrainian parliament:…/statement-by-elena-bondarenko-peo…/ - private
The Western media has created a fictional account of events in Ukraine.
The coup organized by the Obama regime that overthrew the elected
democratic government in Ukraine is never mentioned. The militias decked
out in Nazi symbols are ignored. These militias are the principle
source of the violence that has been inflicted on the Russian
populations, resulting in the formation of the break-away republics.
Instead of reporting this fact, the corrupt Western media delivers
Washington’s propaganda that Russia has invaded and is annexing eastern
and southern Ukraine. British and European politicians parrot
Washington’s lies.
The Western media is complicit in many war
crimes covered up with lies, but the false story that the Western media
has woven of Ukraine is the most audacious collection of lies yet.
Truly, truth in the Western world has been murdered. There is no respect
for truth in any Western capital.…/truth-murdered-paul-crai…/