martes, 30 de junio de 2015

Terrorism – Causes and Consequences > - Strategic Culture Foundation

Terrorism – Causes and Consequences > - Strategic Culture Foundation

 'Terrorists' and 'terrorism' have become Washington's monomania since
9/11, guiding the foreign/military policies of the American superstate
and holding its population in thrall. But does the US government really
want to defeat terrorism? This is a serious question.

UN Report: Israel Committed Unprecedented Devastation and Killings in 2014 Gaza War

UN Report: Israel Committed Unprecedented Devastation and Killings in 2014 Gaza War

UN Report: Israel Committed Unprecedented Devastation and Killings in 2014 Gaza War

Next step: Palestine submits thousands of pages documenting Israeli war
crimes to the International Criminal Court; if the prosecutor fails to
act, legitimacy of the court will further erode, says CCR's Michael
Ratner -   June 26, 2015

Stupidity and Intelligence: Science, GMOs and Our Food

Stupidity and Intelligence: Science, GMOs and Our Food

  Stupidity and Intelligence: Science, GMOs and Our Food
How industrial-scale farming is actually becoming anti-science.

"Science" is derived from the scire – "to know".

Each of us should know what we are eating, how it was produced, what impact it has on our health.

The knowledge we need for growing food is knowledge of biodiversity and living seed, of living soil and the soil food web, of interaction between different species in the agroecosystem and of different seasons. Farmers have been the experts in these fields, as have ecological scientists who study the evolution of microorganisms, plants and animals, the ecological web and the soil food web.

In industrial agriculture the knowledge of living systems is totally missing since industrial agriculture was externally driven by using war chemicals as inputs for agriculture. Soil was defined as an empty container for holding synthetic fertilizers, plants were defined as machines running on external inputs. This meant substituting the ecological functions and services that nature and farmers can provide through renewal of soil fertility, pest and weed control, and seed improvement. But it also implied ignorance of the destruction of the functions by the toxic chemicals applied to agriculture.


Greek Democracy Is Back? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Greek Democracy Is Back? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Greek Democracy Is Back?



In a true Democracy no government, parliament or president,
politicians or political parties have the legitimacy to make
constitutional changes to alter the basic fabric of the nation without
the overwhelming consent of the people.

Under an ungodly pressure imposed on Greece by the IMF EU-Troika
lenders, the Tsipras government has refused their subservient conditions
and decided to seek the consent of the people! This indicates that a
Revolution of the Mind is underway to give people back the power they
have lost due to bad governments of the past. Today, the Greek people
have regained their constitutional right to decide what is best for

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras with the approval of the Greek
parliament has announced that Greece will hold a Referendum on 5th of July to determine the fate of Greece.

Eurogroup had offered to release frozen funds held back if Greece
accepts and implements their additional austerity demands under a new
Mnimonio. Those conditions border on blackmail and the Tsipras
government rejected them by recognizing the importance of going to the
people. Obviously the opposition was quick to condemn the introduction
of direct democracy.

This is a victory for common sense and democracy. The Greek people
would decide on “YES or NO” to either accept IMF EU-Troika’s new
austerity measures or reject them!

WikiLeaks - Espionnage Élysée

WikiLeaks - Espionnage Élysée

Espionnage Élysée



NSA Economic Spy Order

Information Need (IN) - France: Economic Developments

Date 2012
Classification SECRET
WikiLeaks Synopsis
classified US intelligence "Information Need" spying order mandates
long term economic espionage against France in order to obtain details
about the economic activities of French companies and the economic
policies and decisions of the French government. Information Needs (IN)
are collection requirements extracted from the National SIGINT
Requirements List, and are used to broadly justify the interception of
communications in order to satisfy generic intelligence demands from
U.S. policy makers and the U.S. Intelligence Community. This IN,
identified as 2002-204 (first created in 2002 and updated for more than a
decade) and referenced in the list of Top NSA French Targets previously
published by WikiLeaks, shows which particular information of interest
("Essential Elements of Information", EEI) the relevant Signals
Intelligence units are instructed to collect and report about. Such
requirements include France's economic relations with the United States,
other countries and international institutions, France's financial and
trade policies, and its views on G-8 and G-20 agendas. "Supported
Elements" are those parts of the US government which are supported by
(i.e receive intelligence reports derived from) the espionage.


WikiLeaks - Espionnage Élysée

WikiLeaks - Espionnage Élysée

 Espionnage Élysée

Selected extracts of "top" NSA intercepts of French leadership and chief officials, taken from various editions of the National Security Agency's Top Secret Global SIGINT Highlights executive briefings.

    EU and French diplomats who strongly criticize U.S. trade policies and call TPP treaty a confrontation against China.
    High-ranking French official complaining about President Sarkozy's inflammatory and inaccurate statements on WTO that no-one in government backs
    French ministerial agenda for planned G7 and G20 meeting intercepted
    French economy in dire straits according to intercepted communications between French Finance Minister and French Senator
    Spying on French Ambassador who contemplated exposing U.S. misuse of UN Oil-for-food program in Iraq
    NSA Eavesdrops as Hollande Tries End Run Around Merkel on Greek Eurozone Exit
    US Intercepts of France Complaining About US Intercepts of France
    US Spying On Chirac Discussing UN Appointments
    US Spying on Sarkozy Talking Tough on Israel-Palestine
    US Eavesdrops as Sarkozy Plots French Leadership on Financial Crisis


Dangerous Delusions - 7 Interactive Infographics Challenging the Myths of the Elites

Dangerous Delusions - 7 Interactive Infographics Challenging the Myths of the Elites

 Dangerous Delusions - 7 Interactive Infographics Challenging the Myths of the Elites


Every year world leaders and business executives meet at Davos to
discuss how they want to run our economy - in their own best interests.
We're led to believe that without their entrepreneurial talent that we
would all be worse off than we are now. The myths of this elite class
have become so deeply engrained in society, that it can be difficult to
challenge the power that they hold. So we've collected 7 myths to show
that in reality, things are quite different...

  1. The poor are getting richer
  2. Big business runs things better
  3. We need to have faith in the financial markets to solve our problems
  4. All you need is growth
  5. Everyone wins under free trade
  6. Africa needs our help
  7. Aid makes the world a fairer place

WikiLeaks - Espionnage Élysée

WikiLeaks - Espionnage Élysée

Espionnage Élysée

Today, 29 June 2015, WikiLeaks continues "Espionnage Élysée", our
ongoing publication of a collection of TOP SECRET documents from United
States surveillance operations against France.

Today's publication comprises seven top secret
documents detailing how the US has had a decade- long policy of economic
espionage against France, including the interception of all French
corporate contracts and negotiations valued at more than $200 million.
The documents demonstrate that the US National Security Agency, far from
being a rogue organisation, is carrying out an economic espionage
policy created by the US Director of National Intelligence. The
documents detail the intelligence process, from the tasking of the NSA
with collection of desired economic information to the production of
developed intelligence reports, which are sent to "Supported Elements"
of the US government, including the US Department of Commerce, the US
Trade Represenative, the US Treasury and the Central Intelligence

Central within the cache of documents are two
long-term spying orders ("collection requirements") which define the
kinds of intelligence the NSA is tasked with collecting in its
surveillance operations against France. The documents make clear that
the NSA has been tasked with obtaining intelligence on all aspects of
the French economy, from government policy, diplomacy, banking and
participation in international bodies to infrastructural development,
business practices and trade activities. The documents establish that
the US economic intelligence operations against France have run for more
than a decade and started as early as 2002. Some of the documents are
authorised for sharing with the "Five Eyes" partners – the group of
Anglophone countries in close intelligence co-operation with the United
States: Canada, New Zealand, Australia and France's fellow member state
of the European Union, the United Kingdom, strongly suggesting that the
United Kingdom has also benefited from the United States' economic
espionage activities against France.

The cache also includes five TOP SECRET intelligence
summaries from US spying on the conversations and communications of
French officials. The documents show US spying on the French Finance
Minister, a French Senator, officials within the Treasury and Economic
Policy Directorate, the French ambassador to the United States, and
officials with direct responsibility for EU trade policy. The intercepts
reveal internal French deliberation and policy on the World Trade
Organization, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the G7 and the
G20, the 2013 French budget, the decline of the automotive industry in
France, and the involvement of French companies in the Oil for Food
programme in Iraq during the 1990s.


Lawmakers Are Using Trade Rules to Blacklist Critics of Israel - FPIF

Lawmakers Are Using Trade Rules to Blacklist Critics of Israel - FPIF

Lawmakers Are Using Trade Rules to Blacklist Critics of Israel - FPIF

L’aviation de la coalition internationale cible le système de tunnel de l’État islamique dans Shengal – ÊzîdîPress – Français

L’aviation de la coalition internationale cible le système de tunnel de l’État islamique dans Shengal – ÊzîdîPress – Français

 L’aviation de la coalition internationale cible le système de tunnel de l’État islamique dans Shengal

Shengal – Les avions de la coalition menées par les E.U. contre l’État islamique, ont intensifié leurs frappes aériennes, ces derniers jours sur les positions de l’Etat islamique dans la région de Shengal situé dans le nord de l’Irak. Sur vingt-deux frappes aériennes visant l’organisation terroriste à la fois en Syrie et en Irak, cinq ont été réalisées à Shengal le dimanche dernier.

Selon le Département américain de la Défense, les forces de la coalition ont détruit trois tunnels dans Shengal dans le cadre du raid aérien. Durant des mois, les combats de maison en maison ont abouti, à la création de système de tunnel s’étendant sous la ville par les terroristes, pour être en mesure de se rapprocher de la ligne de front et mener des opérations rapide, (« blitz »). Mais aussi pour se protéger des frappes aériennes de la coalition et les utiliser comme un lieu de stockage d’armes.

Une fumée noire se lève sur Shengal après que les avions de combat de la coalition aient bombardé les djihadistes.

What Palestine needs is for Europe to honour its own agreements |

What Palestine needs is for Europe to honour its own agreements |

What Palestine needs is for Europe to honour its own agreements

Op. What Palestine needs is for Europe to honour its own agreements

By Saeb Erekat/

In light of the latest developments in the diplomatic arena, including a Security Council Peace Initiative, the UN report on the 2014 Gaza aggression and Palestine’s first submission of information to the International Criminal Court, it is worth reminding ourselves of Europe’s role in and responsibility for solving the question of Palestine.

Internationally, it is often forgotten that the two-state solution is built on a huge concession of Palestinian land: 78% of what was Palestine before the creation of Israel in 1948. This painful decision came out of years of internal discussion and external dialogue, in an attempt to achieve the long-overdue recognition of the rights of the Palestinian people and ensure peace for everyone in the region. Europe stood with us at the centre of these discussions and committed itself to supporting a political process which would realise this common goal.

That was in 1988, almost three decades ago. Over time, the political process somehow became an end in itself, the only goal being to get the two parties to the table – nowadays an almost feverish obsession for some governments. It didn’t matter how many Palestinians were killed or imprisoned, or that the bulldozers continued to crush Palestinian homes or even projects funded by the EU, while the cranes built more illegal settlements for Israeli citizens. It hasn’t mattered that one party at the table does not even want the two-state solution, as Mr. Netanyahu openly announced on the eve of the election in March of this year. (He rowed back on the claim after winning reelection four days later, prompting a number of his apologists in Europe to play it down as mere ‘campaign rhetoric’.) It seems not to matter that the current reality is of a single state and two systems – one of privilege for Israeli Jews and one of discrimination for Palestinian Christians and Muslims.

JPEG - 163.1 kb

Chris Hedges: The Lonely American - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

Chris Hedges: The Lonely American - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

  Chris Hedges

The Lonely American

Michael P. Printup, president of Watkins Glen International, one of the country’s largest racetracks, stood with a group of about a dozen race fans at 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Next to him were boxes of free doughnuts and coffee. A line of men with towels, who had spent the night in nearby RV campers, pop-up campers and tents, stood patiently outside the door to a shower room. A light drizzle, one that would turn into a torrential downpour and lead to the races being canceled in the afternoon, coated the group, all middle-aged or older white men. They were discussing, amid the high-pitched whine of cars practicing on the 3.4-mile, 11-turn circuit racetrack, the aging demographic of race fans and the inability to lure a new generation to the sport.

“Maybe if you installed chargers for phones around the track they would come,” suggested one gray-haired man.

  Sandy Johal uses a selfie stick to take a picture of herself in New York’s Times Square in January.  (Seth Wenig / AP)

Concern regarding the brutality of Montréal police against journalists | CJFE

Concern regarding the brutality of Montréal police against journalists | CJFE


Canada: Police Brutality Against Journalists in Montreal – Beaten
with Batons, Tagged with paint, Shot with Rubber Bullets, and Pepper

Two Journalist Associations write an open letter to the Mayor of Montreal, Denis Coderre


Image: Police officers wearing
colored camouflage pants to protest against Bill 3, a controversial
pension reform law, which would increase the officers’ contributions to
their pension fund.

Ironically, student-led protests against austerity measures, including Bill 3, have been violently repressed.

America’s Multinational Ramadan Assault | New Eastern Outlook

America’s Multinational Ramadan Assault | New Eastern Outlook

 America’s Multinational Ramadan Assault

It is not hard to fathom who on Earth possesses both the resources and the motivation to coordinate multiple, horrific militant attacks, ending scores of lives and provoking both fear and anger on a global scale such as seen during the recent Ramadan attacks that unfolded in France, Tunisia, Kuwait, and reportedly in China’s western Xinjiang region.

Only a few nations on Earth possess the operational capacity to run coordinated, multinational operations such as this. Only one axis among them has the motivation to do so.

Activist Post: The Chinese Market Detonation You’re Ignoring

Activist Post: The Chinese Market Detonation You’re Ignoring

 The Chinese Market Detonation You’re Ignoring

With the eyes of the world on Greece and a possible collapse of the of the Eurozone as a likely end result, many are ignoring a potentially much more massive elephant in the room.

It’s been the hottest market in the world, so flush with cash that they have actually built entire ghost-cities lacking populations and mega shopping centers without tenants – a clear sign of bubble waiting to be pricked. But the inevitable seems to now be taking hold as once unstoppable Chinese stock markets are now reversing the unprecedented gains seen over the last several years.


Financial terrorism against Greece -- Pensamiento crítico » El terrorismo financiero contra Grecia

Pensamiento crítico » El terrorismo financiero contra Grecia

Financial terrorism against Greece

Vicente Navarro
Professor of Political Science and Public Policy. Pompeu Fabra University, and former Professor of Economics. University of Barcelona

We are now seeing a frontage of finance capital, the hegemony of the
German and conveyed primarily through the European Central Bank (ECB)
against the Greek people, attack that tries to avoid any hint of
rebellion against the austerity policies that are destroying the welfare
of the masses of all eurozone countries and particularly Greece, whose
government Syriza has been the first to say "enough" against which there
is no other way to call it financial terrorism (see the book by
Professor Juan Torres and entitled The masters of the world, the weapons of financial terrorism).

It is in these moments when you have to understand the political and
historical context of what is happening, starting with the similarities
between what happened in Greece now with what happened in Spain in 1936

1936 Spain, Greece 2015

There are moments in the history of Europe in the fight for social
justice and democracy in a country is also the struggle for justice and
democracy for all countries of Europe.
The fight, so-called Civil War in Spain (between 1936 and 1939), was an example.
In Spanish territory, a military coup on behalf of minorities who
controlled the country, took place on July 18 1936, with the support of
the German and Italian fascist Nazi troops, facing the vast majority of
popular classes different peoples and nations of Spain, who heroically
resisted such a hit for more than three years with little military aid
from countries ruled by parties that identified themselves as Democrats,
showing a great betrayal of the democratic principles that sustain

The defeat of the Spanish democratic forces also meant the defeat of
democracy in Western Europe with the victory of Nazism and fascism in
many countries in Europe that, starting World War II.

And in Spain, this victory marked the beginning of a dictatorial regime
that Professor Malefakis, the characterized by its enormous brutality
(per political murder committed by Mussolini, the dictator Franco
committed 10,000, according to the leading expert on European fascism,
Columbia University in the City of New York) and imposed enormous
economic, political, social and cultural backwardness in Spain.
In 1936, Spain and Italy had similar level of economic development. In 1978, which it ended that horrible dictatorial regime, the Spanish per capita GDP was only 62% of Italian. This was the economic cost of such a regime.

What is happening in Greece?

Bridging the differences in each historical fact, the truth is that in
Greece we have been seeing a similar situation in which the struggle for
social justice and democracy in that country is the struggle for social
justice and democracy in all countries of Western Europe.
The persistence of social justice and democracy in the countries of the European Union is playing today in that country.
His defeat greatly limited, to annul both the one and the other,
completing a process that began years ago with the construction of a
system of government of the eurozone, dominated by finance capital (the
hegemony of the German), which, in a coalition of the ruling elites in
every country, have been attacking the Greek people, destroying 25% of
its national wealth, or GDP, with the dismantling of their already
meager welfare state, plundering, stealing their property and attacking
their classes , and particularly its working class assault that has been
conducted in collaboration with undemocratic and corrupt elites that
have ruled Greece for many years.

This attack (and there is no other way to define it) has been carried
out in partnership with minorities representing the ruling classes of
the member countries of the European Union, being an important ally in
this class struggle that is taking place continental level, corrupt
ruling elites of the Spanish State, which dominated inherited from the
fascist dictatorship in Spain.

The political branch of this financial capital -the conservative and
liberal parties, with the invaluable help of socioliberales- games (they
still have the audacity to autotitular Social Democrats, having
abandoned any semblance of such political tradition resemble) have
established a dictatorship the European Union has been imposing
extremely unpopular policies that lacked popular mandate (for they were
not in their election programs), reaching its maximum development in

Today, the wealth destroyed in that country, still poor in Europe is
greater than the wealth destroyed in France and Germany during the First
World War.

Pensions and public services of the welfare state are being decimated,
and collective agreements that defend the world of work are being
greatly weakened, all as a result of neoliberal policies imposed by the
European neoliberal establishment that controls the government of the
Union European and Eurozone, with the assistance of the International
Monetary Fund.
It is another example of financial terrorism that is as damaging as military terrorism, and that is much more extensive.

The political objective of the European establishment is to destroy any rebellion against this financial d¡ctadura

What is happening today is the attempt to destroy Syriza, the first
government that represents the interests of the popular classes, he has
tried to stop such barbarity, rebelling against government austerity
policies, as it sent the Greek people.

As I have stated in previous articles, so the financial dictatorship is
no longer expel Greece from the euro, but Syriza oust the government.

And it has to do with the Greek political class, corrupt to the core,
which controls most of the media and persuasion of that country, as also
happens in Spain.

Greece has been the biggest victim of this terrorist system is being
implemented in the Eurozone, causing the greatest social disaster is
known in Western Europe since 1945. Hence the urgency and necessity of
helping the Greek democratic forces, coming to street in front of the EU
delegation in Spain, to show rejection of this terrorism.

Europe was the dream of the anti-fascist resistance during the years of
hiding now, a nightmare, as a result of so marked deterioration of
democracy and solidarity, the result of this financial terrorism that
dominates this continent today.

What's happening right now?

As expected, most of the means of mass communication in Spain, highly
supported by financial capital, they have claimed responsibility for
what is happening is nothing less than the victim of such terrorism.
Faced with so many lies, it is important to note:

1. The enormous need and urgency to respond to such falsehood,
denouncing the media falsify reality, both what has been happening and
what has happened these days.

2. The European Central Bank (ECB), which has already shown its
hostility to SYRIZA government just two days after his election, has
threatened to destroy the Greek banking system by closing any transfer
their banks.

3. That the demands of the European Institutions (consisting, in
addition to what was called the Troika-the ECB, the European Commission
and the IMF, the Eurogroup), including debt repayment, are a frontal
attack the survival of Greece, it is impossible that such debt is paid
at the same time revive the Greek economy.

Such claims have reached outrageous levels, such as requiring that
there is a reduction of public pensions to mean a cut equivalent to 1%
of GDP, while the same institutions oppose the demand for Syriza to
raise taxes wealthier classes, also vetoed a tax on large yachts of such

4. The implementation of austerity policies have caused a real social
and economic disaster, while generating an increase rather than a
decrease in public debt, which have only benefited foreign banks, and
particularly the German and French, but also Spanish.

5. That when these banks were at risk of losing their huge profits from
the interest that Greece was forced to pay, and could not pay were the
eurozone governments that rescued them, under the false pretext of
trying to help Greece.

6. What have been the establishment of the European institutions, which
from day Syriza government showed enormous strength, which have ignored
the demands of this government, which were neither more nor less than
had been allowed the German state when its debt was choking him.

Under these conditions it became a rebate of 50% of the German public
debt and payment of the remaining debt to the growth of the German
economy was conditioned.

The institutions of the European establishment consistently opposed,
and even refused to consider this alternative to SYRIZA government had

7. The ECB, in partnership with the corrupt ruling class in Greece,
which controls most of the media is trying these days, before the
referendum next weekend, there is a chaos in the Greek financial
situation, to mobilize opposition to the government Syriza in the
referendum, with the intention of getting what you always wanted, take a
Syriza government.

8. Syriza's defeat will be a defeat of the struggle against austerity in the eurozone.
Syriza had no alternative but to do what he has done, ask the opinion
of the Greek electorate, as Syriza was chosen to end austerity policies.

If the European institutions do not let him do what he promised is
another example of their democratic commitment and consistency that
Syriza considered necessary to ask the Greek people to decide whether to
accept the changes suggested by the European establishment or whether
the government disobeys such proposals .

9. That everything that is happening in Greece directly affects the masses of all peoples and nations of Spain.
Hence the Rajoy government has been a major ally in the Eurogroup,
German Finance Minister -the hawk Eurogrupo-, such as Spanish government
has been one to have carried out such austerity policies hardest,
posing as the model in the Eurozone.

The political tsunami occurred in this country in the last municipal
elections has frightened the neoliberal establishment that governs the
euro area, helping to increase their negotiating strength because they
want to, by all means, that Syriza fail.

So they try to scare increasingly disgusted Spanish population with
neoliberal policies promoted by the Spanish establishment (and here in
Catalonia, the Catalan establishment) and their means of information and

Fear is, once again, the strategy followed by the power structure at
the increasing number of citizens who want to take control of their
present and future.
Hence the enormous fear that the public be aware that you can change the realities that oppress if organized for it. And this is what the European neoliberal establishment can not afford. So clear.

The IMF Has Made €2.5 Billion Profit Out of Greece Loans

The IMF Has Made €2.5 Billion Profit Out of Greece Loans

 The IMF Has Made €2.5 Billion Profit Out of Greece Loans

 Ahead of the payment of €462 million by Greece to the IMF on Thursday 9
April, figures released by the Jubilee Debt Campaign show that the IMF
has made €2.5 billion of profit out of its loans to Greece since 2010.
If Greece does repay the IMF in full this will rise to €4.3 billion by


PressTV-Israel in ‘direct rebellion’ against God

PressTV-Israel in ‘direct rebellion’ against God

Israel’s creation ‘direct rebellion’ against God: US rabbi


 The creation of Israel by Zionist Jews in 1948 was a “direct
rebellion” against God and contrary to the teachings of the Torah, an
American orthodox rabbi says.


lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

A most moral occupation: Keeping the prisoners in line | +972 Magazine

A most moral occupation: Keeping the prisoners in line | +972 Magazine

A most moral occupation: Keeping the prisoners in line

Does Israel have the right to turn millions of the
people under its control into prisoners simply because it is afraid of
what might happen once they are released?

 An olive tree in front of the Israeli separation barrier in Bethlehem. (

An olive tree in front of the Israeli separation barrier in Bethlehem. (

How Corporations Led the Fast-Track Approval Effort | Free Speech TV

How Corporations Led the Fast-Track Approval Effort | Free Speech TV

How Corporations Led the Fast-Track Approval Effort

The United States Congress voted to allow fast-track authority for
disastrous trade deals, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), to go
through the legislative process with little to no debate. Congress
essentially removed itself from debating the provisions of the TPP,
reportedCrooks and Liars.

sets a dangerous precedent. The duty of Congress is to debate and amend
the array of legislative proposals that travel through both chambers,
inducing trade deals. U.S. senators and representatives have now given
that power to large corporations, further weakening the representation
of the American public.

Now that Congress has essentially gagged
itself from debating the provisions of TPP, both liberal and
conservative grassroot activists are stepping up to oppose the trade
deal and fast-track authority. Crooks and Liars noted that companies
that have mainly outsourced labor support the TPP while companies that
still produce in America don’t support it.

For a while,
corporations bought their way into the legislative process, manipulating
politicians’ opinions with campaign contributions. Now, it seems that
corporations have begun making our Congress totally obsolete.

L'euro, ou la haine de la démocratie - Les blogs du Diplo

L'euro, ou la haine de la démocratie - Les blogs du Diplo

 Forcément, ça leur a coupé la chique. Qu’on puisse jouer la carte de la
démocratie, c’est la chose qui est maintenant tellement hors de leur
entendement qu’elle les laisse toujours sidérés, pantois et démunis.
Vraiment, à cet instant, on aurait voulu voir leurs têtes, mâchoires
décrochées comme des tiroirs de commodes fraîchement cambriolées :
Sapin, Hollande, Moscovici, leurs experts organiques, leurs journalistes
de propagande, tous ceux qui n’ayant que la « modernité » à la
bouche se sont si constamment efforcés d’en finir avec le peuple,
pénible démos, et pénible démocratie quand il lui vient à l’idée de ne
pas se contenter de valider ce qui a été décidé pour elle. Mais c’est
une némésis et personne n’y pourra rien : il vient toujours un moment où
la politique chassée par la porte revient par la fenêtre. Plus elle a
été chassée obstinément d’ailleurs, et plus ses retours sont

Mysterious Death: Body of Doctor Who Linked Vaccines to Autism Found Floating in River | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Mysterious Death: Body of Doctor Who Linked Vaccines to Autism Found Floating in River | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

various remedies, Dr. Bradstreet’s Wellness Center reportedly carried
out “mercury toxicity” treatments, believing the heavy metal to be a
leading factor in the development of childhood autism.

Bradstreet undertook the effort to pinpoint the cause of the disease
after his own child developed the ailment following routine vaccination.

Google’s ‘listening network’ could be vulnerable to US govt, NSA – Falkvinge to RT — RT News

Google’s ‘listening network’ could be vulnerable to US govt, NSA – Falkvinge to RT — RT News

 Google’s ‘listening network’ could be vulnerable to US govt, NSA – Falkvinge to RT


The Saudi Cables

The Saudi Cables

 Saudi Cables: Chemical weapons secretly found in Libya in 2011 - where did they end up?

Secret Australia-Saudi deal on intelligence | The Saturday Paper

Secret Australia-Saudi deal on intelligence | The Saturday Paper

Secret Australia-Saudi deal on intelligence


Lobbying typos and misdemeanors – POLITICO

Lobbying typos and misdemeanors – POLITICO

The EU's voluntary lobby transparency register entries are so laden
with mistakes that they are often not worth the virtual page they are
written on, discovers Politico's James Panichi:…/romania-million-lobbying-transpar…/


People and Trees: Intimately Connected Through the Ages

People and Trees: Intimately Connected Through the Ages

 People and Trees: Intimately Connected Through the Ages

 Trees are considered sacred in many cultures. Tree worship, in one form
or another, has been practiced almost universally by ancient peoples in
every corner of the globe. 


Anger Aimed at Troika's Ruthless Neoliberalism as Greece Exit Looms | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Anger Aimed at Troika's Ruthless Neoliberalism as Greece Exit Looms | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Many are saying "Yes" to Greece saying "No."

"Refusing to allow a short delay for the referendum to take place is a
brutal enforcement of unfettered capitalism over democracy and the needs
of people."

of left wing parties burn a European Union flag during a protest in the
northern Greek port city of Thessaloniki, Sunday, June 28, 2015. Greek
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says the Bank of Greece has recommended
that banks remain closed and restrictions be imposed on transactions,
after the European Central Bank didn't increase the amount of emergency
liquidity the lenders can access from the central bank. (Photo: Giannis Papanikos, AP)

US Espionage on France’s Highest Government Officials: The Tolerable Deception? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

US Espionage on France’s Highest Government Officials: The Tolerable Deception? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

 From Washington’s side, there has been a notable absence to mention any
actual change to the espionage practices behind spying on its allies.
The USA Freedom Act may have crept onto the books, but the practice
continues with unstinting indifference. Deem it unacceptable in
statements, and even deny it, by all means, but do little about it.

The Troika Intends to Suffocate Greece. Threaten an “Uncontrollable Crisis”… | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

The Troika Intends to Suffocate Greece. Threaten an “Uncontrollable Crisis”… | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

 Democracy was born in the ancient Greece and there is where the
foundations of a new Europe, free from the ‘dictatorship of the
creditors’ should be built, if there is any alternative…

After Freedom Flotilla Kidnapped by Israeli Navy, Global Campaign Vows to Sail Again | Common Dreams | Breaking News

After Freedom Flotilla Kidnapped by Israeli Navy, Global Campaign Vows to Sail Again | Common Dreams | Breaking News

After Freedom Flotilla Kidnapped by Israeli Navy, Global Campaign Vows to Sail Again

supporters still have not heard from the 18 people aboard the Marianne
of Gothenburg, captured early Monday morning en route to Gaza

Image from the deck of the Marianne of Gothenburg ship, which was intercepted by the Israeli Navy overnight. (Photo courtesy of Freedom Flotilla Coalition)
from the deck of the Marianne of Gothenburg ship, which was captured by
the Israeli Navy overnight. (Photo courtesy of Freedom Flotilla

Greece in shock as banks shut after creditor talks break down | Reuters

Greece in shock as banks shut after creditor talks break down | Reuters

 Greece in shock as banks shut after creditor talks break down

Greeks woke up to shuttered banks, closed cash machines and a climate of rumors and conspiracy theories on Monday as a breakdown in talks between Athens and its creditors plunged the country deep into crisis.

After receiving no extra emergency funding for Greek lenders from the European Central Bank, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras sombrely announced capital controls in a televised address on Sunday night to prevent banks from collapsing under the weight of mass withdrawals.

Greece has less than 48 hours to pay back 1.6 billion euros ($1.77 billion) of International Monetary Fund loans, and a default would set in train events that could lead to the country's exit from the euro currency bloc.

But after Tsipras angered Greece's international lenders by announcing a snap referendum next Sunday on the terms of a cash-for-reforms deal, hopes of a last-minute breakthrough are fading fast. Greeks reacted with a mixture of disbelief and fear.

CADTM - Le FMI a fait 2,5 milliards € de bénéfice sur ses prêts à la Grèce

CADTM - Le FMI a fait 2,5 milliards € de bénéfice sur ses prêts à la Grèce

Le FMI a fait 2,5 milliards € de bénéfice sur ses prêts à la Grèce

ubilee Debt Campaign montre que le FMI a déjà fait 2,5 milliards € de profits sur ses prêts à la Grèce depuis 2010, et ceci avant le paiement de 462 millions € du jeudi 9 avril. Si la Grèce rembourse le FMI en totalité ce chiffre s’élèvera à 4,3 milliards € d’ici 2024.

Le FMI applique un taux d’intérêt effectif de 3,6 % sur ses prêts à la Grèce. Ceci est beaucoup plus que le taux de 0,9 % dont l’institution a actuellement besoin pour couvrir ses frais. À ce taux d’intérêt, la Grèce aurait payé 2,5 milliards € de moins au FMI.

Sur l’ensemble de ses prêts à tous les pays en crise de la dette entre 2010 et 2014, le FMI a réalisé un bénéfice total de 8,4 milliards €, dont plus d’un quart vient de la Grèce. Tout cet argent a été ajouté aux réserves du Fonds, qui totalisent maintenant 19 milliards €. Ces réserves sont destinées à couvrir les coûts des défauts de paiements. La dette totale de la Grèce envers le FMI est actuellement de 24 milliards €.

Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. Photo: IMF Staff Photographer/Michael Spilotro

Where is My European Union?

Where is My European Union?

 Where is My European Union?

As Greece prepares for a monumental decision, there is only one certainty: the European Ideal has been irrevocably damaged

I am a Europhile. Not only that, I am a product of the Union. I have structured my life around the idea of free movement; my identity around the notion that I can be more than one thing: Mykonian, Greek, Londoner, British, European. For the first time in my life, I am beginning to wonder, whether the European project is now simply too broken to be fixed.

Do not misunderstand me. I am passionate about the notion of a Europe of partners, united around principles of solidarity and trade. I just think we have taken wrong turns. So many and so wrong that I feel very uncertain as to whether we can ever find our way back. 

Where is My European Union?

Alexander Mezyaev - Libya: Situation is Unpredictable - Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal > Libya: Situation is Unpredictable > - Strategic Culture Foundation

Alexander Mezyaev - Libya: Situation is Unpredictable - Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal > Libya: Situation is Unpredictable > - Strategic Culture Foundation

The situation in ‪#‎Libya‬
is continuing to develop alarmingly. The current situation in the
country is characterised by a complete lack of any signs of a state
system. Libya is being devoured by civil war, disintegration, and the
seizure of its territory by a huge variety of forces, most notably the ‪#‎IslamicState‬.


Pentagon just legalized killing “belligerent” journalists as part of “law of war”

Pentagon just legalized killing “belligerent” journalists as part of “law of war”





Greek Investigator's Report Finds Evidence of Plot Against Former PM's Life, 'Silver Drachma' Plan |

Greek Investigator's Report Finds Evidence of Plot Against Former PM's Life, 'Silver Drachma' Plan |

Greek Investigator’s Report Finds Evidence of Plot Against Former PM’s Life, ‘Silver Drachma’ Plan

 Evidence pointing to international espionage, a plot to murder former Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis
and a 2012 plan for Greece’s exit from the euro code-named the “Silver
Drachma” are just some of the sensational findings unveiled in a report
by Greek Anti-Corruption Investigator Dimitris Foukas, released on
Friday and sent to the Justices’ Council for consideration.

The report outlines the findings of three converging judicial
investigations spanning several years, initiated after the notorious
phone-tapping scandal in 2005 and revelations that the mobile phones of
then Prime Minister Karamanlis and dozens of other prominent Greeks were
under surveillance.

This investigation later merged with that of the “Pythias Plan'” –
for the neutralization and even murder of Karamanlis – and allegations
that Greek National Intelligence Service officers and former Minister
Michalis Karchimakis had leaked classified state secrets and documents.


domingo, 28 de junio de 2015

Vaccines and autism: Epidemic accelerates as cases in young vaccinated children explode unabated -

Vaccines and autism: Epidemic accelerates as cases in young vaccinated children explode unabated -

 Vaccines and autism: Epidemic accelerates as cases in young vaccinated children explode unabated

(NaturalNews) The UK is facing an unprecedented number of new autism cases, according to new research. Figures in Scotland, which are among the most comprehensive available in the British isles, reveal that the autism rate among students at Scottish schools is up 1,360% percent since 1998, with no perceivable end in sight.

This amounts to a one-in-68 children rate of autism, which the London School of Economics projects is costing taxpayers around $54 billion annually. This is up from about $2 billion in 2001, demonstrating the immense toll this harrowing disease is costing the public.

But even these figures may be too low, warns Age of Autism, as they disguise the actual number of autism cases among older students, while focusing more on autism rates among younger students. The actual present rate of autism in the UK, reports John Stone, is probably much closer to one in 30 students, based on data supplied by the Scottish government.


Resistencia: The Fight for the Aguan Valley (2015)

Resistencia: The Fight for the Aguan Valley (2015)

Resistencia: The Fight for the Aguan Valley (2015)

It is June 28th, 2009. The people of Honduras are preparing to vote in their country's first-ever referendum. However, instead of waking up to ballot boxes they rise to find their streets full of soldiers. The first coup d'état in Central America in three decades.

An unprecedented nationwide resistance movement is born, known simply as La Resistencia. Without question, the most daring arm of the movement is that of the farmers of the Aguan Valley. With the president that promised to help them get their land back overthrown, they decide to take control of their own destiny. In a matter of minutes they seize control over 10,000 acres of palm oil plantations belonging to the country's most powerful landowner. Located on some of the most fertile land in all of Central America, the farmers announce that they have no plans of ever giving the plantations back.

The Lie We Live

Troika Intends Starving Greece Into Economic Submission | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Troika Intends Starving Greece Into Economic Submission | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

 Troika Intends Starving Greece Into Economic Submission

Eurozone, ECB and IMF officials’ treatment reveal the latest example of predatory capitalism.

Since Greece’s financial crisis erupted in 2009, imposed austerity diktats incrementally transferred its wealth, assets and enterprises to Western interests at the expense of a 25% GDP drop, mass impoverishment and unemployment (60% for youths), elimination of vital public services, and a brain drain of its best and brightest.

SYRIZA Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras promised austerity relief, caved to Troika demands, then refused further accommodation last week.

Greece is effectively bankrupt. Without bailout help, it’s unable to pay its bureaucrats and keep its economy from collapsing. At the same time, accepting greater debt peonage on Troika terms assures an endless downward cycle to oblivion.

Tsipras announced a July 5 national referendum to allow Greeks to decide up or down whether to accept or reject their demands.

Overnight Saturday, Greek parliamentarians approved holding a plebiscite. Tsipras’ motion easily passed despite opposition from pro-EU parties – notably New Democracy and Pasok.

“We exhausted every limit of concessions so there could be an agreement,” said Tsipras. “Perhaps some saw that as a weakness. The day of truth is coming for the creditors, the time when they will see that Greece will not surrender, that Greece is not a game that has ended.”

Precarity in Paradise: the Barcelona model | ROAR Magazine

Precarity in Paradise: the Barcelona model | ROAR Magazine

Precarity in Paradise: the Barcelona model

gentrification, technology, tourism and anti-terrorism, the Barcelona
model of urban redevelopment has sparked an upsurge of popular

 Post image for Precarity in Paradise: the Barcelona model

Spain Agrees to Increased US Military Presence | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Spain Agrees to Increased US Military Presence | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Party (PP) Defence Minister Pedro Morenés justified the agreement
saying, “Given the worsening situation in further areas close to our
territory, we have reached an agreement for the US to expand its
capabilities in Morón and make it permanent … strengthening bilateral
cooperation in defense, increasing the capacity to protect the citizens
of the United States, Spain and our allies and effective support for
regional stability and common mechanisms of peace in Africa, southern
Europe and the Middle East.”

This argument turns reality on its head.

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war

  • Story Highlights
  • Study searched database for statements by Bush, aides, in 2001-2003
  • Bush made 260 false statements about Iraqi weapons, al Qaeda, study says
  • Study accuses former Secretary of State Colin Powell of 244 false statements
  • Also on the list: Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, former White House spokesmen

How is ISIL expanding? - Al Jazeera English

How is ISIL expanding? - Al Jazeera English

How is ISIL expanding?

A year after declaring a 'caliphate', ISIL fighters are claiming attacks in Kuwait and Tunisia.


 Violence, targeted killings consume Burundi protests

PressTV-'US playing war games on Russia doorstep'

PressTV-'US playing war games on Russia doorstep'

US, NATO playing war games on Russia’s doorstep: Analyst

Press TV has conducted an interview with Michel Chossudovsky,
with the Center for Research on Globalization in Montreal, about NATO
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg calling on Moscow to stop
“supporting” pro-Russia forces in eastern Ukraine.

Following is a rough transcription of the interview.


البلد: Freedom Flotilla III ship sabotaged

البلد: Freedom Flotilla III ship sabotaged

Freedom Flotilla III ship sabotaged

 One of the ships in the Freedom Flotilla III fleet has been sabotaged,
forcing flotilla organisers to replace it, Israeli-born Swedish activist
Dror Feiler revealed.
Feiler said that "unknown forces" sabotaged
one of the ships and that "they did a job that only professionals could
do." He added that had the shop sailed in its condition, it would have
sunk in the middle of the sea, drowning the activists on board.
went underneath the ship at night and sabotaged its propellers, just
like they sabotaged the same ship in 2011," he explained.
after midnight today, a number of those participating in the Freedom
Flotilla III caught up with the first ship in the flotilla, the Marianne
av Goteborg, in international waters. The Marianne originally departed
from Sweden on 10 May.


Activist Post: 10 Principles for Escaping the Matrix and Standing Up to Tyranny

Activist Post: 10 Principles for Escaping the Matrix and Standing Up to Tyranny

10 Principles for Escaping the Matrix and Standing Up to Tyranny

 Until they become conscious, they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled, they cannot become conscious.— George Orwell

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

It’s a shell game intended to keep us focused on and distracted by all
of the politically expedient things that are being said—about
militarized police, surveillance, and government corruption—while the
government continues to frogmarch us down the road toward outright

Unarmed citizens are still getting shot by militarized police trained to
view them as the enemy and treated as if we have no rights. Despite
President Obama’s warning that the nation needs to do some “soul searching”
about issues such as race, poverty and the strained relationship
between law enforcement and the minority communities they serve, police
killings and racial tensions are at an all-time high. Just recently, in Texas, a white police officer was suspended after video footage showed him “manhandling, arresting and drawing his gun on a group of black children outside a pool party.”

Americans’ private communications and data are still being sucked up by
government spy agencies. The USA Freedom Act was just a placebo pill
intended to make us feel better without bringing about any real change.
As Bill Blunden, a cybersecurity researcher and surveillance critic,
points out, “The theater we’ve just witnessed allows decision makers to
boast to their constituents about reforming mass surveillance while
spies understand that what’s actually transpired is hardly major change.”

Taxpayer dollars are still being squandered on roads to nowhere, endless
wars that do not make us safer, and bloated government agencies that
should have been shut down long ago. A good example is the
Transportation Security Administration, which, despite its $7 billion annual budget, has shown itself to be bumbling and ineffective.

And military drills are still being carried out on American soil
under the pretext of training soldiers for urban warfare overseas.
Southeastern Michigan, the site of one of the many military training
drills taking place across the country this summer, has had Black Hawk helicopters buzzing its skies and soldiers dressed for combat doing night combat drills in abandoned buildings around the state.

In other words, freedom, or what’s left of it, is being threatened from
every direction. The threats are of many kinds: political, cultural,
educational, media, and psychological. However, as history shows us,
freedom is not, on the whole, wrested from a citizenry. It is all too
often given over voluntarily and for such a cheap price: safety,
security, bread, and circuses.

Vietnamese Blogger Le Quoc Quan to be Released | End the Lie - Independent News

Vietnamese Blogger Le Quoc Quan to be Released | End the Lie - Independent News

Vietnamese Blogger Le Quoc Quan to be Released

EFF has long condemned
the Vietnamese government’s crackdown on bloggers, including the imprisonment of high-profile blogger and activist Le Quoc Quan
. Our support for freedom of expression in Vietnam has even earned us
the attention of the Vietnamese government, which attempted to
compromise our employees’ computers by sending them links to malware
. We are pleased to anticipate Quan’s imminent release from prison on
June 27, though we are sad to note that Quan owes his release not to a
change of heart on the part of the Vietnamese government, but the fact
that he has served the full term of his 30-month prison sentence related
to politically-motivated charges of tax evasion.

The Vietnamese government has a long history of persecuting Quan for
his human rights work. In 2007, after representing numerous victims of
human rights violations, he was disbarred from practicing as a lawyer on
suspicion of engaging in “activities to overthrow the regime.” He has
been arrested several times for continuing his human rights work.
Following an attack by unknown assailants in August 2012, he was
hospitalized and the attack was never investigated by the police. On
December 27, 2012, Quan was arbitrarily arrested and detained while
taking his daughter to school.

End the Lie – Independent News

Activist Post: Friday’s ''Triple Terror Attack'' Puts Europe On High Fear Alert

Activist Post: Friday’s ''Triple Terror Attack'' Puts Europe On High Fear Alert

Friday’s ''Triple Terror Attack'' Puts Europe On High Fear Alert

By 21st Century Wire

Yesterday saw three separate ‘terrorist’ incidents take place in
Tunisia, France and in Kuwait. Not surprisingly, the media and Western
political heads are going with the ‘ISIS’ narrative, but not even
considering that other agents may be in play here.

21WIRE analyst Patrick Henningsen speaks to RT International about racial and religious division, as well as possible Deep State motives for Friday’s violent attacks…

Nuclear Nightmare Redux. U.S. “First Strike” Nuclear Attacks. “Three Minutes to Midnight” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Nuclear Nightmare Redux. U.S. “First Strike” Nuclear Attacks. “Three Minutes to Midnight” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

 Nuclear Nightmare Redux. U.S. “First Strike” Nuclear Attacks. “Three Minutes to Midnight”

This article published by Global Research in 2002 focusses on the role of nuclear war as a means to enforcing a coercive and extremist US foreign policy agenda. It also points to the dangers of a first strike nuclear attack by the US directed against non-nuclear states as formulated in the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review.

“Not since the dawn of the nuclear age at the end of World War II has the danger of nuclear war been greater.”1 – Richard Falk

“As the Bush administration relentlessly injects itself into conflicts around the world in the name of eradicating terror, rather than bringing peace, it only fans the flames of hatred. If this is allowed to continue, it may carry us to nuclear war, and to the annihilation of humankind.”2 – Haruko Moritaki, Hiroshima


Save the Arctic | Polar Light

Save the Arctic | Polar Light

Greenpeace International
Please spread this news to your friends and family, and join over 7 million others to stand for the Arctic now >>