Challenge: what US federal legislator will dare to get arrested over the TPP?
TPP: US Congress’ stage play, con game, pretense, parade of cowards
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)
When puppets dance on the end of a string, they need to exhibit a
pretense of freedom once in a while, to keep the customers interested.
It’s part of the show. It’s part of the con.
The Congress has now granted Obama “fast-track authority.” What does this actually mean?
It means that, when the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Treaty comes up
for consideration soon, this gargantuan Globalist takeover of 12
national governments cannot be amended. It cannot be filibustered. From
the time the TPP is introduced, no more than 90 days can elapse before
the House and Senate cast their yes or no votes.
Most people concede that the passage of fast-track ensures the passage of the TPP, but of course this isn’t so.
Nothing would prevent the Congress from voting the TPP down, especially
and because the contents of the Treaty are secret. The public isn’t
informed of the details.
Any US legislator with a trace of courage would do just that—vote it down.