lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

"The word muxuk refers to a woman who has been “desecrated”, a woman
whose social and spiritual world was destroyed and broken in all of the
areas of her life.

In the Q’eqchi’ language there are four ways to refer to sexual violence, yet muxuk is the term ‪#‎Guatemalan‬ women of the ‪#‎SepurZarco‬ community have chosen to use when talking about the war crimes perpetrated against them". 

 Survivors of sexual slavery at Sepur Zarco celebrate the sentences handed down to Esteelmer Reyes Girón and Heriberto Valdez Asij.

Survivors of sexual slavery at Sepur Zarco celebrate the sentences
handed down to Esteelmer Reyes Girón and Heriberto Valdez Asij.
Photograph: Esteban Biba/EPA