Hungary sets fire to GMO corn fields in act of defiance against Monsanto, GMO advocates
Hungary sets fire to GMO corn fields in act of defiance against Monsanto, GMO advocates
Hungary sets fire to GMO corn fields in act of defiance against Monsanto, GMO advocates
To protect its environment from the self-replicating pollution of GMO
plants, Hungary has set fire to 500 hectares of GM corn, according to
LaJos Bognar, Hungary’s Minister of Rural Development. The planting of
genetically modified crops is currently illegal in Hungary, and in 26
other countries around the world. Moreover, in at least 50 countries,
GMOs are required to be labeled.
Meanwhile in America, the USDA disallowed GMO labeling
and is promoting the continued commercialization of genetically
modified crops. Monsanto has entrenched itself within the American
political and legal systems, influencing politicians to sell out the
environment for profit.