Guardian Watch: Insults fly in post-Brexit hysteria | OffGuardian
A superbly succinct analysis by Off-Guardian of the demented
"liberal" backlash against the Brexit vote. I would add only an
observation about the main Guardian line, voiced here by Polly Toynbee, who has been blaming Jeremy Corbyn for the sky falling in:
"Britain has broken apart. An uprising of resentment by the left-behind
has torn us in two, a country wrecked by a yawning class divide
stretched wider by recession and austerity."
Would we be hearing
any of this stuff about the nation being irreversibly rent asunder from
liberal pundits if the vote had narrowly gone the other way? No, we
would be told that it was time to accept the democratic decision, put
aside the animosity of the referendum campaign and move back to
supporting business as usual.
Instead the political and
economic elite are going to carry on throwing a hissy fit until they get
rid of those who they fear threaten their privileges (with Corbyn top
of the list) and find a way to reverse, or at least neuter, the Brexit