An effective and low-cost solution for storing solar energy
An effective and low-cost solution for storing solar energy
How can we store solar energy for period when the sun doesn't shine?
One solution is to convert it into hydrogen through water electrolysis.
The idea is to use the electrical current produced by a solar panel to
'split' water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Clean hydrogen can
then be stored away for future use to produce electricity on demand, or
even as a fuel.
this is where things get complicated. Even though different
hydrogen-production technologies have given us promising results in the
lab, they are still too unstable or expensive and need to be further
developed to use on a commercial and large scale.
The approach taken by EPFL and CSEM researchers is to combine
components that have already proven effective in industry in order to
develop a robust and effective system. Their prototype is made up of
three interconnected, new-generation, crystalline silicon solar cells attached to an electrolysis system that does not rely on rare metals. The device is able to convert solar energy
into hydrogen at a rate of 14.2%, and has already been run for more
than 100 hours straight under test conditions. In terms of performance,
this is a world record for silicon solar cells and for hydrogen production without using rare metals. It also offers a high level of stability.
Enough to power a fuel cell car over 10,000km every year
The device is able to convert solar energy into hydrogen at a
rate of 14.2 percent, and has already been run for more than 100 hours
straight. Credit: Infini Lab / EPFL
rate of 14.2 percent, and has already been run for more than 100 hours
straight. Credit: Infini Lab / EPFL