CETA Deal About To Be Ratified - Investors To Attack Public Interest Safeguards - TruePublica
CETA Deal About To Be Ratified – Investors To Attack Public Interest Safeguards
By Graham Vanbergen
– Recently, TruePublica published an article entitled “Reported Death Of TTIP – An Abhorrent Political Deception“.
It was published all over the world, translated into various languages
and cited in reports, articles and websites too numerous to mention. The
story was about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership or
TTIP and its reported demise after French Prime Minister Manuel Valls
and German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel
allegedly agreed that negotiations between the EU and the US on TTIP,
had essentially failed.
What we reported from sources close to the TTIP negotiations was that
Valls and Gabriel were lying because both France and Germany have
upcoming elections in 2017 and that neither Hollande or Merkel would
have any chance of re-election if TTIP was either signed or soon to be,
such is the public opposition to the trade deal.
However, whilst the vast majority of citizens have fallen for the
mainstream media story about TTIP’s demise, all it was doing was
shielding them from another truth. CETA is about to be ratified. Don’t
be fooled just because this is a deal between Canada and the EU. Any US
corporation with subsidiaries located in Canada will have the same
rights under the CETA trade deal. It is TTIP in disguise. A wolf in
sheep’s clothing.