viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

Obama admin continues to escalate war with Russia

Obama admin continues to escalate war with Russia


Earlier this year, it was reported that more than half of the population
of Yemen, referred to as the poorest country in all of the Middle East,
facing starvation

. It comes as a bit of a surprise that a country facing such dire
economic and humanitarian crises would then, less than a year later,
choose to launch a missile attack against such a formidable opponent as
the United States Navy.

This is the official story being told, despite an
outright denial

from the Houthi rebels that the missiles originated from their
territory. The Houthis are a group of Shiite Muslims who came about
following a 2004 uprising led by
Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi

which subsequently resulted in his killing. The U.S. has long suspected
that the Houthis have been receiving clandestine aide from the

government. Iran has adamantly rebutted this accusation.

 Image: Obama admin continues to escalate war with Russia