The Western media in chorus is accusing the Syrian government and its
allies including Russia and Iran of “crimes against humanity” for
having liberated Aleppo from the clutch of Al Qaeda terrorists. “Putin
and Assad could face justice for war crimes in Syria” according to the
Washington Post.
In the media coverage of Aleppo, the Al Qaeda
affiliated terrorists are casually described as opposition “rebels”
waging a “revolution” against the government of Bashar al Assad, who is portrayed as a “dictator”.
The media propaganda campaign has gone into high gear. The words “Al
Qaeda”, “Al Nusra” or “terrorists” are simply not mentioned in recent
media reports. It never happened. “Opposition rebels” committed to
democracy have been crushed by the Russians, according to
“authoritative” media sources.
According to reports, there were
no terrorists in Aleppo. The “rebels” are now being portrayed as the
victims of Russian aggression. These are the same terrorists who are
the object of Obama’s alleged “counterterrorism” campaign, which is
largely intent upon protecting the terrorists.