domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017

Jeremy Scahill on the Military Industrial Complex, Ramstein & Anti-War

Jeremy Scahill on the Military Industrial Complex, Ramstein & Anti-War


Jeremy Scahill on acTVism Munich:
"There is a lot of circumstantial evidence. I wouldn't be shocked if
Russia did seek to influence U.S. political outcomes. United States has a
PhD in overthrowing governments around the world. Of course Russia is
doing that, of course Israel is doing that, of course Germany is doing
that. All nations are interfering in other nations' affairs in this way.
But somehow Russia has been placed in this special category by the
flailing failed Democratic party as a
way to cover up the fact that they ran the queen of the elite who is a
corporatist empire politician, they ignore working class people in the
U.S. because they thought they were going to cruise to victory because
Trump is such a fucking dingbat - and they were wrong. And they were
wrong and they ran a candidate who embodies everything that people
suffering economically in this country hate about American politicians.
So the Russia thing is a red herring. Did Vladimir Putin influence the
election? Maybe. But did he influence it more than Hillary Clinton's
terrible campaign? Absolutely not."

 Jeremy Scahill with acTVism 

Jeremy Scahill on the Military Industrial Complex, US-Airbase in Ramstein & Anti-War Movements