50+ Economists Warn Against Neoliberalism's Return in Ecuador | By Ha-Joon Chang, James K. Galbraith | Common Dreams
"Our goal is not to tell Ecuadorians whom to vote for, or to
interfere in Ecuador’s political processes. With the proliferation of
misinformation and misunderstanding about Ecuador’s economy, however, we felt it necessary to correct the record.
"Ecuador deserves leaders who will implement policies that benefit all
Ecuadorians ― whoever they may be. It would be tragic for Ecuador’s next
government to return to a less prosperous, less inclusive past."
President Rafael Correa speaks to thousands of supporters from the
presidential palace in Quito's main square, June 15, 2015. (Photo: EFE)
President Rafael Correa speaks to thousands of supporters from the
presidential palace in Quito's main square, June 15, 2015. (Photo: EFE)