jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

CATALONIA ---- Stifling Debate on Catalonia - NYTimes.com

Stifling Debate on Catalonia - NYTimes.com


To the Editor:

Rafael Arenas García has every right to express his opinion on “Why Catalonia Should Stay With Spain” (Op-Ed, nytimes.com - ,
May 9). Of course, there are many Catalans who have a different
opinion, just as not everyone in America was convinced by King George
III’s call for unity.

<<< https://mobile.nytimes.com/…/stifling-debate-on-catalonia.h…


Pro-independence Catalan flags displayed during the 26th human tower competition in Tarragona, Spain, in October.
Lluis Gene / Agence France-Presse — Getty Images