jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

How Sony & The Movie Industry Are Tied To The U.S. Government & Military-Industrial Complex – Collective Evolution

How Sony & The Movie Industry Are Tied To The U.S. Government & Military-Industrial Complex – Collective Evolution

no secret that the CIA, the U.S. government, and the cabal have some
serious ties in Hollywood. Much of what we watch for ‘fun’ is actually
propaganda that’s fed to us in order to shape our thoughts and values.
We’re told what to wear, how to act, what our goals should be, and who
we should love and hate, all through the media.

Not many people know this, but the CIA has an entire department dedicated to the entertainment industry. It’s run through the CIA’s Entertainment Industry Liaison Office,
which collaborates in an advisory capacity with filmmakers. The CIA
doesn’t just offer guidance to filmmakers, it even offers money. In
1950, the agency bought the rights to George Orwell’s Animal Farm and
then funded the 1954 British animated version of the film. Its
involvement had long been rumoured, but only in the past decade have
those rumours been substantiated. The link between Hollywood and the CIA
isn’t something new (you can read more about that in our CE article on
whistleblower Roseanne Barr here).