martes, 31 de octubre de 2017
The Best Hope for Britain: National Emergency Labour Government
The Best Hope for Britain: National Emergency Labour Government
Make no mistake about it. As the former Deputy Prime Minister and Leader
of the Liberal Democrat Party Nick Clegg recently put it – the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland faces its greatest and
gravest existential national emergency – since the days of the Second
World War.
Oil and Water
Oil and Water
In April 2016, pipeline opponents established the Sacred Stone Camp.
Leaked documents and public records reveal what happened next.
Syria Chemical Weapons: UN on Khan Sheikhoun – Victims Hospitalized Before Claimed Incident Happened | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Syria Chemical Weapons: UN on Khan Sheikhoun – Victims Hospitalized Before Claimed Incident Happened | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
A UN commission concluded that the Syrian government is responsible for a
widely discussed incident in Khan Sheikhoun. An alleged gas attack by
air happened in April in an al-Qaeda controlled area in Syria. It was
used by the White House to justify its bombing of a Syrian airbase.
CATALONIA --- Espagne et Catalogne : le parti le plus corrompu d'Europe veut mettre en prison Puigdemont pour illégalité
Espagne et Catalogne : le parti le plus corrompu d'Europe veut mettre en prison Puigdemont pour illégalité
"Spain and Catalonia: the most corrupt political party in Europe wants to put Puigdemont in prison"
<<<…/espagne-catalogne-…/ >>
Le Partido Popular de Rajoy, considéré par des médias espagnols comme le
plus corrompu d'Europe, poursuit Puigdemont pour illégalité... (Ph
couv. Financial Times , avril 2017).
CATALONIA -- Calling an election will by no means resolve the Catalan conundrum | World news | The Guardian
Calling an election will by no means resolve the Catalan conundrum | World news | The Guardian
Calling an election will by no means resolve the Catalan conundrum
Madrid’s tactics put Catalonia’s separatists in a fix, but they could backfire by handing the independence movement a clear win
<<<<…/calling-an-election-will-by-n… >>>
CATALONIA ---Spain’s crisis is the next challenge for the EU
Spain’s crisis is the next challenge for the EU
Spain’s crisis is the next challenge for the EU
Europe’s safe space of centrist stability is shrinking
Gideon Rachman
<<<<<…/67d8dfc4-bd5b-11e7-9836-b25f8adaa111 >>>>
CATALONIA --- Catalonia could be an extremely successful economy and EU member state | The Independent
Catalonia could be an extremely successful economy and EU member state | The Independent
Catalonia could be an extremely successful economy and EU member state
In terms of population, location and percentage of GDP, Catalonia has lots to offer
<<<<<…/the-independent-veu-…/noticia/2818024/ >>>
CATALONIA --- Israel refuses to support Spain against Catalan independence - Israel National News
Israel refuses to support Spain against Catalan independence - Israel National News
Israel refuses to support Spain against Catalan independence
Breaking with EU and US, Israel remains ambivalent after Spain asks Israel to come out against Catalan independence.
<<<<… >>>
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION ------Pedro Sanz: "If they the new government doesn't comply with the [#Spanish] legality, there will be a requirement to be followed, and we will do the same thing again [article 155 direct-rule on #Catalonia] this is what we must do." #DictatorshipDemocracy
Pedro Sanz: «Si tras el 21-D hay un Gobierno fuera de la ley habrá otro 155»
Senate VP about the 21 December elections imposed by Mariano Rajoy Brey :
"If they the new government doesn't comply with the [#Spanish] legality, there will be a requirement to be followed, and we will do the same thing again [article 155 direct-rule on #Catalonia] this is what we must do."
Source:…/pedro-sanz-si-tras-el-21-d-hay-un-g… ~~~~
The Deep State’s JFK Triumph Over Trump – Consortiumnews
The Deep State’s JFK Triumph Over Trump – Consortiumnews
one thinks of theories about who killed John F Kennedy, this article
from CIA insider Ray McGovern offers a fascinating account of a
forgotten history - how a novice Kennedy found himself in a dangerous turf war with the CIA over the Bay of Pigs.
The details of an op-ed by former President Harry Truman, briefly
published and then suppressed after JFK's assassination and hinting at
the rogue direction the CIA was heading in, is especially interesting.
The CIA's head at the time of the Bay of Pigs, Allen
Dulles, whom Kennedy sacked, was appointed to the Warren Commission that
investigated his assassination.
As McGovern relates, the real
story of last week's release of the JFK files concerns what was not
released - secrets that are now 54 years old.
Is there any relevance to re-examining those old events, or is it just more fuel for so-called "conspiracy theorists"?
McGovern thinks getting to the facts is essential - if only to
understand how, in the post-Kennedy environment, no president has again
dared to take on the might of a CIA-led Deep State.
Ray McGovern:
Many Americans cling to a comforting conviction that the Deep State is a
fiction, at least in a “democracy” like the United States. References
to the enduring powers of the security agencies and other key
bureaucracies have been essentially banned by the mainstream media,
which many other suspicious Americans have come to see as just one more
appendage of the Deep State.
But occasionally the reality of how
power works pokes through in some unguarded remark by a Washington
insider, someone like Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, the Senate
Minority Leader with 36 years of experience in Congress. As Senate
Minority Leader, he also is an ex officio member of the Senate
Intelligence Committee, which is supposed to oversee the intelligence
During a Jan. 3, 2017 interview with MSNBC’S Rachel
Maddow, Schumer told Maddow nonchalantly about the dangers awaiting
President-elect Donald Trump if he kept on “taking on the intelligence
community.” She and Schumer were discussing Trump’s sharp tweeting
regarding U.S. intelligence and evidence of “Russian hacking” (which
both Schumer and Maddow treat as flat fact).
Schumer said: “Let
me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways
from Sunday at getting back at you. So even for a practical, supposedly
hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”
President John F. Kennedy in the motorcade through Dallas shortly before
his assassination on Nov. 22, 1963. (Photo credit: Walt Cisco, Dallas
Morning News)
CATALONIA -- La crise catalane est née à Madrid, par Sébastien Bauer (Le Monde diplomatique, novembre 2017)
La crise catalane est née à Madrid, par Sébastien Bauer (Le Monde diplomatique, novembre 2017)
Opposés sur la question de l’indépendance catalane, les dirigeants
politiques au pouvoir à Barcelone et à Madrid se ressemblent : ils
estiment que leur intransigeance fera oublier les scandales de
corruption qui les accablent.
<<<< >>>>
Victor Brauner. — « Ruptures and Reconciliations of Forms » (Ruptures et rapprochements de formes), 1959
© ADAGP, Paris 2017 - Christie’s Images - Bridgeman Images
lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017
If You Use Facebook Messenger, Here’s how You’re Being Recorded Even When You’re Not Using Your Phone – Collective Evolution
If You Use Facebook Messenger, Here’s how You’re Being Recorded Even When You’re Not Using Your Phone – Collective Evolution
are many ups and downs about improvements in technology. We have,
undoubtedly, become more enamoured with its ability to make our lives
easier, and more informed in ways we never thought possible. Everything
has been digitized, and there are so many forms of communication, it’s
no wonder the home telephone has collected dust.People have come to see multi-tasking as
a virtue, and so have required companies to make communication easier
and faster. Facebook Messenger, for instance, has become a powerful tool
for people to connect with each other. It was discovered back in April
that 900 million people
use Messenger every month, and millions of them are chatting with
strangers, friends, family, and getting in touch with businesses.
Essentially, information, valuable and personal, is being shared.

are many ups and downs about improvements in technology. We have,
undoubtedly, become more enamoured with its ability to make our lives
easier, and more informed in ways we never thought possible. Everything
has been digitized, and there are so many forms of communication, it’s
no wonder the home telephone has collected dust.
a virtue, and so have required companies to make communication easier
and faster. Facebook Messenger, for instance, has become a powerful tool
for people to connect with each other. It was discovered back in April
that 900 million people
use Messenger every month, and millions of them are chatting with
strangers, friends, family, and getting in touch with businesses.
Essentially, information, valuable and personal, is being shared.
US-led coalition celebrates Raqqa ‘liberation’ over the bodies of their victims – Damascus — RT World News
US-led coalition celebrates Raqqa ‘liberation’ over the bodies of their victims – Damascus — RT World News
'Raqqa’s fate calls to mind that of Dresden in 1945, leveled by the US-British bombings' - Russian Defense Ministry
© Erik De Castro / Reuters
Interview of Qatari Official Confessing Truth About Syrian War Goes Viral
Interview of Qatari Official Confessing Truth About Syrian War Goes Viral
America, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey armed and financed al-Qaeda in Syria to overthrow Bashar al-Assad.
Balfour Declaration: how Britain broke its feeble promise to Palestinians - The National
Balfour Declaration: how Britain broke its feeble promise to Palestinians - The National
latest: Israel is still applying the lessons it learnt from Britain's
Balfour Declaration to crush Palestinian attempts at liberation.
Britain’s foreign secretary Arthur Balfour wrote a letter on November 2,
1917 to Lord Rothschild setting forth Britain's support for the
establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Photo12 / UIG via Getty
The Unwanted: A Haunting Look at the Rohingya Who Escaped Ethnic Cleansing
The Unwanted: A Haunting Look at the Rohingya Who Escaped Ethnic Cleansing
Stranded, stateless, unwanted, they are citizens of no country. Myanmar
and Bangladesh toss their fate back and forth, even as Myanmar’s army
makes one thing clear to every Rohingya they aren’t raping, murdering,
burning, or shooting: “Get out and don’t come back.”
Civilization Declared ‘A White Male Construct’
Civilization Declared ‘A White Male Construct’
Paul Craig Roberts: The failure of America, indeed of Western civilization, seems to be total. How much longer can it last?
Syria, Iraq, Libya: The Staged-Massacre Routine and False Flag Operations For Regime Change | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Syria, Iraq, Libya: The Staged-Massacre Routine and False Flag Operations For Regime Change | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
This investigation aims to inquire into the staged-massacre routine and
similar false flag operations implemented by Western powers to justify
military and/or political interventions for regime change.
U.K. Court Acquits Activists Who Tried to Disarm Saudi-bound Fighter Planes to Prevent ‘War Crimes’ | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
U.K. Court Acquits Activists Who Tried to Disarm Saudi-bound Fighter Planes to Prevent ‘War Crimes’ | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
In the same week that Secretary of State for Defence, Michael Fallon,
told the House of Commons Defence Committee that criticism of the Saudi
Arabian regime and its brutal
bombardment of Yemen is a hindrance to arms sales, two activists were
acquitted for trying to disarm fighter jets bound for Saudi Arabia.
JFK Files: US Officials Plotted Destruction Of Cuban Crops With Biological Agents
JFK Files: US Officials Plotted Destruction Of Cuban Crops With Biological Agents
Several of the more intriguing files released in the President John
F. Kennedy assassination files have little to do with specific aspects
of the assassination.
they involve covert operations that were contextually related to
possible theories that were initially entertained by investigators.
Interview With Ali Musawi On The KRG Kurdish Referendum & Iraqi Unity
Interview With Ali Musawi On The KRG Kurdish Referendum & Iraqi Unity
In case you missed it, our exclusive interview with Ali Musawi, who has
been on-the-ground in Erbil, Iraq for years covering everything from
ISIS to Kurdistan.
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : In Shocking, Viral Interview, Qatar Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : In Shocking, Viral Interview, Qatar Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War
is no joke! This is from a deeply connected Qatari prince: The US
colluded with Saudi Arabia and its regional allies to undermine and
ultimately overthrow the elected Syrian
government. There was no "spontaneous uprising" but rather a US-funded
effort to support regime chance in Syria.
CATALONIA -- WATCH: Fascist salutes and clashes with police at anti-independence demonstration in Catalonia | The National
WATCH: Fascist salutes and clashes with police at anti-independence demonstration in Catalonia | The National
WATCH: Fascist salutes and clashes with police at anti-independence demonstration in Catalonia
CATALONIA --- Attacks on journalists and Catalan police reported during anti-independence demonstrations
Attacks on journalists and Catalan police reported during anti-independence demonstrations
Several incidents overshadowed the anti-independence demonstrations held after the Declaration of Independence ~~~~
CATALONIA ---- Violence reported during the anti-independence demonstration today in Barcelona -- --- juan carlos mohr en Twitter: "Mas agresiones en la manifestacion de BCN"
juan carlos mohr en Twitter: "Mas agresiones en la manifestacion de BCN"
🎥 Violence reported during the anti-independence demonstration today in Barcelona. Here's some footage on the events ~~~~
CATALONIA --- Attacks on journalists and Catalan police reported during anti-independence demonstrations
Attacks on journalists and Catalan police reported during anti-independence demonstrations
Journalists, media, Catalan police officers, transport workers & passers-by, attacked during unionist rallies ~~~
CATALONIA --- Laying Ghosts to Rest: Catalonia Says “Adéu” to Francoist Spain –
Laying Ghosts to Rest: Catalonia Says “Adéu” to Francoist Spain –
" Spain is a 500-year-old country that was built on the basis of a
marriage between the King of Aragon/Catalonia and the Queen of Castilla.
In reality, Catalonia is much more ancient than Spain, but Spain’s
foundation (Madrid) has been systematically bleeding Catalonia ever
since – even stealing the flag of Catalonia to imply subordination. Even
though the Parliament of Catalonia is the 2nd most ancient one in
Europe after the Tynwald one, Madrid likes to consider the Catalan
language a derivative of the Spanish one, and that the Kingdom of
Catalonia never existed! And, added to this, from 1492 Catalonians have
been resistant to the colonization and repression of Castilla. "
<<<…/laying-ghosts-to-rest-catalon…/ >>>
On the left: The predecessor to Rajoy, Prime Minister of the “People’s
Party” José María Aznar 1990-2004. This grouping (Bush-Blair-Aznar) was
known as the Trío de las Azores, which is responsible for murdering over
1 million Iraqis. Recall that Eisenhower met Franco in 1959
CATALONIA --- Catalan president calls people to “democratically oppose” Madrid takeover
Catalan president calls people to “democratically oppose” Madrid takeover
<<< Catalan president calls people to “democratically oppose” Madrid takeover.
Watch it here
➡️ >>>
CATALONIA ---- Europe Will Reap What Spain Has Sown
Europe Will Reap What Spain Has Sown
" The Spanish government decided to reach back into its history and
borrow from the playbook of longtime Spanish fascist dictator Francisco
Franco in dealing with Catalonia’s decision to declare independence from
the Spanish Kingdom as the Republic of Catalonia, Wayne Madsen writes. "
<<<…/europe-will-reap-what-s… >>>
CATALONIA --- OHCHR | UN independent expert urges Spanish Government to reverse decision on Catalan autonomy
OHCHR | UN independent expert urges Spanish Government to reverse decision on Catalan autonomy
UN independent expert urges Spanish Government to reverse decision on Catalan autonomy
GENEVA (25 October 2017) - The UN Independent Expert on the promotion
of a democratic and equitable international order, Alfred de Zayas, is
calling on Spanish authorities to enter into negotiations in good faith
with leaders in Catalonia following the announcement that the Spanish
Government would suspend the region’s autonomy. On 19 October, the
Spanish Government announced its intention to impose direct rule on the
region after a deadline seeking an end to the Catalan independence
campaign was not met. His statement is as follows:
“I deplore the
decision of the Spanish Government to suspend Catalan autonomy. This
action constitutes retrogression in human rights protection,
incompatible with Articles 1, 19, 25 and 27 of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Pursuant to Articles
10(2) and 96 of the Spanish Constitution, international treaties
constitute the law of the land and, therefore, Spanish law must be
interpreted in conformity with international treaties.
“Denying a
people the right to express themselves on the issue of
self-determination, denying the legality of a referendum, using force to
prevent the holding of a referendum, and cancelling the limited
autonomy of a people by way of punishment constitutes a violation of
Article 1 of the ICCPR and of the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights. Alternatively, addressing the aspiration of
peoples to self-determination in a timely fashion is an important
conflict prevention measure, as is evidenced by the countless wars that
have occurred since 1945 that found their origin in denial of
self-determination. Dialogue and political negotiation should be
encouraged to prevent violence.
“The Spanish Government appears
to invoke the principle of territorial integrity to justify forceful
attempts to silence political dissent and aspirations of
self-determination. While the principle of territorial integrity is
important, as understood in many United Nations Resolutions, including
GA Resolutions 2625 and 3314, it is intended to be applied externally,
to prohibit foreign threats or incursions into the territorial integrity
of sovereign States. This principle cannot be invoked to quench the
right of all people, guaranteed under Article 1 of the International
Covenants on Human Rights, to express their desire to control their
futures. The right of self-determination is a right of peoples and not a
prerogative of States to grant or deny. In case of a conflict between
the principle of territorial integrity and the human right to
self-determination, it is the latter that prevails.
“Of course,
there are many peoples worldwide who aspire to self-determination,
whether internal in the form of autonomy or external in the form of
independence. And while the realization of self-determination is not
automatic or self-executing, it is a fundamental human right that the
international community should help implement.
“The international
law of self-determination has also progressed far beyond mere
decolonization. Applying the 15 criteria contained in my 2014 report
(paras 63-77), it is evident that no state can use the principle of
territorial integrity to deny the right of self-determination and that
arguments about the legality of actions taken by Catalonia’s elected
parliament are immaterial. Such arguments do not nullify the ius cogens
character of self-determination.
“The only democratic solution to
the current impasse is to suspend repressive measures and to organize a
referendum so as to determine the true wishes of the population
concerned. Such a referendum should be monitored by the EU, OSCE and
private observers including the Carter Center.”
Alfred de Zayas (United States of America) was appointed as the first
Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable
international order by the Human Rights Council, effective May 2012. He
is currently professor of international law at the Geneva School of
Diplomacy. Mr. de Zayas practiced corporate law and family law in New
York and Florida. As a Human Rights Council mandate holder, he is
independent from any government or organization and serves in his
individual capacity.
The Independent Experts are part of what is
known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special
Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human
Rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent
fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific
country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special
Procedures’ experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff
and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from
any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.
<<<<… >>>
domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017
America’s Oligarchy: No Money for Opioid Crisis, Endless Funds for Corporate Tax Cuts | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
America’s Oligarchy: No Money for Opioid Crisis, Endless Funds for Corporate Tax Cuts | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Trump’s response to the opioid epidemic mirrors his administration’s
response to every social crisis and disaster, such as the hurricanes
that struck Texas, Florida and Puerto
Rico. The government has provided no meaningful federal aid to Puerto
Rico, still suffering from widespread blackouts, while demanding it step
up its payments to its Wall Street creditors.
À la génération future (Le Monde diplomatique, octobre 2017)
À la génération future (Le Monde diplomatique, octobre 2017)
Figure historique de la droite du parti bolchevique, Nikolaï Boukharine
écrit cette lettre-testament après son arrestation par la police de
Joseph Staline en 1937. Il est exécuté un an plus tard et ne sera
réhabilité qu’en 1988.
Empire Files: The Sacrifice Zones of Hurricane Harvey
Empire Files: The Sacrifice Zones of Hurricane Harvey
"Because of residential segregation, because of housing discrimination,
in many cases, people are forced to live in the areas that are risky and
very vulnerable not just to storms like Harvey or these monster
hurricanes but also just with downpours."
The three most interesting new JFK assassination records - CBS News
The three most interesting new JFK assassination records - CBS News
- An FBI document from 1966 [1] sheds some light on how American
intelligence perceived the Soviet reaction to Kennedy's assassination.
Citing several sources, the document
lays out the "great shock" of the Soviet people and leadership, and
their fears that JFK's death could lead to war with the U.S.
2 - A memo from James Jesus Angleton, [2] the legendary head of the
CIA's counterintelligence division, tells the story of a disturbing
phone call placed to a newspaper in Cambridge, England just minutes
before the assassination.
3 - A mysterious document [3] from the
FBI's New Orleans office express interest in tracking down Lee Harvey
Oswald in the weeks before the assassination. The interest in Oswald
appears to stem from his involvement in the New Orleans chapter of the
Fair Play for Cuba Committee, a pro-Castro group.
Even Without Nukes, Korea War Would Kill 300,000 in Days
Even Without Nukes, Korea War Would Kill 300,000 in Days
Aside from the tragic number of deaths, those deaths would not serve
"freedom" or "democracy," but maintaining the hegemony of the corrupt
political & financial powers running the U.S.
It’s Official: This Is Straight Out Of Orwell’s 1984
It’s Official: This Is Straight Out Of Orwell’s 1984
Google’s new document of guidelines that it will use to determine facts and punish websites is straight out of 1984.
JFK Assassin Revealed: Dallas Police Officer J.D Tippit Was Real JFK Assassin - Not Lee Harvey Oswald (Video) | Prophecy
JFK Assassin Revealed: Dallas Police Officer J.D Tippit Was Real JFK Assassin - Not Lee Harvey Oswald (Video) | Prophecy
WikiLeaks Updates
JFK Assassin Revealed: Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit Was Real JFK Assassin – Not Lee Harvey Oswald (Video)
The note sent to the FBI reveals that a informant H. Theodore Lee made the allegation against the police officer. ➻
Intercept Withheld NSA Doc That May Have Altered Course Of Syrian War
Intercept Withheld NSA Doc That May Have Altered Course Of Syrian War
Since 2013, The Intercept withheld from the Snowden leak a part which showed Saudi Arabia's support for terrorists in Syria.
Full story:
-->…/233757 ~~~
FBI & CIA left Trump ‘no choice’ but to delay long-awaited JFK assassination docs — RT US News
FBI & CIA left Trump ‘no choice’ but to delay long-awaited JFK assassination docs — RT US News
The 25-year deadline was set for Thursday, October 26, and while many
of the documents were released, the entire trove was not made available
by President Donald Trump. Trump said
late Thursday that he had “no choice” but to accept the concerns of
intelligence agencies, such as the FBI and CIA, according to the Associated Press. »

Law Enforcement Descended On Standing Rock A Year Ago And Changed the DAPL Fight Forever
Law Enforcement Descended On Standing Rock A Year Ago And Changed the DAPL Fight Forever
“I wanted the world to see this militarized force coming in like it’s
the 1800s with their gatling guns and their advanced weaponry.”
Have We Been Deceived By The OPCW On The Syria Sarin Attack?
Have We Been Deceived By The OPCW On The Syria Sarin Attack?
A closer look at the evidence behind the chemical attack allegedly
carried out by Syria suggests the official narrative is based on a
crudely staged deception.
Cocktail révolutionnaire (Le Monde diplomatique, octobre 2017)
Cocktail révolutionnaire (Le Monde diplomatique, octobre 2017)
En 1920, dans «La Maladie infantile du communisme (le “gauchisme”)»,
Lénine livre les clés du succès, selon lui, d’une révolution.
Mutual Assured Destruction
Mutual Assured Destruction
The real danger is that it is the American people that is being fooled
by the Administration. War is thinkable, even nuclear war, if one cannot
be touched by it, a truism that has enabled the sixteen-year- long and
counting “global war on terror.”
JFK Files: Cover-Up Continues of President’s Assassination
JFK Files: Cover-Up Continues of President’s Assassination
The astounding media denial over JFK’s assassination is a symptom of the
tacit totalitarianism that passes for “Western democracy”.
CATALONIA -- Catalan president calls people to “democratically oppose” Madrid takeover
Catalan president calls people to “democratically oppose” Madrid takeover
Catalan president Carles Puigdemont calls people to "democratically
oppose" the Spanish government's takeover. Read his statement here
➡️ ~~~
CATALONIA -- Catalan president calls people to “democratically oppose” Madrid takeover
Catalan president calls people to “democratically oppose” Madrid takeover
<<< Catalan president calls people to “democratically oppose” Madrid takeover.
Watch it here
➡️ >>>
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