viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018

Drugs as edible bar codes? Big Pharma is set to make billions more off our suffering –

Drugs as edible bar codes? Big Pharma is set to make billions more off our suffering –



(Natural News)
It apparently isn’t enough for the pharmaceutical cartels to hold a total monopoly on all things medicine. Emerging pharmaceutical research
is now trying to embed QR codes inside drug pills that are capable of
tracking whether or not people take their prescriptions – which means
billions of dollars in new profits for drug companies.

They’re giving it more palatable terms like “personalized” medicine –
a supposed move away from the mass production model of drug production
that send thousands of generic white, blue, and red pills down an
assembly line and into nondescript bottles. But the infusion of barcodes
into pharma drugs means more power and control for the legal drug

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark have been doing much of the dirty work on this front. In conjunction with a team of researchers from Åbo Akademi University
in Finland, edible QR material designed for injection into
pharmaceuticals is already in the works, and according to those involved
with its manufacture, it’ll have the capacity to store all sorts of

 Image: Drugs as edible bar codes? Big Pharma is set to make billions more off our suffering