viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

"They Got Away With it" - White House Terror Chief Alleges CIA 9/11 Malfeasance and Cover Up

"They Got Away With it" - White House Terror Chief Alleges CIA 9/11 Malfeasance and Cover Up:

 In a never-before-seen interview, Richard Clarke, former White House Counterterror "Tsar" to Presidents Clinton and Bush, goes on record about what he believes happened at the CIA in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks, accusing then-CIA Director George Tenet and two of his deputies of deliberately not informing the White House, FBI, and Defense Department about two future hijackers inside U.S., then covering it up after the 9/11 investigations.


This is another major story that the mainstream press never picked up on because it didn't fit neatly into the "government as innocent victim" narrative or the "let's poke fun at those crazy conspiracy theorists" box that form the two acceptable ways to cover 9/11.

The fact that these statements were made by Richard Clarke, the former White House Counter-terror Chief for both Presidents Clinton and Bush, would probably blow a few journalists minds, if they ever knew.

It may seem futile to publish stories about 9/11 at this point, when the possibility of a real investigation may forever be out of reach, but all the same, this information is important to setting the historical record straight.

It is one story among the dozens of newsworthy stories that fit inconveniently in between the black and white extremes of "nothing to see here: official edition" and "nothing to see here: unfounded conspiracy edition."

We thought you should know.